US Preparing for a World Without Israel

Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite.
I'm not paid by Hasbara to sit around all day and spam one mindless "Jew-friendly" thread after another on USMB, are you? Maybe you should get out more?
Maybe you can find a good thesaurus in your local bookstore?

Why do you want to appear as a dummy, Gaza George? Anyone can use the Search Option and see that you roll out of bed in the morning in that one-room subsidized apartment and run to your computer to start posting against the Jews. Meanwhile, have you anything to say about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? After all, you crawl over here so you should at least fake it that you are interested in the rest of the Middle East and not the one country where many of your scapegoats live. Really, a part-time job would do you wonders. Not only would you get out of that tiny apartment and be able to communicate with real people like the rest of us do, but it would put some dollars in your pocket which you can use to have a little fun around Los Angeles such as taking a bus to Venice, sit down at an outdoor cafe for a meal, and watch the people strolling by as well as the tide rolling in. You might go home felling real refreshed by not thinking about your favorite scapegoats for a little while.

You still have nothing to say?
Imagine my surprise.
Hasbara must be very proud of useless tools like you.
How is it you manage to say nothing about the carnage in much of the Arab/Muslim Mideast? Egypt closes its borders to Gazans ... Turkey closes its borders to Syrians ... the Saudi coalition attacking the Iranian coalition. Millions of Arabs caught in the crossfire ... and you still busy yourself with anti-Jew propaganda. Do you really believe no one here has noticed, NaziBoy?
Is devout ignorance your excuse for failing to understand why there is so much violence in the Middle East, or are you Jewish?
"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions that concern both Israel and Palestine and bordering states such as Lebanon. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by United Nations Human Rights Council since its creation in 2006—the Council had resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined. The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]

"From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security Council adopted 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict. In early Security Council practice, resolutions did not directly invoke Chapter VII. They made an explicit determination of a threat, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, and ordered an action in accordance with Article 39 or 40. Resolution 54 determined that a threat to peace existed within the meaning of Article 39 of the Charter, reiterated the need for a truce, and ordered a cease-fire pursuant to Article 40 of the Charter. Although the phrase 'Acting under Chapter VII' was never mentioned as the basis for the action taken, the chapter's authority was being used.[2]"

Tell me why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea?

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Plan of partition - Summary of the UK Palestine Royal Commission Peel Commission report - League of Nations Non-UN document 30 November 1937

FROM THE GRAND MUFTI HIMSELF...........“they-stole-our-land”-vs-the-grand-mufti-of-jerusalem/2/

Jihad you accept the Grand Mufti's words himself as a LIE........................

Because by his own words................YOU ARE LIAR..................
"The Arab population shows a remarkable increase since 1920, and it has had some share in the increased prosperity of Palestine. Many Arab landowners have benefited from the sale of land and the profitable investment of the purchase money. The fellaheen are better off on the whole than they were in 1920. This Arab progress has been partly due to the import of Jewish capital into Palestine and other factors associated with the growth of the National Home. In particular, the Arabs have benefited from social services which could not have been provided on the existing scale without the revenue obtained from the Jews.

"Such economic advantage, however, as the Arabs have gained from Jewish immigration will decrease if the political breach between the races continues to widen.

"Arab nationalism is as intense a force as Jewish. The Arab leaders' demand for national self-government and the shutting down of the Jewish National Home has remained unchanged since 1929. Like Jewish nationalism, Arab nationalism is stimulated by the educational system and by the growth of the Youth Movement" - See more at: Plan of partition - Summary of the UK Palestine Royal Commission Peel Commission report - League of Nations Non-UN document 30 November 1937
When Israel declared itself a "Jewish state" in 1948, there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living there.

Jewish state or democratic state?
Plan of partition - Summary of the UK Palestine Royal Commission Peel Commission report - League of Nations Non-UN document 30 November 1937

FROM THE GRAND MUFTI HIMSELF...........“they-stole-our-land”-vs-the-grand-mufti-of-jerusalem/2/

Jihad you accept the Grand Mufti's words himself as a LIE........................

Because by his own words................YOU ARE LIAR..................
"The Arab population shows a remarkable increase since 1920, and it has had some share in the increased prosperity of Palestine. Many Arab landowners have benefited from the sale of land and the profitable investment of the purchase money. The fellaheen are better off on the whole than they were in 1920. This Arab progress has been partly due to the import of Jewish capital into Palestine and other factors associated with the growth of the National Home. In particular, the Arabs have benefited from social services which could not have been provided on the existing scale without the revenue obtained from the Jews.

"Such economic advantage, however, as the Arabs have gained from Jewish immigration will decrease if the political breach between the races continues to widen.

"Arab nationalism is as intense a force as Jewish. The Arab leaders' demand for national self-government and the shutting down of the Jewish National Home has remained unchanged since 1929. Like Jewish nationalism, Arab nationalism is stimulated by the educational system and by the growth of the Youth Movement" - See more at: Plan of partition - Summary of the UK Palestine Royal Commission Peel Commission report - League of Nations Non-UN document 30 November 1937
When Israel declared itself a "Jewish state" in 1948, there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living there.

Jewish state or democratic state?
1,500,000 Dunham owned by Jews..............from the Mufti himself..............................

Now convert and APPLY TO STOLEN LAND....................Mr. Abdullah.
IR L. HAMMOND: What year?

MUFTI: At the date of the British Occupation.

SIR L. HAMMOND: And now they hold how much?

MUFTI: About 1,500,000 dunams: 1,200,000 dunams already registered in the name of the Jewish holders, but there are 300,000 dunams which are the subject of written agreements, and which have not yet been registered in the Land Registry. That does not, of course, include the land which was assigned, about 100,000 dunams.

SIR L. HAMMOND: What 100,000 dunams was assigned? Is that not included in, the 1,200,000 dunams? The point is this. He says that in 1920 at the time of the Occupation, the Jews only held 100,000 dunams, is that so? I asked the figures from the Land Registry, how much land the Jews owned at the time of the Occupation. Would he be surprised to hear that the figure is not 100,000 but 650,000 dunams?
SIR L. HAMMOND: What 100,000 dunams was assigned? Is that not included in, the 1,200,000 dunams? The point is this. He says that in 1920 at the time of the Occupation, the Jews only held 100,000 dunams, is that so? I asked the figures from the Land Registry, how much land the Jews owned at the time of the Occupation. Would he be surprised to hear that the figure is not 100,000 but 650,000 dunams?
SIR L. HAMMOND: What 100,000 dunams was assigned? Is that not included in, the 1,200,000 dunams? The point is this. He says that in 1920 at the time of the Occupation, the Jews only held 100,000 dunams, is that so? I asked the figures from the Land Registry, how much land the Jews owned at the time of the Occupation. Would he be surprised to hear that the figure is not 100,000 but 650,000 dunams?
Are you an idiot......................he conducted the interview back then.........................

So now you'll ATTACK THE MESSENGER of the INTERVIEW.............

How typical of you.
Land isn't the issue there. Never has been about the land, and never will be..............

It is about the Muslims Grand Plan to Exterminate the Jews...............and nothing more....................

No amount of Words are going to change that.
How is it you manage to say nothing about the carnage in much of the Arab/Muslim Mideast? Egypt closes its borders to Gazans ... Turkey closes its borders to Syrians ... the Saudi coalition attacking the Iranian coalition. Millions of Arabs caught in the crossfire ... and you still busy yourself with anti-Jew propaganda. Do you really believe no one here has noticed, NaziBoy?

Is devout ignorance your excuse for failing to understand why there is so much violence in the Middle East, or are you Jewish?
"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions that concern both Israel and Palestine and bordering states such as Lebanon. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by United Nations Human Rights Council since its creation in 2006—the Council had resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined. The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If I didn't know you better, I'd say you just exposed the raging cesspool of Jew-hate the UN has become but rather than quote former UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick's thoughts on that (again) I'll just mention that given the opportunity to comment on the Sunni vs. Shia violence raging throughout the Arab/Muslim Mideast, you once again deflect and post your anti-Jew propaganda, thus validating my spot on opinion of you, NaziBoy.
"The Arab population shows a remarkable increase since 1920, and it has had some share in the increased prosperity of Palestine. Many Arab landowners have benefited from the sale of land and the profitable investment of the purchase money. The fellaheen are better off on the whole than they were in 1920. This Arab progress has been partly due to the import of Jewish capital into Palestine and other factors associated with the growth of the National Home. In particular, the Arabs have benefited from social services which could not have been provided on the existing scale without the revenue obtained from the Jews.

Plan of partition - Summary of the UK Palestine Royal Commission Peel Commission report - League of Nations Non-UN document 30 November 1937

Wait ... let me get this straight. You are arguing that Jews brought much needed capital and the opportunity for fellaheen (Arab scratch farmers) to prosper?
That doesn't seem like the Jew-hate usually spewed by you, NaziBoy. Are you feeling alright?
1,500,000 Dunham owned by Jews..............from the Mufti himself..............................

Now convert and APPLY TO STOLEN LAND....................Mr. Abdullah.
"As of 1931, the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine was 26,625,600 dunams (26,625.6 km2), of which 8,252,900 dunams (8,252.9 km2) or 33% were arable.[102]

"Official statistics show that Jews privately and collectively owned 1,393,531 dunams (1,393.53 km2), or 5.23% of Palestine's total in 1945.[103][104]

"According to Avneri, Jews held 1,850,000 dunams (1,850 km2) of land in 1947, or 6.94% of the total...".[105]

'Stein gives the estimate of 2,000,000 dunams (2,000 km2) as of May 1948, or 7.51% of the total.[106]According to Fischbach,

"By 1948, Jews and Jewish companies owned 20% percent of all cultivable land in the country.[107]"

Whether Jews owned 5.23 % or 6.64% or 7.51% or even 20% of all cultivatable land in Palestine by 1948, Jews composed, at that time, one-third of the total population living there.

I'll ask again (not really expecting an answer) how does one-third of the voting population deserve to be given 55% of all Mandate Palestine in 1948?

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wait ... let me get this straight. You are arguing that Jews brought much needed capital and the opportunity for fellaheen (Arab scratch farmers) to prosper?
That doesn't seem like the Jew-hate usually spewed by you, NaziBoy. Are you feeling alright?
Are you starting to understand the distinction between a Jewish homeland and a Jewish state, Golda?
The Land Question in Palestine 1917-1939 - Kenneth W. Stein - Google Books

The control of land remains the crucial issue in the Arab-Israel conflict. Kenneth Stein investigates in detail and without polemics how and why Jews acquired land from Arabs in Palestine during the British Mandate, and he reaches conclusions that are challenging and suprising.

Stein contends that Zionists were able to purchase the core of a national territory in Palestine during this period for three reasons: they had the single-mindedness of purpose, as well as the capital, to buy the land; the Arabs, economically impoverished, politically fragmented, and socially atomized, were willing to sell the land; and the British were largely ineffective in regulating land sales and protecting Arab tenants.

Neither Arab opposition to land sales nor British attempts to regulate them actually limited land acquisition. There were always more Arab offers to sell land than there were Zionist funds. In fact, many sales were made by Arab politicians who publicly opposed Zionism and even led agitation against land acquisition by Jews. Zionists furthered their own ambitions by skillfully using their understanding of the bureaucracy to write laws and to influence key administrative appointments. Further, they knew how to take advantage of social and economic cleavages within Arab society.

Based primarily on archival research, The Land Question in Palestine, 1917-1939 offers an unusually balanced analysis of the social and political history of land sales in Palestine during this critical period. It provides exceptional and essential insight into one of the most troubling conflicts in today's world.

This coming as one of the links of proof from the wiki article you posted...................

The Arabs were selling the land...............making money.............but OH NO...........WE DIDN'T MEAN IF THEY BOUGHT LAND THEY COULD KEEP IT................

The Jews were not stupid................They BOUGHT USEFUL LAND NOT DESERT.
So................The STOLEN LAND is the DESERT..........................

What percentage of arable land did Jews own in 1948 Mandate Palestine?

How does that number compare to the percentage of Jews among the total number of Palestinians at that time?

Do you believe only landowners should be allowed to vote?
Wait ... let me get this straight. You are arguing that Jews brought much needed capital and the opportunity for fellaheen (Arab scratch farmers) to prosper?
That doesn't seem like the Jew-hate usually spewed by you, NaziBoy. Are you feeling alright?
Are you starting to understand the distinction between a Jewish homeland and a Jewish state, Golda?

Lame deflection. You most likely inadvertently posted a Unispal report which says not only did the Arab pop enjoy a "remarkable increase" after 1920 but also that "many Arab landowners" benefited from the sale of their land. The report further states that not only were the Arab fellaheen "better off" thanks to the influx of "Jewish capital," but that the Arabs "benefited from social services which could not have been provided on the existing scale without the revenue obtained from the Jews."

BTW ... I have always known the diff between a Jewish Homeland and a Jewish State and I support the Jewish Homeland, Adolph.
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