US scientists: Global warming pause 'no longer valid'

Bad news mooth.. I'm going troll-free.. Decided that trolls are not the fun they used to be.

I understand. You're sad. You clung to that "they made it look like there was more warming!" conspiracy theory for years, and now that you've had to abandon it, you miss it.

Not sure that can even interpret the simple math to understand the constant f-king with ancient data.

No, I understand how your side was faking data. Deniers are really bad at hiding that kind of thing.

And you fall for the simplest of ruses as proof that this hasn't happened. Just because the overall rise is LESS than the raw data doesn't mean they haven't SHAPED the remaining warming to the advantage of making scarier public statements.

Ah, a new conspiracy theory!

So, you finally admit the adjustments have made the total warming look smaller. Good. That's a start on the road to rationality.

Now, tell us more about this mysterious shaping. Which shapes are more terrifying? For example, is a hockey stick with a lower final rise more terrifying than a straight line with a bigger total rise? Specifically what shape was deliberately faked here?

Maybe when you are done being a tool --- we can chat..

I hope you're happy with the new conspiracy theory. It should serve you well. The "scary shapes" thing is so vague, you'll be able to get years of handwaving out of it. Understand, though, the other deniers won't be happy about how you've rejected their favorite "they've fudged data to create more warming!" conspiracy theory.
Denier's standing method: use whatever techniques our fossil fuel industry overlords suggest to us without the slightest effort to verify, validate or substantiate the accuracy or significance of the charge.
wow sounds like the climate science!! Can't prove CO2 does anything yet it is dangerous.

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