US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

I'm with the cons on this one. Obama should have made a speech to the nation announcing that he intended to leave Bergdahl to the Taliban. No effort to secure his release should have been made since he deserted his post and could be a Muslim sympathizer.

If he had done that instead of making this deadly and illegal swap, conservative Americans would have been eager to voice their approval! Obama blew another chance to reach across the aisle and work with conservatives!
If our beloved Pres. Obama had decided to leave the deserter soldier with the Taliban as you suggest.

The conservative Republicans would have been screaming their heads off about how Pres. Obama left a heroic US soldier to die in Afghanistan.

You know what I am saying is true. .. :cool:
Although the status of the U.S soldier is still in question.

The fact is that 5 detainees who had been imprisoned for over a decade in the Gitmo gulag and never charged or convicted of anything were freed.

It was the right thing to do. ... :cool:

NO. The right thing to do would have been to put a bullet in each of those raghead asshole's brains the moment they no longer had any useful information they were willing to provide.

As for the return of this soldier, my opinion on that will depend on what we eventually find out about the exact details of his capture and detention. My guess is that he deserted because he didn't like what he was being ordered to do. In which case he should have been left there to rot.
I'm with the cons on this one. Obama should have made a speech to the nation announcing that he intended to leave Bergdahl to the Taliban. No effort to secure his release should have been made since he deserted his post and could be a Muslim sympathizer.

If he had done that instead of making this deadly and illegal swap, conservative Americans would have been eager to voice their approval! Obama blew another chance to reach across the aisle and work with conservatives!
If our beloved Pres. Obama had decided to leave the deserter soldier with the Taliban as you suggest.

The conservative Republicans would have been screaming their heads off about how Pres. Obama left a heroic US soldier to die in Afghanistan.

You know what I am saying is true. .. :cool:

What?! No way! They'd fully support the president. Prove me wrong!
Although the status of the U.S soldier is still in question.

The fact is that 5 detainees who had been imprisoned for over a decade in the Gitmo gulag and never charged or convicted of anything were freed.

It was the right thing to do. ... :cool:

NO. The right thing to do would have been to put a bullet in each of those raghead asshole's brains the moment they no longer had any useful information they were willing to provide.

As for the return of this soldier, my opinion on that will depend on what we eventually find out about the exact details of his capture and detention. My guess is that he deserted because he didn't like what he was being ordered to do. In which case he should have been left there to rot.

Oh? Is that your guess?
I'm with the cons on this one. Obama should have made a speech to the nation announcing that he intended to leave Bergdahl to the Taliban. No effort to secure his release should have been made since he deserted his post and could be a Muslim sympathizer.

If he had done that instead of making this deadly and illegal swap, conservative Americans would have been eager to voice their approval! Obama blew another chance to reach across the aisle and work with conservatives!
If our beloved Pres. Obama had decided to leave the deserter soldier with the Taliban as you suggest.

The conservative Republicans would have been screaming their heads off about how Pres. Obama left a heroic US soldier to die in Afghanistan.

You know what I am saying is true. .. :cool:

What?! No way! They'd fully support the president. Prove me wrong!
All of the conservative Republicans supporting Pres. Obama on anything........surely you jest. .. :lol:
If our beloved Pres. Obama had decided to leave the deserter soldier with the Taliban as you suggest.

The conservative Republicans would have been screaming their heads off about how Pres. Obama left a heroic US soldier to die in Afghanistan.

You know what I am saying is true. .. :cool:

What?! No way! They'd fully support the president. Prove me wrong!
All of the conservative Republicans supporting Pres. Obama on anything........surely you jest. .. :lol:

Me!? Jest?
Oh? Is that your guess?

Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.
Now the administration said they had to break the law and release the prisoners without the required 30 days' notice because they thought Bergdalhl was in danger of dying. Did anyone see pics of him? Did he look weak and emaciated, like he was on the verge of dying?
The whole thing stinks.
We DO NOT TRADE prisoners, it's a sure sign of weakness as already noted and used as propaganda by the Taliban!

And your statement above is why you are not in any decision making post above school crossing guard.
I'm with the cons on this one. Obama should have made a speech to the nation announcing that he intended to leave Bergdahl to the Taliban. No effort to secure his release should have been made since he deserted his post and could be a Muslim sympathizer.

If he had done that instead of making this deadly and illegal swap, conservative Americans would have been eager to voice their approval! Obama blew another chance to reach across the aisle and work with conservatives!

Do you consider yourself a feminist?
was it.....i reacted as a mother at first...a mother gets her son home...but now i realize this had made all americans more of a pows are greater pawns in this is so much smoke and mirrors...

You mean when Reagan kiboshed the deal to get the hostages released to make Carter look bad..and get himself elected, then gave up weapons for hostages, THAT didn't put Americans more at risk?

Warren Christopher negotiated the release of the hostages who were freed literally 20 minutes Reagan completed the oath of office. WTF are you talking about?!

"On January 20, 1981, at the moment Reagan completed his 20‑minute inaugural address after being sworn in as President, the 52 American hostages were released by Iran into U.S. custody, having spent 444 days in captivity"

Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eyeah..that's the ticket.
It's the nature of conservatives.

They are scorpions on the backs of frogs.

They enjoy this.

I told you fools to put away your broad brushes,,,,All you do is prove you have your head up Obamas ass....

Just FYI...

I wouldn't have made the deal for the soldier simply because what do you say to the next set of parents who has a daughter or son taken captive and you don't do this immediately?

Not sure why conservatives believe that if you're not calling for Mr. Obama to be impeached, tarred and feathered and beheaded you're some how in love with the guy but lets set that aside for a moment.

When is the last time you heard even a casual compliment of the President from a conservative? I would bet there hasn't been one and if there had, it was a lone voice in the wilderness.

It cuts both ways.

I would be happy to compliment the man if i could only think of a reason.
I'm with the cons on this one. Obama should have made a speech to the nation announcing that he intended to leave Bergdahl to the Taliban. No effort to secure his release should have been made since he deserted his post and could be a Muslim sympathizer.

If he had done that instead of making this deadly and illegal swap, conservative Americans would have been eager to voice their approval! Obama blew another chance to reach across the aisle and work with conservatives!
If our beloved Pres. Obama had decided to leave the deserter soldier with the Taliban as you suggest.

The conservative Republicans would have been screaming their heads off about how Pres. Obama left a heroic US soldier to die in Afghanistan.

You know what I am saying is true. .. :cool:

Nobody said anything while he spent the last 5 years in captivity, so why now?

Nope, this is Obama's twisted way of acting like he cares about the military, yet even in this he totally screwed the pooch.

Listen to the guys' father talk about how his son may die if he isn't nursed back and acclimated properly. What a poor example he sets for this pussywhimp piece of shit traitor.
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To have been done properly any deal like would have had to be run through Congress.

It wasn't.

But that'll be OK later this week.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will simultaneously have introduced into their respective chambers, later this week, a small piece of corrective legislation:

"The Obama-Taliban Minimum Wage For Terrorists Act of 2014"
I wonder when Americans will begin to go missing? The demands for release of Islamic war criminals is going to turn into a lucrative business.
Another way to get our eyes off the VA scandal?????

Naw..Meister I am sure Issa is hard at work trying to map the managers that lied to the VA about patient wait times directly to President Obama even if most of them were hired before he got into office, all the while completely forgetting the facts that Obama actually increased the VA budget and broadened the disease that would be treated.

And forgetting McConnell blocked additional funding.

You you do.

[ame=]Rock You Like A Hurricane Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Rock it dude.
Another way to get our eyes off the VA scandal?????

Naw..Meister I am sure Issa is hard at work trying to map the managers that lied to the VA about patient wait times directly to President Obama even if most of them were hired before he got into office, all the while completely forgetting the facts that Obama actually increased the VA budget and broadened the disease that would be treated.

And forgetting McConnell blocked additional funding.

You you do.

[ame=]Rock You Like A Hurricane Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Rock it dude.

Keep throwing more money at the problem and still not fixing the problem, Sal?

It's not a funding thing do realize this right? I mean.....they do have a surplus.

Timing is everything with Obama....especially when the liberal news outlets go against him. He had to come up with something quickly.........and he did.
I wonder when Americans will begin to go missing? The demands for release of Islamic war criminals is going to turn into a lucrative business.

Because, like, they didn't go missing when Bush was President and turn up in Al Qaeda head chopping fest videos, right?

And down is up.


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