US Postal Service Pays 44 Cents to Make a 45 Cent Stamp

Hey OP you do realise the founders wrote the post office right into the constitution and were willing to PAY for it.

The Constitution says to establish post offices and post roads, there is nothing about delivery to your door or enduring gross mismanagement of the postal system. It's time we bring a venture capital firm to streighten their asses out.

Oh wait! Some folks think venture capitol firms that fixes mismanaged organizations are evil, so I guess we're screwed, we'll have to keep sending that money to Washington to let them waste it.

talking,reasoning or explaining things to liesmatters is like talking to a pile of shit...... nothing you say will change it.
This is no big deal. Barry said the long range plan is to make it up in the volume they'll produce. Who knew the friggin' idiot was an economic genius?
UPS and FEDX stinks to high heaven if you are a small business who ships to every state....with lightweight items. They are double to triple the price....

USPS First class mail and Priority Mail Flat rate ROCKS~

It is hard to imagine a more asinine position to take than this one. The US post office funds itself and has been fucked by Congress.

Privatizing essential services is fucking stupid.

Can you please elaborate on your position?


The U.S. Postal Service | Need to Know | PBS

So your saying the post office pays for itself, as long as they don't have to put money aside to pay for their retirees? You can't have a net profit when you not covering all expenses, so actually they are not paying for themselves. I knew a letter carrier in PR that was making 70+K per year 16 years ago, you can't pay those high salaries and related retirement cost and remain viable in a declining market.
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Hey OP you do realise the founders wrote the post office right into the constitution and were willing to PAY for it.

The Constitution says to establish post offices and post roads, there is nothing about delivery to your door or enduring gross mismanagement of the postal system. It's time we bring a venture capital firm to streighten their asses out.

Oh wait! Some folks think venture capitol firms that fixes mismanaged organizations are evil, so I guess we're screwed, we'll have to keep sending that money to Washington to let them waste it.

The post office is feeling the effects of the internet. Nobody writes letters anymore. Many don't even pay their bills through the mail. Sure there are tons of people who sell on Ebay/Amazon that the post offices caters to (you get discounts, and free delivery confirmation), but then the rise of craigslist even stifled that growth. Just do a simple search on craigslist in the sales section of wherever you live-and think about all of the potential business that the post office is losing from people who would put their items on ebay/amazon.

Ultimately the post office needs to change with the times. Not delivering mail on Saturdays would be a good start. Maybe rolling back the hours of some post offices, or getting more efficient routes.

I recently sent a package from Tampa to Miami, and tracked it. Where do you think the first stop was? JACKSONVILLE. Look at a map-it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that something's wrong with that picture.

You don't need a venture capitalist to sort out the post office. USPS is 100% constitutional, and really is a service that the government runs the best. They just need to cut out all of the stupid s*** that they do.

All I'm saying is they need to bring in some experts to aid them in cutting out the stupid stuff and helping them change with the times. If it were me I would cut Wed and Sat deliveries, but that woulld mean cutting the hours of delivery folks, and butting heads with the union contracts.
the post office in my region cut their hours, and they are eliminating a hub or 2....

my post office is only opened till 4 pm, when they close for lunch between 12pm and 1pm, there is no one there and it is closed during that hour....

THE PROBLEM is how they are now being required to fund their retirements upfront, thanks to republican legislation....where NO OTHER Private BUSINESS is forced by law to fund upfront, retirements of what was put on to the post office.....

this was done INTENTIONALLY to make them FAIL.
Neither workers nor our unions caused this crisis.
In 2006, Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. This law requires the Postal Service to do something that no other business or government agency has to do–pre-fund its FUTURE retiree health care benefits. This is a 75 year liability that has to be paid in 10 years. The Postal Service makes a payment of approximately $5.5 billion on September 30 at the end of every fiscal year to meet this obligation. The Post Office has been paying these benefits the past four years into a trust fund for employees who have not even been born yet. This is the burden that is creating the “financial crisis” for the Post Office. The recession that has gripped America the past few years has undoubtedly affected the Postal Service, but even in the worst economic times since the great depression, the USPS has had a net profit of $611 million dollars. Unfortunately, the red ink associated with the post office is the mandated pre-funding since 2006

What's the Real Story Behind the Postal Crisis? | MyFDL
I pay most of my bills online unless they are local. There are only a few I have to use stamps for..

US Postal Service Pays 44 Cents to Make a 45 Cent Stamp

I guess we all know how the Postal Service can manage to lose $25 Million a day! Of course, who would buy a 45 cent stamp when regular stamps are just 44 cents? Anyway, in a recent debate here I was told how excellent of an example the Postal Service is as a socialist model. Michelle Malkin proves otherwise here. Michelle Malkin » US Postal Service losses explained: Part XXXIV Or USA Today here. Holy cow! USPS stuck with 682M unsold 'Simpsons' stamps "Holy cow! USPS stuck with 682M unsold 'Simpsons' stamps "

the post office in my region cut their hours, and they are eliminating a hub or 2....

my post office is only opened till 4 pm, when they close for lunch between 12pm and 1pm, there is no one there and it is closed during that hour....

THE PROBLEM is how they are now being required to fund their retirements upfront, thanks to republican legislation....where NO OTHER Private BUSINESS is forced by law to fund upfront, retirements of what was put on to the post office.....

this was done INTENTIONALLY to make them FAIL.

their retirements... are all part of their ..... union deals.
the post office in my region cut their hours, and they are eliminating a hub or 2....

my post office is only opened till 4 pm, when they close for lunch between 12pm and 1pm, there is no one there and it is closed during that hour....

THE PROBLEM is how they are now being required to fund their retirements upfront, thanks to republican legislation....where NO OTHER Private BUSINESS is forced by law to fund upfront, retirements of what was put on to the post office.....

this was done INTENTIONALLY to make them FAIL.

their retirements... are all part of their ..... union deals.
you are much smarter than that comment syrenn....

they are being FORCED to fund their health care retirements out for the NEXT 75 YEARS, in just a 10 year period.

There is no, absolutely no private sector business nor gvt agency other than the post office that is being FORCED VIA THE 2006 LEGISLATION to fund the retirement


This was done intentionally to MAKE THEM FAIL.....

and it's bull crap.
It needs to be privatized over the next 10-20 years.

Eventually it will dawn on whichver company(s) get the privatization contract that they can't do it for a price anywhere near the cost it will need to be kept at and it will again have to be subsidized. People will still need to be able to mail their bills and such.

The smart thing to do would be to shift the cost to the creditor/service provider who can supply SASEs through the BRM program. It won't happen but that is what needs to transpire.

"Privatizing" it wouldn't involve handing a monopoly to a private company. That would be the stupid liberal solution to the problem. The liberal conception of the market bears no relation to reality.

Yes..that is why I said "company(s)". That is what us educated folks call "plural".

Your conception of English bears no relation to correctness.

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