US Preparing for a World Without Israel

Typical Palestinian Nazis, ACTUALLY celebrating death of Jews.
When Jews stop stealing Palestinian land and water,

Palestinians will have no incentive to celebrate the deaths of Jews.
Cindy said that someone "reported" to her that HK said it.

I am reporting to you that HK said the Palestinians will continue to be slaves to the Israelis for the next 100 years
Who are you?
What makes you think your opinion is as informed as Henry's?
We don't knoww Henry said it to Cindy. It is her blabbing her mouth. So my comments are just as valid.
Does Obama, this progressive/dem party and threads like this remind you of HITLER?
Does Obama, this progressive/dem party and threads like this remind you of HITLER?
Sent your question over to a friend at the cc to read your question to her students. The answer unanimously was "no, she must be old where is her meds."
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You're a fraud, Monte, and we both know it. Either you believed that story or you were hoping your blustering would make it seem credible. The thing is, that story was posted and toasted by the same silly Jew-hating propagandists two years ago and blessed by the same Jew-hating cabal. All you have proven is that the author (Frank Lamb) his cohorts (Paul Craig Roberts, Texe Marrs, Gordon Duff, Michael Chossudovsky, etc.), the websites that spread this camel crap (Foreign Policy Journal, Global Research, Veterans Today, Information Clearinghouse, PressTV, Prison Planet, etc) and you should be taken for the BOZOS you've so often proven yourselves to be.

Are you claiming Henry the War Criminal never said: "In ten years there will be no more Israel", or simply confirming your allegiance to the racist Jewish state?"

gossip quoting gossip does not equal truth.
Cute. There's not a lick of substantiation in that article - from something called the Foreign Policy Journal - for its claims. Could you link the study, it's published date and quote where it says "it will happen in 10 years?"
I don't have any way of linking to a "secret" study.
Why don't you email Mossad?
Post Israel 82 Page Report Bogus Mossad Psyop Veterans Today

GR? really?
and you wonder why you are not highly respected?
There is NO reason to celebrate the murder of innocent people. But it's no surprise that georgie the PaliNazi supports this disgusting behaviour.
What GOOD reason exists for stealing the land and water of innocent people?
"Absentee Property Law {No. 20, March 1950}1,6,20 -A law to confiscate property from Palestinians inside the state of Israel. It confiscated land from 750,000 refugees ethnically cleansed from Palestine in 1947-49 and 'internally displaced' Palestinians who remained in Israel.

"Before 1948, Palestinians owned 90% of the land in Palestine; in 1952 they owned 3%; today, they are a mostly a landless people.

"The law classifies the personal property of Palestinians forced to flee (or internally displaced) as 'absentee property' and places it under the authority of the Custodian of Absentee Property."
gossip quoting gossip does not equal truth.
True, but even if Henry didn't predict Israel's demise there is still a secret 82 page report produced by US intelligence agencies which may have.
"WASHINGTON (JTA) — A staffer for Henry Kissinger denied that the former US secretary of state said that Israel will not be in existence in 10 years.

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“'It’s not a misquote,' Tara Butzbaugh, who works in Kissinger’s New York office, said Monday, referring to an item in Cindy Adams’ New York Post gossip column. 'He didn’t say it.'”

"Adams in her column posted Sept. 17 wrote that 'Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: ‘In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.’ “

Read more: Kissinger staffer: Ex-secretary of state didn't make 'no Israel' quote | The Times of Israel Kissinger staffer Ex-secretary of state didn t make no Israel quote The Times of Israel
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There is NO reason to celebrate the murder of innocent people. But it's no surprise that georgie the PaliNazi supports this disgusting behaviour.
What GOOD reason exists for stealing the land and water of innocent people?
"Absentee Property Law {No. 20, March 1950}1,6,20 -A law to confiscate property from Palestinians inside the state of Israel. It confiscated land from 750,000 refugees ethnically cleansed from Palestine in 1947-49 and 'internally displaced' Palestinians who remained in Israel.

"Before 1948, Palestinians owned 90% of the land in Palestine; in 1952 they owned 3%; today, they are a mostly a landless people.

"The law classifies the personal property of Palestinians forced to flee (or internally displaced) as 'absentee property' and places it under the authority of the Custodian of Absentee Property."
Deflecting, as usual.

That offer made to Arafat is looking kind of good right now , ain't it George? Too late ! :cool:
Cute. There's not a lick of substantiation in that article - from something called the Foreign Policy Journal - for its claims. Could you link the study, it's published date and quote where it says "it will happen in 10 years?"
I don't have any way of linking to a "secret" study.
Why don't you email Mossad?
Post Israel 82 Page Report Bogus Mossad Psyop Veterans Today

How convenient! You post a story from some random guy who lives in a cave in Lebanon, published by a website (FPJ) no one has ever heard of and promoted by outlets (PressTV, Veterans Today) with reputations for posting camel crap intended to feed gullible fools (like you) who need it to get through the day.
When substantiation is requested, you simply claim it's a "secret."
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Typical Palestinian Nazis, ACTUALLY celebrating death of Jews.
When Jews stop stealing Palestinian land and water,

Palestinians will have no incentive to celebrate the deaths of Jews.

Judging by your maps, GP, it doesn't appear that Israel will be gone in a few years but rather that "Palestine" may be. Just gotta figure out what to do with those "Palestinians."
Deflecting, as usual.
When Jews WHINE about celebrating the deaths of innocent people, it isn't deflecting to point out how much land the "innocent people" have stolen from Arabs in Palestine.

When are you planning to answer this simple question: what makes some Jews believe they are entitled to steal Arab land in Palestine?

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