US Preparing for a World Without Israel

Of course I have but you are far too busy goosestepping to hear it, NaziBoy.
""The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews - all of them in all different levels - is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle." - Rabbi Kook, the Elder

"Note: Rabbi Kook's entire teaching was based upon the Lurianic Kabbalah, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Kabbalah is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic Kabbalah, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews, and the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary."

Why do some Jews think they are so special, Golda?
Are you Chosen or Racist?

Racist Jewish quotes from Shahak s book Jewish fundamentalism - Radio Islam
Who are you trying to kid, Gaza George? You are an anti-Semite.
I'm not paid by Hasbara to sit around all day and spam one mindless "Jew-friendly" thread after another on USMB, are you? Maybe you should get out more?
Maybe you can find a good thesaurus in your local bookstore?

Why do you want to appear as a dummy, Gaza George? Anyone can use the Search Option and see that you roll out of bed in the morning in that one-room subsidized apartment and run to your computer to start posting against the Jews. Meanwhile, have you anything to say about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? After all, you crawl over here so you should at least fake it that you are interested in the rest of the Middle East and not the one country where many of your scapegoats live. Really, a part-time job would do you wonders. Not only would you get out of that tiny apartment and be able to communicate with real people like the rest of us do, but it would put some dollars in your pocket which you can use to have a little fun around Los Angeles such as taking a bus to Venice, sit down at an outdoor cafe for a meal, and watch the people strolling by as well as the tide rolling in. You might go home felling real refreshed by not thinking about your favorite scapegoats for a little while.

You still have nothing to say?
Imagine my surprise.
Hasbara must be very proud of useless tools like you.

Gaza George can post all the cartoons he wants -- cartoons of the same order that the Nazis used against the Jews. It is quite obvious that this loser needs a scapegoat for his own failures in life.
Meanwyile, looks like Gaza George had to start in before 5:30 a.m. today to post his Nazi-like cartoon.. It appears that he has nothing else in his life but to post on forums. I still suggest he get a part-time job to help him enjoy some kind of life here in Los Angeles. His low social security check plus the supplement he gets from the government for being a low income person doesn't go very far. Thankfully he gets his subsidized apartment so that he doesn't have to live under a bridge and depend on food stamps as he once told the forum. Gaza George, why don't you get on a bus that goes down Pico Blvd. Get off at LaBrea and work your way West. Surely one of the businesses along the way is looking for a "smart, industrious" fellow like you to work a few hours a day. Maybe you can even get a job in a Jewish deli or bakery where you can mutter curses under your breath at the Jewish customers.

All the viewers probably have noticed how Gaza George was so busy vomiting out his usual cut and paste jobs. He is on a mission trying to get all the viewers of this forum to start hating his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. You should have tried harder earlier in life, Gaza George. If you had taken advantage of going to a community college to earn a certificate in some field or to one of the Los Angeles vocational schools to learn a trade, you wouldn't be needing a scapegoat in your life today, nor would you have to live in subsidized housing.
Of course I have but you are far too busy goosestepping to hear it, NaziBoy.
""The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews - all of them in all different levels - is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle." - Rabbi Kook, the Elder

"Note: Rabbi Kook's entire teaching was based upon the Lurianic Kabbalah, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Kabbalah is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic Kabbalah, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews, and the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary."

Why do some Jews think they are so special, Golda?
Are you Chosen or Racist?

Racist Jewish quotes from Shahak s book Jewish fundamentalism - Radio Islam

I guess it was time once again for Shahak to be dug up by one of the anti-Semites -- Shahak a Communist who hated all religions but is one of the favorate Jews of the NeoNazi/Islamo hate sites, such as Gaza George's source. Radio Islam. Notice that the French edition of Shahak's work is published by a NeoNazi publishing house in Paris.
Have some compassion for the islamo Nazi scum------they are impoverished-----all they have is SHAHAK I have no doubt that just as Mein Kampf was the only book that was translated into Arabic in the whole decade of the 1930s-----that the jibberish of shahak the, the fanatic communist, is one of the few----if not the ONLY collection of writings ------translated into
Arabic this past decade. Shahak was virulently "anti-jewish"-------of course he was virulently anti-any-religion---but he did not bother to mention the filth and stink of islam
Because they're "the biggest, baddest mother fuckers in the valley".

No further reason nor explanation is necessary.

Don't like it? Come try and take it back. Please.

Nuthin' to do with Internet tough-guys...

Everything to do with the relative position of each side...

Here, in the imagery supplied by your own side's propaganda maps, Achmed...


Wanna see what that looks like by the year 2022 or so?


Oh, well...

Any good 'Reconquista' is bound to take a century or so (1922 to 2022)...

But great fun, and very worthwhile...

Judging by how closely map No. 4 (the rightmost one) in the first set, resembles the left (white) zone in the bottom map, well...

Looks like the Israelis are right on schedule, with most of the job completed, and not much left to go...

You don't get that kind of results by pretending to be Tough Guys... on the Internet or otherwise.

You get those kind of results by kicking ass, time and again, when your Neanderthals serve-up another in a long and vast and never-ending series of Stupendous Stupidities... foolhardiness and idiocy being their primary virtues.

Nature has de-selected your relatives, Achmed...

Stop the Israeli Reconquista if you can, pissant...

You and the rest of your chickenshit Arab butt-buddy friends...

The game clock is running down... quckly... and you're waaaaayyy behind...

Tick, tick, tick...

Last edited:
Nuthin' to do with Internet tough-guys...

Everything to do with the relative position of each side...

Here, in the imagery supplied by your own side's propaganda maps, Achmed...
Everything to do with B-D-S, Shitstain.
Your beloved Likud is going the way of the National Party, and all "good Nazis" are crying.
Don't like it?
Move to Jerusalem(it's the new Selma)
You don't get that kind of results by pretending to be Tough Guys... on the Internet or otherwise.

You get those kind of results by kicking ass, time and again, when your Neanderthals serve-up another in a long and vast and never-ending series of Stupendous Stupidities... foolhardiness and idiocy being their primary virtues.
You get those kind of results by killing women and children and stealing their land and water rights. Is that what you admire most about the Jews, Golda? Maybe you're just another closet rabbi with delusions of difference?
"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world."
What kind of arrogance is required to believe Jews are a totally different species from all other human beings?

Let us differentiate from those internet tough guys who believe Jews are the Chosen Specie and entitled to all the land between the River and the sea, and those who recognize self-absorbed racist tools are always on the wrong side of history.

Racist Jewish quotes from Shahak s book Jewish fundamentalism - Radio Islam
Have some compassion for the islamo Nazi scum------they are impoverished-----all they have is SHAHAK I have no doubt that just as Mein Kampf was the only book that was translated into Arabic in the whole decade of the 1930s-----that the jibberish of shahak the, the fanatic communist, is one of the few----if not the ONLY collection of writings ------translated into
Arabic this past decade. Shahak was virulently "anti-jewish"-------of course he was virulently anti-any-religion---but he did not bother to mention the filth and stink of islam
"The following, quoted mainly from Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky's book,'Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel', correctly reflects what most 'Jews' actually believe about themselves as opposed to non-'Jews.'

"The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews - all of them in all different levels - is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle." - Rabbi Kook, the Elder

"Note: Rabbi Kook's entire teaching was based upon the Lurianic Kabbalah, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Kabbalah is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic Kabbalah, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews, and the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary."

Rosie prefers Rabbi Kook and pretends she isn't racist.

Racist Jewish quotes from Shahak s book Jewish fundamentalism - Radio Islam
You don't get that kind of results by pretending to be Tough Guys... on the Internet or otherwise.

You get those kind of results by kicking ass, time and again, when your Neanderthals serve-up another in a long and vast and never-ending series of Stupendous Stupidities... foolhardiness and idiocy being their primary virtues.
You get those kind of results by killing women and children and stealing their land and water rights. Is that what you admire most about the Jews, Golda? Maybe you're just another closet rabbi with delusions of difference?
"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world."
What kind of arrogance is required to believe Jews are a totally different species from all other human beings?

Let us differentiate from those internet tough guys who believe Jews are the Chosen Specie and entitled to all the land between the River and the sea, and those who recognize self-absorbed racist tools are always on the wrong side of history.

Racist Jewish quotes from Shahak s book Jewish fundamentalism - Radio Islam
The Armenian Genocide (Warning: gruesome pictures)

The Armenian Genocide Warning gruesome pictures mediachecker

Your side doesn't have a MORAL LEG TO STAND ON.......................

The Systematic Slaughter, aka GENOCIDE, by the Ottomans in the late 19th Century thru the end of exactly why your side claims NO CHRISTIANS AND JEWS in the region.......................

So you ignore the history of the Region..............Ignore the Extermination of Millions of people in the Region.................

and then say................SEE THEY WEREN'T THERE..............WE'VE BEEN ROBBED....................................

Britain and France were RIGHT to FIGHT THE TURKS IN WWI................To end the systematic Slaughter of all ethnic minorities in the region.....................They put the TURKS BACK IN THEIR PLACE....................and ended the slaughter in the region.............

Armenians taking their last Train ride..................via the Turks.....................LOOK FAMILIAR................
  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
Stop the Israeli Reconquista if you can, pissant...

You and the rest of your chickenshit Arab butt-buddy friends...

The game clock is running down... quckly... and you're waaaaayyy behind...

Tick, tick, tick...

"ISRAEL'S ultra--Orthodox Sephardi community was engulfed in a wave of religious optimism after Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the Shas party, said that he had conversed with the Messiah in a dream.

"Rabbi Yosef, the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi, who recedntly said that Arabs were snakes and should be annihilated, told his followers that he had a dream on Friday."

Your kinda Dream?

The Wit and Wisdom of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Radio Islam
You tell 'em, Achmed, our little Arab butt-buddy...

That game-clock keeps running down, doesn't it, miscreant?

Tick... tick... tick...


A Turk teasing starving children with bread!!!!!

The killing of 1.5m Armenians by the Ottoman Turks during World War I remains one of the bloodiest and most contentious events of the 20th century, and has been called the first modern genocide.

In all, 25 concentration camps were set up in a systematic slaughter aimed at eradicating the Armenian people – classed as “vermin” by the Turks.
You get those kind of results by killing women and children and stealing their land and water rights. Is that what you admire most about the Jews, Golda? Maybe you're just another closet rabbi with delusions of difference?

Racist Jewish quotes from Shahak s book Jewish fundamentalism - Radio Islam

Actually Adolph, you got that way by reading and swallowing whole anything you find at Nazi websites like Radio Islam:

The EU's racism monitoring organization has called it "one of the most radical right-wing antisemitic homepages on the net."

Radio Islam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Sound Familiar.........................
Ottoman Caliphate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Abdul-Hamid II, 1876–1909[edit]
See also: Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Sultan Abdul-Hamid II, who ruled 1876–1909, felt that the Empire's desperate situation could only be remedied through strong and determined leadership. He distrusted his ministers and other officials that had served his predecessors and gradually reduced their role in his regime, concentrating absolute power over the Empire's governance in his own hands. Taking a hard-line against Western involvement in Ottoman affairs, he emphasized the Empire's "Islamic" character, reasserted his status as the Caliph, and called for Muslim unity behind the Caliphate.

Abdul-Hamid strengthened the Empire's position somewhat, and succeeded briefly in reasserting Islamic power, by building numerous schools, reducing the national debt, and embarking on projects aimed at revitalizing the Empire's decaying infrastructure. His autocratic style of governance created a backlash that led to the end of his reign.

Western-inclined Turkish military officers opposed to Abdul-Hamid's rule had steadily organized in the form of secret societies within and outside Turkey. By 1906, the movement enjoyed the support of a significant portion of the army, and its leaders formed the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), informally known as the Young TurkParty. The Young Turks sought to remodel administration of the Empire along Western lines. Their ideology wasnationalist in character, and was a precursor of the movement that would seize control of Turkey following World War I. CUP leaders presented their ideas to the public as a revival of true Islamic principles. Under the leadership of Enver Pasha, a Turkish military officer, the CUP launched a military coup against the Sultan in 1908, proclaiming a new regime on 6 July. Though they left Abdul-Hamid on his throne, the Young Turks compelled him to restore the parliament and constitution he had suspended thirty years earlier, thereby creating a constitutional monarchy and stripping the Caliphate of its authority.
Have some compassion for the islamo Nazi scum------they are impoverished-----all they have is SHAHAK I have no doubt that just as Mein Kampf was the only book that was translated into Arabic in the whole decade of the 1930s-----that the jibberish of shahak the, the fanatic communist, is one of the few----if not the ONLY collection of writings ------translated into
Arabic this past decade. Shahak was virulently "anti-jewish"-------of course he was virulently anti-any-religion---but he did not bother to mention the filth and stink of islam
"The following, quoted mainly from Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky's book,'Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel', correctly reflects what most 'Jews' actually believe about themselves as opposed to non-'Jews.'

"The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews - all of them in all different levels - is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle." - Rabbi Kook, the Elder

"Note: Rabbi Kook's entire teaching was based upon the Lurianic Kabbalah, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Kabbalah is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic Kabbalah, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews, and the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary."

Rosie prefers Rabbi Kook and pretends she isn't racist.

Racist Jewish quotes from Shahak s book Jewish fundamentalism - Radio Islam

Most jews never read the kabbalistic literature------even I have read very little despite the fact that I have read just about
everything else LURIA is a name that most jews---when asked ----would shrug "WHO"?? I appreciate your source-------ROFLMAO In fact---there is nothing in
Khabbalistic literature that renders JOOOOOS ---superior----
just a bit different. In Islamic law----the murder of a jew by a muslim is not a crime------unless that murder impacts---in some way on MUSLIM INTERESTS------even then it can
never be a capital crime. The murderers of Daniel Pearl----
who were CONVICTED and SENTENCED to DEATH----are still alive-------they cannot be executed by Islamic LAW----

Jewish law----on the other hand----treats all murders as capital crimes-------gee Georgie----"radio shariah shit"----

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