Us Says Khorasan Is Much Scarier Terrorist Group Than Isis...


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
New intelligence has emerged warning Washington that its upcoming confrontation with the Islamic State may leave it blind to a more sinister and direct threat from a much lesser known terrorist group that has arisen from the ashes of the Syrian war.

Very little information is being released at the moment by anyone within American intelligence circles, but the group calling itself Khorasan is said by officials to have concrete plans for striking targets in the United States and Europe as a chosen modus operandi – more so than the Islamic State (IS), formerly known as ISIS....

US Says Khorasan Is Much Scarier Terrorist Group Than ISIS

Obama is the paper towel that you used to open the door at the greasy gas station at which you just took a herculean shit. :lol:
The herculean bowel movement President. :lol:

The semi-negro toilet trollop who married his hermaphrodite mistress. :rofl:
Dead is dead. Any way you look at it.

This group has set it's sights on America specifically.... Might want to think about that!

Too bad we don't have a President.

Our country is leaderless.

Although he is not without his own lederhosen.

You are just bias enough to think we have a leader in another party. Our Presidents WANT war because some of their top 10 donors are the Military Industrial Complex. Lockheed Martin doesn't donate to Obama and Bush because they want both of them to win. They just want them to go to war and use their weaons................SOME think that we create war through extreme scenario's just to use their weapons, such as, we sold our old tanks to enemies so we could take them down with our new tanks. This is a wet toe in the water. Hope you learn more.
I thought Al Quada was a computer program name. I thought no WMD's were found in Iraq. I thought the "Al Quada" faces in the plane of 9/11 were found at home living with their families, and not dead. I thought there was a USA military operation to fly remote controlled planes into things, they used "the twin towers" as "things" in the model version.

I thought Benghazi was a weapons running station of American arms to all the Countries that tried to overturn the Petrol Dollar in the form of gold.

I thought many families in the middle east were bombed by our drones because someone in their family was a terrorist............Or, if you watch documentaries, they were trained by the USA to support the region.....Then seen as a high threat.....

We sell our future enemies weapons and train them..........then we label them and attack them.......Lockheed Martin (and others) then donates MORE to the politicians.

The more you know ~
Well, 3 afghan soldiers training in Cape Cod have disappeared.

They were following the two that disappeared in Virginia.

obama doesn't want war. He wants dead Americans. The most expedient way to get to lots of dead Americans is to let his people kill them and prohibit defense.

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