US Preparing for a World Without Israel

...Everything to do with B-D-S, Shitstain...
BDS ???!!!



Good one, Achmed !!!
Since the first panel of your fraud shows "Palestine" along side of "Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria," we know you're filthy fucking liar. Ottoman Palestine contained all of these, though you lie that only Israel was in the REGION of Palestine.
Did you notice the date in that first panel, Einstein?

Ottomans lost control of Palestine around 1920.

Again Adolf, the British broke up Palestine, giving most of it the the Arabs. All of Jordan was Palestine, all of Lebanon was Palestine, and a big chunk of Syria was Palestine.

Jordan was given to the Arabs. Syria was given to the Arabs. Part of Israel was given to the Arabs. Lebanon was given to the Christians, but you Muzzie beasts murdered them and took Lebanon for the filthy demon Allah.

You simply will not allow even one grain of sand to be controlled by non-Muslims. You are a Muslim supremacist. All your lies and all your hate boil down to your demand that Muslim lands not be controlled by the Kafir.

actually it was all syria first, and most of Lebanon was syria (autonomous) with just a small part in the north that was but under the mandate. It was later sold to jews by it's Lebanese owners.
The Systematic Slaughter, aka GENOCIDE, by the Ottomans in the late 19th Century thru the end of exactly why your side claims NO CHRISTIANS AND JEWS in the region.......................

So you ignore the history of the Region..............Ignore the Extermination of Millions of people in the Region.................
Some Arabs also fought against the Turks during the War to End All Wars:
Arab Revolt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The Arab Revolt (1916–1918;Arabic: الثورة العربيةAl-Thawra al-`Arabiyya; Turkish: Arap İsyanı) was initiated by the Sherif Hussein bin Ali with the aim of securing independence from the ruling Ottoman Turks and creating a single unified Arab state spanning from Aleppo in Syria to Aden in Yemen."

I'm beginning to believe you are sufficiently bigoted to blame ALL Muslims' wherever they may live' for atrocities committed by the Turks.

If so, what does say about the good Christians of Germany?

"Description:Here is another Nazi artifact showing how Hitler used religion. The German Army belt buckles said GOTT MIT UNS which means GOD WITH US. Nazi soldiers also took an oath to Hitler saying - I SWEAR BY GOD THIS HOLY OATH....TO ADOLF HITLER.... By using religion Hitler made himself seem close to god."
Nazi Army GOD WITH US Belt Buckle - Picture
The Systematic Slaughter, aka GENOCIDE, by the Ottomans in the late 19th Century thru the end of exactly why your side claims NO CHRISTIANS AND JEWS in the region.......................

So you ignore the history of the Region..............Ignore the Extermination of Millions of people in the Region.................
Some Arabs also fought against the Turks during the War to End All Wars:
Arab Revolt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The Arab Revolt (1916–1918;Arabic: الثورة العربيةAl-Thawra al-`Arabiyya; Turkish: Arap İsyanı) was initiated by the Sherif Hussein bin Ali with the aim of securing independence from the ruling Ottoman Turks and creating a single unified Arab state spanning from Aleppo in Syria to Aden in Yemen."

I'm beginning to believe you are sufficiently bigoted to blame ALL Muslims' wherever they may live' for atrocities committed by the Turks.

If so, what does say about the good Christians of Germany?

"Description:Here is another Nazi artifact showing how Hitler used religion. The German Army belt buckles said GOTT MIT UNS which means GOD WITH US. Nazi soldiers also took an oath to Hitler saying - I SWEAR BY GOD THIS HOLY OATH....TO ADOLF HITLER.... By using religion Hitler made himself seem close to god."
Nazi Army GOD WITH US Belt Buckle - Picture

I am not just BEGINNING-----I have noted for a long time----Georgie dear------that you READ information in the posts of
other people------that is SIMPLY NOT THERE------you invent
Getting back to the OP-------just what sort of PREPARATIONS are needed ?-----a world with no Israel???
I guess it was time once again for Shahak to be dug up by one of the anti-Semites -- Shahak a Communist who hated all religions but is one of the favorate Jews of the NeoNazi/Islamo hate sites, such as Gaza George's source. Radio Islam. Notice that the French edition of Shahak's work is published by a NeoNazi publishing house in Paris
Are you saying Shahak was incorrect about
"...Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, arguably the most influential and revered rabbi of the 20th century.

"The first Chief Rabbi of the Holy Land in modern times, Rabbi Kook's breadth of thought, knowledge, leadership and piety were unmatched. Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer, who headed the hareidi-religious Council of Torah Sages, once said to the famous sage Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky of Vilna, 'We are considered Torah giants only up until the point that we reach the door of Rabbi Kook’s room.'”
Are you disputing the accuracy of Shahak's quotation of Rabbi Kook concerning Jewish souls and the souls of cattle, or are you simply MOOOing in hasbara?

Selected Quotes from Rabbi Kook - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva
Damn I am looking for the day Iran, Saudi Arabia and Muslims aren't leading everyone else here by the nuggets and telling people what to think while they are doing it. Enough of this ...
Stop the Israeli Reconquista if you can, pissant...

You and the rest of your chickenshit Arab butt-buddy friends...

The game clock is running down... quckly... and you're waaaaayyy behind...

Tick, tick, tick...

"ISRAEL'S ultra--Orthodox Sephardi community was engulfed in a wave of religious optimism after Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the Shas party, said that he had conversed with the Messiah in a dream.

"Rabbi Yosef, the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi, who recedntly said that Arabs were snakes and should be annihilated, told his followers that he had a dream on Friday."

Your kinda Dream?

The Wit and Wisdom of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Radio Islam

Ovadia Yosef never said "all the arabs are snakes and all should be annihilated-----however----many muslim leaders have advocated the complete annihilation of jooos------ try a bit of honesty georgie
Getting back to the OP-------just what sort of PREPARATIONS are needed ?-----a world with no Israel???
A world without (hasbara) Kooks?
"'We [Israel] are great, and our foibles are great, and therefore our troubles are great – but our consolations will also be great.'

“'The desire to be good to all with no restrictions - not in the quantity of those to whom we are good nor in the quality of the good we perform – that is the inner nucleus of the essence of the soul of Israel.'”

Selected Quotes from Rabbi Kook - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva
Getting back to the OP-------just what sort of PREPARATIONS are needed ?-----a world with no Israel???
A world without (hasbara) Kooks?
"'We [Israel] are great, and our foibles are great, and therefore our troubles are great – but our consolations will also be great.'

“'The desire to be good to all with no restrictions - not in the quantity of those to whom we are good nor in the quality of the good we perform – that is the inner nucleus of the essence of the soul of Israel.'”

Selected Quotes from Rabbi Kook - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva

I do not find the quotation which you claim is from KOOK---in which he refers to you as a "cow"
Armenians taking their last Train ride..................via the Turks.....................LOOK FAMILIAR................
It look familiar to these:



Bet you're proud as a Turk.
Not to worry, folks...

Little Georgie, here... a.k.a. Achmed... hates America and Americans and everything associated with it...

He-she-it would be much better off, living in some third-world Islamic shit-hole or another, alongside his Spiritual Brethren...

But he-she-it does put on one helluva show...

Stand-up comedy, for the most part...
Getting back to the OP-------just what sort of PREPARATIONS are needed ?-----a world with no Israel???
A world without (hasbara) Kooks?
"'We [Israel] are great, and our foibles are great, and therefore our troubles are great – but our consolations will also be great.'

“'The desire to be good to all with no restrictions - not in the quantity of those to whom we are good nor in the quality of the good we perform – that is the inner nucleus of the essence of the soul of Israel.'”

Selected Quotes from Rabbi Kook - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva

Georgie-----I cannot understand why you care what rabbi kook said----------or if some Israeli says "i am great"------
try to ignore it------I do not focus on the words of your fave heroes

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