US Preparing for a World Without Israel

Don't you care that the Arabs representing the Palestinians said NO RULE OR TERRITORY FOR Israel.............that they would decide what is best for the 400,000 Jews there as they see fit.............

aka They would never agree to a Jewish Nation there.............EVER.................even today.
"The partition plan was rejected out of hand by Palestinian Arab leadership and by most of the Arab population.[qt 1][qt 2]

"Meeting in Cairo on November and December 1947, the Arab League then adopted a series of resolutions aimed at a military solution to the conflict.

"Britain announced that it would accept the partition plan, but refused to enforce it, arguing it was not accepted by the Arabs. Britain also refused to share the administration of Palestine with the UN Palestine Commission during the transitional period. In September 1947, the British government announced that the Mandate for Palestine would end at midnight on 14 May 1948.[51][52][53]

"Some Jewish organisations also opposed the proposal. Irgun leader Menachem Begin announced: "The partition of the Homeland is illegal. It will never be recognized. The signature by institutions and individuals of the partition agreement is invalid. It will not bind the Jewish people. Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for ever."[54] These views were publicly rejected by the majority of the nascent Jewish state.[citati"

Jews like Begin were a lot more honest than the hypocrites ruling in Jerusalem today; they stated publicly they wanted all the land between the River and the sea.

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
From a national security standpoint, there is no strategic reason that the USA should be supporting Israel.
The US may be counting on Israel and Saudi Arabia to enforce the borders of the New Middle East:

Iraq has nearly dissolved into three separate mini-states.
Syria is slated for a similar fate.
Saudis are planning oil pipelines across Yemen to bypass the Straits of Hormuz.
The conflicts are beginning to cross-contaminate one another, and it's only a matter of time before the car bombs and worse find their way to the heart of the "war on terror." That's when we'll discover what freedom means to American$.
From a national security standpoint, there is no strategic reason that the USA should be supporting Israel.
The US may be counting on Israel and Saudi Arabia to enforce the borders of the New Middle East:

Iraq has nearly dissolved into three separate mini-states.
Syria is slated for a similar fate.
Saudis are planning oil pipelines across Yemen to bypass the Straits of Hormuz.
The conflicts are beginning to cross-contaminate one another, and it's only a matter of time before the car bombs and worse find their way to the heart of the "war on terror." That's when we'll discover what freedom means to American$.

We have played this map game before and you still don't understand it was a theory that was never adopted. Just a through exercise, nothing more.
How did you ever come to think this was something real or wanted by any nation or group?
Far too much propaganda and hate sites pushing this nonsense.
try the facts instead.
We have played this map game before and you still don't understand it was a theory that was never adopted. Just a through exercise, nothing more.
So you are saying there has been no change to the borders of Iraq and Syria since the US invasion in 2003?

I'm not sure what your definition of "theory" entails, but Iraq and Syria are currently being reconfigured.

If you have any "facts" (as opposed to "hasbara") to offer, try using a few links to justify your propaganda.

"By mid-June, the United Nations reported that the fighting in Iraq displaced over 1 million people, or about 3 percent of the country's population. This is a humanitarian disaster — many of these people needed to be settled in makeshift refugee camps in areas unaffected by the fighting.

"It's also potentially a strategic problem for ISIS.

"Some experts believe that the mass exodus from ISIS-controlled areas may be a sign that Sunnis are worried about what life under ISIS would be like. The more Sunnis are uncomfortable with ISIS' rule, the more ISIS should be afraid — ISIS cannot hold territory if Sunni civilians begin cooperating with the Iraqi government or government-aligned militias."

27 maps that explain the crisis in Iraq
I guess it was time once again for Shahak to be dug up by one of the anti-Semites -- Shahak a Communist who hated all religions but is one of the favorate Jews of the NeoNazi/Islamo hate sites, such as Gaza George's source. Radio Islam. Notice that the French edition of Shahak's work is published by a NeoNazi publishing house in Paris
Are you saying Shahak was incorrect about
"...Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, arguably the most influential and revered rabbi of the 20th century.

"The first Chief Rabbi of the Holy Land in modern times, Rabbi Kook's breadth of thought, knowledge, leadership and piety were unmatched. Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer, who headed the hareidi-religious Council of Torah Sages, once said to the famous sage Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky of Vilna, 'We are considered Torah giants only up until the point that we reach the door of Rabbi Kook’s room.'”
Are you disputing the accuracy of Shahak's quotation of Rabbi Kook concerning Jewish souls and the souls of cattle, or are you simply MOOOing in hasbara?

Selected Quotes from Rabbi Kook - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva

If you want to believe that a Chemistry professor (a Communist to boot) is a learned religious scholar, have at it, Gaza George. You could care less what Shahak or Kook said. This is your big chance that you waited for all your miserable life -- a forum for you to attempt to have people hate the Jews because you feel that the Jews of Los Angeles were responsible for your failures in life instead of being honest with yourself and putting the blame where it belongs -- YOU. In fact, the way you are going crazy with this thread is showing the viewers just how neurotic you are. Since you once informed the viewers that you faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training in the Air Force because you missed the 'hood, couldn't some of your old friends from the 'hood get you out of that tiny one-room subsidized apartment and drive you over to their homes for a meal and socializing once in a while? It certainly would do you a world of good to get out.
f you want to believe that a Chemistry professor (a Communist to boot) is a learned religious scholar, have at it, Gaza George. You could care less what Shahak or Kook said
When a rabid religious fundamentalist like Kook or Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab deliberately stokes the fires of racial hatred, I have no problem condemning both, and Shahak's writings lead me to believe he feels the same way. You, on the other hand, are a whore who's shown repeatedly there is no crime your beloved racist Jewish state can commit that you won't fully endorse. Maybe you should emigrate? You are clearly incapable of contributing to meaningful debate in a free country.
what racial hatred did rabbi kook incite? Can you cite some examples?
"In his book, Rachlevsky correctly claimed that Rabbi Kook, the Elder, the revered father of the messianic tendency of Jewish fundamentalism (who is featured in our book), said 'The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews - all of them in all dlfferent levels - is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.'"
Do you mooooo for hasbara?
Israel Shahak on the Jewish Religion s View of Non-Jews
for the rest of the board----Georgie that excludes you.
The persons interested in the messianic tendency in
mystical Judaism constitute a very tiny group. ----very
very tiny element WITHIN the Chassidic community where
the whole business of immutable souls is so hotly debated
that children are barred from reading about it. So how
would some estoteric stuff by KOOK incite racism?. I read
DANTE as a child of 14------"THE DIVINE COMEDY" ---
did that book full of the estoteric notions of the catholic
church incite racist violence? The kind of people who focus
on THE GILGUL -----the ever cycling "soul" -----are the kind
of people that barely get out of their 'study' rooms-----and
never lynched anyone. GILGULISM has had no effect
on the general population of jews
Can you provide any proof for this claim?
Israeli Arabs are second class citizens when it comes to housing, education, and national rights.

What are the rights of Jews and Christians in countries controlled by you Muzzie Beasts?

Clean up your own mess, Ahmed.

The inequality under the law is felt in almost all aspects of social, political and economic life, including a discriminatory educational system where curriculum is routinely biased in favour of Jewish customs and norms at the expense of Arab culture8.

"The notion of collective rights and protection of the Palestinian minority are absent from the Basic Law 9.

"An example of an explicit discriminatory law is the 'Law of Return' which grants every Jew, wherever he or she resides, automatic Israeli citizenship if desired, at the expense of refugees and stateless persons who have lived on the land for generations."

The Status of Palestinian Citizens in Israel The Electronic Intifada

What is the status of Christians and Jews in the Sharia infested shit holes that define the Middle East? When Jews have equal rights in Saudi Arabia you can criticize Israel - but not before.
Can you provide any proof for this claim?
Israeli Arabs are second class citizens when it comes to housing, education, and national rights.

What are the rights of Jews and Christians in countries controlled by you Muzzie Beasts?

Clean up your own mess, Ahmed.

The inequality under the law is felt in almost all aspects of social, political and economic life, including a discriminatory educational system where curriculum is routinely biased in favour of Jewish customs and norms at the expense of Arab culture8.

"The notion of collective rights and protection of the Palestinian minority are absent from the Basic Law 9.

"An example of an explicit discriminatory law is the 'Law of Return' which grants every Jew, wherever he or she resides, automatic Israeli citizenship if desired, at the expense of refugees and stateless persons who have lived on the land for generations."

The Status of Palestinian Citizens in Israel The Electronic Intifada

What is the status of Christians and Jews in the Sharia infested shit holes that define the Middle East? When Jews have equal rights in Saudi Arabia you can criticize Israel - but not before.

ALL you ZIO-NAZIS -----play LOGIC ------ --Georgie---you are right----muzzies should do what DA JOOOOS in muzzie lands have done------

.....still waiting, pimp georgie

Can you imagine anyone saying that to US?
There is a lot of criticism by Israelis when they disagree. The problem in not criticism but the abuse and hate by war mongers attacking Israel.
Hate is not criticism. Lies and defamation is not criticism. Name calling and threats against Israel is not criticism.

You can shove that clipart up your nose and inhale.
What are the rights of Jews and Christians in countries controlled by you Muzzie Beasts?
Why would you care, Avigdor?
"'Whoever's with us should get everything,' Lieberman said, in reference to the loyalty of Israeli Arabs, who make up some 20 percent of Israel's population. 'Those who are against us, there's nothing to be done – we need to pick up an axe and cut off his head. Otherwise we won't survive here.'"
Got an edge on your axe, Asshole?
Israeli foreign minister says disloyal Arabs should be beheaded - The Washington Post
Can you imagine anyone saying that to US?
There is a lot of criticism by Israelis when they disagree. The problem in not criticism but the abuse and hate by war mongers attacking Israel.
Hate is not criticism. Lies and defamation is not criticism. Name calling and threats against Israel is not criticism.
What's the old saying, it isn't what gentiles say; it is what Jews do:

What are you waiting for, the Messiah?
Can you imagine anyone saying that to US?
There is a lot of criticism by Israelis when they disagree. The problem in not criticism but the abuse and hate by war mongers attacking Israel.
Hate is not criticism. Lies and defamation is not criticism. Name calling and threats against Israel is not criticism.
What's the old saying, it isn't what gentiles say; it is what Jews do:

What are you waiting for, the Messiah?

Genesis 15:18
f you want to believe that a Chemistry professor (a Communist to boot) is a learned religious scholar, have at it, Gaza George. You could care less what Shahak or Kook said
When a rabid religious fundamentalist like Kook or Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab deliberately stokes the fires of racial hatred, I have no problem condemning both, and Shahak's writings lead me to believe he feels the same way. You, on the other hand, are a whore who's shown repeatedly there is no crime your beloved racist Jewish state can commit that you won't fully endorse. Maybe you should emigrate? You are clearly incapable of contributing to meaningful debate in a free country.

You on one hand are a mentally ill Jew hater who blames the Jews for your failures, which is obvious to many on this board. You actually sound like you are having a nervous breakdown right now with this constant barrage of your cut and paste jobs (which certainly is not debating as you think), many of which you have posted ad nauseam previously. Get away from your computer and walk out the door of your one-room subsidized apartment and get some fresh air. Are you going to spend the rest of your miserable life trying to get people to hate the Jews as much as you do? Perhaps it is you who should emigrate to a place where your meager income will provide you with a better life. You might be a happier person this way.

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