US Representative from WI: [Elites] want to destroy this country deliberately through over-spending and illegal immigration

This is the Cloward Piven Strategy in full application. The country is supposed to be destroyed. It's what they are working toward.
This is the Cloward Piven Strategy in full application. The country is supposed to be destroyed. It's what they are working toward.
I don't think they will succeed. I could be wrong but they are just too out of their minds for normal people to just.. ignore or whatever.

But it is up to Congress to stop them and... sigh..

nuf said?
This is the Cloward Piven Strategy in full application. The country is supposed to be destroyed. It's what they are working toward.
A constitutionally based limited government country does not fit into the one world without borders religion of the hive mentality. The earths population will face a holocaust of unprecedented proportions before this is all over.
The Democrats are creating a one party far left totalitarian police state.
ALL the previous great nations/empires went down the same way as you are witnessing @ current, except the former Egyptian empire. Mankind in general is traveling along on a cyclic existence which is WHY we keep repeating the same mistakes our predecessors made in the past. Some of humanity have figured this out but tragically the vast majority of humanity is totally blind to both the past & also the current situation. Stay tuned for more needless loss of human life as this one world without borders nightmare plays out.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely; don't leave sanity without it!"
ALL the previous great nations/empires went down the same way as you are witnessing
^^^ Greed, corruption, massive deficit spending took them all down. The only question is, will the U.S.A. rise from the ashes or fade into 3rd world status after the crash. The founders tried to protect us from this fate but the corrupt politicians and government swamps at the state and federal level have largely done an end run around the Constitution. It gets in the way of their corruption and rigging.
I guess none of you saw Trump's trillion dollar deficits, eh?

You didn't notice Trump and the GOP Congress skyrocketed the deficit which had been declining all during Obama's term in office?

What were your propagandists telling you while all this was going on?

"Look! Blacks behaving badly!"
I don't think they will succeed. I could be wrong but they are just too out of their minds for normal people to just.. ignore or whatever.

But it is up to Congress to stop them and... sigh..

nuf said?
Are there enough normal people left? Normal 0eople are the ones they want to get rid of.
Cloward and Piven "proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy."
A constitutionally based limited government country does not fit into the one world without borders religion of the hive mentality. The earths population will face a holocaust of unprecedented proportions before this is all over.
The second and third world nations are not in great shape at this moment.

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