US "Shaken to its Core" by Supreme Court Draft that Would Overturn Roe v Wade - The Guardian. No, people, US is not shaken. We're Joyous

Of course it's a religious thing, that's what religion is all about, no choice. You couldn't find 2 atheists in your whole bunch so now you need to lie. :clap:
So I see you’re still running away from the question. We all see why. It’s because you cannot handle it. If you admit it, you’re argument is doa. If you deny it, you’ll be fully exposed as a liar.

But I’m a gracious, helpful, magnanimous kinda guy. So, I’ll help you out. Our laws protect property rights because we believe that we should have control over our own property. We believe in the right to life because we believe life shouldn’t be stolen anymore than the cash in the cash register.

Heck. You can return stolen property. You can’t return a life once it’s been taken. So, now, maybe even a plodding clump of stupid like you can see why life itself takes priority. :clap:
So I see you’re still running away from the question. We all see why. It’s because you cannot handle it. If you admit it, you’re argument is doa. If you deny it, you’ll be fully exposed as a liar.

But I’m a gracious, helpful, magnanimous kinda guy. So, I’ll help you out. Our laws protect property rights because we believe that we should have control over our own property. We believe in the right to life because we believe life shouldn’t be stolen anymore than the cash in the cash register.

Heck. You can return stolen property. You can’t return a life once it’s been taken. So, now, maybe even a plodding clump of stupid like you can see why life itself takes priority. :clap:
We can agree on this "we believe that we should have control over our own property". A woman's body is her own property. Thanks for clearing that up.
The preborn child inside is not. Thanks for agreeing.
That's where religion and non-religious people split. And I see no reason why, in this country, you would get to impose your religion on me.
So answer me this, if the fetus is separate from the woman, could a woman sever the feeding tube to the fetus, thus provoking an abortion? If it's not the woman's, then why should she be forced to do something like feeding the fetus against her will?
That's where religion and non-religious people split. And I see no reason why, in this country, you would get to impose your religion on me.
So answer me this, if the fetus is separate from the woman, could a woman sever the feeding tube to the fetus, thus provoking an abortion? If it's not the woman's, then why should she be forced to do something like feeding the fetus against her will?
You still haven’t answered my question. Is there some other reason for your pussy behavior?
False flag. Nobody's buying it. Anyways, even if there are a few atheists, which could be, 99.99% of you all are theists.
What is false is all the lies that the Left tells to justify the killing of children as a common method of birth control.

Like it really ain't a human or that or that "my body, my choice" horseshit.

Decent humans of all persuasion, including atheists, are against using murder as a common birth control method.

Despicable assholes (mostly Feminazis and low life Moon Bats) support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.
What is false is all the lies that the Left tells to justify the killing of children as a common method of birth control.

Like it really ain't a human or that or that "my body, my choice" horseshit.

Decent humans of all persuasion, including atheists, are against using murder as a common birth control method.

Despicable assholes (mostly Feminazis and low life Moon Bats) support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.
I myself don't see that. I believe that a soul goes through time, different bodies. So that's just a vessel. The soul will just grab the next one, as it were. You can call that my religious belief. The body is somewhat inconsequential. Prove me wrong. :biggrin:
I myself don't see that. I believe that a soul goes through time, different bodies. So that's just a vessel. The soul will just grab the next one, as it were. You can call that my religious belief. The body is somewhat inconsequential. Prove me wrong. :biggrin:
Go for it Sport.
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