US Preparing for a World Without Israel

what racial hatred did rabbi kook incite? Can you cite some examples?

......still waiting, pimp georgie

Maybe Gaza George should have been a pimp since he couldn't put in the effort to get a trade. If he had been a pimp, he would be driving around in his purple Cadillac by now and wouldn't be stuck in his one-room subsidized apartment. As you can see, he has crawled over here like a cockroach and is getting off on this thread. So many things happening in the Middle East, and Gaza George only wants to concentrate on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
Aris is the Queen of the Christian Zionists.

And what are you, Haniyah -- the Muslim Court Jester? It is certainly obvious that since Aris does not have the same mind set as you do plus Aris being a good knowledgeable poster that you don't like her. Too bad. She is not going anywhere.
enesis 15:18
"On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates--"

Genesis 15 18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said To your descendants I give this land from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river the Euphrates--
f you want to believe that a Chemistry professor (a Communist to boot) is a learned religious scholar, have at it, Gaza George. You could care less what Shahak or Kook said
When a rabid religious fundamentalist like Kook or Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab deliberately stokes the fires of racial hatred, I have no problem condemning both, and Shahak's writings lead me to believe he feels the same way. You, on the other hand, are a whore who's shown repeatedly there is no crime your beloved racist Jewish state can commit that you won't fully endorse. Maybe you should emigrate? You are clearly incapable of contributing to meaningful debate in a free country.

You on one hand are a mentally ill Jew hater who blames the Jews for your failures, which is obvious to many on this board. You actually sound like you are having a nervous breakdown right now with this constant barrage of your cut and paste jobs (which certainly is not debating as you think), many of which you have posted ad nauseam previously. Get away from your computer and walk out the door of your one-room subsidized apartment and get some fresh air. Are you going to spend the rest of your miserable life trying to get people to hate the Jews as much as you do? Perhaps it is you who should emigrate to a place where your meager income will provide you with a better life. You might be a happier person this way.

Subject to debate?
Maybe Gaza George should have been a pimp since he couldn't put in the effort to get a trade. If he had been a pimp, he would be driving around in his purple Cadillac by now and wouldn't be stuck in his one-room subsidized apartment. As you can see, he has crawled over here like a cockroach and is getting off on this thread. So many things happening in the Middle East, and Gaza George only wants to concentrate on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
You still haven't explained why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea in spite of the fact there are an equal number of non-Jews living there. Why? Are you a "Chosen" racist?
Nope not going to happen they are there to stay.
Whites said the same in South Africa.
When the international business community decides the Zionist colonization of Palestine is no longer proftable, they're gone.

And where is your evidence of this colonisation.

Seems that colonisation is the latest islamonazi buzzword, must have been part of Fridays sermon.
Maybe Gaza George should have been a pimp since he couldn't put in the effort to get a trade. If he had been a pimp, he would be driving around in his purple Cadillac by now and wouldn't be stuck in his one-room subsidized apartment. As you can see, he has crawled over here like a cockroach and is getting off on this thread. So many things happening in the Middle East, and Gaza George only wants to concentrate on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
You still haven't explained why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea in spite of the fact there are an equal number of non-Jews living there. Why? Are you a "Chosen" racist?

Mandate for Palestine that entered into international law.
Nope not going to happen they are there to stay.
Whites said the same in South Africa.
When the international business community decides the Zionist colonization of Palestine is no longer proftable, they're gone.

And where is your evidence of this colonisation.

Seems that colonisation is the latest islamonazi buzzword, must have been part of Fridays sermon.

It's not new-------I got the buzzwords-----"western colonialism" "Zionist controlled CIA" "jewish bankers" as being the cause of all problems that muslims ---all over
the world face, as far back as ----almost 60 years ago.-----a bit later "mossad" became a buzzword. ----first in the islamo Nazi literature and later on from muslims---
especially those from southeast asia
Maybe Gaza George should have been a pimp since he couldn't put in the effort to get a trade. If he had been a pimp, he would be driving around in his purple Cadillac by now and wouldn't be stuck in his one-room subsidized apartment. As you can see, he has crawled over here like a cockroach and is getting off on this thread. So many things happening in the Middle East, and Gaza George only wants to concentrate on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
You still haven't explained why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea in spite of the fact there are an equal number of non-Jews living there. Why? Are you a "Chosen" racist?

If Gaza George collected a a couple of bucks for each time he has posted the same nonsense, he would have some spending money in his pocket to have some fun in Los Angeles. Your Jew hatred is showing once again, Gaza George, with the word "Chosen" which you probably have not researched what it actually means. By the way, with all your barrage of posts against the Jews and Israel, do you even have anything you want to share with us that is going on in another Middle East country? After all, you are now on the Middle East forum, and the Middle East certainly covers a wide area with lots going on.
f you want to believe that a Chemistry professor (a Communist to boot) is a learned religious scholar, have at it, Gaza George. You could care less what Shahak or Kook said
When a rabid religious fundamentalist like Kook or Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab deliberately stokes the fires of racial hatred, I have no problem condemning both, and Shahak's writings lead me to believe he feels the same way. You, on the other hand, are a whore who's shown repeatedly there is no crime your beloved racist Jewish state can commit that you won't fully endorse. Maybe you should emigrate? You are clearly incapable of contributing to meaningful debate in a free country.

You on one hand are a mentally ill Jew hater who blames the Jews for your failures, which is obvious to many on this board. You actually sound like you are having a nervous breakdown right now with this constant barrage of your cut and paste jobs (which certainly is not debating as you think), many of which you have posted ad nauseam previously. Get away from your computer and walk out the door of your one-room subsidized apartment and get some fresh air. Are you going to spend the rest of your miserable life trying to get people to hate the Jews as much as you do? Perhaps it is you who should emigrate to a place where your meager income will provide you with a better life. You might be a happier person this way.

Subject to debate?

Since you hate this country, Gaza George, I am surprised you are still here. Why not move down to Mexico where the living is much cheaper. Maybe you would be able to live like a king down there. This way a person who will appreciate this country can come up from Mexico and take your place. Hmm, how about checking out Rosarita Beach to see if you can afford it. Since it is really not that far from Los Angeles, maybe some of your old friends from the 'hood (the 'hood that you said you missed so much that you faked a bad back to get out of basic training after only ten days so you could get back) wouldn't mind visiting you at a resort town.
Mandate for Palestine that entered into international law.
"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[28]"
British Mandate for Palestine legal instrument - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Mandate for Palestine that entered into international law.
"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[28]"
British Mandate for Palestine legal instrument - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

your point???
your maps do not reflect "colonization" anymore than would a map of the US---
depicting the distribution of muslims in the USA over the past 100 years.
How many Muslim only settlements currently exist in the US?
Israeli Confiscation and Settlement on Palestinian Land

why is "muslim only" an issue? there are "muslim only"----
whole counties thruout the levant and muslim only places even
in south-east asia. You are trying to knock LOCAL CUSTOM
in the levant -----but only at the expense of jews?-----how typical.
Try not to cite propaganda web-sites-----it is silly The Islamic
POV is that all the land of the levant is "MUSLIM LAND"---thus
rendering your "confiscation" BS ----<< what it is
Maybe Gaza George should have been a pimp since he couldn't put in the effort to get a trade. If he had been a pimp, he would be driving around in his purple Cadillac by now and wouldn't be stuck in his one-room subsidized apartment. As you can see, he has crawled over here like a cockroach and is getting off on this thread. So many things happening in the Middle East, and Gaza George only wants to concentrate on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
You still haven't explained why Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea in spite of the fact there are an equal number of non-Jews living there. Why? Are you a "Chosen" racist?

If Gaza George collected a a couple of bucks for each time he has posted the same nonsense, he would have some spending money in his pocket to have some fun in Los Angeles. Your Jew hatred is showing once again, Gaza George, with the word "Chosen" which you probably have not researched what it actually means. By the way, with all your barrage of posts against the Jews and Israel, do you even have anything you want to share with us that is going on in another Middle East country? After all, you are now on the Middle East forum, and the Middle East certainly covers a wide area with lots going on.

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