US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

You are full of shit. It's the Muslims that need to leave Israel alone. They hate having non-Muslims in their midst and they've been assholes for centuries.

We should stand with Israel, not with a bunch of violent countries who don't even help their own. Not a damn one is stepping up to help refugees because they don't want the trouble. They leave it to us and don't even pay. Fuck them.

Of course, the inbred idiots would see this as an act of war. Any offense causes them to attack. Maybe they need to live and let live for once instead of pushing their oppressive government on the world.
View attachment 106054

You make some valid points. I'm no longer an 'Israel-Firster.' I've evolved. I'm only an 'America-Firster' now.
We have no legitimate interest in carrying out the provocation of moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

There is absolutely no "provocation" in acknowledging (Western) Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. Israel gets to choose her own capital, just like every other State in the world. There is nothing the least bit controversial or provocative in that. There is no chance -- none -- that Israel in any final peace agreement will not retain at least a part of Jerusalem.

The idea that acknowledging the capitol of a State is a declaration of war on all (insert religious faith here) is a notion which is so ridiculous its appalling it has received this many pages of discussion.
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
We have no legitimate interest in carrying out the provocation of moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

There is absolutely no "provocation" in acknowledging (Western) Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. Israel gets to choose her own capital, just like every other State in the world. There is nothing the least bit controversial or provocative in that. There is no chance -- none -- that Israel in any final peace agreement will not retain at least a part of Jerusalem.

The idea that acknowledging the capitol of a State is a declaration of war on all (insert religious faith here) is a notion which is so ridiculous its appalling it has received this many pages of discussion.
Would you consider it provocative if Palestine moved its capitol to Al-Quds?
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.

I think you are referring to the Temple Mount specifically, which is under the control of the Muslim Wakf, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan. Israel controls the city of Jerusalem itself.
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.

I think you are referring to the Temple Mount specifically, which is under the control of the Muslim Wakf, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan. Israel controls the city of Jerusalem itself.

Muslims constructed many sites to establish dominance over the regions they conquered. Mecca & Medina, and other sites are their most sacred. They should let Jerusalem go. Both Jews and Christians value it as their most holy and sacred land.
The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 476 (1980),

Reaffirming again that the acquisition of territory by force is inadmissible,

Deeply concerned over the enactment of a "basic law" in the Israeli Knesset proclaiming a change in the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, with its implications for peace and security,

Noting that Israel has not complied with resolution 476 (1980),

Reaffirming its determination to examine practical ways and means, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, to secure the full implementation of its resolution 476 (1980), in the event of non-compliance by Israel,

1. Censures in the strongest terms the enactment by Israel of the "basic law" on Jerusalem and the refusal to comply with relevant Security Council resolutions;

2. Affirms that the enactment of the "basic law" by Israel constitutes a violation of international law and does not affect the continued application of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since June 1967, including Jerusalem;

3. Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent "basic law" on Jerusalem, are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith;

4. Affirms also that this action constitutes a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East;

5. Decides not to recognize the "basic law" and such other actions by Israel that, as a result of this law, seek to alter the character and status of Jerusalem and calls upon:

(a) All Member States to accept this decision;

(b) Those States that have established diplomatic missions at Jerusalem to withdraw such missions from the Holy City;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution before 15 November 1980;

7. Decides to remain seized of this serious situation.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.

I think you are referring to the Temple Mount specifically, which is under the control of the Muslim Wakf, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan. Israel controls the city of Jerusalem itself.

Muslims constructed many sites to establish dominance over the regions they conquered. Mecca & Medina, and other sites are their most sacred. They should let Jerusalem go. Both Jews and Christians value it as their most holy and sacred land.

The Palestinians are also Christians.
I wonder how Muslims would feel if Jews and Christians claimed Mecca & Medina as one of their most holy and sacred sites? Probably wouldn't go over too well, huh?
Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.

I think you are referring to the Temple Mount specifically, which is under the control of the Muslim Wakf, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan. Israel controls the city of Jerusalem itself.

Muslims constructed many sites to establish dominance over the regions they conquered. Mecca & Medina, and other sites are their most sacred. They should let Jerusalem go. Both Jews and Christians value it as their most holy and sacred land.

The Palestinians are also Christians.

Some are.
I wonder how Muslims would feel if Jews and Christians claimed Mecca & Medina as one of their most holy and sacred sites? Probably wouldn't go over too well, huh?

I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.

I think you are referring to the Temple Mount specifically, which is under the control of the Muslim Wakf, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan. Israel controls the city of Jerusalem itself.

Muslims constructed many sites to establish dominance over the regions they conquered. Mecca & Medina, and other sites are their most sacred. They should let Jerusalem go. Both Jews and Christians value it as their most holy and sacred land.

The Palestinians are also Christians.

Some are.

35% of the worldwide Palestinian population is Christian.
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
I wonder how Muslims would feel if Jews and Christians claimed Mecca & Medina as one of their most holy and sacred sites? Probably wouldn't go over too well, huh?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.

I think you are referring to the Temple Mount specifically, which is under the control of the Muslim Wakf, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan. Israel controls the city of Jerusalem itself.

Muslims constructed many sites to establish dominance over the regions they conquered. Mecca & Medina, and other sites are their most sacred. They should let Jerusalem go. Both Jews and Christians value it as their most holy and sacred land.

The Palestinians are also Christians.

Some are.

35% of the worldwide Palestinian population is Christian.

The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.
That's total BS from top to bottom.

First of all, the major contention is that Israel is carrying out ethnic cleansing operations against Palestinians, including in Jerusalem - bulldozing their homes and giving the property over to Israeli use.

Remember that international law is that if boundaries are changed, people RETAIN THE RIGHTS TO THEIR PROPERTY. This isn't an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

Palestinians have not be stealing Israeli property. It is Israel that has been doing that.

Under Bush, the "road map" peace process required Israel to stop ethnic cleansing and to return illegal settlements (built on stolen land) to the Palestinians who owned the property. The settlements identified were those even Netanyahu agreed were illegal. The stopping of Israel's ethnic cleansing of West Bank was to last while the negotiations were carried out.

Israel signed the road map. Palestine did, too, and set to work on its own requirements, which had to do with fighting terrorism. Since then, the ADF has stated that the Palestinian government became their primary partner in peace, and in recognition of that they allowed the Palestinian government forces a greater array of lethal weaponry. That is the state we are in today.

BUT, Israel refused to carry out what they signed, and continued stealing MORE land from Palestinians - continuing their ethnic cleansing operations in West Bank. In fact, TODAY they demand to be allowed to continue stealing land from Palestinian property owners EVEN DURING NEGOTIATIONS!!!

Now, YOU come along and suggest Palestine should just GIVE Israel their property??? WTF?
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.
I wonder how Muslims would feel if Jews and Christians claimed Mecca & Medina as one of their most holy and sacred sites? Probably wouldn't go over too well, huh?

I think you are referring to the Temple Mount specifically, which is under the control of the Muslim Wakf, in conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan. Israel controls the city of Jerusalem itself.

Muslims constructed many sites to establish dominance over the regions they conquered. Mecca & Medina, and other sites are their most sacred. They should let Jerusalem go. Both Jews and Christians value it as their most holy and sacred land.

The Palestinians are also Christians.

Some are.

35% of the worldwide Palestinian population is Christian.

What does THAT mean?

Are you aware of Israel's movement to establish Jews as having more rights in Israeli courts than Israeli citizens of any other religion, as codifying what is actually taking place today unofficially?

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