US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

Lets take a look BEHIND the curtain of WHO is pulling the strings and pushing these policies in Europe and America to let Muslims invade Europe and America....go ahead....
Oh my about ignorance. Google USS Liberty,there was a book written by an actual sailor on the ship and how it was NOT an accident but a deliberate attack designed to bring US into the war they were in. Google Jonathan Pollard. Netanyahu Secretly Visits Arch Spy Jonathan Pollard In Prison
Ohhh Your are just crazy....I thought you were sane. Okay enjoy your madness and I'll leave you alone.
What's wrong afraid to flip the coin over and see things from another side? That's sad man...really its sad people stay willfully ignorant. If you are so strong and sure of your beliefs then you should have no problem reading things that challenge them.
The OP is a truth-er end of story. No need to try and help him. Don't bother to try and teach him the physics of melting steel or the speed of a jetliner or for Gods sake don't try and convince him that Muslims hate us and want us dead. He must have been in the womb on 9-11. Our schools are a shameful disaster.
Nope I was at home watching TV when that shit interrupted my shows.....I was 17 years old then....:)
Everyone take it easy on Rambo there...he is just a wittle guy who is afraid of other opinions contrary to might change his mind! OH MY GOD! Don't overload his pea sized brain with facts!
How many innocent people have to die before people like Odium wake up?

For the benefit of Morons like Odium...Learn something stupid!

Islam Happens
Last year, there were at least 2,474 deadly Islamic terror
attacks in 61 countries that claimed over 21,237 lives.
All other world religions accounted for about four.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
GW Bush killed more innocent Muslims than Bin Laden killed innocent Americans.

So what?

FDR Killed more innocent Japanese than Japanese killed Americans.

What kind of fucking looney asshole says stupid shit like that?

Oh -- A dimocrap scumbag. That kind.
Jerusalem belongs to Christians and Jews. It's their holiest site. Muslims have Mecca & Medina, and other holy sites. They should let Jerusalem go. Give it back to the Christians and Jews.
I am no supporter of Israel. I resent what they did to the USS Liberty, the espionage against the U.S. and DO NOT consider them to be a U.S. ally.

However, Arab Muslims sicken me with their inability to compromise or to understand anyone else's point of view. They declare that 'Islam' means 'peace' yet they support the terrorist murders of innocent people throughout the world.

Jerusalem was founded by Jews! It was the ancient capital of the Jewish people. Mohammad WAS NEVER IN JERUSALEM! He had a dream about being in Jerusalem, BUT HE WAS NEVER ACTUALLY THERE! Yet, they don't seem to understand why other people..non-Muslims...just DO NOT see this as a valid claim to Jerusalem. If I had a dream that I was in Malaysia, would that mean that I had a claim to Malaysia?

Muslim hordes slaughtered the Jewish and Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem (as they did to the Egyptians). They were in turn slaughtered by the Crusaders.
Since that time, control of Jerusalem has been based on bloodshed. Something to be proud of for the two peoples that claim to have a monopoly on 'Peace'.

Jerusalem would never existed if the Jews had not created it. It should belong to the Jews and no one else.

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