US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

Jerusalem belongs to Christians and Jews. It's their holiest site. Muslims have Mecca & Medina, and other holy sites. They should let Jerusalem go. Give it back to the Christians and Jews.

It was our holiest site 600 years before the pedophile Mohammed the goatfucker was even born.

It was our until the goatfuckers took it from us.... From the Byzantines, actually.

Then we took it back during the Crusades -- Which were about taking back the lands the goatfuckers too from us in the first place.

We left the land to them with th understanding that it would be free to visiting Christians and Jews.

But now goatfuckers want to renege on that deal. Surprise!

And Jews are kicking some goatfucker ass -- Again.

You'd think that, after a while, they'd get tired of fighting and dying for a lost cause.

But that's all that sick culture knows.

Goatfuckers have no art, they have no literature to speak of, they have no science, they have no culture, they have no music, they have no animal husbandry, their agriculture is primitive, they treat their women like pack animals, they mutilate their genitalia, goatfuckers have no work ethic, all they've ever known is conquest and enslavement of the conquered people to do their work for them, they have no engineering.....

And the people that side them are even more stupid.

If people would study the history of those people, they'd turn away, revolted by their past.

If the goatfuckers want to join the peace-loving Countries of the world in the 21st Century, they need to get out of the 7th Century first.

I have absolutely no sympathy for them whatsoever. The Jews can kill every last one of them, AFAIC
You and your side lost Odium. You have been kicked to the curb from one end of the nation to the other so you should go back to school once Trump drains the liberal teachers and professors from that swamp of propaganda....: )
You idiots blame liberals for everything. Odium is on record as being a big Trump cheerleader like you.
Screw Islam. They have declared war on us since Thomas Jefferson was president.
This is why we have a Navy and a Marine Corps, and why we were forced to fight in Tripoli,
Even back then they were calling us Sinners and attacked us for no reason simply because it was their duty to attack Infidels.
Jefferson said Phuck Em and sent The Marines to Tripoli and wasted their asses.
I say Phuck Them today.

I don't give one flying phuck what a jihadist thinks of me or my Country. They can serve allah In Hell.....and I'll be happy to send them to their demon god for the cost of a bullet.
"declairing war on Muslims".

Well, some muslims seem to think that the fact that non Muslims are even breathing, is a war declaration on all Muslims.

So really, nobody cares.
You idiots blame liberals for everything. Odium is on record as being a big Trump cheerleader like you
He is an idiot truth-er...if he voted for Trump then good for him but he is out there....way out there.
Jerusalem belongs to Christians and Jews. It's their holiest site. Muslims have Mecca & Medina, and other holy sites. They should let Jerusalem go. Give it back to the Christians and Jews.
Its just as holy to the Muslims.
You and your side lost Odium. You have been kicked to the curb from one end of the nation to the other so you should go back to school once Trump drains the liberal teachers and professors from that swamp of propaganda....: )
You idiots blame liberals for everything. Odium is on record as being a big Trump cheerleader like you.
Now now you are using FACTS,as we have seen republicans are NOT fond of FACTS.
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
You stand with Muslims against your own countrymen?


Oh, by the way...

Phukk you, little Jew-hating asswipe...

Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the (now) Eternal Capital of (now) Eternal Israel, sounds like a marvelous idea...

Especially if it pisses off Muslim Palestinians, and Muslim ass-kissers like you...
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
You stand with Muslims against your own countrymen?


Oh, by the way...

Phukk you, little Jew-hating asswipe...

Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the (now) Eternal Capital of (now) Eternal Israel, sounds like a marvelous idea...

Especially if it pisses off Muslim Palestinians, and Muslim ass-kissers like you...
What "countrymen"? I don't consider myself "american" because being an "american" means nothing....any tom dick or harry can come here and be called an American. I am a WHITE MAN and yes I stand with my fellow WHITE MAN against our enemies and in this case the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
You stand with Muslims against your own countrymen?


Oh, by the way...

Phukk you, little Jew-hating asswipe...

Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the (now) Eternal Capital of (now) Eternal Israel, sounds like a marvelous idea...

Especially if it pisses off Muslim Palestinians, and Muslim ass-kissers like you...
What's your objective for Israel?

You're consistently great with the ad hom, but there never seems to be anything of value in your posts.

So, just curious.
...What's your objective for Israel? You're consistently great with the ad hom, but there never seems to be anything of value in your posts. So, just curious.
The fricken useless UN is NOT the world dumbass.
You REALLY are dumb

sorry dude but that would be you. The UN is nothing but a money sucking group of globalists who are determined to bring the USA to its knees, destroy Israel, and let radical islamists run free. It serves no useful purpose, it has no power, it is a total waste.
...What's your objective for Israel? You're consistently great with the ad hom, but there never seems to be anything of value in your posts. So, just curious.
Not even Israel has been in favor of that, as it would put at serious risk the idea of there being a Jewish state.

Plus, there is the aspect that it represents military conquest for land acquisition. And, that is also illegal.

Plus, it has nothing to do with stealing the property of Palestinians - bulldozing their homes, destroying their orchards, stealing their water rights. The fact of the matter is that ethnic cleansing is illegal.

You need to think about this. You're making no sense.
The Muslims built their mosque on top of sacred Jewish/Christian land. That's what Muslims did when they conquered territory. Jerusalem holds no real spiritual significance to them. It's only a symbol of conquest.

Muslims have their most sacred holy sites in Mecca & Medina and elsewhere. However, Jerusalem is the most important holy site for Jews and Christians. Muslims should simply do the right thing and return Jerusalem to them. I think that gesture would lead to a real lasting peace.
same threat as usual they have used for decades

From Iran and Hamas, it is to be expected
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

You are full of shit. It's the Muslims that need to leave Israel alone. They hate having non-Muslims in their midst and they've been assholes for centuries.

We should stand with Israel, not with a bunch of violent countries who don't even help their own. Not a damn one is stepping up to help refugees because they don't want the trouble. They leave it to us and don't even pay. Fuck them.

Of course, the inbred idiots would see this as an act of war. Any offense causes them to attack. Maybe they need to live and let live for once instead of pushing their oppressive government on the world.
Jerusalem is merely a symbol of conquest for Muslims. It holds no significant spiritual value to them. They have Mecca & Medina and other holy sites. But Jerusalem is the most holy land for Christians and Jews. Muslims should consider returning it. It would likely lead to a lasting peace.
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

You are full of shit. It's the Muslims that need to leave Israel alone. They hate having non-Muslims in their midst and they've been assholes for centuries.

We should stand with Israel, not with a bunch of violent countries who don't even help their own. Not a damn one is stepping up to help refugees because they don't want the trouble. They leave it to us and don't even pay. Fuck them.

Of course, the inbred idiots would see this as an act of war. Any offense causes them to attack. Maybe they need to live and let live for once instead of pushing their oppressive government on the world.

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