US Preparing for a World Without Israel

You can end this.................Tell Hamas and all the other Jihadist to leave.............Go away............Take their rockets, and guns and suicide vests and leave.............
Where would you suggest they go, Tel Aviv?
Maybe Jews should start living up to their responsibilities?


"Under international law and Section III of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, a conquering army becomes an occupying power once military operations have ceased. The occupying power has the duty to restore public order and safety and protect the local civilian population. Under Article 49, it cannot seize or annex any part of the territory occupied or forcibly deport civilians, nor can it permanently transfer its own citizens into the occupied territory. It must also relinquish control of the occupied territory and return it to civilian authority and control as soon as reasonably possible once order is restored."

- See more at: When occupation becomes apartheid Mondoweiss

Ya, protect people
If Israel behaves 'aggressively' towards other nations, you can bet there is a good reason for it
Jewish majority maybe?
"In November 1947, just days after the United Nations General Assembly voted to partition Palestine and create a Jewish state that was to have a population of 520,000 Jews and 320,000 Arabs, the Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel’s first prime minister, told a gathering of his party’s supporters, 'This fact must be viewed in all its clarity and sharpness. With such a composition, there cannot even be complete certainty that the government will be held by a Jewish majority. . . There can be no stable and strong Jewish state so long as it has a Jewish majority of only 60 percent.'”
Ethnic Cleansing Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.
Getting rid of Israel is the equivalent of burning all the Bibles. Not going to happen. You want a war against Christians?
I think they want one....................They aren't going to like it if we Templar on their asses.

God Wills it Bitches.
Well, I just hope you all cream your jeans when MILLIONS of innocent people die because of your hate and meddling in the middle east by your dear leader Obama.

it seems you don't care one way or the other
Did you support the US invasion of Iraq, Steph?
Sure, you did, and your compassionate conservatism is the reason MILLIONS more will die for Mission Accomplished.
Ask Ben:
"The solution, according to Ben-Gurion, was that 'it would be better to expel' the Arabs than allow them to remain, thus ensuring a homogenous Jewish state. (Quoted in The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949, by Benny Morris, Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 28.) Moreover, Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders accepted the UN partition only as a preliminary stage. They dreamed that eventually Israel would consist of all of historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."
Are you disappointed?
Ethnic Cleansing Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.
Ask Ben:
"The solution, according to Ben-Gurion, was that 'it would be better to expel' the Arabs than allow them to remain, thus ensuring a homogenous Jewish state. (Quoted in The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949, by Benny Morris, Cambridge University Press, 1987, p. 28.) Moreover, Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders accepted the UN partition only as a preliminary stage. They dreamed that eventually Israel would consist of all of historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."
Are you disappointed?
Ethnic Cleansing Israel s apartheid policies against Palestinians.
A lot of people had dreams. There were Arab leaders who dreamed of all the Jews being pushed to the sea and Israel becoming extinct

I know you're disapointed that didn't happen, right George?
A lot of people had dreams. There were Arab leaders who dreamed of all the Jews being pushed to the sea and Israel becoming extinct

I know you're disapointed that didn't happen, right George?
I'm not disappointed Likud is leading Israel into the same sewer as the National Party led apartheid south Africa into.

Are you?
A lot of people had dreams. There were Arab leaders who dreamed of all the Jews being pushed to the sea and Israel becoming extinct

I know you're disapointed that didn't happen, right George?
I'm not disappointed Likud is leading Israel into the same sewer as the National Party led apartheid south Africa into.

Are you?

Problem is George, there is no comparison between the two countries. However after reading anti Israel propaganda for so many years, I'm not surprised you believe otherwise.
Problem is George, there is no comparison between the two countries. However after reading anti Israel propaganda for so many years, I'm not surprised you believe otherwise.
Why then did Bishop Tutu write about "the racially separated roads and housing" in Israel that reminded him of South Africa? When Arabs are channeled into segregated schools within Israel lasting from first grade through high school, doesn't this qualify as de facto segregation? When many towns within Israel don't allow Arabs to own land, doesn't that qualify as apartheid. You have a moral blind spot where Israel is concerned that makes me question your sanity,
Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
If Israel behaves 'aggressively' towards other nations, you can bet there is a good reason for it.
In whose judgment?
Anyone who has researched those attacks.

I suppose it is anyone's opinion on weather the reason was good enough or not.
Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Just another Muslim fantasy.

Gotta dream large, no?

And if the trends hold, in 50 years there will be more Muslims than Christians.

Hold it, way too much reality for the members of this forum to digest.

Perhaps a photo will illustrate your point more strongly.


This was the only photo in Google images under "beheading" that lived up to USMB requirements of good taste.
Last edited:
Just another Muslim fantasy.

"Over the last two and a half years, supporters of Palestinian rights in Boston have mounted a BDS campaign aimed at denying a new contract to run the Massachusetts commuter rail to Veolia, one of three companies that formed the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad (MBCR). With a 60 percent stake in the MBCR, Veolia has been in charge of operating and maintaining the trains since 2003.

On January 8, they tasted victory, when a contract that could be worth as much as $4.26 billion was awarded to the MBCR’s sole competitor, Keolis America, by a vote of the joint Board for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) and Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).

- See more at: Veolia a local BDS target loses Massachusetts commuter rail contract Mondoweiss

Instead of attacking Israeli companies that work in the WB, now they are targeting french companies because they bid for business contracts in Israel.

Next it will be business that hire people who have visited Israel or employees that are jewish?
Gaza and WB do business with Israel, will they be the next targets of the BDS?

This is getting more ridiculous by the week

I realize that Gaza George is salivating over this, but what he overlooks is that China (with one billion people) and India (with 850 millions people) are going to start doing business with Israel. Besides, Aris, can you see anyone turning down one of the medical or technological innovations coming out of Israel. I assure you that if Gaza George lands up in
Just another Muslim fantasy.

"Over the last two and a half years, supporters of Palestinian rights in Boston have mounted a BDS campaign aimed at denying a new contract to run the Massachusetts commuter rail to Veolia, one of three companies that formed the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad (MBCR). With a 60 percent stake in the MBCR, Veolia has been in charge of operating and maintaining the trains since 2003.

On January 8, they tasted victory, when a contract that could be worth as much as $4.26 billion was awarded to the MBCR’s sole competitor, Keolis America, by a vote of the joint Board for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) and Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).

- See more at: Veolia a local BDS target loses Massachusetts commuter rail contract Mondoweiss

Instead of attacking Israeli companies that work in the WB, now they are targeting french companies because they bid for business contracts in Israel.

Next it will be business that hire people who have visited Israel or employees that are jewish?
Gaza and WB do business with Israel, will they be the next targets of the BDS?

This is getting more ridiculous by the week

I realize Gaza George is salivating over this, but what he forgets is that China (with one billion people) and India (with 850 million people) are going to do business with Israel along with other countries. Additionally, Aris, no one is going to turn down an Israeli medical or technological innovation coming out of Israel if it helps him or her. Do you think that if Gaza George happened to land up in the Los Angeles County Hospital that he would turn something down from Israel if it helped him?
"The success of BDS in the United States is largely due to:

"Unprecedented exposure of Israel’s brutal treatment of Palestinians, especially of Operation Cast Lead in the winter of 2008–09 and the 2010 massacre of nine unarmed civilians aboard a humanitarian aid vessel in international waters, the Mavi Marmara.

"The leadership of what may be called Generation Palestine [7], mostly young Arab-Americans and Muslims, but also many young Jews and others, who came of age in the atmosphere of heightened Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism in the post–9/11 United States.

"The application of methods used in the successful South African anti-apartheid movement that spread to US campuses and reached a crescendo in the 1980s. Arguably, each of these developments discussed below is a result of and leads to many more, but these appear to be three key catalysts in the rising US BDS movement.

"Israel against itself..." will soon vanish from the page of time.

- See more at: What s behind the rise of BDS

The brutality of other regional countries make even the worse actions of Israel look angelic by comparison. No country or military is without mistakes or some over exuberance in it's tactics. Their first concern is not for those they have to deal with but for the security of their own people and state. Israel is struggling for it's survival.
BDS does not more to harm the palestinians that to help them.
Israel is not giving up the high ground, but till recently it was willing to help them form a state on area A & B. Even the PA has rejected the actions of hamas and wants to separate from them, or have them eliminated.

Apart from G, Israel and the PA can and have managed to work together quite well when they try. What happens in G is the fault of hamas. There are still pockets of terrorists in the WB, but Israel and the PA are dealing with them.

Israel has allowed more workers into Israel, more freedom of movement from the WB, they will not be changing the wall near Bethlehem, they do mot require permits for those over 40 to go to the mount to pray, they are supplying more water for the growing palestinian cities in the WB, more programs are being developed for women entrepreneurs so they can have their own independence.

What happens in G, you have to blame hamas for.

Aris, you see what happens when Gaza George crawls over here like a cockroach. It is always to say something about Israel when people are being murdered and wounded right and left in the rest of the Middle East. He doesn't care about what is happening to these people nor does he actually care what happens to the Palestinians. He uses the Palestinians as his pawns in his fight against his scapegoats, the Jews. It is so obvious.
If Israel behaves 'aggressively' towards other nations, you can bet there is a good reason for it.
In whose judgment?
Anyone who has researched those attacks.

I suppose it is anyone's opinion on weather the reason was good enough or not.

Why do you mention the weather? The Israeli's are murderous attack dogs trying to keep what they have stolen.
The Palestinians are the ones who cheer and celebrate upon receiving news that Israelis have been murdered. They are the inbred savages and the whole world knows it.
If Israel behaves 'aggressively' towards other nations, you can bet there is a good reason for it.
In whose judgment?
Anyone who has researched those attacks.

I suppose it is anyone's opinion on weather the reason was good enough or not.
View attachment 39049
Nice deflection georgies bitch. Pretty pathetic that you have to bring something up that almost 50 years ago, which even your country said was a mistake

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