US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

Wake up kangaroo brain, there's a new sheriff in town, and when he promises something, he usually follows through. The US flag will rise from its embassy in Jerusalem.
The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the native people. The colonizing Jews came from Europe. Just a fact. Your alternative facts are lies. Ask Kelly Ann.
Israelites have been a part of Israel since Biblical times. Israelites are Jews.
That is absolutely irrelevant to issues of property ownership.

Ethnic cleanding is ALWAYS a crime.
The exception to that is called The Islamist Middle East.
Wake up kangaroo brain, there's a new sheriff in town, and when he promises something, he usually follows through. The US flag will rise from its embassy in Jerusalem.
Who are you suggesting usually follows through???
The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the native people. The colonizing Jews came from Europe. Just a fact. Your alternative facts are lies. Ask Kelly Ann.
Israelites have been a part of Israel since Biblical times. Israelites are Jews.
That is absolutely irrelevant to issues of property ownership.

Ethnic cleanding is ALWAYS a crime.
You mean like what Arabs and Muslims have been doing for centuries since the inception of Islam?
The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the native people. The colonizing Jews came from Europe. Just a fact. Your alternative facts are lies. Ask Kelly Ann.
Israelites have been a part of Israel since Biblical times. Israelites are Jews.
That is absolutely irrelevant to issues of property ownership.

Ethnic cleanding is ALWAYS a crime.
You mean like what Arabs and Muslims have been doing for centuries since the inception of Islam?
Are you trying yo form an argument in favor of ethnic cleansing?
Conversion does not have anything to do with ethnic cleansing. In 380 AD with the Edict of Thessalonica, the Palestinians of all religions had to convert to Christianity in order to maintain residence in Palestine. After the Muslims conquered Palestine in 636 AD, Christians began to slowly convert to Islam, but it took a long time. Most Palestinians were still Christians when the Crusaders retook Palestine in 1099 AD.

So, there was no ethnic cleansing, just conversion to different religions. The people's ancestors never changed.
I rather think Roudy was talking about the fact that Jews and Christians are increasingly and deliberately rare in Muslim nations. But, surely, you, monte, can't be arguing that forced conversion is morally acceptable.
Most were already Christians as conversion to Christianity had begun three centuries earlier, so making it a law that only Christians could reside in Palestine did not affect many, just a few hold-outs that had continued to practice Judaism, Samaritanism and of course the Roman religion. It probably improved integration and societal peace, given the times.

Even today, it would be much better if the Muslim migrants would convert to Christianity when they arrive in Europe. Apparently, this is already happening.
The Muslims and Christians of Palestine are the native people. The colonizing Jews came from Europe. Just a fact. Your alternative facts are lies. Ask Kelly Ann.

And there were absolutely NO Jews left in Israel after Rome converted to Christianity, right? I'll give you a hint. Tzfat, aka Safed is just one place.
Non-Christians, could not reside in Palestine, that was the law.

Some Jews from Spain, who did not want to convert to Christianity, did go to Palestine after the Reconquista in 1492, to be resettled within the Ottoman Empire and some settled in Safed. But, as the British said, there were only a handful of them before the European Zionist migration/invasion.
I can see this thread is beginning to derail into an historical narrative....let's meander back to the topic shall we?
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.
If you are one of those Americans who think that the Israelis are occupiers of Palestine, you might want to pack up and get out of the United States, as the vast majority of the land in America, was stolen and a genocide conducted on the people that lived here first, who still live here and would like to have their land back, so pack up and leave....occupier.
Not many people actually convert TO Judaism, thus most Jews have an ancestral link to Israel, however distant. And, as in the Native Americans case, those that have continued living there throughout history to the present, would like to have the land that was taken from them by marauding Muslim armies. When Islam/Muslims conquer an area, their teachings are that the area they conquered is theirs forever and if the land they conquered is taken away from them, the ones who took the land from them, even if the ones taking back the land were descendants of the original inhabitants, they are considered occupiers. So, once they control some territory....Israel....Germany....Sweden....America, it is theirs and anyone who takes it back is an occupier.

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