US Preparing for a World Without Israel

If Israel behaves 'aggressively' towards other nations, you can bet there is a good reason for it.
In whose judgment?
Anyone who has researched those attacks.

I suppose it is anyone's opinion on weather the reason was good enough or not.

Why do you mention the weather? The Israeli's are murderous attack dogs trying to keep what they have stolen.
If Israel behaves 'aggressively' towards other nations, you can bet there is a good reason for it.
In whose judgment?
Anyone who has researched those attacks.

I suppose it is anyone's opinion on weather the reason was good enough or not.

Why do you mention the weather? The Israeli's are murderous attack dogs trying to keep what they have stolen.
View attachment 39128

You forgot a nicely poached egg on that.
The sources Page Six, PressTV, and Foreign Policy Journal are extremist, unregistered agents for the Arabs. Kissinger did not say anything about Israel being gone in ten years.

This is the type of journalism that Tea Party would love to emulate.
The sources Page Six, PressTV, and Foreign Policy Journal are extremist, unregistered agents for the Arabs. Kissinger did not say anything about Israel being gone in ten years.

This is the type of journalism that Tea Party would love to emulate.
Can you supply any evidence for your claims about my sources?
"The more these trends persist - and there is nothing on the horizon to stop them - in three, seven or 10 years, Israel will become more religious Zionist, zealous, insular and unrestrained.

"It will be at constant war with the surrounding countries, with many nations boycotting its products.

"Its economy, in which inequality will grow, will weaken, and the best of its secular-liberal young men and women will leave it for Canada or Kamchatka.

"Can a country like this continue to exist over time?

"You decide."

Your sources, buppski, are the same as "a man said on the street" type of journalism. They have no merit; I don't have to rebut them.

Your unregistered agents for Arab extremism are not acceptable.
Your sources, buppski, are the same as "a man said on the street" type of journalism. They have no merit; I don't have to rebut them.
Is that because you're incapable of rebutting them?
Who are you to decide which sources have merit?
Do you support the Jewish colonization of Palestine?

"Michael Ben-Yair, Attorney General of Israel, 1993-1996 (in Ha'aretz):

"'The Intifada is the Palestinian's people's war of national liberation. We [Israel] enthusiastically chose to become a colonialist society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the Occupied Territories, engaging in theft and funding justification for all these activities.. we [Israel] established an apartheid regime.'"

Are you a big fan of apartheid, Bubba?

Your sources don't deserve rebutting; they are worthless.

Every Muslim in the ME will disappear before the state of Israel.
The Palestinians are the ones who cheer and celebrate upon receiving news that Israelis have been murdered. They are the inbred savages and the whole world knows it.
Mention that to your racist cousins in Sderot.

"Twitter photo showing Israelis 'cheering' Gaza bombing goes viral"
Twitter photo showing Israelis cheering Gaza bombing goes viral - Operation Protective Edge - Jerusalem Post

Where in the photo are they cheering ? Also, what's wrong with being happy that your government is taking action against Hamas scum that have been repeatedly launching rockets at your city?

Speaking of celebrating:

Palestinians in Gaza celebrate terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post
Your sources don't deserve rebutting; they are worthless.

Every Muslim in the ME will disappear before the state of Israel.

Will you tap your heels like Dorothy to make it happen? Israel will go the route of South Africa, Algeria, Rhodesia and other colonial projects.
Not at all, as you well know. Israel will remain, it will be Jewish, and Israel and the USA will rain hellfire on the metros of the ME before that will change.
The Palestinians are the ones who cheer and celebrate upon receiving news that Israelis have been murdered. They are the inbred savages and the whole world knows it.
Mention that to your racist cousins in Sderot.

"Twitter photo showing Israelis 'cheering' Gaza bombing goes viral"
Twitter photo showing Israelis cheering Gaza bombing goes viral - Operation Protective Edge - Jerusalem Post

Where in the photo are they cheering ? Also, what's wrong with being happy that your government is taking action against Hamas scum that have been repeatedly launching rockets at your city?

Speaking of celebrating:

Palestinians in Gaza celebrate terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

So, there is nothing wrong with gleefully watching your country murdering a thousand or more women and children. Typical ZioNazi, supporting the killing of Gentiles by his beloved Jews.
So, there is nothing wrong with gleefully watching your country murdering a thousand or more women and children. Typical ZioNazi, supporting the killing of Gentiles by his beloved Jews.
The jihadists certainly fit your description of gleeful murder. As long as you love death more than your children, there is no future for them.
The Palestinians are the ones who cheer and celebrate upon receiving news that Israelis have been murdered. They are the inbred savages and the whole world knows it.
Mention that to your racist cousins in Sderot.

"Twitter photo showing Israelis 'cheering' Gaza bombing goes viral"
Twitter photo showing Israelis cheering Gaza bombing goes viral - Operation Protective Edge - Jerusalem Post

Where in the photo are they cheering ? Also, what's wrong with being happy that your government is taking action against Hamas scum that have been repeatedly launching rockets at your city?

Speaking of celebrating:

Palestinians in Gaza celebrate terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

So, there is nothing wrong with gleefully watching your country murdering a thousand or more women and children. Typical ZioNazi, supporting the killing of Gentiles by his beloved Jews.
LOL Typical Monti,, putting words in peoples mouths to support his agenda. If they are gleeful, it's because Hamas scum are getting killed you idiot, as well as rockets, rocket factories, tunnels etc.. That was the point of the operation.
What's the difference between watching it outside or watching it on T.V ?

For you:

Palestinians in Gaza celebrate terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

Typical Palestinian Nazis, ACTUALLY celebrating death of Jews.
Not at all, as you well know. Israel will remain, it will be Jewish, and Israel and the USA will rain hellfire on the metros of the ME before that will change.

No, the U.S. will slowly disengage from Israel. Supporting an Apartheid state in the Arab Middle East is a liability just as supporting an Apartheid state in black Africa became a liability.

Demographics make it impossible for Israel to remain Jewish, there are no more large populations of Jews to immigrate to Israel. No more Russian "Jews" out there.
Not at all, as you well know. Israel will remain, it will be Jewish, and Israel and the USA will rain hellfire on the metros of the ME before that will change. And to those who doubt it, here is the world's response.

Whoever wins the American presidency next year, will support Israel over the Arabs. Always.

America will not let criminal orgs or Iran succeed. Period. They will die first.


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