US Preparing for a World Without Israel

Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal
Damn, some good news today. Like it.
Even when all of the nations go to war with them they will still be there.
Ever heard of sanctions?
The only thing I can't stand more than a liberal left loon is an anti Semite liberal left loon. You people need help
Not as much as Zionnuts.
How much more land are Jews entitled to steal in Palestine?

LMAO @ Palestine? Be specific, where exactly is or was "Palestine"?
The big yellow thing, on the left, not the land the Zionists are squatting on, to the right.
Looks like it's all over but the shouting...

Time for any Palestinian with two coins to rub together and a lick of common sense, to get his people out of there...

After 66 years, and now reduced to a few slivers of non-contiguous land-parcels, there's not enough left to make a respectable township, never mind a country...

Pack if up, and leave, and go set up someplace else, where you're wanted, and where it's safe, and where you actually have a future...
Israel is a member of Fight Club.........."and this is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.....".

They ain't goin' nowhere!
"'The true face of the Israeli establishment has been revealed to the world. By rejecting Palestinian statehood and declaring he will not enter into any meaningful negotiations with Palestinians, Netanyahu has removed any excuse for governments not to impose sanctions on Israel and end their support for its colonial and apartheid regime.'

“'This is a victory of apartheid and colonialism that should be met with sanctions against Israel by world governments and the UN.'”

- See more at: Israel votes for permanent occupation and apartheid it must face international isolation
The only thing I can't stand more than a liberal left loon is an anti Semite liberal left loon. You people need help
Not as much as Zionnuts.
How much more land are Jews entitled to steal in Palestine?

LMAO @ Palestine? Be specific, where exactly is or was "Palestine"?
The big yellow thing, on the left, not the land the Zionists are squatting on, to the right.
Looks like it's all over but the shouting...

Time for any Palestinian with two coins to rub together and a lick of common sense, to get his people out of there...

After 66 years, and now reduced to a few slivers of non-contiguous land-parcels, there's not enough left to make a respectable township, never mind a country...

Pack if up, and leave, and go set up someplace else, where you're wanted, and where it's safe, and where you actually have a future...
Not to worry, it won't be that hard to remove the Zionist squatters, when the time is right.
Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Just another Muslim fantasy.

Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Just another Muslim fantasy.

Gotta dream large, no?

And if the trends hold, in 50 years there will be more Muslims than Christians.
The only thing I can't stand more than a liberal left loon is an anti Semite liberal left loon. You people need help
Not as much as Zionnuts.
How much more land are Jews entitled to steal in Palestine?

LMAO @ Palestine? Be specific, where exactly is or was "Palestine"?
The big yellow thing, on the left, not the land the Zionists are squatting on, to the right.
Looks like it's all over but the shouting...

Time for any Palestinian with two coins to rub together and a lick of common sense, to get his people out of there...

After 66 years, and now reduced to a few slivers of non-contiguous land-parcels, there's not enough left to make a respectable township, never mind a country...

Pack if up, and leave, and go set up someplace else, where you're wanted, and where it's safe, and where you actually have a future...
Not to worry, it won't be that hard to remove the Zionist squatters, when the time is right.
I'm not worried in the slightest.

The Jews of Israel are there to stay.

And, according to those maps of yours, I'd say the Reconquista is nearly complete now.
LMAO @ Palestine? Be specific, where exactly is or was "Palestine"?
Ask Lord Balfour:
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.."
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Not as much as Zionnuts.
How much more land are Jews entitled to steal in Palestine?

LMAO @ Palestine? Be specific, where exactly is or was "Palestine"?
The big yellow thing, on the left, not the land the Zionists are squatting on, to the right.
Looks like it's all over but the shouting...

Time for any Palestinian with two coins to rub together and a lick of common sense, to get his people out of there...

After 66 years, and now reduced to a few slivers of non-contiguous land-parcels, there's not enough left to make a respectable township, never mind a country...

Pack if up, and leave, and go set up someplace else, where you're wanted, and where it's safe, and where you actually have a future...
Not to worry, it won't be that hard to remove the Zionist squatters, when the time is right.
I'm not worried in the slightest.

The Jews of Israel are there to stay.

And, according to those maps of yours, I'd say the Reconquista is nearly complete now.
You can say it, it just simply isn't true.
Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Just another Muslim fantasy.

Gotta dream large, no?

And if the trends hold, in 50 years there will be more Muslims than Christians.

So you're optimistic Muslims are immune to 'fallout'?
LMAO @ Palestine? Be specific, where exactly is or was "Palestine"?
Ask Lord Balfour:
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.."
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Let's cut the BS right now, there is no Palestine and never has been a Palestine. If you think so, what was the currency? The language? Cultural? There has NEVER been a "Palestine" governed by Palestinians.
Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Just another Muslim fantasy.

Gotta dream large, no?

And if the trends hold, in 50 years there will be more Muslims than Christians.

So you're optimistic Muslims are immune to 'fallout'?
Only one nation in the history of world has ever used nukes, and that was 70 years ago. They are for show, not blow.

The Jews didn't have the balls to fight the Nazis, and they don't have the balls to fight 300 millions Arabs and 75 million Persians. They will pussy-out, again. Their nuke-talk is just that, talk.
Damn, some good news today. Like it
Bibi and his bitches have outlived their usefulness to their corporate overlords. Can the big SPLASH be far away?
"Netanyahu race baiting and fear mongering among Jewish Israelis have revealed how deeply seated and prevalent racism has become in Israel. More than any previous Israeli leader, Netanyahu has clearly shown that he only represents Jewish Israelis, considering the indigenous Palestinian citizens an enemy that must be feared, hated and combated.” - See more at: Israel votes for permanent occupation and apartheid it must face international isolation

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