US Middle/Working class poorest in 8 years....

It's the GOP anti union war on the mid class that's fucking us over .
It's the GOP anti union war on the mid class that's fucking us over .

Well Timmy, you have to admit. The unions in America are filled with America's dumbest and laziest. Sorry if you're one of them, that's just the plain facts. Thanks.
It's the GOP anti union war on the mid class that's fucking us over .
Odumbass has been president since 2008,he had a MAJORITY in the congress for 2 years! Don't blame the GOP for shit. Oh and my wife's family lives in a union state that's republican am not saying republicans AREN'T attacking Unions but this here is talking about past 8 years.
It's the GOP anti union war on the mid class that's fucking us over .

Well Timmy, you have to admit. The unions in America are filled with America's dumbest and laziest. Sorry if you're one of them, that's just the plain facts. Thanks.
My Brother In Law and Father In Law are in the union. FIL has been at same job since 70's and is a supervisor and VERY hard working christ can't remember last time he took a day off. BIL is a miner and again very hard working.
You have to admit the unions have been screwing it up for the employees in the last several years

In the beginning, unions were a godsend to the working class. Protecting them from over demanding employers that expected people to work 12, 14 or more hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week without reasonable compensation. Unions gave them days off & reasonable work hours with time off between shifts to rest & be with families and to be paid for the work they did & overtime pay for overtime work. Unions provided a certain amount of job protection from the demands of the employers. They put limits on what they could expect from the employees. And back then, it was sorely needed.

Nowadays, maybe not so much. Some yes, there are still some employers out there that push the envelope but now there are more employee/employer laws to protect the workers in the workplace. I've seen too many times now, that unions demands end up hurting the employees they are supposed to represent & protect. But that's my view

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