US Preparing for a World Without Israel

why is "muslim only" an issue? there are "muslim only"----
whole counties thruout the levant and muslim only places even
in south-east asia. You are trying to knock LOCAL CUSTOM
in the levant -----but only at the expense of jews?-----how typical.
Try not to cite propaganda web-sites-----it is silly The Islamic
POV is that all the land of the levant is "MUSLIM LAND"---thus
rendering your "confiscation" BS ----<< what it is
How many Jews have had their homes destroyed by Muslims in Palestine since 1967?

"Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine
0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians,
and over 28,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished
by Israel since 1967."

Israeli and Palestinian Homes Demolished since September 29 2000
how does that old poster bother you, Georgie? Is it dated?. By the looks of it ---it comes from the time that jews were defeating cholera and shistosomiasis in
Palestine------at a time when the only people called "Palestinians" were jews,
You got something against cleaning out shit infested swamps?
why is "muslim only" an issue? there are "muslim only"----
whole counties thruout the levant and muslim only places even
in south-east asia. You are trying to knock LOCAL CUSTOM
in the levant -----but only at the expense of jews?-----how typical.
Try not to cite propaganda web-sites-----it is silly The Islamic
POV is that all the land of the levant is "MUSLIM LAND"---thus
rendering your "confiscation" BS ----<< what it is
How many Jews have had their homes destroyed by Muslims in Palestine since 1967?

"Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine
0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians,
and over 28,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished
by Israel since 1967."

Israeli and Palestinian Homes Demolished since September 29 2000

why do you get to choose the TIME WINDOW that suits your specific
agenda? You need not answer----it is a typical islamo Nazi ploy
why is "muslim only" an issue? there are "muslim only"----
whole counties thruout the levant and muslim only places even
in south-east asia. You are trying to knock LOCAL CUSTOM
in the levant -----but only at the expense of jews?-----how typical.
Try not to cite propaganda web-sites-----it is silly The Islamic
POV is that all the land of the levant is "MUSLIM LAND"---thus
rendering your "confiscation" BS ----<< what it is
How many Jews have had their homes destroyed by Muslims in Palestine since 1967?

"Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine
0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians,
and over 28,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished
by Israel since 1967."

Israeli and Palestinian Homes Demolished since September 29 2000

I propose that the time window for discussion of demolished and
confiscated property in the dispute between muslims and jews
encompass the past 150 years --OK GEORGIE?
better yet----I propose that the issue of confiscation and/or destruction of
property-----be a discussion that encompasses all "groups" ---over the
past 150 years.
your maps do not reflect "colonization" anymore than would a map of the US---
depicting the distribution of Muslims in the USA over the past 100 years.
How many Muslim only settlements currently exist in the US?
Israeli Confiscation and Settlement on Palestinian Land

They have large areas like China Towns in N.Y. City which has the largest, followed by Dearborn Michigan, L.A. Calif. , Paterson N.J., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Dearborn Michigan mosque is turning out and supporting the most of Jihadists Terrorists.
The top six states with the most amount of mosques were: New York 257, California 246, Texas 166, Florida 118, Illinois 109, New Jersey 109.
why do you get to choose the TIME WINDOW that suits your specific
agenda? You need not answer----it is a typical islamo Nazi ploy
Because there are today equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and some Jews fear equality. It's a simple concept to grasp for those not laboring for...

which probably explains your "confusion."
They have large areas like China Towns in N.Y. City which has the largest, followed by Dearborn Michigan, L.A. Calif. , Paterson N.J., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Dearborn Michigan mosque is turning out and supporting the most of Jihadists Terrorists.
The top six states with the most amount of mosques were: New York 257, California 246, Texas 166, Florida 118, Illinois 109, New Jersey 109.
They aren't confiscating land from non-Muslims are they?
Israeli Settlements
on Palestinian Land

"Israel currently has 163 Jewish-only settlements and 99 'outposts' built on confiscated Palestinian land.
Palestinians do not have any
settlements on Israeli land."

Israeli Confiscation and Settlement on Palestinian Land
your maps do not reflect "colonization" anymore than would a map of the US---
depicting the distribution of Muslims in the USA over the past 100 years.
How many Muslim only settlements currently exist in the US?
Israeli Confiscation and Settlement on Palestinian Land

They have large areas like China Towns in N.Y. City which has the largest, followed by Dearborn Michigan, L.A. Calif. , Paterson N.J., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Dearborn Michigan mosque is turning out and supporting the most of Jihadists Terrorists.
The top six states with the most amount of mosques were: New York 257, California 246, Texas 166, Florida 118, Illinois 109, New Jersey 109.

also Jersey City, New Jersey---that's where pig shaykh abdel Rahman plotted
the 1993 bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER----in his "holy" mosque.
When I was a child----Paterson, NJ was a nice place----now one cannot walk
n the main street
also Jersey City, New Jersey---that's where pig shaykh abdel Rahman plotted
the 1993 bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER----in his "holy" mosque.
When I was a child----Paterson, NJ was a nice place----now one cannot walk
n the main street
Not unlike Arabs walking the streets of Kiryat Arba?
"(Your Hero) Goldstein was born in Brooklyn, New York, to an Orthodox Jewish family. He attended the Yeshiva of Flatbush religious day school. He studied medicine at Yeshiva University,[9]receiving a medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He belonged to the Jewish Defense League (JDL), a militant Jewish organization founded by his boyhood acquaintance Meir Kahane."
Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
also Jersey City, New Jersey---that's where pig shaykh abdel Rahman plotted
the 1993 bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER----in his "holy" mosque.
When I was a child----Paterson, NJ was a nice place----now one cannot walk
n the main street
Not unlike Arabs walking the streets of Kiryat Arba?
"(Your Hero) Goldstein was born in Brooklyn, New York, to an Orthodox Jewish family. He attended the Yeshiva of Flatbush religious day school. He studied medicine at Yeshiva University,[9]receiving a medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He belonged to the Jewish Defense League (JDL), a militant Jewish organization founded by his boyhood acquaintance Meir Kahane."
Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah? so? I never met the man----but it happens that I knew----people who knew him. That includes some of his muslim patients in the USA. I also knew
a physician in the USA who ----was in communication with him----at that time.
I would tell you what really happened----but you are not worth it----and I would have
to reveal details of my own life------ie where I was back then and with whom I was working----that I would rather not. In any case----Goldstein had information that
plans were underway to do a RECAP in Hebron of the action of 1929 in which
the followers of "GRAND MUFTI" al husseini massacred completely unarmed
jews and slit the throats of infants for the glory of allah. As town doctor he
had the interesting job of doing the examination of the dead body of his best
friend who had been mutilated in the ISLAMIC way---the stuff muslims do to
excite their muslimah sluts. Goldstein requested ARMY PROTECTION for
the Hebron community and was ignored <<<< that's the background. I told
you what happened but left out names and places I blame
the government of Israel for failure to protect. Goldstein's plan was to take out
grown men-----so he did his thing at the jewish shrine which had been taken over
by muslims-----the tomb of the jewish patriarchs-----which is legally a possession of jews. It was PURCHASED at least three times in history and NEVER SOLD. I blame the Israeli government for allowing muslims to set foot in that place

were you trying to make a point? BTW his muslim patients were horrified that he was killed. I still believe that muslims should not be allowed to live in Hebron just
as jews are not allowed to live in Medina ----fair is fair
Yeah? so? I never met the man----but it happens that I knew----people who knew him. That includes some of his muslim patients in the USA. I also knew
a physician in the USA who ----was in communication with him----at that time.
"Goldstein immigrated to Israel in 1983.[1] He served as a physician in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), first as a conscript, then in the reserve forces. Following the end of his active duty, Goldstein worked as a physician and lived in the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron, where he worked as an emergency doctor, and was involved in treating victims of Arab-Israeli violence.[11] Israeli press reports stated that Goldstein refused to treat Arabs, even Arab soldiers serving in the IDF, believing it was against Jewish laws to treat non-Jews even for payment."
Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How many Muslim patients did Goldstein have in the US?

Yeah? so? I never met the man----but it happens that I knew----people who knew him. That includes some of his muslim patients in the USA. I also knew
a physician in the USA who ----was in communication with him----at that time.
"Goldstein immigrated to Israel in 1983.[1] He served as a physician in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), first as a conscript, then in the reserve forces. Following the end of his active duty, Goldstein worked as a physician and lived in the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron, where he worked as an emergency doctor, and was involved in treating victims of Arab-Israeli violence.[11] Israeli press reports stated that Goldstein refused to treat Arabs, even Arab soldiers serving in the IDF, believing it was against Jewish laws to treat non-Jews even for payment."
Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How many Muslim patients did Goldstein have in the US?

quite a lot---he worked in a hospital with a large population of muslims in
the area. The doctors were jews----but increasingly ---the patients were
not. Back then the hospital still kept a kosher kitchen---not anymore----so
now you know. demographic shifts
Maybe Gaza George should have been a pimp since he couldn't put in the effort to get a trade. If he had been a pimp, he would be driving around in his purple Cadillac by now and wouldn't be stuck in his one-room subsidized apartment. As you can see, he has crawled over here like a cockroach and is getting off on this thread. So many things happening in the Middle East, and Gaza George only wants to concentrate on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
You still haven't explained why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea in spite of the fact there are an equal number of non-Jews living there. Why? Are you a "Chosen" racist?

If Gaza George collected a a couple of bucks for each time he has posted the same nonsense, he would have some spending money in his pocket to have some fun in Los Angeles. Your Jew hatred is showing once again, Gaza George, with the word "Chosen" which you probably have not researched what it actually means. By the way, with all your barrage of posts against the Jews and Israel, do you even have anything you want to share with us that is going on in another Middle East country? After all, you are now on the Middle East forum, and the Middle East certainly covers a wide area with lots going on.

You can pull up whatever you want to, Gaza George, but don't think you are fooling anyone with your false concern about the Palestinians. If the Hindus or Buddhists were in the area instead of the Jews, you wouldn't be pulling up the stuff you have been because you couldn't drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into this. Now that you have been getting off on this thread since there is nothing else in your miserable life, how about you start giving us some news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I realize your scapegoats are not involved, but try to make an effort since you are on the Middle East forum. Don't keep on showing us how mentally unbalanced you are when it comes to the Jews because of your own failures in life
your maps do not reflect "colonization" anymore than would a map of the US---
depicting the distribution of Muslims in the USA over the past 100 years.
How many Muslim only settlements currently exist in the US?
Israeli Confiscation and Settlement on Palestinian Land

They have large areas like China Towns in N.Y. City which has the largest, followed by Dearborn Michigan, L.A. Calif. , Paterson N.J., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Dearborn Michigan mosque is turning out and supporting the most of Jihadists Terrorists.
The top six states with the most amount of mosques were: New York 257, California 246, Texas 166, Florida 118, Illinois 109, New Jersey 109.

also Jersey City, New Jersey---that's where pig shaykh abdel Rahman plotted
the 1993 bombing of the WORLD TRADE CENTER----in his "holy" mosque.
When I was a child----Paterson, NJ was a nice place----now one cannot walk
n the main street

The towns in New Jersey were lovely places once.

Clifton man accused of throwing lit firecrackers outside Passaic synagogue - News -
quite a lot---he worked in a hospital with a large population of muslims in
the area. The doctors were jews----but increasingly ---the patients were
So he treated Muslims in the US but not in Palestine?
Is that kosher, in spire of, you know, demographics?

there is no real data on that issue------only rumours. There IS real data that he treated muslims in the USA. There is factual data that he worked as physician to the jewish community of HEBRON which is a jewish OWNED city by purchase documented at least three times in history and one of the four cities considered
HOLY for jews over the past more than 3000 years and the site of a bloody unprovoked pogrom during which ----to your delight----muslims slit the throats of jewish infants (1929) There is also factual data -----he examined the obscenely mutilated body of his friend ------whose flesh bore ominous carvings of koranic
verses advocating the murder of jews and he was aware of ominous threats to
the jewish community in Hebron (which included his own wife and kids). He requested protection for the community of the Israeli government and was denied There is clear evidence that he entered the jewish shrine and shot at muslim men knowing that the act would result in his own death<<<<that's the reality
His action did bring the IDF to Hebron which ----likely caused the abortion of whatever your friends had in mind for the jews of Hebron. I understand
that you are disappointed
there is no real data on that issue------only rumours. There IS real data that he treated muslims in the USA.
Because the law required him to treat Muslims in the US. When left to his own racist device, he refused to treat non-Jews. Possibly, your people brought Hebron on yourselves by planning to steal all of Palestine from its indigenous population?
there is no real data on that issue------only rumours. There IS real data that he treated muslims in the USA.
Because the law required him to treat Muslims in the US. When left to his own racist device, he refused to treat non-Jews. Possibly, your people brought Hebron on yourselves by planning to steal all of Palestine from its indigenous population?

you're really confused-----doctors in the USA are not REQUIRED TO TREAT----
they can refuse a patient if the patient is not at the brink of death. If the patient
presents in extremis------once he is stabilized ---he can be sent away too. From
where do you get your information? You statement regarding "stealing all of Palestine is nonsense. Jews purchased land there----muslims stole it. By your reasoning ----jews should destroy all of Saudi Arabia and Yemen----muslims stole
much of that land ALL FOR THEMSELVES -----including the parts jews owned. The best that anyone can make of your stupidity is ----muslims were afraid that jews would to what muslims do

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