US Preparing for a World Without Israel

That's some pretty wishful thinking.
That was the thinking of racists in Pretoria a generation ago, as well:
"BDS campaign has cost Veolia billions of dollars in eavingost contracts
  • But Veolia remains involved in Jerusalem Light Rail, "boycott campaign set to continue
Palestinian civil society activists have heralded the decision by French corporate giant Veolia to sell off nearly all of its business activity in Israel as a huge victory for the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The sale follows a worldwide campaign against the company’s role in illegal Israeli settlements that cost the firm billions of dollars of lost contracts."

- See more at: Veolia sells Israel businesses targeted by Palestinian-led boycott campaign

Yes, and look at the violent shithole that South Africa is rapidly becoming.
Again, the British broke up the REGION of Palestine in to different countries - the the overwhelming majority of land going to the Muslims..
Because the overwhelming majority of human beings living on the land were Muslims. Tell us why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today when there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land.
Because the overwhelming majority of human beings living on the land were Muslims. Tell us why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today when there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land.

You won't accept even one grain of sand being ruled by a non-Muslim. Nor will your fellow Muzzie Beasts.

IF you ever savage Israel and create the Caliphate, you will have to move on Spain to reconquer the Iberian peninsula. You Muslims are insatiable.
Again, the British broke up the REGION of Palestine in to different countries - the the overwhelming majority of land going to the Muslims..
Because the overwhelming majority of human beings living on the land were Muslims. Tell us why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today when there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land.

Because the Jews seem to do a better job of running the place. Israel was a bronze age area till the Jews took it over. Now, the land is a garden surrounded by Islamic deserts. The Palestinians could have developed Gaza into the Monaco of the Middle East, instead they have managed to fuck up most of the area and done nothing to better themselves.
Yes, and look at the violent shithole that South Africa is rapidly becoming.
Maybe you should start a petition to bring back apartheid in South Africa?

Here's a likely place to start:

Yes, and look at the violent shithole that South Africa is rapidly becoming.
Maybe you should start a petition to bring back apartheid in South Africa?

Here's a likely place to start:


The facts are the whites were in South Africa long before any blacks were there. The facts are while apartheid was, and is, a despicable way to govern, the country was orders of magnitude safer than it is now. South Africa is rapidly descending into anarchy and within a decade or two it will be a festering shithole like most of sub Saharan Africa.
Yes, and look at the violent shithole that South Africa is rapidly becoming.
Maybe you should start a petition to bring back apartheid in South Africa?

Here's a likely place to start:


The facts are the whites were in South Africa long before any blacks were there. The facts are while apartheid was, and is, a despicable way to govern, the country was orders of magnitude safer than it is now. South Africa is rapidly descending into anarchy and within a decade or two it will be a festering shithole like most of sub Saharan Africa.

I'm fairly certain it's already a festering shithole...but that's just me.
Yes, and look at the violent shithole that South Africa is rapidly becoming.
Maybe you should start a petition to bring back apartheid in South Africa?

Here's a likely place to start:


The facts are the whites were in South Africa long before any blacks were there. The facts are while apartheid was, and is, a despicable way to govern, the country was orders of magnitude safer than it is now. South Africa is rapidly descending into anarchy and within a decade or two it will be a festering shithole like most of sub Saharan Africa.

I'm fairly certain it's already a festering shithole...but that's just me.

No, there are still places that are nice. They are rapidly disappearing though.
Because the Jews seem to do a better job of running the place. Israel was a bronze age area till the Jews took it over. Now, the land is a garden surrounded by Islamic deserts.
Jaffa was a garden long before greedy Jews stole it.
"Jaffa was the epicenter of the Palestinian economy before the 1948 Nakba. Beginning in the early 19th century, the people of Jaffa had cultivated citrus groves, particularly oranges, on their land. International demand for Jaffa oranges propelled the city onto the world stage, earning the city an important place in the global economy. By the 1930s, Jaffa was exporting tens of millions of citrus crates to the rest of the world, which provided thousands of jobs for the people of the city and its environs, and linking them to the major commercial centers of the Mediterranean coast and the European continent."
Jaffa from eminence to ethnic cleansing The Electronic Intifada
Before Israel became an independent state, greedy Jews forced the Arabs of Jaffa off their land and took control of the citrus groves. In some cases, the dispossessed Arab land owners were offered jobs laboring for the Jews who stole their land.

Does that sound kosher to you?
Because the Jews seem to do a better job of running the place. Israel was a bronze age area till the Jews took it over. Now, the land is a garden surrounded by Islamic deserts.
Jaffa was a garden long before greedy Jews stole it.
"Jaffa was the epicenter of the Palestinian economy before the 1948 Nakba. Beginning in the early 19th century, the people of Jaffa had cultivated citrus groves, particularly oranges, on their land. International demand for Jaffa oranges propelled the city onto the world stage, earning the city an important place in the global economy. By the 1930s, Jaffa was exporting tens of millions of citrus crates to the rest of the world, which provided thousands of jobs for the people of the city and its environs, and linking them to the major commercial centers of the Mediterranean coast and the European continent."
Jaffa from eminence to ethnic cleansing The Electronic Intifada
Before Israel became an independent state, greedy Jews forced the Arabs of Jaffa off their land and took control of the citrus groves. In some cases, the dispossessed Arab land owners were offered jobs laboring for the Jews who stole their land.

Does that sound kosher to you?

30% population of Jews will do that for you.
When they drop a nuke on us or Israel. George and Obama can cheer for the millions of deaths they dreamed of

Obama's Iran Deal: Someday the World Will Cry, "Why?!"
Larry Elder | Apr 09, 2015

Barack Obama is a young man. By the time he leaves office, he will be in his mid-50s. Based on life expectancy, he could live for another 40 years or so. So he will be around to see the full consequences of his disastrous Iran nuclear "framework."

The deal is done.

No matter what Republicans do, Europeans fully intend to let sanctions expire. They just needed an excuse to do so, an excuse that Obama provided. Someday, nations will ask why the world's superpower ignored chants of "death to America" and "death to Israel" and allowed Iran to slow-walk toward getting nuclear weapons.

ALL of it here:
Obama s Iran Deal Someday the World Will Cry Why - Larry Elder - Page 1
The facts are the whites were in South Africa long before any blacks were there
"The aboriginal San have lived in the region for millennia. Most of the rest of the population, however, trace their history to immigration since. Indigenous Africans in South Africa are descendants of Khoikhoi and Bantu immigrants from further north in Africa, who first entered what are now the confines of the country roughly 2000 years ago.White South Africans are descendants of later European settlers, mainly from the Netherlands and Britain."
History of South Africa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The facts are the whites were in South Africa long before any blacks were there
"The aboriginal San have lived in the region for millennia. Most of the rest of the population, however, trace their history to immigration since. Indigenous Africans in South Africa are descendants of Khoikhoi and Bantu immigrants from further north in Africa, who first entered what are now the confines of the country roughly 2000 years ago.White South Africans are descendants of later European settlers, mainly from the Netherlands and Britain."
History of South Africa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes, they were in the Cape Town area and funnily enough the blacks despise them (and hunted them for sport) as much as they despise the whites. Conflict was fairly constant between the bushmen and the whites. Of that there is no doubt. Of course they originated in the Botswana area and were pushed southwards by the Bantu tribes.

Well known history.
30% population of Jews will do that for you.
That's not all Jews will do for you:
"Zionist forces initiated a cruel siege on the city of Jaffa in March 1948. The youth of the city formed popular resistance committees to confront the assault. On 14 May 1948, the Bride of the Sea fell to the Zionist military forces; that same evening the leaders of the Zionist movement in Palestine declared the establishment of the state of Israel. Approximately 4,000 of the 120,000 Palestinians managed to remain in their city after it was militarily occupied. They were all rounded up and ghettoized in al-Ajami neighborhood which was sealed off from the rest of the city and administered as essentially a military prison for two subsequent years; the military regime under which Israel governed them lasted until 1966. During this period, al-Ajami was completely surrounded by barbed wire fencing that was patrolled by Israeli soldiers and guard dogs. It was not long before the new Jewish residents of Jaffa, and based on their experience under Nazism in Europe, began to refer to the Palestinian neighborhood as the 'ghetto.'”
this was a comment from the article I posted above:

Funny that nobody seems to notice that Mr. Peanut, bubba, and obama, all worked to diminish America's dominance. Mr. Peanut started things rolling in Iran, and bubba sold missile guidance technology to China. Obama is dangerous to this country, and should be removed from office and replaced with someone who loves this country, before we're all toast.
Obama s Iran Deal Someday the World Will Cry Why - Larry Elder - Page 1
this was a comment from the article I posted above:

Funny that nobody seems to notice that Mr. Peanut, bubba, and obama, all worked to diminish America's dominance. Mr. Peanut started things rolling in Iran, and bubba sold missile guidance technology to China. Obama is dangerous to this country, and should be removed from office and replaced with someone who loves this country, before we're all toast.
Obama s Iran Deal Someday the World Will Cry Why - Larry Elder - Page 1
How come you and Larry don't say anything about Israel's nuclear weapons or the 77 UN Resolutions condemning Israel's acts of aggression against its neighbors?
Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite.
I'm not paid by Hasbara to sit around all day and spam one mindless "Jew-friendly" thread after another on USMB, are you? Maybe you should get out more?
Maybe you can find a good thesaurus in your local bookstore?

Why do you want to appear as a dummy, Gaza George? Anyone can use the Search Option and see that you roll out of bed in the morning in that one-room subsidized apartment and run to your computer to start posting against the Jews. Meanwhile, have you anything to say about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? After all, you crawl over here so you should at least fake it that you are interested in the rest of the Middle East and not the one country where many of your scapegoats live. Really, a part-time job would do you wonders. Not only would you get out of that tiny apartment and be able to communicate with real people like the rest of us do, but it would put some dollars in your pocket which you can use to have a little fun around Los Angeles such as taking a bus to Venice, sit down at an outdoor cafe for a meal, and watch the people strolling by as well as the tide rolling in. You might go home felling real refreshed by not thinking about your favorite scapegoats for a little while.
How come you and Larry don't say anything about Israel's nuclear weapons or the 77 UN Resolutions condemning Israel's acts of aggression against its neighbors?

How is it you manage to say nothing about the carnage in much of the Arab/Muslim Mideast? Egypt closes its borders to Gazans ... Turkey closes its borders to Syrians ... the Saudi coalition attacking the Iranian coalition. Millions of Arabs caught in the crossfire ... and you still busy yourself with anti-Jew propaganda. Do you really believe no one here has noticed, NaziBoy?

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