Us Liberals Are Happy

Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.
Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
Hopefully trump pulls the GOP left. It was getting to be ridiculous.

You guys lost because mitt and McCain were obviously right wing tools. Same as kasich Cruz rubio jeb Christie huckabee Paul carson and fiorino
McCain is a liberal and so is Romney.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
Hopefully trump pulls the GOP left. It was getting to be ridiculous.

You guys lost because mitt and McCain were obviously right wing tools. Same as kasich Cruz rubio jeb Christie huckabee Paul carson and fiorino
McCain is a liberal and so is Romney.
We don't want them. Now trumps a liberal. Just said he'd raise taxes on the rich. Finally! Trumps no Republican. He beat all the republicans
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
Hopefully trump pulls the GOP left. It was getting to be ridiculous.

You guys lost because mitt and McCain were obviously right wing tools. Same as kasich Cruz rubio jeb Christie huckabee Paul carson and fiorino
McCain is a liberal and so is Romney.
If the middle class was booming, raise our taxes. But the rich are doing great and we need money. Trumps common sense. So is hillary
Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?
Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.
sure, tell us when you find the 'adult' party and we will talk.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.
sure, tell us when you find the 'adult' party and we will talk.

Here's a hint. The adult party doesn't think penis size is a valid point of discussion for debates.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.
sure, tell us when you find the 'adult' party and we will talk.

Here's a hint. The adult party doesn't think penis size is a valid point of discussion for debates.
Still if Trump wins I won't be nearly as disappointed as I would be if Cruz or Kasich or Rubio or Jeb would have won.

I'll be optimistic if Trump wins that he'll actually do or at least try to do what he says he will try to do. I don't believe Mr. Trump will follow through on the things he says but I know Hillary won't either. I prefer a Democrat so I'm going to vote for Hillary but Donald Trump is about as bipartisan as you can get. He could have just as easily ran as a Democrat and been our nominee.

I don't like the far right and I understand the far left pisses a lot of people off. I think Trump is a centrist. Similar to how Bill Clinton, Hillary & Obama are centrists. I truly feel like we have 2 candidates I can live with.

I think Clinton sucks up to the rich just like every other politician but at least the Democrats serve We the People not just the rich. Republicans want to argue that but we all know that's just spin. And I truly believe Trump wants to fix the American middle class. Maybe he understands the economy runs best when the masses have money. That's not communism or socialism to want that. That's what the Republicans say. But who cares what they say? They don't have a candidate running for President. Tell it to your constituents Senator.
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.
sure, tell us when you find the 'adult' party and we will talk.

Here's a hint. The adult party doesn't think penis size is a valid point of discussion for debates.
Still if Trump wins I won't be nearly as disappointed as I would be if Cruz or Kasich or Rubio or Jeb would have won.

I'll be optimistic if Trump wins that he'll actually do or at least try to do what he says he will try to do. I don't believe Mr. Trump will follow through on the things he says but I know Hillary won't either. I prefer a Democrat so I'm going to vote for Hillary but Donald Trump is about as bipartisan as you can get. He could have just as easily ran as a Democrat and been our nominee.

I don't like the far right and I understand the far left pisses a lot of people off. I think Trump is a centrist. Similar to how Bill Clinton, Hillary & Obama are centrists. I truly feel like we have 2 candidates I can live with.

I think Clinton sucks up to the rich just like every other politician but at least the Democrats serve We the People not just the rich. Republicans want to argue that but we all know that's just spin. And I truly believe Trump wants to fix the American middle class. Maybe he understands the economy runs best when the masses have money. That's not communism or socialism to want that. That's what the Republicans say. But who cares what they say? They don't have a candidate running for President. Tell it to your constituents Senator.
You poor confused person.
Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.
sure, tell us when you find the 'adult' party and we will talk.

Here's a hint. The adult party doesn't think penis size is a valid point of discussion for debates.
Still if Trump wins I won't be nearly as disappointed as I would be if Cruz or Kasich or Rubio or Jeb would have won.

I'll be optimistic if Trump wins that he'll actually do or at least try to do what he says he will try to do. I don't believe Mr. Trump will follow through on the things he says but I know Hillary won't either. I prefer a Democrat so I'm going to vote for Hillary but Donald Trump is about as bipartisan as you can get. He could have just as easily ran as a Democrat and been our nominee.

I don't like the far right and I understand the far left pisses a lot of people off. I think Trump is a centrist. Similar to how Bill Clinton, Hillary & Obama are centrists. I truly feel like we have 2 candidates I can live with.

I think Clinton sucks up to the rich just like every other politician but at least the Democrats serve We the People not just the rich. Republicans want to argue that but we all know that's just spin. And I truly believe Trump wants to fix the American middle class. Maybe he understands the economy runs best when the masses have money. That's not communism or socialism to want that. That's what the Republicans say. But who cares what they say? They don't have a candidate running for President. Tell it to your constituents Senator.
You poor confused person.
Is this where you tell me Trump is the most conservative person?

Why can't you just be happy I like your nominee? Why? Because you are probably a partisan hack who won't like anyone or anything we like. Fuck off.
Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.
sure, tell us when you find the 'adult' party and we will talk.

Here's a hint. The adult party doesn't think penis size is a valid point of discussion for debates.
Still if Trump wins I won't be nearly as disappointed as I would be if Cruz or Kasich or Rubio or Jeb would have won.

I'll be optimistic if Trump wins that he'll actually do or at least try to do what he says he will try to do. I don't believe Mr. Trump will follow through on the things he says but I know Hillary won't either. I prefer a Democrat so I'm going to vote for Hillary but Donald Trump is about as bipartisan as you can get. He could have just as easily ran as a Democrat and been our nominee.

I don't like the far right and I understand the far left pisses a lot of people off. I think Trump is a centrist. Similar to how Bill Clinton, Hillary & Obama are centrists. I truly feel like we have 2 candidates I can live with.

I think Clinton sucks up to the rich just like every other politician but at least the Democrats serve We the People not just the rich. Republicans want to argue that but we all know that's just spin. And I truly believe Trump wants to fix the American middle class. Maybe he understands the economy runs best when the masses have money. That's not communism or socialism to want that. That's what the Republicans say. But who cares what they say? They don't have a candidate running for President. Tell it to your constituents Senator.
You poor confused person.
Is this where you tell me Trump is the most conservative person?

Why can't you just be happy I like your nominee? Why? Because you are probably a partisan hack who won't like anyone or anything we like. Fuck off.
I don't give a fuck if you like him or not, asshole. Fuck off.
Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?

That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
Well, Cheech, your wish is gonna come true, although you may not get the outcome you expect.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.

And what do you mean by "An adult" party?
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.

Instead of whining about a bunch of babies who obviously care more about their little party faction than they do about the country, why don't you vote for an adult party who does care about the country, even if our methods are a little different than what you wanted.

And what do you mean by "An adult" party?

One that doesn't think penis size is a valid topic for a presidential nominee debate.
Imagine if trump ran as a democrat and he were our nominee? We'd be hoping he would beat Cruz rubio or kasich in the general election.

Well he is beating Cruz rubio and kasich. This pleases us very much.

Now that doesn't mean we want trump to be president but we'll take a trump presidency over a rubio kasich or Cruz presidency anyday.

So as far as this liberal is concerned, America is infinitely better off as soon as there is no chance rubio kasich or Cruz is the nominee.

Hopefully trump beats kasich in Ohio and rubio in Florida this week.
Anyone but Hillary.
If all my friends and family are willing to roll the dice on trump, maybe he will try to bring jobs back home. Maybe he is serious about illegals and importing Muslims.
While you roll a joint? :lol:
I just don't want another bush or rubio kasich Christie Cruz near the white house. Republicans got to stop only representing the rich. And don't tell me I'm wrong. It's why America said no to another Republican anywhere near the white house.

Hell yea I'll smoke to that

Republicans lost because of the cry babies in the party.

When an establishment nominee gets elected, the TP party types stay home.
When somebody like Trump wins, the establishment says they will stay home.

I held my nose voting for Romney and McCain, but I can't let the Democrats win simply because my ideal nominee didn't get in.

Then when somebody like DumBama serves two terms, these cry babies sit back and ask how that could happen? My answer to them is Duh!!!!

I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries, but now that he is legitimately the nominee, I will vote for him not because he's Trump, but to keep the Democrats out. And if more Republicans would keep that as a target instead of sobbing their candidate lost, maybe such unity could assure us some kind of Republican in the White House.
I hear this a lot and it is utter bullshit. This stance assumes that the republicans simply deserve my vote (or anyone's vote) rather than having to actually earn it. It is a false assumption on your part to assume that a particular voter is looking for the 'ideal' nominee. I certainly am not looking for ideal at all. All I ask is for someone that bothers to represent me at least a little bit. The current republican party is far more big government, pro war and anti freedom than their supposed 'platform' of smaller government that does not get in your way.

You blame the likes of us that refuse to vote garbage out of blanket fear that 'the other guy is worse.' I blame those that are like you and hold your nose voting for that garbage for the continued crap candidates that we keep getting. Make no mistake, the republicans are no better than the democrats and the continued votes they garner are WHAT IS KEEPING THEM THERE. You want a republican party that you do not have to hold your nose for? You want a candidate that may not have a platform that you can totally get behind but at least stands for a majority of the things you do? Then stop supporting those that do not meet that criteria. You will ALWAYS get a candidate that you have to hold your nose for as long as you are willing to feed them your vote.

The idea that we all need to vote against the other guy rather than voting FOR someone has utterly destroyed our political system and is utterly nonsensical in a democracy. When the goal becomes to stop the other candidate rather than place a decent one in office, you can accept anyone. At that point, what is the difference?

That's exactly my goal, to stop Hillary or any Democrat from taking office.

DumBama won both elections, and with confidence, I can say I did all I could do to stop it. I took the time to go to the polls and vote against him. While I've hated these last seven years plus, at least I don't feel guilty because I let my ego usher him into the White House.

If you waste your vote on a candidate that stands no chance in hell of winning, or otherwise not vote at all, you did cast a vote for Obama, and Hillary if you do the same this election.

You don't change your party during the presidential election, you change your party during the primaries as we have now. I vote for what's better for the country--not what makes me feel good. And this election is very critical with the balance of the Supreme Court at hand. You can vote out a President after four years, but Supreme Court justices are for life, and I'm not about to let them turn my country into a Socialist Utopia because Trump wasn't good enough for my vote. Mickey Mouse is good enough for my vote if it stops these liberals from taking my rights away--particularly my gun rights.
Trump will nominate Obama's nominee for supreme

And you will never like a democratic president no matter how good they are.

The only reason I won't vote trump is I can't vote for who you vote for.

Ill give you one thing the entire system is corrupt and the most important step was saying no to McCain Romney kasich Cruz rubio and jeb.
Imagine if trump ran as a democrat and he were our nominee? We'd be hoping he would beat Cruz rubio or kasich in the general election.

Well he is beating Cruz rubio and kasich. This pleases us very much.

Now that doesn't mean we want trump to be president but we'll take a trump presidency over a rubio kasich or Cruz presidency anyday.

So as far as this liberal is concerned, America is infinitely better off as soon as there is no chance rubio kasich or Cruz is the nominee.

Hopefully trump beats kasich in Ohio and rubio in Florida this week.
Anyone but Hillary.
No anyone but Cruz kasich jeb or rubio. I've already won. Trump may have an R next to his name but he's no Republican. Not the kind I hate
If trump were running as a democrat and said he was going to raise taxes on the rich you'd all flip but he said it the other day and not a peep from Republicans.

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