US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that
Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,
Sometimes Rocco the Remedies make the illness worse,as in this case ...steve
WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that
Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,
Sometimes Rocco the Remedies make the illness worse,as in this case ...steve

you are wrong!

Rocco rocks!!!!:thup:
WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that
Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,
Sometimes Rocco the Remedies make the illness worse,as in this case ...steve

you are wrong!

Rocco rocks!!!!:thup:
I am err Never Wrong,just better insights...But Rocco does Rock most of the time
Where have you been? Muslims have already declared war on Israel. Didn't you see the latest attack on a group of cadets who were nothing but kids waiting to board a bus? How can you respect a post that uses terms like "kosher ass" and threatens Americans with harm?

He's a Nazi. What else is new?

Unlike the vast majority of vicious anti-Semites in this forum, however, he isn't a leftist.
Racial Socialist and I am anti Jew moron....Arabs are semites as well ya fuckin clown.

look up the term boy ...get it straight..."fucking clown"


a person who discriminates against or is prejudiced or hostile toward Jews.

the definition of anti-Semite


WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that
Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,
Sometimes Rocco the Remedies make the illness worse,as in this case ...steve

Ask yourself what you would feel if the UN and the islamic world carved up Australia so they could eventually rule the world. Because it will come if you allow them to steal Israeli lands granted under international treaty. Forget your Jew hatred and start thinking of what is best for the rest of the world
WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that
Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,
Sometimes Rocco the Remedies make the illness worse,as in this case ...steve

you are wrong!

Rocco rocks!!!!:thup:
I am err Never Wrong,just better insights...But Rocco does Rock most of the time

You are always wrong as shown by the number of times you are pulled up over your lies. Your insights come straight from the pages of the hate sites.
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
Good. It's about time we started fighting back. We need to nuke fucking Mecca. Fuck them rag heads.
Bout as much as you jacking off to dead Muslim children and dead pregnant women. :) You are an Anti American scum who puts foreign country BEFORE anything even remotely American.

Here's your pals scumbag -- And these are REAL. These children REALLY ARE murdering these men.

Your pals.


The first victim is zip-tied to the interior of a tilting, spinning disk ride. A boy about 7 years old ascends the stairs and is handed a knife by a black-clad ISIS member. He covers the victim's eyes with one hand before being given a signal by the adult jihadist. The boy then saws at the victim's throat. When done, he wipes off both sides of the knife on the victim's white T-shirt.

The ride is then slowly spun with the victim's head sitting on the floor of the interior.

Nuke Mecca.
It's the only way to defeat them.
You can't let these animals continue to live.
Without Mecca they'll lose directions. Stop being Muslims.
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

The fact you call Dylan Roof a hero in your sig line speaks volumes about you. You are sick.
Nah, it's just moving an embassy to the part of Jerusalem that its citizens have as their capital.

If "Muslims" want to declare war on us, for that or any other reason, bring it on.

+1 ^^^ this. We should have had an embassy in Jerusalem long ago.

And there is another member of the Fatah that has threatened that the "Gates of Hell" will open on Israel and the rest of the world. Check his name:

“All chances for peace and stability will be lost,” said Fatah Revolutionary Council member Osama Qawasmeh. “The gates of hell will be opened in the region and the world.”

Link: Palestinian official: 'Gates of hell will open' if Trump moves embassy | World Israel News

And as Little Acorn said, if they want to attack the world and especially the U.S. for doing this, I say, Bring It. One day I hope we stop fighting wars based on political correctness and go back to Sherman's march style.
Nah, it's just moving an embassy to the part of Jerusalem that its citizens have as their capital.

If "Muslims" want to declare war on us, for that or any other reason, bring it on.

+1 ^^^ this. We should have had an embassy in Jerusalem long ago.

And there is another member of the Fatah that has threatened that the "Gates of Hell" will open on Israel and the rest of the world. Check his name:

“All chances for peace and stability will be lost,” said Fatah Revolutionary Council member Osama Qawasmeh. “The gates of hell will be opened in the region and the world.”

Link: Palestinian official: 'Gates of hell will open' if Trump moves embassy | World Israel News

And as Little Acorn said, if they want to attack the world and especially the U.S. for doing this, I say, Bring It. One day I hope we stop fighting wars based on political correctness and go back to Sherman's march style.
You're going to need a time machine for that strategy to work.

And, our military knows that.
WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that
Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,
Sometimes Rocco the Remedies make the illness worse,as in this case ...steve

Ask yourself what you would feel if the UN and the islamic world carved up Australia so they could eventually rule the world. Because it will come if you allow them to steal Israeli lands granted under international treaty. Forget your Jew hatred and start thinking of what is best for the rest of the world
Mmmmm Pheo I have a slight problem with your post.....Wasn't/Isn't the Jews that STOLE the Palestinians Land.....EEEEEErrrrrrrr methinks it is your Zionist Brethren that will try to Carve up the Worlds Land,given half a chance......We do not fear the Muslims but as History has shown...we do fear....Wolves/Zionists in Sheeps see Pheo....not only am I bright but I'm RIGHT...steve
WillReadmore, et al,

Yes, this is a common perspective, but not the only perspective.

Wow, you could not be more wrong if you tried.

I could be wrong, but not necessarily wrong. And if I am wrong, I'm not unique.

I do not think that President Mahmoud Abbas is honest in any presentation and efforts he has claimed to have been made. AND, remember, the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) is more than one persona. The two best known factions (HAMAS and FATAH/PLO) have different perspective that are almost 180º out of phase. One see the conflict as more centered on the creation of Israel in 1948; with the other seeing the conflict more centered on the 1967 Six Day War and the response to Arab League military staging of forces.

If, like with those that hold the conflict will end only with the demise and disassembly of Israel, are not actually working towards a peace but a surrender to Arab Domination.

- Abbas has worked closely with the ADF, earning their recognition in combating those eho are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

There is no such thing - that the HoAP and Abbas are are so fed up with Israeli crimes that they are ready to sacrifice their lives. I'm not even sure on what level this is ambiguous. It would be much more accurate to say that
Thursday, 05 January 2017 | Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the 52nd anniversary of its first attack against Israel last week in a series of Facebook posts glorifying Palestinian terrorists. (Bridges for Peace 5 January 2017)

Palestinian President Abbas’ Party Praises 1972 Terror Attack on Israeli Airport (Breitbart News 21May 2016 by by DEBORAH DANAN)

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers ---

If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.

It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children. (The Commentator)​

- Israel is carrying out the crime of ethnic cleansing for years now - bulldozing peoples homes, destroying their agriculture, stealkng their water rights.

Yes, I hear this all the time. This is a reinterpretation of what is meant by "Ethnic Cleansing" and has become a tool merely to incite violence.
  • bulldozing peoples homes,
  • destroying their agriculture,
  • stealing their water rights.
“Ethnic cleansing” has been defined as the attempt to get rid of (through deportation, displacement or even mass killing) members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous geographic area. Though “cleansing” campaigns for ethnic or religious reasons have existed throughout history, the rise of extreme nationalist movements during the 20th century led to an unprecedented level of ethnically motivated brutality, including the Turkish massacre of Armenians during World War I; the Nazi Holocaust’s annihilation of some six million European Jews; and the forced displacement and mass killings carried out in the former Yugoslavia and the African country of Rwanda during the 1990s.
(History Channel Vault Published 2009 re-released 15 January 2017)
This is a closely related charge to "Genocide" (RS Article 6 ICC) and "Crimes Against Humanity" (RS Article 7, ICC). (Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)

These are broad allegations that are incredibly difficult to defend against because they are unspecified to a specific event. It is a form of mud that is slung around in the hopes that something stick and in an effect to incite emotional anti-Israeli response.

The one central requirement is for Israel to leave the property they have stolen - surely the least possible step to get Israel righg with the law.

Again, this is a broad and undefined allegation "property they have stolen" as a prerequisite without a chance of resolution without the application of either the dispute resolution clauses in the two Oslo Accords, or under the general concept of settling international disputes by peaceful means.

The HoAP cannot truly claim the moral high ground or the right to be portrayed as a virtual victim when they make claims AND NOT pursue the remedies open and available to assist in the resolution. And all during the time since May 1948, the preferred method of conflict resolution is Jihad and armed struggle using terrorism as a foundation.

Most Respectfully,
Sometimes Rocco the Remedies make the illness worse,as in this case ...steve

Ask yourself what you would feel if the UN and the islamic world carved up Australia so they could eventually rule the world. Because it will come if you allow them to steal Israeli lands granted under international treaty. Forget your Jew hatred and start thinking of what is best for the rest of the world
Mmmmm Pheo I have a slight problem with your post.....Wasn't/Isn't the Jews that STOLE the Palestinians Land.....EEEEEErrrrrrrr methinks it is your Zionist Brethren that will try to Carve up the Worlds Land,given half a chance......We do not fear the Muslims but as History has shown...we do fear....Wolves/Zionists in Sheeps see Pheo....not only am I bright but I'm RIGHT...steve

"We do not fear the Muslims..."

bet he'd disagree dude....

The so called Palestinians (which are just invading squatting Arabs from neighboring lands) have always tried to incite the Muslim world to join their desire to commit genocide on Jews in their own holyland. It goes back to the Mufti's days. What else is new.
The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the native people. The colonizing Jews came from Europe. Just a fact. Your alternative facts are lies. Ask Kelly Ann.
Yada yada yada, all of this propaganda is meaningless of course, when the US flag is raised from its embassy in Jerusalem. :clap2:
The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the native people. The colonizing Jews came from Europe. Just a fact. Your alternative facts are lies. Ask Kelly Ann.
Muslims and Christians are just more recent colonizers of the geographic area you erroneously believe to be your invented "country of Pal'istan".

It's not surprising that you ignore the history of colonization by Moslems and Christians and instead, focus your every waking moment obsessing about Jewish history, but that only serves to further weaken your silly cut and paste arguments.
Hollie, montelatici, et al,

These are all good points in history. But they are not critical or germane to the principle issues. These are Principle issues are survival, protection, preservation and security for the future of the culture and the people associated with the culture.

Oddly enough, many nations throughout the world have something on the order of our Endangered Species Act of 1973. The concept behind the survival, protection, preservation and security of the Israelis is a corollary. We want to make the Jewish National Home (JNH) a safe haven for a culture endangered by the Tyranny of an Arab Majority --- a Majority that will not recognize the legitimacy of Israel or the presence in any part of Palestine.

The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the native people. The colonizing Jews came from Europe. Just a fact. Your alternative facts are lies. Ask Kelly Ann.
Muslims and Christians are just more recent colonizers of the geographic area you erroneously believe to be your invented "country of Pal'istan".

It's not surprising that you ignore the history of colonization by Moslems and Christians and instead, focus your every waking moment obsessing about Jewish history, but that only serves to further weaken your silly cut and paste arguments.

There is a very large puzzle --- here --- in which two pieces need to be custom fit together. There was an interesting comment made on the last page of the UK History of Administration. After the Higher Arab Executive and the Jewish Agency rejected the last of the British proposals, the Mandatory described it as an "irreconcilable conflict of principles."

The introduction of the UN Special Committee on Palestine submitted recommendations to the General Assembly and the subsequent events thereafter; which crumbled into the conflict we experience today.

As long as peace and stability take second place to conflict, there can be no solution.

Most Respectfully,
The so called Palestinians (which are just invading squatting Arabs from neighboring lands) have always tried to incite the Muslim world to join their desire to commit genocide on Jews in their own holyland. It goes back to the Mufti's days. What else is new.
Really Rouds,at times your prose is pretty good....on the other hand,posts like this are inaccurate(A Lie) and really compromise yourself at times.
Yada yada yada, all of this propaganda is meaningless of course, when the US flag is raised from its embassy in Jerusalem. :clap2:
Yada Yar...the New Administration in America are seen as a JOKE,the Israelis at the moment are treating the World like Court Jesters regrettably they are treating some Americans like Village Idiots,mind you the Don's pro-Israel stand on everything,is to a degree influenced by his Jewish is amazing and worrying how many world leaders today are Jewish.....I mean Zionists...steve

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