US scientists: Global warming pause 'no longer valid'

The skeptics' side is getting more and more traction. Lower climate sensitivity is acknowledged. Only five years ago warmers were still proclaiming that GW was accelerating, now they are scrambling to explain the Pause.

Expect the backtracking to continue.

The pause is getting investigated and its getting explained. That's what you'd expect climate scientists to do. What's not happening is "scramblling".

People who underestimate their opponents lose.

You are right, it's not called scrambling, it called dissembling......
Deniers need to step back and take a look at themselves. On their best days, they manage to spout some incomprehensible and embarrassing pseudoscience babble, but it's most often pure conspiracy nuttery from the same small group of crazies.

They were all happy deniers when people would take the time to debunk their nonsense. People paid attention to them, and that was what mattered. But now, nobody cares. Everyone is tired of the endless denier fraud, therefore it gets no attention outside of the cult, leaving deniers flustered over what to do. So they try screaming louder, but still nobody bothers with them.

Deniers, check with the flat earthers, 9/11 truthers, birthers, antivaxxers and moon landing hoaxers. Ask them how they stay relevant. Oh wait, they don't, no matter how much they howl. Dang, you deniers are SOL.

And skook? Hilarious internet tough guy act. That always gets people to take you more seriously.

Anyways, here are some more good discussions on the paper.

Climate-change hiatus disappears with new data Nature News Comment

RealClimate NOAA temperature record updates and the hiatus

New Research On Global Warming Hiatus Greg Laden s Blog

Michael E. Mann - Is The GlobalWarming Pause Zombie Now... Facebook

The Michigan Secular Student Alliance A First Look at Ross McKitrick s A First Look

At least your consistent... All of them are left wing hack sites or alarmist with a certified agenda.. And all of it is garbage.. Mann?? Seriously????? you quoted a liar and proven fraud... ( He still hasn't admitted the use of upside down Tijander proxy's... Credibility is less than zero.)
Altering the data to make it disappear is not explaining anything.. It is pseudoscience of the worst kind.. it's FRAUD! Pulling a Michael Mann and making problematic areas of the climate record simply disappear is not science... Fucking moron.

Given the hard evidence for what has actually taken place here, you would be the one acting like a "fucking moron"
At least your consistent... All of them are left wing hack sites or alarmist with a certified agenda.. And all of it is garbage.. Mann?? Seriously????? you quoted a liar and proven fraud...

Show us where Michael Mann has been "proven" to be a liar or a fraud. If you cannot, you owe all of us an apology and an admission of YOUR guilt.
Deniers need to step back and take a look at themselves. On their best days, they manage to spout some incomprehensible and embarrassing pseudoscience babble, but it's most often pure conspiracy nuttery from the same small group of crazies.

They were all happy deniers when people would take the time to debunk their nonsense. People paid attention to them, and that was what mattered. But now, nobody cares. Everyone is tired of the endless denier fraud, therefore it gets no attention outside of the cult, leaving deniers flustered over what to do. So they try screaming louder, but still nobody bothers with them.

Deniers, check with the flat earthers, 9/11 truthers, birthers, antivaxxers and moon landing hoaxers. Ask them how they stay relevant. Oh wait, they don't, no matter how much they howl. Dang, you deniers are SOL.

And skook? Hilarious internet tough guy act. That always gets people to take you more seriously.

Anyways, here are some more good discussions on the paper.

Climate-change hiatus disappears with new data Nature News Comment

RealClimate NOAA temperature record updates and the hiatus

New Research On Global Warming Hiatus Greg Laden s Blog

Michael E. Mann - Is The GlobalWarming Pause Zombie Now... Facebook

The Michigan Secular Student Alliance A First Look at Ross McKitrick s A First Look

At least your consistent... All of them are left wing hack sites or alarmist with a certified agenda.. And all of it is garbage.. Mann?? Seriously????? you quoted a liar and proven fraud... ( He still hasn't admitted the use of upside down Tijander proxy's... Credibility is less than zero.)

Hell, he still hasn't admitted he lied when he claimed he was a Nobel recipient. He did remove it from his online CV though. Lying prick.
At least your consistent... All of them are left wing hack sites or alarmist with a certified agenda.. And all of it is garbage.. Mann?? Seriously????? you quoted a liar and proven fraud...

Show us where Michael Mann has been "proven" to be a liar or a fraud. If you cannot, you owe all of us an apology and an admission of YOUR guilt.

See above.
“If you just wanted to release to the American public our uncorrected data set, it would say that the world has warmed up about 2.071 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880,” Dr. Vose said. “Our corrected data set says things have warmed up about 1.65 degrees Fahrenheit. Our corrections lower the rate of warming on a global scale.”

I keep making that point as well. And every denier runs from it, as it completely destroys the conspiracy theory that they depend on for everything.

WUWT is now up to 12 hysterical articles on the Karl15 paper. Let's see if they can beat their old record of 17.
Perfect record for CrickHam in not being able to read a graph or follow any miniscule part of the science. SURFACE temperatures are the ONE METRIC that GWarming staked it's propaganda on. Does not include any analysis of what happens 100s of meters down in the ocean. If you want to talk about the surface temperature record which HAS virtually paused and USE Ocean storage to explain it --- then SOMEBODY ought to do a better job of attributing the pause to the effect. Still waiting for the FULL "The Oceans Ate My Warming" to come out.

That would be the Trenberth error in not including Ocean Storage in his historical comic strip about "Energy Balance" and then suddenly discovering it when the movement needed an excuse for failure.

After BTK 2013 you actually think Trenberth is unaware of ocean thermodynamics?

Oh -- he's publicly aware of it NOW..
STILL has no f-n ideas to explain why if the oceans are storing at the SAME RATE (you'll never get that because you can't read a graph) for the past 60 years, that the surface temperature waited until 2000 to show an effect. Neither does he want folks to notice how his "Energy Balance work that MADE him famous for finding the miniscule 1.2W/M2 GW signature --- managed t get the right answer while largely ignoring Ocean Storage.. Too bad faulty work like that is STILL being citing as GW Holy Scrip[ture. All those shoddy papers based on previous faulty work like that --- just make Climate Science into a badly built Jenga tower.
Hell, he still hasn't admitted he lied when he claimed he was a Nobel recipient. He did remove it from his online CV though. Lying prick.

Tell us all something. If the individuals who made up the IPCC when it was awarded a Nobel aren't recipients of a Nobel prize, who WAS the recipient of that prize?

The prize was awarded to the IPCC as an organization, and not to any individual associated with the IPCC. Thus it is incorrect to refer to any IPCC official, or scientist who worked on IPCC reports, as a Nobel laureate or Nobel Prize winner. It would be correct to describe a scientist who was involved with AR4 or earlier IPCC reports in this way: “X contributed to the reports of the IPCC, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.” The IPCC leadership agreed to present personalized certificates “for contributing to the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 to the IPCC” to scientists that had contributed substantially to the preparation of IPCC reports. Such certificates, which feature a copy of the Nobel Peace Prize diploma, were sent to coordinating lead authors, lead authors, review editors, Bureau members, staff of the technical support units and staff of the secretariat from the IPCC’s inception in 1988 until the award of the prize in 2007. The IPCC has not sent such certificates to contributing authors, expert reviewers and focal points.

That the Nobel Committee, by its choices, should tell you you're an ignorant swine, should not give you an excuse to insult your betters. Michael Mann has done more for mankind in the last half hour than will you in your entire life. Clear?
Last edited:
Deniers need to step back and take a look at themselves. On their best days, they manage to spout some incomprehensible and embarrassing pseudoscience babble, but it's most often pure conspiracy nuttery from the same small group of crazies.

They were all happy deniers when people would take the time to debunk their nonsense. People paid attention to them, and that was what mattered. But now, nobody cares. Everyone is tired of the endless denier fraud, therefore it gets no attention outside of the cult, leaving deniers flustered over what to do. So they try screaming louder, but still nobody bothers with them.

Deniers, check with the flat earthers, 9/11 truthers, birthers, antivaxxers and moon landing hoaxers. Ask them how they stay relevant. Oh wait, they don't, no matter how much they howl. Dang, you deniers are SOL.

And skook? Hilarious internet tough guy act. That always gets people to take you more seriously.

Anyways, here are some more good discussions on the paper.

Climate-change hiatus disappears with new data Nature News Comment

RealClimate NOAA temperature record updates and the hiatus

New Research On Global Warming Hiatus Greg Laden s Blog

Michael E. Mann - Is The GlobalWarming Pause Zombie Now... Facebook

The Michigan Secular Student Alliance A First Look at Ross McKitrick s A First Look

Sweetie.........I hardly have to have people take me seriously!!!:up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


Appears there's lots and lots of "crazies" out there!!!:banana::banana::2up:
You understand that's all gibberish, right?

If you don't, then let me break it to you. It's gibberish. And it's why nobody pays any attention to your cult now. Nobody is going to waste any time responding to incomprehensible nonsense like that.

STILL has no f-n ideas to explain why if the oceans are storing at the SAME RATE (you'll never get that because you can't read a graph) for the past 60 years, that the surface temperature waited until 2000 to show an effect. Neither does he want folks to notice how his "Energy Balance work that MADE him famous for finding the miniscule 1.2W/M2 GW signature --- managed t get the right answer while largely ignoring Ocean Storage.. Too bad faulty work like that is STILL being citing as GW Holy Scripture. All those shoddy papers based on previous faulty work like that --- just make Climate Science into a badly built Jenga tower.
You understand that's all gibberish, right?

If you don't, then let me break it to you. It's gibberish. And it's why nobody pays any attention to your cult now. Nobody is going to waste any time responding to incomprehensible nonsense like that.

STILL has no f-n ideas to explain why if the oceans are storing at the SAME RATE (you'll never get that because you can't read a graph) for the past 60 years, that the surface temperature waited until 2000 to show an effect. Neither does he want folks to notice how his "Energy Balance work that MADE him famous for finding the miniscule 1.2W/M2 GW signature --- managed t get the right answer while largely ignoring Ocean Storage.. Too bad faulty work like that is STILL being citing as GW Holy Scripture. All those shoddy papers based on previous faulty work like that --- just make Climate Science into a badly built Jenga tower.

Only a nut would say its "gibberish". Did you not like the "Pew" version of the poll because I can post up the exact same figures from Rasmussen or Gallup!!!

What it says is..........the public doesn't give a rats ass about global warming. :blowup:Of course, a handful feel differently!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Make that phone call yet s0n??

“If you just wanted to release to the American public our uncorrected data set, it would say that the world has warmed up about 2.071 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880,” Dr. Vose said. “Our corrected data set says things have warmed up about 1.65 degrees Fahrenheit. Our corrections lower the rate of warming on a global scale.”

I keep making that point as well. And every denier runs from it, as it completely destroys the conspiracy theory that they depend on for everything.

WUWT is now up to 12 hysterical articles on the Karl15 paper. Let's see if they can beat their old record of 17.

There is no reliable GLOBAL estimate for 1880.. Not in terms of fractions of a degree. And the effort has been to REDUCE the temperatures in past history in order to make claims of how our last 60 years is UNPRECENTED in both magnitude and rate. What we have here is another AGW zealot who just cant' deal with 8th grade math concepts (Mooth) being easily punked by "authority". While we're at it --- Lets add the NYTimes to the list of folks who injure themselves in any encounter with numbers.
News flash!

Global warming scientist finds global warming! Gets to keep job.

Film at eleven.
AGWCults version of the "Scientific Method": When the data fails to validate the theory, we alter the data
Denier's standing method: use whatever techniques our fossil fuel industry overlords suggest to us without the slightest effort to verify, validate or substantiate the accuracy or significance of the charge.
Denier's standing method: use whatever techniques our fossil fuel industry overlords suggest to us without the slightest effort to verify, validate or substantiate the accuracy or significance of the charge.

Denier is not a term of science, but rather an AGWCult secret handshake word
And the effort has been to REDUCE the temperatures in past history

That's still just a kook conspiracy theory, no matter how often you repeat it, no matter how upset you get when I point out it's a kook conspiracy theory.

And I understand why you don't want to let go of that cherished delusion. The conspiracy theory is all you have left. Without it, you literally have nothing. For deniers, it's either double down on the conspiracy theory or go home.
And the effort has been to REDUCE the temperatures in past history

That's still just a kook conspiracy theory, no matter how often you repeat it, no matter how upset you get when I point out it's a kook conspiracy theory.

And I understand why you don't want to let go of that cherished delusion. The conspiracy theory is all you have left. Without it, you literally have nothing. For deniers, it's either double down on the conspiracy theory or go home.

Bad news mooth.. I'm going troll-free.. Decided that trolls are not the fun they used to be. :trolls:

Not sure that can even interpret the simple math to understand the constant f-king with ancient data. And you fall for the simplest of ruses as proof that this hasn't happened. Just because the overall rise is LESS than the raw data doesn't mean they haven't SHAPED the remaining warming to the advantage of making scarier public statements. Maybe when you are done being a tool --- we can chat.. :whip:

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