US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
Go F yourself traitor....
Says the Anti American scum putting a foreign country ABOVE his own country.

says the anti American dipshit who puts all muslim countries above his own country.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I never claimed to be Pro American. I am Pro White. American...what the fuck does that even mean? Any sam dick or harry can come here and claim to be american....I don't claim it and never will. I use this country to get what I want and can from it but I will NEVER support its asinine policies of picking fights where one doesn't need picked. I am also not advocating for a foreign country to dictate my policies.
GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
Go F yourself traitor....
Says the Anti American scum putting a foreign country ABOVE his own country.

says the anti American dipshit who puts all muslim countries above his own country.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I never claimed to be Pro American. I am Pro White. American...what the fuck does that even mean? Any sam dick or harry can come here and claim to be american....I don't claim it and never will. I use this country to get what I want and can from it but I will NEVER support its asinine policies of picking fights where one doesn't need picked. I am also not advocating for a foreign country to dictate my policies.

so you are a racist hater. Got it. you are of zero consequence, go away and practice your hitler salute.
Says the Anti American scum putting a foreign country ABOVE his own country.
Yeah and you're putting a racist bunch of Muslim dogs over the only friend we have in that part of the world you fucktard traitor.
LOL Saudi Arabia ring a bell snowflake? Also what kind of "friend" spies on you,attacks your ship and tries to sink it and then conspires with the US president to try and sneak it and blame it on Egypt? Keep lying and I will keep dismantling you.
muslim zionism.png
GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
Go F yourself traitor....
Says the Anti American scum putting a foreign country ABOVE his own country.

says the anti American dipshit who puts all muslim countries above his own country.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I never claimed to be Pro American. I am Pro White. American...what the fuck does that even mean? Any sam dick or harry can come here and claim to be american....I don't claim it and never will. I use this country to get what I want and can from it but I will NEVER support its asinine policies of picking fights where one doesn't need picked. I am also not advocating for a foreign country to dictate my policies.

so you are a racist hater. Got it. you are of zero consequence, go away and practice your hitler salute.
I don't do Hitler salutes snowflake. I continue to wake people up to your Anti American policies and loyalty to a foreign country. Its fun stuff.
So, we're allowing declared Nazis under the symbol of the Neo Nazi Black Sun to spew their racial hatred in here now?

And the Black Wolf? That's real subtle, scumbag.

Ban this pile of shit -- Permanently.

I hope they don't. He's unintentionally hysterical.

As opposed to -- Intentionally hysterical?

I can see disagreeing with Israeli policies. I disagree with a lot of them myself.

But to side with the goatfuckers? To call America 'Israel's bitch'?

To lie about the origins of the Jewish State? To not have the faintest clue about who's land it was and when?

To refuse to listen to reason and logic? To spew hatred at a group who just want to have a tiny sliver of land to call their own?

Ban his ass. Permanently
You and your side lost Odium. You have been kicked to the curb from one end of the nation to the other so you should go back to school once Trump drains the liberal teachers and professors from that swamp of propaganda....: )
I don't do Hitler salutes snowflake. I continue to wake people up to your Anti American policies and loyalty to a foreign country. Its fun stuff.
Bull you are just an uneducated fool
Go F yourself traitor....
Says the Anti American scum putting a foreign country ABOVE his own country.

says the anti American dipshit who puts all muslim countries above his own country.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I never claimed to be Pro American. I am Pro White. American...what the fuck does that even mean? Any sam dick or harry can come here and claim to be american....I don't claim it and never will. I use this country to get what I want and can from it but I will NEVER support its asinine policies of picking fights where one doesn't need picked. I am also not advocating for a foreign country to dictate my policies.

so you are a racist hater. Got it. you are of zero consequence, go away and practice your hitler salute.
I don't do Hitler salutes snowflake. I continue to wake people up to your Anti American policies and loyalty to a foreign country. Its fun stuff.

being in favor of a secure Israel is not anti American. Favoring radical Islamic terrorists is anti American.

you are an idiot.
The US should relocate the embassy to al-Quds right on top of the temple mount.
So you have no problem with AIPAC and Jews dictating US policies. Man I can't wait until TRUE Americans deal a death blow to Israel and all of its ass kissing Anti American scum. Trials for treason and espionage and aiding the enemy.
I support the defeat of Palestinian terrorist and the state of Israel to live in peace. Why are Muslims the only group of people that liberals allow to be hateful racist that can't live with people of other faiths? Why do you support that kind of bigotry?
Why didn't zionists go to Madagascar and set up shop instead of declaring a state in the middle of the ME where they KNEW they were hated and it was going to cause a problem. I don't want Muslims here but like I said the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Muslims don't control the banking,political,entertainment industries around the world Jews do. But again I am wasting my time trying to educate the kind of people who are so easily fooled by jewish propaganda.
LOL Saudi Arabia ring a bell snowflake? Also what kind of "friend" spies on you,attacks your ship and tries to sink it and then conspires with the US president to try and sneak it and blame it on Egypt? Keep lying and I will keep dismantling
You do not know what you are talking about snowflake...enjoy the last days of President Hussain Obama
America is not islam. We have no alliance with nor loyalty to muslims. Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel. It makes perfect sense to have our embassy there.
West Jerusalem is part of Israel and if Donald Trump wants to move the American embassy there, this is his right. He nevertheless should bear in mind that Israel has illegally annexed East Jerusalem and by moving the embassy to a city under this condition is foolish and would put the United States clearly in the camp of a scofflaw state.
Says the Anti American scum putting a foreign country ABOVE his own country.

says the anti American dipshit who puts all muslim countries above his own country.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I never claimed to be Pro American. I am Pro White. American...what the fuck does that even mean? Any sam dick or harry can come here and claim to be american....I don't claim it and never will. I use this country to get what I want and can from it but I will NEVER support its asinine policies of picking fights where one doesn't need picked. I am also not advocating for a foreign country to dictate my policies.

so you are a racist hater. Got it. you are of zero consequence, go away and practice your hitler salute.
I don't do Hitler salutes snowflake. I continue to wake people up to your Anti American policies and loyalty to a foreign country. Its fun stuff.

being in favor of a secure Israel is not anti American. Favoring radical Islamic terrorists is anti American.

you are an idiot.
LOL Israel is a terrorist state and has been since its founding. It was founded with acts of terrorism! I favor whatever it takes to destroy Israel and the Jewish stranglehold on the world. You people put Israel above America PERIOD you have no issue with Jews and Israel controlling foreign policy.
If people would study the shit Jews were put through over the Centuries, they might have a little bit more sympathy for their plight.

But, you can't educate people too stupid to learn.
Inserting the US where it didn't belong is how we got 9/11. Shouldn't we have learned our lesson?
You and your side lost Odium. You have been kicked to the curb from one end of the nation to the other so you should go back to school once Trump drains the liberal teachers and professors from that swamp of propaganda....: )
LOL I voted for Trump dumbass. 14-0 remember that. The WORLD has spoken the US is but one nation :)
If people would study the shit Jews were put through over the Centuries, they might have a little bit more sympathy for their plight.

But, you can't educate people too stupid to learn.

So you'll be giving your property back to whichever Indian tribe once lived there?
Why didn't zionists go to Madagascar and set up shop instead of declaring a state in the middle of the ME where they KNEW they were hated and it was going to cause a problem. I don't want Muslims here but like I said the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Muslims don't control the banking,political,entertainment industries around the world Jews do. But again I am wasting my time trying to educate the kind of people who are so easily fooled by jewish propaganda.
You should stop now, every word of this post shows how little your knowledge of ME history is. You're embarrassing yourself dude. Go read a history book and shut off MSNBC.

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