US moving embassy to Jerusalem is declaration of war on ALL MUSLIMS

Inserting the US where it didn't belong is how we got 9/11. Shouldn't we have learned our lesson?

Leave it to dimocrap scum to want to preemptively surrender.

To anybody

For any reason

Real or imagined
LOL Saudi Arabia ring a bell snowflake? Also what kind of "friend" spies on you,attacks your ship and tries to sink it and then conspires with the US president to try and sneak it and blame it on Egypt? Keep lying and I will keep dismantling
You do not know what you are talking about snowflake...enjoy the last days of President Hussain Obama about ignorance. Google USS Liberty,there was a book written by an actual sailor on the ship and how it was NOT an accident but a deliberate attack designed to bring US into the war they were in. Google Jonathan Pollard. Netanyahu Secretly Visits Arch Spy Jonathan Pollard In Prison
If people would study the shit Jews were put through over the Centuries, they might have a little bit more sympathy for their plight.

But, you can't educate people too stupid to learn.

So you'll be giving your property back to whichever Indian tribe once lived there?


We killed them all.

Every last one of them.

Works every time
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

What happened to our Trump supporter?

Let me guess, if voting Hillary meant throwing Israel to the Islamic hordes you would have voted Hillary, right?
LOL I voted for Trump dumbass. 14-0 remember that. The WORLD has spoken the US is but one nation
I just spoke with President Trump he told me to tell you to stick your vote up your ass he does not want the vote of a jew hating piece of shit like you. Before 9-11 you may have found an ear here but not now. How easily some of us forget. Shame on you.
Put us all on ignore you little fucktard Muslim loving Jew hater, your days are done. The world is changing and dweebs like you are going to be left behind.
idiot. A1PAC is losing sway over younger jews who see their militaristic tactics as gaining nothing. Thats why J Street was started you 'tard
idiot. A1PAC is losing sway over younger jews who see their militaristic tactics as gaining nothing. Thats why J Street was started you 'tard
Go wash your filthy
nightshirt you dirty Muslim...
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

What happened to our Trump supporter?

Let me guess, if voting Hillary meant throwing Israel to the Islamic hordes you would have voted Hillary, right?
Pft hell no. What happened was Trump lied. He is more anxious to start a new fight in the ME to please Israel than he is to fix America. I would have NEVER voted for Clinton.
WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

What happened to our Trump supporter?

Let me guess, if voting Hillary meant throwing Israel to the Islamic hordes you would have voted Hillary, right?
Pft hell no. What happened was Trump lied. He is more anxious to start a new fight in the ME to please Israel than he is to fix America. I would have NEVER voted for Clinton.

In case you had not noticed, Islam is taking over the world.

You may want to take step back before siding with them.
LOL I voted for Trump dumbass. 14-0 remember that. The WORLD has spoken the US is but one nation
I just spoke with President Trump he told me to tell you to stick your vote up your ass he does not want the vote of a jew hating piece of shit like you. Before 9-11 you may have found an ear here but not now. How easily some of us forget. Shame on you.
You mean when the Bush Admin,Mossad and Saudi Arabia attacked the twin towers to give Bush a reason to attack Iraq under pressure from Israel based on lies.
You and your side lost Odium. You have been kicked to the curb from one end of the nation to the other so you should go back to school once Trump drains the liberal teachers and professors from that swamp of propaganda....: )
LOL I voted for Trump dumbass. 14-0 remember that. The WORLD has spoken the US is but one nation :)

The fricken useless UN is NOT the world dumbass. The UN is nothing but a money sucking bunch of America hating assholes. Screw em. Stop funding that waste and those assholes.
You mean when the Bush Admin,Mossad and Saudi Arabia attacked the twin towers to give Bush a reason to attack Iraq under pressure from Israel based on lies.
OMG you're an idiot truth-er.... I'm done with you. Wasted my time here. You must either be 75 or 80 or you are under 20...under educated or senile. The only answer.

In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.

Only scumbags and dimocraps side with goatfuckers.

Same thing, really
LOL I voted for Trump dumbass. 14-0 remember that. The WORLD has spoken the US is but one nation
I just spoke with President Trump he told me to tell you to stick your vote up your ass he does not want the vote of a jew hating piece of shit like you. Before 9-11 you may have found an ear here but not now. How easily some of us forget. Shame on you.
You mean when the Bush Admin,Mossad and Saudi Arabia attacked the twin towers to give Bush a reason to attack Iraq under pressure from Israel based on lies.

Oh, here we go. "Bush did 9/11" you are one sick dude. "the jews control the world" Next you will be praising Hitler and saying he had it right.

Get the fuck off this message board, you are a traitor to everything that matters to decent human beings.
You mean when the Bush Admin,Mossad and Saudi Arabia attacked the twin towers to give Bush a reason to attack Iraq under pressure from Israel based on lies.

AND a Truffer.....

Does it get any worse?

WATCH: Senior Abbas Aide - Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem A 'Declaration Of War On All Muslims'

GO MUSLIMS! I am all in with the Muslims on this one. This is nothing more than the US once again picking a fight where one doesn't need to be picked. Enjoy the embassy going POOF.....Trump is already turning his back on America and kissing Israel's kosher ass and in the process putting AMERICANS in harms way.

What happened to our Trump supporter?

Let me guess, if voting Hillary meant throwing Israel to the Islamic hordes you would have voted Hillary, right?
Pft hell no. What happened was Trump lied. He is more anxious to start a new fight in the ME to please Israel than he is to fix America. I would have NEVER voted for Clinton.

In case you had not noticed, Islam is taking over the world.

You may want to take step back before siding with them.
Lets take a look BEHIND the curtain of WHO is pulling the strings and pushing these policies in Europe and America to let Muslims invade Europe and America....go ahead....

Unmasked: The Mastermind behind the Mass Invasion of Europe and His Plan in 8 Steps
Soros Admits Involvement In Migrant Crisis: ‘National Borders Are The Obstacle’
Jews Push Muslim “Refugees” on US - The New Observer
Jews at “Forefront of Welcoming” Invasion - The New Observer

I can keep going if you want but I doubt the FACTS matter to people. They don't want to see what they THINK they know questioned so they refuse to look at the other side of the coin.
The OP is a truth-er end of story. No need to try and help him. Don't bother to try and teach him the physics of melting steel or the speed of a jetliner or for Gods sake don't try and convince him that Muslims hate us and want us dead. He must have been in the womb on 9-11. Our schools are a shameful disaster.

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