US-led coalition killed more Syrian civilians than Isis or Russia in March, figures show

Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show
"Independent News" ??

Do you read this much ??

Where are they ??
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010

Or how about the LA Times? Would that suit your fancy?

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq .... The U.S.-led
coalition has unleashed more than 500 aerial bombs, artillery

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq
the Russians and Syrian govt are allied together, their kills are counted together.... the American kill of innocents, was an accident, unless you are implying Pres Trump ordered this on purpose?

the original Russian propaganda article was giving a Russian ''good'', USA ''bad'', slant imo, intentionally.
Last edited:
Do you know that Trump has withdrawn his protection today from Assad.

The gas attacks that killed children in the last two days apparently shook him as badly as did those that shook Obama some years ago.

Considering the US coalition has killed so many innocents including whacking 200 in one day in Mosul I beleive a lot of Americans including the President should get off their high fucking horses.

Ir's hypocritical as hell. Gas attack vs bombs = dead innocents no matter what the weapon. I still don't believe Assad would do it. Makes no sense. But who needs proof these days?

No witnesses could identify the planes according to Al Jazeera.
Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show
"Independent News" ??

Do you read this much ??

Where are they ??
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010

Or how about the LA Times? Would that suit your fancy?

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq .... The U.S.-led
coalition has unleashed more than 500 aerial bombs, artillery

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq
the Russians and Syrian govt are allied together, their kills are counted together.... the American kill of innocents, was an accident, unless you are implying Pres Trump ordered this on purpose?

the original Russian propaganda article was given a Russian ''good'', USA ''bad'', slant imo, intentionally.

Others covered the massacre in Mosul. I gave you the links.
Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show
"Independent News" ??

Do you read this much ??

Where are they ??
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010

Or how about the LA Times? Would that suit your fancy?

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq .... The U.S.-led
coalition has unleashed more than 500 aerial bombs, artillery

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq
the Russians and Syrian govt are allied together, their kills are counted together.... the American kill of innocents, was an accident, unless you are implying Pres Trump ordered this on purpose?

the original Russian propaganda article was given a Russian ''good'', USA ''bad'', slant imo, intentionally.

Others covered the massacre in Mosul. I gave you the links.
I'm not talking about reporting on the massacre, and neither was your article, your Russian slanted article said this:

US-led coalition killed more Syrian civilians than Isis or Russia in March, figures show

Considering the US coalition has killed so many innocents including whacking 200 in one day in Mosul I beleive a lot of Americans including the President should get off their high fucking horses.
Ir's hypocritical as hell. Gas attack vs bombs = dead innocents no matter what the weapon. I still don't believe Assad would do it. Makes no sense. But who needs proof these days?
No witnesses could identify the planes according to Al Jazeera.
They were fixed wing aircraft and right now only the Syrian government and Russia are flying them in Syrian airspace, as I understand it.

A more likely possibility is that the Syrian aircraft accidentally hit a stash of chemical weapon in a conventional airstrike, if it was not the Syrian government.
Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show
"Independent News" ??

Do you read this much ??

Where are they ??
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010

Or how about the LA Times? Would that suit your fancy?

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq .... The U.S.-led
coalition has unleashed more than 500 aerial bombs, artillery

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq
the Russians and Syrian govt are allied together, their kills are counted together.... the American kill of innocents, was an accident, unless you are implying Pres Trump ordered this on purpose?

the original Russian propaganda article was giving a Russian ''good'', USA ''bad'', slant imo, intentionally.

You don't kill 200 plus people "by accident". You do it with poor intel, authorizing missions without proper information, and showing callous disregard for the civillians you're supposed to be protecting.

Killing more civilians than ISIS. The Trump Administration is worse than ISIS. Is that the tag you're looking for?
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010
So nothing that they say can be true now?

my answer is, ''close to yes'', when your eyes have been opened to propaganda, particularly Russian propaganda, especially looking back on 2016 and what they did and how these active measures worked, and since watching congressional hearings on the tactics used by the Russians to move their propaganda....

it's hard to not notice it, right off....

I read that op title and article, my first reaction was, who owns this rag? So then I googled it and found out who....

It's possible if there is a feel good article about some family thrown overboard while canoeing in the Grand canyon that was rescued by a helicopter kind of thing... that there would not be a Russian slant...i might think the article is the truth.
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010
So nothing that they say can be true now?

my answer is, ''close to yes'', when your eyes have been opened to propaganda, particularly Russian propaganda, especially looking back on 2016 and what they did and how these active measures worked, and since watching congressional hearings on the tactics used by the Russians to move their propaganda....

it's hard to not notice it, right off....

I read that op title and article, my first reaction was, who owns this rag? So then I googled it and found out who....

It's possible if there is a feel good article about some family thrown overboard while canoeing in the Grand canyon that was rescued by a helicopter kind of thing... that there would not be a Russian slant...

i think that trying to dismiss news because of who reports it assumes that there is some ethical, objective source of news somewhere.

There is not.

All of them lie and spin things to their own interests.

ALL of them, ESPECIALLY the main stream corporate owned Western press. Syria and the Muslim refugee 'crisis' are prime examples of this.
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010
So nothing that they say can be true now?

my answer is, ''close to yes'', when your eyes have been opened to propaganda, particularly Russian propaganda, especially looking back on 2016 and what they did and how these active measures worked, and since watching congressional hearings on the tactics used by the Russians to move their propaganda....

it's hard to not notice it, right off....

I read that op title and article, my first reaction was, who owns this rag? So then I googled it and found out who....

It's possible if there is a feel good article about some family thrown overboard while canoeing in the Grand canyon that was rescued by a helicopter kind of thing... that there would not be a Russian slant...

i think that trying to dismiss news because of who reports it assumes that there is some ethical, objective source of news somewhere.

There is not.

All of them lie and spin things to their own interests.

ALL of them, ESPECIALLY the main stream corporate owned Western press. Syria and the Muslim refugee 'crisis' are prime examples of this.
I'll pass on believing what I read from the Dictator, murdering thug Putin's Russian propaganda... TYVM!
Man, Tiny has gone over the edge. I used to agree with her quite a bit a few years back. But now, what the hell is she talking about? Swoosh :dunno:!
Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show
"Independent News" ??

Do you read this much ??

Where are they ??
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010

Ah, fake news or is it blatant propaganda?
Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show

Why does ISIS exist? Who wasn't doing their job and allowed for the formation of ISIS?

I'll give you a hint.

It rhymes with "a cock inside a llama"

Bush Rhymes with llama? Isis was formed and named in 2005 from the remnants of Saddams army, which Bush fired and allowed to keep their weapons.
Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show
"Independent News" ??

Do you read this much ??

Where are they ??
The Independent is a British online newspaper.[2] Established in 1986 as an independent national morning newspaper published in London, it was controlled by Tony O'Reilly's Independent News & Media from 1997 until it was sold to Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev in 2010

Ah, fake news or is it blatant propaganda?
it may not be either, I just don't know one way or the other for I'm simply being cautious....
Considering so many are bashing the crap out of Assad and blaming him for the chemical attack, I thought pointing out the actual death figures would be timely.

And by the way, it makes no sense whatsoever that Assad or Putin who are winning the war against ISIS and just got a pass from Tillerson would take this moment in time to use chemical weapons and piss off the planet.

"The number of civilian casualties from US air strikes in Syria and Iraq have soared to an all-time high More civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict were killed by US-led coalitions than by Isis or Russian-led forces in the last month, according to figures released by a human rights organisation.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), found Isis killed 119 civilians in Syria in March, including 19 children and 7 women, with Russian forces believed to have killed 224 civilians in the same month, including 51 children and 42 women.

The SNHR found the international coalition forces, led by the US, killed 260 civilians, including 70 children and 34 women."

American-led coalition killed more civilians than Russia in March, figures show

Why does ISIS exist? Who wasn't doing their job and allowed for the formation of ISIS?

I'll give you a hint.

It rhymes with "a cock inside a llama"

Bush Rhymes with llama? Isis was formed and named in 2005 from the remnants of Saddams army, which Bush fired and allowed to keep their weapons.

Sure, the JV team, we know.

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