US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

The more I hear the more I conclude this is a political photo OP, using the lie that after 5 years his life was in danger. Obabble gets to play hero, the population of Gitmo drops, and the media moves off the VA story. More black magic from the Magic Neeeeeeeeeeegro.

Now hearing that this is the beginning of the emptying of Gitmo by Obama...the wars are over...peace in our time...all hail the Magic Neeeeeeeeeeegro!
As an infantry combat veteran Obama makes me sick. The release of 5 terrorist murders to save the skin of a deserter goes beyond the pale of anything anyone has ever done to disgrace the men and women in our military. Obama doesn't get it. The military is about duty, honor, country,courage and integrity. Obama possess none of these qualities. We need to take this little rat bastard (who most likely helped his captors kill Americans) and hang him in Leavenworth. Right beside John Walker Lindh.
Another way to get our eyes off the VA scandal?????

Naw..Meister I am sure Issa is hard at work trying to map the managers that lied to the VA about patient wait times directly to President Obama even if most of them were hired before he got into office, all the while completely forgetting the facts that Obama actually increased the VA budget and broadened the disease that would be treated.

And forgetting McConnell blocked additional funding.

You you do.

[ame=]Rock You Like A Hurricane Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Rock it dude.

Keep throwing more money at the problem and still not fixing the problem, Sal?

It's not a funding thing do realize this right? I mean.....they do have a surplus.

Timing is everything with Obama....especially when the liberal news outlets go against him. He had to come up with something quickly.........and he did.

You do know that this problem didn't start with President Obama, correct?

Or did it?

Funding for the VA nearly flat lined under Bush.

And he started 2 freakin wars. The Bush administration was incredibly short sighted, about most everything.

Which seems to be fine by you folks. It's like the whole 2 wars thing either never happened or started under the Obama administration.
Yes because it's in Qatar's interest..which does a huge amount of business with America, to piss off America.


This might come as a shock to you but I didn't say the government of Qatar would free them radicals inside the country or ones coming into it could free these guys something not out of the realm of possibility given a fairly a high number of freed gitmo detainees return to the battlefield.

Here's a shock for you.

Most of the people in Gitmo have never been on a battlefield.

Nor have they committed any crimes.

They are there because they pissed off a neighbor or someone wanted a bounty.

They can't be charged with anything?

Why? Because they haven't done anything.

And they can't be released. Why? Because no country wants them, and those that do? Want to toss them to terrorists for beheadings.

This was actually a stroke of genius. America gets to release five guys unlawfully held and gets an American soldier back in return.

Sun Tzu would be proud.

To bad you folks are so full of bile you can't see why..

Here is the background of four of those poor Afghan kids that didn't commit any crimes:

Mohammed Nabi served as chief of security for the Taliban in Qalat, Afghanistan, and later worked as a radio operator for the Taliban’s communications office in Kabul.

Abdul Haq Wasiq served as the Taliban’s deputy minister of intelligence.

Mullah Norullah Nori was a senior Taliban commander in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif when the Taliban fought US forces in late 2001.

Khairullah Khairkhwa served in various Taliban positions including interior minister and had direct ties to Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden.

You are either ignorant or a liar and I don't offer any other options.
Obama has been president (at least in his own mind) for over six years. He was told about the VA mess before he was "elected" and chose to do nothing about it until he had other shitpiles he wanted to kick a little sand on. Now he's outraged and out for blood.


Another way to get our eyes off the VA scandal?????

Naw..Meister I am sure Issa is hard at work trying to map the managers that lied to the VA about patient wait times directly to President Obama even if most of them were hired before he got into office, all the while completely forgetting the facts that Obama actually increased the VA budget and broadened the disease that would be treated.

And forgetting McConnell blocked additional funding.

You you do.

[ame=]Rock You Like A Hurricane Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Rock it dude.
The VA issue is for the upcoming election. Much like Benghazi for the 2012 election. Chicago politics at it's best. This disgraceful event is a kick in the nuts to the American dead whose Memorial we observed a week ago. A pox on this evil, regime.
Obama's actions make sense, given his declared mission is to destroy this country.
Another way to get our eyes off the VA scandal?????

Naw..Meister I am sure Issa is hard at work trying to map the managers that lied to the VA about patient wait times directly to President Obama even if most of them were hired before he got into office, all the while completely forgetting the facts that Obama actually increased the VA budget and broadened the disease that would be treated.

And forgetting McConnell blocked additional funding.

You you do.

[ame=]Rock You Like A Hurricane Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Rock it dude.

Assuming you're correct, what does that say about Obama'leadership?

Why can't he control his people?

This repetitive excuse that it was a Bush appointee, a Bush program, the GOP cut funding, is wearing thin.
Naw..Meister I am sure Issa is hard at work trying to map the managers that lied to the VA about patient wait times directly to President Obama even if most of them were hired before he got into office, all the while completely forgetting the facts that Obama actually increased the VA budget and broadened the disease that would be treated.

And forgetting McConnell blocked additional funding.

You you do.

Rock You Like A Hurricane Lyrics - YouTube

Rock it dude.

Keep throwing more money at the problem and still not fixing the problem, Sal?

It's not a funding thing do realize this right? I mean.....they do have a surplus.

Timing is everything with Obama....especially when the liberal news outlets go against him. He had to come up with something quickly.........and he did.

You do know that this problem didn't start with President Obama, correct?

Or did it?

Funding for the VA nearly flat lined under Bush.

And he started 2 freakin wars. The Bush administration was incredibly short sighted, about most everything.

Which seems to be fine by you folks. It's like the whole 2 wars thing either never happened or started under the Obama administration.

Flatlined . Where do you get your info? From $44 billion to $99 billion? That's like no flatine I have ever seen.

And quit attempting to hijack the subject. This is not about the VA. There are threads for that discussion.
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Keep throwing more money at the problem and still not fixing the problem, Sal?

It's not a funding thing do realize this right? I mean.....they do have a surplus.

Timing is everything with Obama....especially when the liberal news outlets go against him. He had to come up with something quickly.........and he did.

You do know that this problem didn't start with President Obama, correct?

Or did it?

Funding for the VA nearly flat lined under Bush.

And he started 2 freakin wars. The Bush administration was incredibly short sighted, about most everything.

Which seems to be fine by you folks. It's like the whole 2 wars thing either never happened or started under the Obama administration.

Flatlined . Where do you get your info? From $44 billion to $99 billion? That's like no flatine I have ever seen.

Pick one of the following excuses and they will fit into everything:

1. Bush did it first
2. The GOP cut funding
3. I just heard about this on the news
4. I'm mad as hell
5. Rogue agents were at fault
6. Did I say I was really pissed
7. At this point what difference does it make
I told you fools to put away your broad brushes,,,,All you do is prove you have your head up Obamas ass....

Just FYI...

I wouldn't have made the deal for the soldier simply because what do you say to the next set of parents who has a daughter or son taken captive and you don't do this immediately?

Not sure why conservatives believe that if you're not calling for Mr. Obama to be impeached, tarred and feathered and beheaded you're some how in love with the guy but lets set that aside for a moment.

When is the last time you heard even a casual compliment of the President from a conservative? I would bet there hasn't been one and if there had, it was a lone voice in the wilderness.

It cuts both ways.

I would be happy to compliment the man if i could only think of a reason.

Fair and balanced...or so they say.
You do know that this problem didn't start with President Obama, correct?

Or did it?

Funding for the VA nearly flat lined under Bush.

And he started 2 freakin wars. The Bush administration was incredibly short sighted, about most everything.

Which seems to be fine by you folks. It's like the whole 2 wars thing either never happened or started under the Obama administration.

Flatlined . Where do you get your info? From $44 billion to $99 billion? That's like no flatine I have ever seen.

Pick one of the following excuses and they will fit into everything:

1. Bush did it first
2. The GOP cut funding
3. I just heard about this on the news
4. I'm mad as hell
5. Rogue agents were at fault
6. Did I say I was really pissed
7. At this point what difference does it make

8. It's under investigation and I cannot comment
Flatlined . Where do you get your info? From $44 billion to $99 billion? That's like no flatine I have ever seen.

Pick one of the following excuses and they will fit into everything:

1. Bush did it first
2. The GOP cut funding
3. I just heard about this on the news
4. I'm mad as hell
5. Rogue agents were at fault
6. Did I say I was really pissed
7. At this point what difference does it make

8. It's under investigation and I cannot comment
9. The administration had no knowledge of this.
Flatlined . Where do you get your info? From $44 billion to $99 billion? That's like no flatine I have ever seen.

Pick one of the following excuses and they will fit into everything:

1. Bush did it first
2. The GOP cut funding
3. I just heard about this on the news
4. I'm mad as hell
5. Rogue agents were at fault
6. Did I say I was really pissed
7. At this point what difference does it make

8. It's under investigation and I cannot comment

9 That's so yesterday.
With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

Now give the Prez some sugar.

Glad to see this hero has been set free.... have a little on your chin...

Uh, not to make light of the young man's captivity, but walking off your post with some locals because they promised alcohol is not the act of a hero. It's something a very silly, very young man would do.
I heard an audio tape of his father this AM on FNC from the date when he deserted his unit in which he said that Bowe enlisted to help the Afghanistanis because America was occupying two countries in Asia and its - America's - "soul is in a very dark place;" so Bowe enlisted to help the people of Afghanistan.

He was a deserter who used the Army as a plane ticket to get him into the country and he should be court-martialed. The president got him out to further divide America, and as a distraction from the VA scandal among others.

Woe to Republicans who raise the issues surrounding the truth about Bowe Bergdahl.

He is and was no "hero" and men from his unit will not let this stand.
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Although the status of the U.S soldier is still in question.

The fact is that 5 detainees who had been imprisoned for over a decade in the Gitmo gulag and never charged or convicted of anything were freed.

It was the right thing to do. ... :cool:

Um, No.

Sorry, Ollie. You are wrong. Email the commander of the POW-MIA boise chapter, then get back with us.
Nothing new. Since Bergdahl could not be rescued, thank heavens for a prisoner of war exchange.
POW/MIA group shows ongoing support for Bergdahls

USA Today

9 hours ago
BOISE — At a news conference Sunday, Bob and Jani Bergdahl thanked the government, the special forces on ...

[PDF]Boise Valley POW/MIA Corporation - BV POW/MIA

The initial concept of establishing a Boise POW/MIA group was brought up, ... The original draft of the Boise Valley POW/MIA Mission Statement of April 2006.

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