US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

...It also is a clear violation of international law as Jerusalem is not even part of Israel. Just ridiculous!...
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
Wow - you REALLY went off the rails that time - lol!

Do you know what century this is??

Just stating my take. Jerusalem is most holy to Christians and Jews. That isn't the case for Muslims. Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for them.
I don't remember any "who thinks it is most holy" measure in determining national boundaries.

If I think your land is "really really holy", would that give me a rightful claim to your land?

If Muslims return Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, there can be a real lasting peace. It's their most holy site. I'm not sure splitting the city can be the answer.
That's total BS from top to bottom.

First of all, the major contention is that Israel is carrying out ethnic cleansing operations against Palestinians, including in Jerusalem - bulldozing their homes and giving the property over to Israeli use.

Remember that international law is that if boundaries are changed, people RETAIN THE RIGHTS TO THEIR PROPERTY. This isn't an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

Palestinians have not be stealing Israeli property. It is Israel that has been doing that.

Under Bush, the "road map" peace process required Israel to stop ethnic cleansing and to return illegal settlements (built on stolen land) to the Palestinians who owned the property. The settlements identified were those even Netanyahu agreed were illegal. The stopping of Israel's ethnic cleansing of West Bank was to last while the negotiations were carried out.

Israel signed the road map. Palestine did, too, and set to work on its own requirements, which had to do with fighting terrorism. Since then, the ADF has stated that the Palestinian government became their primary partner in peace, and in recognition of that they allowed the Palestinian government forces a greater array of lethal weaponry. That is the state we are in today.

BUT, Israel refused to carry out what they signed, and continued stealing MORE land from Palestinians - continuing their ethnic cleansing operations in West Bank. In fact, TODAY they demand to be allowed to continue stealing land from Palestinian property owners EVEN DURING NEGOTIATIONS!!!

Now, YOU come along and suggest Palestine should just GIVE Israel their property??? WTF?

Would Muslims agree to split and share Mecca & Media with Christians and Jews? I'm not talking about expelling people. I'm just saying any deal negotiated, should give control of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews. It should be acknowledged as their most holy and sacred site.
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
I wonder how Muslims would feel if Jews and Christians claimed Mecca & Medina as one of their most holy and sacred sites? Probably wouldn't go over too well, huh?

Muslims constructed many sites to establish dominance over the regions they conquered. Mecca & Medina, and other sites are their most sacred. They should let Jerusalem go. Both Jews and Christians value it as their most holy and sacred land.

The Palestinians are also Christians.

Some are.

35% of the worldwide Palestinian population is Christian.

What does THAT mean?

Are you aware of Israel's movement to establish Jews as having more rights in Israeli courts than Israeli citizens of any other religion, as codifying what is actually taking place today unofficially?

And non-Muslims aren't allowed near certain sacred sites like Mecca & Medina. Have you ever been to a Muslim country? They're not very tolerant of other faiths. Jews and Christians would allow Muslims to continue living and worshipping in Jerusalem. Do you really believe Muslims would be as tolerant in their most holy sacred sites?
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.

How about the Christian Palestinians? Should they give up on Jerusalem?
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

You Muzzie Beasts are already at war with decent people.

Oh, and I will raise a toast to justice the day that rabid dog pile of shit Dylann Roof is put down, may the fucker burn in hell.
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.

How about the Christian Palestinians? Should they give up on Jerusalem?

Wikipedia says that Christians make up only 6% of Palestinians. Muslim Palestinians are the vast majority, at 94% of the population.
The Christians will only have to give up on Jerusalem if the Muslims control it. That is one of the major reasons the Jewish people absolutely need to have sovereignty over Jerusalem. The Jewish people are the only ones capable of safe-guarding the Holy Places and ancient sites and permitting people of all faiths to visit and worship.
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.

How about the Christian Palestinians? Should they give up on Jerusalem?

Wikipedia says that Christians make up only 6% of Palestinians. Muslim Palestinians are the vast majority, at 94% of the population.

The Christians make up 35% of the Palestinian population worldwide.
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.

How about the Christian Palestinians? Should they give up on Jerusalem?

Why not you expect the Jewish palestinians to give up on life ...........................................
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
There is absolutely no justification for that.

It's crazier than Mexico demanding hunks of Ammerica back.
WillReadmore, Dschrute3, et al,

Well, there are a number of possible solutions. This is one possible solution; but, --- it does not have much of a probability of success.

Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
There is absolutely no justification for that.

It's crazier than Mexico demanding hunks of Ammerica back.

The current status quo with the Israeli sovereignty and the Palestinian portion seem to be very near to the end state solution. There is no reasonable expectation that the Israelis are going to surrender in the face of Hostile Arab Palestinian violence and coercion.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians prefer the course of violence in the form of the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters rather than using the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States.

Most Respectfully,
Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
There is absolutely no justification for that.

It's crazier than Mexico demanding hunks of Ammerica back.

It's the Christian and Jewish holiest sacred land. That's not the case for Muslims. They have Mecca & Medina and other more sacred sites.
WillReadmore, Dschrute3, et al,

Well, there are a number of possible solutions. This is one possible solution; but, --- it does not have much of a probability of success.

Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
There is absolutely no justification for that.

It's crazier than Mexico demanding hunks of Ammerica back.

The current status quo with the Israeli sovereignty and the Palestinian portion seem to be very near to the end state solution. There is no reasonable expectation that the Israelis are going to surrender in the face of Hostile Arab Palestinian violence and coercion.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians prefer the course of violence in the form of the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters rather than using the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States.

Most Respectfully,
Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.
- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

This is such a collection of trite sound bites, showing no deep understanding of the conflict.

No Israel is not ethnically cleansing Palestinians from either Israel nor Area C -- there are over 1.2 million Arab Palestinians in Israel, including ~60,000 in Area C in small rural villages, some with only nomadic, seasonal residence. None of them are being picked up and moved elsewhere.

Israel is actually trying to protect and manage scarce water resources.

The claim that property was stolen is too vague to even respond to.

Please, let's raise the level of discourse on this forum by avoiding these kinds of trite sound bites. If you can't write a paragraph specifically about the point you want to bring up, come back when you can.
WillReadmore, Dschrute3, et al,

Well, there are a number of possible solutions. This is one possible solution; but, --- it does not have much of a probability of success.

Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
There is absolutely no justification for that.

It's crazier than Mexico demanding hunks of Ammerica back.

The current status quo with the Israeli sovereignty and the Palestinian portion seem to be very near to the end state solution. There is no reasonable expectation that the Israelis are going to surrender in the face of Hostile Arab Palestinian violence and coercion.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians prefer the course of violence in the form of the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters rather than using the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States.

Most Respectfully,
It is the Old Furrfy,Rocco...Other Arabs will attack Israel..NO THEY WILL NOT.......You are not a stupid man R,far from it,there could be and should be a negotiated Peace............this is a Jewish-Palestinian schism......Other Arab Countries don't give a FIG about Jews or the Palestinians

But you and I do and the rest of the posters on here..steve
WillReadmore, Dschrute3, et al,

Well, there are a number of possible solutions. This is one possible solution; but, --- it does not have much of a probability of success.

Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
There is absolutely no justification for that.

It's crazier than Mexico demanding hunks of Ammerica back.

The current status quo with the Israeli sovereignty and the Palestinian portion seem to be very near to the end state solution. There is no reasonable expectation that the Israelis are going to surrender in the face of Hostile Arab Palestinian violence and coercion.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians prefer the course of violence in the form of the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters rather than using the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States.

Most Respectfully,
Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Read the Geneva conventions in regards to the demolition of buildings.

What agriculture as they did a good job of destroying their own in the first place

What water rights are these, who negotiated them and signed the treaty

How do you steal what is yours under international laws ?
WillReadmore, Dschrute3, et al,

Well, there are a number of possible solutions. This is one possible solution; but, --- it does not have much of a probability of success.

Would Muslims accept splitting and sharing the cities of Mecca & Medina with Jews and Christians? What do you think?
What I think is that is just plain stupid.

There is no property ownership or national boundary issue related to Mecca or Medina.

Like i said, Muslims should give up Jerusalem. I'm not saying they can't continue worshipping there. But they should give up all claims on controlling the city.
There is absolutely no justification for that.

It's crazier than Mexico demanding hunks of Ammerica back.

The current status quo with the Israeli sovereignty and the Palestinian portion seem to be very near to the end state solution. There is no reasonable expectation that the Israelis are going to surrender in the face of Hostile Arab Palestinian violence and coercion.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians prefer the course of violence in the form of the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters rather than using the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States.

Most Respectfully,
It is the Old Furrfy,Rocco...Other Arabs will attack Israel..NO THEY WILL NOT.......You are not a stupid man R,far from it,there could be and should be a negotiated Peace............this is a Jewish-Palestinian schism......Other Arab Countries don't give a FIG about Jews or the Palestinians

But you and I do and the rest of the posters on here..steve

The Khartoum resolution puts the brakes on any possible peace talks ever taking place, might I advise you look it up ?
WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that

Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,

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