US Preparing for a World Without Israel

They are not "settlers"

2) They are not colonies

3) They are not illegal
Sure you are.
ow convenient! You post a story from some random guy who lives in a cave in Lebanon
"Franklin Lamb, a former Assistant Counsel of the US House Judiciary Committee at the US Congress and Professor of International Law at Northwestern College of Law in Oregon, earned his Law Degree at Boston University and his LLM, M.Phil, and PhD degrees at the London School of Economics.

"Following three summers at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Lamb was a visiting fellow at the Harvard Law School’s East Asian Legal Studies Center where he specialized in Chinese Law. He was the first westerner allowed by the government of China to visit the notorious 'Ward Street' Prison in Shanghai.

"Lamb is doing research in Lebanon and works with the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign-Lebanon and the Sabra-Shatila Foundation. His new book, The Case for Palestinian Civil Rights in Lebanon, is due out shortly."

Franklin Lamb - Eurasia Review

You really wouldn't have much to say without resorting to ad hominem attacks, would you?

Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel. There is at least one article bashing Israel, and some days there are four or five. Meanwhile, I wonder who he thinks he is fooling. He cares nothing about the Arabs no matter how much of their blood is running down the roads in other Middle East countries but uses these Palestinian Arabs as pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. If Gaza George actually was concerned about the Arabs, he certainly would come to this forum and post news about what is happening in other Arab countries. Just the fact that he only wants to post about Israel and Palestinian Arabs tells you all you need to know about him. You should have tried harder in your younger days, Gaza George, so that you would not desperately need a scapegoat now for your failures in life.
Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?

WTF does your whining have to do with the FACT that you not only posted that baseless Frank Lamb fabrication (again), you are still trying to defend it? Same old tired Nazi shit from you, GP.
WTF does your whining have to do with the FACT that you not only posted that baseless Frank Lamb fabrication (again), you are still trying to defend it? Same old tired Nazi shit from you, GP
Quote my "baseless Frank Lamb fabrication" and provide a rebuttal, or continue with your standard hasbara shit.
"Franklin Lamb, a former Assistant Counsel of the US House Judiciary Committee at the US Congress and Professor of International Law at Northwestern College of Law in Oregon, earned his Law Degree at Boston University and his LLM, M.Phil, and PhD degrees at the London School of Economics.

"Following three summers at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Lamb was a visiting fellow at the Harvard Law School’s East Asian Legal Studies Center where he specialized in Chinese Law. He was the first westerner allowed by the government of China to visit the notorious 'Ward Street' Prison in Shanghai.

"Lamb is doing research in Lebanon and works with the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign-Lebanon and the Sabra-Shatila Foundation. His new book, The Case for Palestinian Civil Rights in Lebanon, is due out shortly."

Franklin Lamb - Eurasia Review
and the PA has built a palestinians only new green city
Palestinians want a palestinians only land with no jews allowed.
How is that not apartheid?
You can't be a palestinians jew or hold citizenship in both countries. No jews, yet you complain because palestinians have the right to israeli pay when working for an Israeli company, the right to seek medical care in Israel, the right to pray in Israel, if over 50 the right to enter without preauthorized permits.
But the PA wants no jews allowed, period.
and the PA has built a palestinians only new green city
Palestinians want a palestinians only land with no jews allowed.
How is that not apartheid?
You can't be a palestinians jew or hold citizenship in both countries. No jews, yet you complain because palestinians have the right to israeli pay when working for an Israeli company, the right to seek medical care in Israel, the right to pray in Israel, if over 50 the right to enter without preauthorized permits.
But the PA wants no jews allowed, period.

The ENTIRE Middle East is Apartheid. Non-Muslims are second class citizens with lesser rights in every Muslim country. George doesn't care - he want's Jews dead, he doesn't have any sort of sense of justice.
Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?
Actually Israeli arabs have the same rights as other Israeli citizens.

Why doesn't Hamas/PA allow Jews to live in their areas?
The ENTIRE Middle East is Apartheid. Non-Muslims are second class citizens with lesser rights in every Muslim country. George doesn't care - he want's Jews dead, he doesn't have any sort of sense of justice.

and the sick creature actually thinks it is being virtuous for doing so.

It sure is a different left than when I was a kid. I can remember when the very liberal Bobby Kennedy got shot for NOT joining the Nazi Arabs in their hatred of Jews.

Nowadays, it seems like wearing a Swastika is a prerequisite for the far left.
WTF does your whining have to do with the FACT that you not only posted that baseless Frank Lamb fabrication (again), you are still trying to defend it? Same old tired Nazi shit from you, GP
Quote my "baseless Frank Lamb fabrication" and provide a rebuttal, or continue with your standard hasbara shit.
"Franklin Lamb, a former Assistant Counsel of the US House Judiciary Committee at the US Congress and Professor of International Law at Northwestern College of Law in Oregon, earned his Law Degree at Boston University and his LLM, M.Phil, and PhD degrees at the London School of Economics.

"Following three summers at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Lamb was a visiting fellow at the Harvard Law School’s East Asian Legal Studies Center where he specialized in Chinese Law. He was the first westerner allowed by the government of China to visit the notorious 'Ward Street' Prison in Shanghai.

"Lamb is doing research in Lebanon and works with the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign-Lebanon and the Sabra-Shatila Foundation. His new book, The Case for Palestinian Civil Rights in Lebanon, is due out shortly."

Franklin Lamb - Eurasia Review

His book was published in '83. Points in his testimony before Kahan were contradicted.
A second book has been "due soon" for more than 5 yrs, through several articles by less than responsible sites have been published about the "book".
Actually Israeli arabs have the same rights as other Israeli citizens.

Why doesn't Hamas/PA allow Jews to live in their areas?

Why do Jews and Christians in Jordan have to pay a special tax (Jizya) to live their? Why do Jews and Christians in Saudi Arabia have to pay a tax and are restricted to certain areas (ghettos)? Why are Jews not allowed in Syria? Why do Christians in Syria have to pay a special tax? Why are Jews and Christians forbidden to hold political office in Yemen? Why are American Communists, who spew hatred at Israel, utterly silent about all of this?
Actually Israeli arabs have the same rights as other Israeli citizens.

Why doesn't Hamas/PA allow Jews to live in their areas?

Why do Jews and Christians in Jordan have to pay a special tax (Jizya) to live their? Why do Jews and Christians in Saudi Arabia have to pay a tax and are restricted to certain areas (ghettos)? Why are Jews not allowed in Syria? Why do Christians in Syria have to pay a special tax? Why are Jews and Christians forbidden to hold political office in Yemen? Why are American Communists, who spew hatred at Israel, utterly silent about all of this?

Those in the walled compounds are foreign workers. They are not citizens of Saudi.
Yemen was supposed to have freedom of faith but in the last ten years things are not what they "should' be.
It was demanded by Jordanian Sheik that the Tax should be imposed on non-musims.
Quote my "baseless Frank Lamb fabrication" and provide a rebuttal, or continue with your standard hasbara shit.
"Franklin Lamb, a former Assistant Counsel of the US House Judiciary Committee at the US Congress and Professor of International Law at Northwestern College of Law in Oregon, earned his Law Degree at Boston University and his LLM, M.Phil, and PhD degrees at the London School of Economics.

"Following three summers at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Lamb was a visiting fellow at the Harvard Law School’s East Asian Legal Studies Center where he specialized in Chinese Law. He was the first westerner allowed by the government of China to visit the notorious 'Ward Street' Prison in Shanghai.

"Lamb is doing research in Lebanon and works with the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign-Lebanon and the Sabra-Shatila Foundation. His new book, The Case for Palestinian Civil Rights in Lebanon, is due out shortly."

Franklin Lamb - Eurasia Review

Guess who wrote that vanity bio? The Internet is full of BS websites. Why do you suppose it appears only at something called Eurasia Review? Try verifying its claims with the organizations he claims to have been part of. I did.
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Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?
Actually Israeli arabs have the same rights as other Israeli citizens.

Why doesn't Hamas/PA allow Jews to live in their areas?

South African non-white citizens had the same rights as white South Africans. The only problem was that most non-whites were not considered citizens of South Africa. They were citizens of the Bantustans, similar to the citizens of the occupied territories.
Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?
Actually Israeli arabs have the same rights as other Israeli citizens.

Why doesn't Hamas/PA allow Jews to live in their areas?

South African non-white citizens had the same rights as white South Africans. The only problem was that most non-whites were not considered citizens of South Africa. They were citizens of the Bantustans, similar to the citizens of the occupied territories.

Yes, it is not surprising when a Muslim, converted or born to the faith, never talks about the way non Muslims are treated in Muslim countries. They are so busy dissing Israel that one wonders if they even have time to wash their burqas. I have a great idea for you, Haniyah. How about you try to get the Sunnis and Shia to make up and stop killing each other. You might win the Nobel Prize for this.

As for South Africa since you are constantly bringing it up, it was a shame the way the Blacks were treated before. However, South Africa is not doing so well at present. Even the Somalis are leaving when it is dangerous for them back home.

Somalis Fear South African Violence More Than War at Home - Bloomberg Business

And then, of course, we have the Muslims trying to run things their way. I can just imagine what would go on if there ever was a big increase in the Muslim population there.

Intolerance Spreading in South Africa

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