US Preparing for a World Without Israel

Land isn't the issue there. Never has been about the land, and never will be..............
Absolutely, Golda.
Land has nothing to do with Jews in Palestine:ack-1:

You really are ignorant of the facts of Zionism.
You still ignore the FACT that Israeli Arabs live way better than most Arabs in the Arab World
Can you provide any proof for this claim?
Israeli Arabs are second class citizens when it comes to housing, education, and national rights.
The inequality under the law is felt in almost all aspects of social, political and economic life, including a discriminatory educational system where curriculum is routinely biased in favour of Jewish customs and norms at the expense of Arab culture8.

"The notion of collective rights and protection of the Palestinian minority are absent from the Basic Law 9.

"An example of an explicit discriminatory law is the 'Law of Return' which grants every Jew, wherever he or she resides, automatic Israeli citizenship if desired, at the expense of refugees and stateless persons who have lived on the land for generations."

The Status of Palestinian Citizens in Israel The Electronic Intifada

You're kidding, right? You, like the author of the article in your OP, have steadfastly refused to provide a lick of evidence for the subject of this thread yet you demand proof of me?
However, just for shits and giggles, what do you suppose the Arab author of the following book meant when she named it:

"Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past. Often, Hasbara efforts includes a negative portrayal of the Arabs and especially of Palestinians."

Maybe she was paid with shit and smiles and shekels, Moron.
How is it you manage to say nothing about the carnage in much of the Arab/Muslim Mideast? Egypt closes its borders to Gazans ... Turkey closes its borders to Syrians ... the Saudi coalition attacking the Iranian coalition. Millions of Arabs caught in the crossfire ... and you still busy yourself with anti-Jew propaganda. Do you really believe no one here has noticed, NaziBoy?

Is devout ignorance your excuse for failing to understand why there is so much violence in the Middle East, or are you Jewish?
"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions that concern both Israel and Palestine and bordering states such as Lebanon. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by United Nations Human Rights Council since its creation in 2006—the Council had resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined. The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If I didn't know you better, I'd say you just exposed the raging cesspool of Jew-hate the UN has become but rather than quote former UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick's thoughts on that (again) I'll just mention that given the opportunity to comment on the Sunni vs. Shia violence raging throughout the Arab/Muslim Mideast, you once again deflect and post your anti-Jew propaganda, thus validating my spot on opinion of you, NaziBoy.
List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Because Israel hasn't attacked the Apartheid state of Jordan, nor the Apartheid state of Syria
Where have you been, Golda?
Has your Alzheimer's erased your memories of 1967?

" Finally, there is evidence, circumstantial but clear, of a relationship between the attack on the Liberty and a postponement of Israel's planned attack on the Golan Heights.

"The Golan attack was scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on 8 June; the Liberty was spotted by 6 a.m. or earlier; last-minute orders delayed the Golan attack; the Liberty was put out of commission; and the Golan attack occurred shortly thereafter."

International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence on USS Liberty
It isn't just the Arab/Muslim nations that codify their bigotry in law, it's the eggs upon which all minorities much gently tread in virtually all of them.
"The Law of Return (Hebrew: חֹוק הַשְׁבוּת, ḥok ha-shvūt) is Israeli legislation, passed on 5 July 1950, that gives Jews theright of return and the right to live in Israel and to gain citizenship.[1] In 1970, the right of entry and settlement was extended to people of Jewish ancestry, and their spouses."
Law of Return - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Can you name an Arab/Muslim country with similar legislation?
Apart from the loss of innocent lives on both sides, Israel disappearing will be a good thing for the world.
The vast majority of terrorism and extremism was started because of Israel, and America's support for Israel.
There was, apart from Zionist terrorist attacks in the late '40s, little or no extremist activity in the middle east.
This all started within a few years of America's increase in support for Israel, then US invasions of Muslim countries.
Prior to this, the only terrorism in the US was from other groups pissed off at US interference in their counties.
The vast majority of terrorism and extremism was started because of Israel, and America's support for Israel.
There was, apart from Zionist terrorist attacks in the late '40s, little or no extremist activity in the middle east.
Lords Balfour and Rothschild wanted a little loyal Jewish Ulster located at the headwaters of the Suez Canal. After WWII Truman's cabinet divided over recognizing Israel; it was understood supporting a Jewish state in Palestine would provoke Arab hostility across the Middle East. Truman's military advisers didn't believe Israel could defeat the combined Arab forces. After the Jews proved them wrong the second time in 1967, the US military industrial complex saw the long term profit potential in arming Israel and sticking the US taxpayer with the bill. BDS may be giving the corporate ghouls second thoughts about profit margins in apartheid states?
If all you whine about was and is necessary to maintain the Jewish Homeland, then so be it.
Yet you still haven't explained why Jews were entitled to their state at the expense of twice as many non-Jews? Were you Chosen? Are you still Chosen?

Tear down this wall.
Because they're "the biggest, baddest mother fuckers in the valley".

No further reason nor explanation is necessary.

Don't like it? Come try and take it back. Please.
You're kidding, right? You, like the author of the article in your OP, have steadfastly refused to provide a lick of evidence for the subject of this thread yet you demand proof of me?
However, just for shits and giggles, what do you suppose the Arab author of the following book meant when she named it:

"Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past. Often, Hasbara efforts includes a negative portrayal of the Arabs and especially of Palestinians."

Maybe she was paid with shit and smiles and shekels, Moron.

Or maybe, just maybe, she is telling it like it is because that is like it is, :asshole: .
Clearly you'd rather believe Frank Lamb who can't prove what he claims but you like it anyway and we both know why, NaziBoy.
Lords Balfour and Rothschild wanted a little loyal Jewish Ulster located at the headwaters of the Suez Canal...

Or perhaps they just wanted a safe haven for the world's Jews and thought Israel was the right place, NaziBoy.
If all you whine about was and is necessary to maintain the Jewish Homeland, then so be it.
Yet you still haven't explained why Jews were entitled to their state at the expense of twice as many non-Jews? Were you Chosen? Are you still Chosen?

Tear down this wall.

Of course I have but you are far too busy goosestepping to hear it, NaziBoy.

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