US Preparing for a World Without Israel

You tell 'em, Achmed, our little Arab butt-buddy...

That game-clock keeps running down, doesn't it, miscreant?

Tick... tick... tick...
"One day after publicly announcing a messianic dream, Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef has sent additional messianic shockwaves through the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel and the United States ... The Shas spiritual leader claims he can now forecast the arrival of the Messiah according to the frequency and veracity of his bowel movements.

"The Rabbi told personal confidants of his latest mystical experience. Yosef later confirmed rumors of this latest interpretation on Shas radio. 'Solid stools indicated the strength of Ariel Sharon's policies, but lately, the stools have had a softer text, indicating Sharon's weakness and the possible arrival of the Messiah in this time of crisis,' Rabbi Ovadia Yosef told his listeners."

Are you feeling hungry, Golda?

The Wit and Wisdom of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Radio Islam
Damn I am looking for the day Iran, Saudi Arabia and Muslims aren't leading everyone else here by the nuggets and telling people what to think while they are doing it. Enough of this ...
When was the last time Iran or Saudi Arabia invaded and occupied another sovereign country on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?

If you are honestly outraged by the escalating level of violence across the Middle East, at least blame the responsible parties (Republican AND Democrat)
Saudi Arabia is a nest of vipers. Are you kidding? Most of the 9/11 idiots were Saudis, and besides, that country inspired this whole moronic religion to begin with. Drink the kool aid and go live with allah the invisible pink unicorn. Kill the infidels. Have a taste of that purple kool aid.
Good one, Achmed !!!
Grin where you were fucked last, Scarlett

Free the bubbles...

The Neanderthals can wait...
I drink grape kool aid all the time, it's a great product. As long as we don't mistake mindless conformity with a consumer product. Don't mistake mindless conformity with religion, either. Appealing to Muslims here...
Yet another Zig heil and a sharp right hand salute to Islam. Way to go, guys! Allah uber ales.
Allah above everything else.............

Learn something new every day.

Their propaganda must be challenged from time to time............when a Lie is told enough times it becomes the truth....................

I don't know if you are mad at the ones challenging it on this thread............saying ignore it...............or bashing the other side..........

Either way, I've always respected your posts.
Damn I am looking for the day Iran, Saudi Arabia and Muslims aren't leading everyone else here by the nuggets and telling people what to think while they are doing it. Enough of this ...
When was the last time Iran or Saudi Arabia invaded and occupied another sovereign country on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland?

If you are honestly outraged by the escalating level of violence across the Middle East, at least blame the responsible parties (Republican AND Democrat)
Of course you can't blame the's never their fault to you now is it.....................

Are you about done with your little wet dream OP of a World without Israel.......................Which will not happen.......................
actually it was all syria first, and most of Lebanon was syria (autonomous) with just a small part in the north that was but under the mandate. It was later sold to jews by it's Lebanese owners.
What do you mean by "it?"
Sykes-Picot carved up the Middle East with France controlling Syria and Lebanon and the British ruling in Iraq, Trans-Jordan, and Palestine. Why do you suppose the British, with their commitment to Arab nationalism, didn't create a single Arab state spanning the Fertile Crescent from the Mediterranean sea to the Persian gulf?
actually it was all syria first, and most of Lebanon was syria (autonomous) with just a small part in the north that was but under the mandate. It was later sold to jews by it's Lebanese owners.
What do you mean by "it?"
Sykes-Picot carved up the Middle East with France controlling Syria and Lebanon and the British ruling in Iraq, Trans-Jordan, and Palestine. Why do you suppose the British, with their commitment to Arab nationalism, didn't create a single Arab state spanning the Fertile Crescent from the Mediterranean sea to the Persian gulf?
aka another Ottoman Empire...............Spanning the entire region...................

One that so many of their men had died to stop in the War..................They created the Nations that exist today in the Break up of the Ottomans the best they could..............

They tried to Honor their word all around........including the Jews............

But a small sliver of land was too much for the Arabs............after the entire region was Arab...............the countries that exist today...............

Your purpose here is clear to use propaganda in your War with Israel and the West..........trying to turn everyone against you can destroy it.
Of course you can't blame the's never their fault to you now is it.....................
It wasn't Arabs who invaded two sovereign Christian countries on the opposite side of the world from Mecca, was it? Why do you think Jews and Christians can murder, maim, and displace millions of innocent Arabs without some Arab retaliation?
Of course you can't blame the's never their fault to you now is it.....................
It wasn't Arabs who invaded two sovereign Christian countries on the opposite side of the world from Mecca, was it? Why do you think Jews and Christians can murder, maim, and displace millions of innocent Arabs without some Arab retaliation?
Put your dogs on a leash or we will put them down................

Clear it up for you................
Will the Jewish state go the way of apartheid South Africa? According to this controversial report based on findings from sixteen US intelligence agencies, it will happen within ten years.

"Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only 'Western' nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population..."
The US intelligence report notes how unlikely it is that 700,000 "settlers" who are illegally squatting on land stolen from Palestine in 1967 will pack up and leave peacefully.

Which raises the prospect of a 21st century civil war erupting in a nuclear-armed state.

US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East Foreign Policy Journal

Meh.... fuck Israel.

From a national security standpoint, there is no strategic reason that the USA should be supporting Israel.
ut a small sliver of land was too much for the Arabs............after the entire region was Arab...............the countries that exist today...............
Do you know/care how many Jews and Arabs lived on that small sliver of land at the end of WWI? There were at least twice as many Arabs as Jews living there, and most of them would have been happy deciding Palestine's future at the ballot box. It was western imperial nations, acting through the UN in 1948, which decided a Jewish state would best serve their interests. It was a mistake then, and the interest on that mistake continues today from Syria to Yemen. You seem to be blaming the victims for the crimes of their killers.
Saudi Arabia is a nest of vipers. Are you kidding? Most of the 9/11 idiots were Saudis, and besides, that country inspired this whole moronic religion to begin with. Drink the kool aid and go live with allah the invisible pink unicorn. Kill the infidels. Have a taste of that purple kool aid.
Do you think the US government is supporting the Saudi crimes in Yemen for the same reasons it supports Jewish crimes in Palestine?
ut a small sliver of land was too much for the Arabs............after the entire region was Arab...............the countries that exist today...............
Do you know/care how many Jews and Arabs lived on that small sliver of land at the end of WWI? There were at least twice as many Arabs as Jews living there, and most of them would have been happy deciding Palestine's future at the ballot box. It was western imperial nations, acting through the UN in 1948, which decided a Jewish state would best serve their interests. It was a mistake then, and the interest on that mistake continues today from Syria to Yemen. You seem to be blaming the victims for the crimes of their killers.
Don't you care that the Arabs representing the Palestinians said NO RULE OR TERRITORY FOR Israel.............that they would decide what is best for the 400,000 Jews there as they see fit.............

aka They would never agree to a Jewish Nation there.............EVER.................even today.
Of course you can't blame the's never their fault to you now is it.....................
It wasn't Arabs who invaded two sovereign Christian countries on the opposite side of the world from Mecca, was it? Why do you think Jews and Christians can murder, maim, and displace millions of innocent Arabs without some Arab retaliation?
15 Saudis attack New York and DC, killing 3000 Americans, and the US maims, murders, and displaces millions of innocent Muslims from Afghanistan to Iraq to Syria to Yemen. Does that make any sense to you? Maybe you remember one of the major reasons al-Qaeda struck America, US support for Israel? If you actually give a shit about those who died on 911, blame those getting rich from the deaths of innocents.

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