US opinions regarding man made global warming - per Gallup Polling

Hey Crick. Why don't you marry the Gretta nutcase? Then the two of you could spend the rest of your lives harping on this climate change bullshit and we can ridicule you for it?
Did I say some Constitutional rights were being violated? Where was that?
I don't debate straw men, kid.

There's this: Just asking questions regarding how authoritarian you’re willing to get to enforce your “required” beliefs regarding climate change. You seem to think we’re a democracy, which, if true, would mean 51% of the population could vote to enslave the other 49%.

And this: Just don’t force your paranoia on everyone else.

And this: I don't care about democracy if it subverts individual rights. The rule of law is necessary up to the point that it subverts individual rights.

And this: Do you support the use of government to force compliance with your opinions?

And this: How would you enforce this "requirement"? Under penalty of law?

And this: Are you included in the group of people who feel the need to control the choices of others who don't share your opinions regarding climate change?

Crick said: If you can't name any you might consider whether or not you ought to be voicing such a concern.
Nor do I take advice on what I might consider doing from MMGW dingbats.
Your call.
There's this: Just asking questions regarding how authoritarian you’re willing to get to enforce your “required” beliefs regarding climate change. You seem to think we’re a democracy, which, if true, would mean 51% of the population could vote to enslave the other 49%.
And this: Just don’t force your paranoia on everyone else.
And this: I don't care about democracy if it subverts individual rights. The rule of law is necessary up to the point that it subverts individual rights.
And this: Do you support the use of government to force compliance with your opinions?
And this: How would you enforce this "requirement"? Under penalty of law?
And this: Are you included in the group of people who feel the need to control the choices of others who don't share your opinions regarding climate change?
Nothing on violating Constitutional rights there, kiddo.
Effort: A
Execution: F
You're not very good at this.
Try smarter next time.
You are obsessed with this climate change scam, aren't you?
I am concerned about anthropogenic global warming and humanity's pathetic response to it.
That is all you ever post about.
You are one dumb asshole.
How many times have I corrected you on this forum? I guess that must smart.
Go hide under your bed and maybe climate change won't get you there.
It will get you eventually wherever you go. But some places will be comfortable longer. And I'll be there first. When you finally realize you need to react, you'll find a lot of people have beat you to it. Make certain to tell them how dumb they've been. That'll help.
Hey Crick. Why don't you marry the Gretta nutcase? Then the two of you could spend the rest of your lives harping on this climate change bullshit and we can ridicule you for it?
So, are you of the opinion that there is no global warming?
I am concerned about anthropogenic global warming and humanity's pathetic response to it
I’m not concerned about something that doesn’t exist and millions of others aren’t as well. Yet you wish to take away my and their liberty based on nonsense you can’t articulate! And you scream at others about constitutional rights? Hahaha haha
I’m not concerned about something that doesn’t exist and millions of others aren’t as well. Yet you wish to take away my and their liberty based on nonsense you can’t articulate! And you scream at others about constitutional rights? Hahaha haha
What liberty of yours do you believe I wish to take away?
What liberty of yours do you believe I wish to take away?
When you require actions from other free people, you take away their liberty.
requires sincere and committed action from all of us.
How about you just do your thing and stop haranguing everyone else?

If I were in your shoes, I'd approach it like this:

I'm really concerned about the possible effects mans' activities have on our climate.
Here are some charts and info I've collected that show a correlation: (charts & studies).
I'm going to do my best to avoid doing things I think affect the climate, and it would be awesome if you'd consider it, too.
In the end we're free to make our own decisions regarding such things, but if I can convince you to join my crusade, I think we might be able to slow or stop climate change.

Thanks for considering!
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When you require actions from other free people, you take away their liberty.
You have no responsibilities as a citizen of this nation? Obey the laws? Pay your taxes? Vote?
How about you just do your thing and stop haranguing everyone else?
The only haranguing I do here is correcting people putting out demonstrable falsehoods.
If I were in your shoes, I'd approach it like this:

I'm really concerned about the possible effects mans' activities have on our climate.
Here are some charts and info I've collected that show a correlation: (charts & studies).
I'm going to do my best to avoid doing things I think affect the climate, and it would be awesome if you'd consider it, too.
In the end we're free to make our own decisions regarding such things, but if I can convince you to join my crusade, I think we might be able to slow or stop climate change.

Thanks for considering!
This is a discussion forum not a bulletin board.
You have no responsibilities as a citizen of this nation? Obey the laws? Pay your taxes? Vote?
I do some of those things. I certainly don’t need more piled upon me by MMGW wingnuts.

The only haranguing I do here is correcting people putting out demonstrable falsehoods.
You do it in such a condescending, know-it-all, jackass way that you hurt your own cause, dummy.
I do some of those things. I certainly don’t need more piled upon me by MMGW wingnuts.

You do it in such a condescending, know-it-all, jackass way that you hurt your own cause, dummy.
Thanks for the advice.
You have no responsibilities as a citizen of this nation?
responsibility as a citizen? hahahahaahahahahahahaha, what the fk does that even mean? It's the new condemnation that demofks created to justify mandating compliance to their nonsense. Hilarious.

BTW, the oath takers in office swore to defend our borders, and that is violated daily.

Obey the laws?
What law says I have to take a shot? Name it. Ever hear of Hipaa law? You fkers have violated mine for three years now. Every business who has complied to the nonsense has. Forcing citizens to do is not American.

Pay your taxes?
How utterly stupid of a question that is. LOL. Ever hear of the IRS? dummass.
Voter fraud through illegal mail in balloting hurts other american voters. Period.

BTW, I'm still waiting on an explanation on how voter ID is intrusive to the voting process.
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responsibility as a citizen? hahahahaahahahahahahaha, what the fk does that even mean? It's the new condemnation that demofks created to justify mandating compliance to their nonsense. Hilarious.
Obeying the law?
What law says I have to take a shot? Name it.
If you want your children to attend public schools they have to get certain vaccinations. That has been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS. At no point during the pandemic were people forced to get vaccinations they didn't want, it was simply required to engage in certain activities in public places. But the range of emergency powers the medical authorities possess does contain more vigorous actions. If the world began to suffer some transmissible disease with a truly high fatality rate but that could be prevented by an injection, I have no problem seeing forced injections. Ebola could have becomes such a thing.
Ever hear of Hipaa law?
My wife worked in the medical field. I am quite familiar with HIPAA.
You fkers have violated mine for three years now.
I haven't done shit to you.
Every business who has complied to the nonsense has. Forcing citizens to do is not American.
I have no idea what you're talking about but your last line is some bullshit. You were forced to attend school. You were forced to get vaccinations. You were forced to get a drivers license if you wanted to drive. You were forced to register for the Selective Service. You've been forced to pay taxes on the money you've earned. Depending on what you do for a living you have been subject to all manner of government rules and regulations. You are forced to obey the law. And I'm quite certain you complied with it all.
Voter fraud through illegal mail in balloting hurts other american voters. Period.
It would if it actually took place. Period.
If you want your children to attend public schools they have to get certain vaccinations. That has been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS. At no point during the pandemic were people forced to get vaccinations they didn't want, it was simply required to engage in certain activities in public places. But the range of emergency powers the medical authorities possess does contain more vigorous actions. If the world began to suffer some transmissible disease with a truly high fatality rate but that could be prevented by an injection, I have no problem seeing forced injections. Ebola could have becomes such a thing.

State law not only establishes exemptions for school vaccination requirements, but also establishes requirements regarding the exemption application process. This graph, with 2019 data, highlights selected attributes of school vaccination exemption laws, which are reviewed in the Public Health Law Program’s assessment (linked above).
I have no idea what you're talking about but your last line is some bullshit. You were forced to attend school. You were forced to get vaccinations. You were forced to get a drivers license if you wanted to drive. You were forced to register for the Selective Service. You've been forced to pay taxes on the money you've earned. Depending on what you do for a living you have been subject to all manner of government rules and regulations. You are forced to obey the law. And I'm quite certain you complied with it all.
funny, we say get a voter ID to vote and you all lose your shit. But you implicate the nonsense by saying forced to get a driver's license. Hilarious. Plenty of people operate a car without a license. Most likely every illegal alien in this country and it isn't enforced at all. You spew nonsense daily in here that is debunked at almost every thread.
what law states I have to take medicine?
Current state and federal emergency powers laws allow certain individual liberties and property rights to be temporarily abridged to enable officials to respond quickly and flexibly to health emergencies. For example, the government can physically confine people infected with or exposed to a communicable disease or assume control of private property to stem the spread of disease or procure necessary supplies. The laws grant individuals some procedural protections, but officials can impose a broad range of emergency orders with limited oversight. The main accountability checks are legislative override of governors’ emergency declarations and time limits on emergency orders.

funny, we say get a voter ID to vote and you all lose your shit. But you implicate the nonsense by saying forced to get a driver's license. Hilarious. Plenty of people operate a car without a license. Most likely every illegal alien in this country and it isn't enforced at all. You spew nonsense daily in here that is debunked at almost every thread.
Driving is not a right bestowed by the Constitution.

You knew that, right?
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