US Preparing for a World Without Israel

Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?

Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite. Instead of you asking about the Jews and the Arabs (Arabs whom you care nothing about but they are handy pawns for you, since you are on the Middle East forum, why not ask why Muslims are busy murdering non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. This is certainly more important than the Israelis and the Arabs. By the way, since you are a neurotic loser in life, why not ask some Arab people in Israel if they are not getting along swimmingly. How about asking the Arab woman who is head of Cardiology at one of the Israeli hospitals. Meanwhile, go get a part-time job either in WalMart, Costco, or Target for a little pocket money and stop obsessing over your scapegoats.

Has anyone seen Gaza George bring up anything about what is happening in other Middle East countries where so many of their citizens lay dead in the streets?
Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?

Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite. Instead of you asking about the Jews and the Arabs (Arabs whom you care nothing about but they are handy pawns for you, since you are on the Middle East forum, why not ask why Muslims are busy murdering non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. This is certainly more important than the Israelis and the Arabs. By the way, since you are a neurotic loser in life, why not ask some Arab people in Israel if they are not getting along swimmingly. How about asking the Arab woman who is head of Cardiology at one of the Israeli hospitals. Meanwhile, go get a part-time job either in WalMart, Costco, or Target for a little pocket money and stop obsessing over your scapegoats.

Has anyone seen Gaza George bring up anything about what is happening in other Middle East countries where so many of their citizens lay dead in the streets?
So Muslim crimes excuse Israels crimes ?
Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?

Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite. Instead of you asking about the Jews and the Arabs (Arabs whom you care nothing about but they are handy pawns for you, since you are on the Middle East forum, why not ask why Muslims are busy murdering non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. This is certainly more important than the Israelis and the Arabs. By the way, since you are a neurotic loser in life, why not ask some Arab people in Israel if they are not getting along swimmingly. How about asking the Arab woman who is head of Cardiology at one of the Israeli hospitals. Meanwhile, go get a part-time job either in WalMart, Costco, or Target for a little pocket money and stop obsessing over your scapegoats.

Has anyone seen Gaza George bring up anything about what is happening in other Middle East countries where so many of their citizens lay dead in the streets?
So Muslim crimes excuse Israels crimes ?

You're too stupid for me to waste my time on, but I will answer you this one time to tell you that you are too stupid.. Naturally you overlook Muslim crimes since we have never seen even you bring up anything else happening in the Middle East. Seems like this is the wrong forum for you.
Poor Gaza George, evidently he doesn't scan Eurasian Review on a regular basis. If he did, he would find Lamb and the rest of the anti-Semites constantly bashing Israel.
The same old tired hasbara refrain: anyone who criticizes the racist Jews running the Jewish state are anti-Semites. Why does Israel deny its Arab citizens the same rights it affords its Jews, HabaraSal?

Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite. Instead of you asking about the Jews and the Arabs (Arabs whom you care nothing about but they are handy pawns for you, since you are on the Middle East forum, why not ask why Muslims are busy murdering non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. This is certainly more important than the Israelis and the Arabs. By the way, since you are a neurotic loser in life, why not ask some Arab people in Israel if they are not getting along swimmingly. How about asking the Arab woman who is head of Cardiology at one of the Israeli hospitals. Meanwhile, go get a part-time job either in WalMart, Costco, or Target for a little pocket money and stop obsessing over your scapegoats.

Has anyone seen Gaza George bring up anything about what is happening in other Middle East countries where so many of their citizens lay dead in the streets?
So Muslim crimes excuse Israels crimes ?

You're too stupid for me to waste my time on, but I will answer you this one time to tell you that you are too stupid.. Naturally you overlook Muslim crimes since we have never seen even you bring up anything else happening in the Middle East. Seems like this is the wrong forum for you.
Is that a yes ?
Extremist mass murdering governments never last.
Pol Pot's Cambodia, Hitler's Germany, The Soviet union, and all the rest were removed in one way or another, as we will see with Israel.
The sad part is, lots of innocent people will die on both sides before we see the end of that bastard nation.
South African non-white citizens had the same rights as white South Africans. The only problem was that most non-whites were not considered citizens of South Africa. They were citizens of the Bantustans, similar to the citizens of the occupied territories.
Israel can't grant citizenship to 3 million Arabs living in the Occupied Territories and it also can't continue to deny the human rights of those it occupies.

Kosher Bantustans seem to be the answer to Sharon's Catch 22.

"Israel defines its policy of ensuring permanent control over the Occupied Territories as 'creating facts on the ground.' In this conception, Israeli control must be made immune from any external or internal pressures to remove Israel from the Occupied Territories (which Israel vehemently denies is an occupation at all), as well as to foreclose forever the possibility of a viable and truly sovereign Palestinian state.

"Nevertheless, even Sharon recognizes that Israel needs a Palestinian state, since it can neither extend citizenship to the Territories’ three and a half million Palestinians nor deny it to them. - See more at: Map Defining the Palestinian Bantustan. Element 1 West Bank Areas A B and C ICAHD
They are not "settlers"

2) They are not colonies

3) They are not illegal
Sure you are.

The irony of one such as you whining about Israeli "propaganda" is clearly lost on you. The article in 972 Mag was written by Noam Sheizaf, author of:
Why do Jews require Arabs and others to attend segregated schools BEFORE they become doctors?
08.23.134:45 PM ET
Israel's Most Liberal City Introduces Racially Segregated Kindergartens

"When the children of south Tel Aviv head back to school on Tuesday, kindergarteners will attend facilities that are segregated by race. The children of asylum seekers from sub-Saharan Africa will go to their kindergartens and all the other kids will go to their own. As of this year, the municipality of Israel's most liberal city decided that separate-but-equal for three-to-six year olds was the way to go—in 2013."

Israel s Most Liberal City Introduces Racially Segregated Kindergartens - The Daily Beast
Guess who wrote that vanity bio? The Internet is full of BS websites. Why do you suppose it appears only at something called Eurasia Review? Try verifying its claims with the organizations he claims to have been part of. I did.
I doubt that.
Show your work.

"Dr. Franklin Lamb is Director of the Americans Concerned for Middle East Peace, Beirut-Washington DC, Board Member of The Sabra Shatila Foundation, and a volunteer with the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign, Lebanon. He is the author of 'The Price We Pay: A Quarter-Century of Israel’s Use of American Weapons Against Civilians in Lebanon' and is doing research in Lebanon for his next book."

"Lamb has been a Professor of International Law at Northwestern College of Law in Oregon. He earned his Law Degree at Boston University and his LLM, M.Phil, and PhD degrees at the London School of Economics.

"As a Middle East expert and commentator, Dr. Lamb has appeared on Press TV, Al-Manar and several other media outlets. His articles and analyses have been published by Counter Punch, Veterans Today, Intifada Palestine, Electronic Intifada, Opinion Maker, Dissident Voice, Daily Star and Al Ahram."

Franklin Lamb

BTW, an anonymous internet troll complaining about "BS websites" smells a lot like...

Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite.
I'm not paid by Hasbara to sit around all day and spam one mindless "Jew-friendly" thread after another on USMB, are you? Maybe you should get out more?
Maybe you can find a good thesaurus in your local bookstore?
Actually, Israeli Arabs are confined to segregated schools from first grade through high school. In the US this is defined as de facto segregation; how is it defined in Israel?

That's a lie, Nazi boi.

Arabs want their children indoctrinated with the violent and filthy Koran, so they send their children to Madrassas. Arab children have every right to go to normal Israili schools, the Arabs simply won't do so.
Why doesn't Hamas/PA allow Jews to live in their areas?
That's a really stupid question.
Here's a clue:

Because Jews would steal even more Arab land.

Since the first panel of your fraud shows "Palestine" along side of "Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria," we know you're filthy fucking liar. Ottoman Palestine contained all of these, though you lie that only Israel was in the REGION of Palestine.

So why would anyone pay heed to your shit when you blatantly lie?

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