US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

The American Legion is the largest Wartime veterans organization in the country, I've been waiting to hear form the National Commander. Seems he has some of the same questions I have....

American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger raised some concerns about the circumstances surrounding the recent release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl by the Taliban.

“First, to Sgt. Bergdahl, I say, ‘welcome home,’” Dellinger said today. “Your family has waited far too long to see you and we are happy that your five year nightmare has ended. To the administration, I say The American Legion has some very serious concerns.”

, “Has the United States changed its long-held policy of not negotiating with terrorists? Will this provide incentives for terrorists to kidnap other Americans? What assurances do we have that the five dangerous detainees being released from Guantanamo will not return to the battlefield?

Moreover, we hope the Department of Defense does a complete investigation of the circumstances surrounding Sgt. Bergdahl’s initial disappearance and take whatever steps are warranted by the findings of that investigation.”

Legion: Sgt Bergdahl release good, Gitmo releases bad | The American Legion
Rice, "He was an American POW, captured on the battlefield."

Fucking deserted. It's right up there with Eleanor Clift's statement that Ambassador Stevens was not murdered.

Is that what she said! OMG!!!!!

He was on watch. He put down his rifle took a compass and his diary and walked off, AFTER he had already packed up and sent his belongings home.
Yup, right here at 3:10:

Susan Rice Cites ?Sacred Obligation? in Making Deal for Bergdahl?s Freedom - ABC News
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You are as pathetic as Mudwhistle this day.

POW/MIA group shows ongoing support for Bergdahls

You know what Jake, here i am trying to be civil and all that and you post a dead end link then blame it on me........

I'll not be reading any more of your links or posts for a week or two... Fuck off.

I have posted links that work.

You have not been civil.

Step off.
I can't help but wonder why conservatives are so stupid.

For example, I would imagine that Bergdahl will be worth a fount of military intelligence, especially since he speaks the language and had undoubtedly overheard a lot of conversations in the last five years. Just the wealth in names, dates, and places would be inestimable.

Furthermore, I have a sneaking suspicion that our gov't is going to track the movements of the released Gitmo detainees in ways that no other gov't can do. We'll find out where they go and who they meet with. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a predator drone eventually locates them in some kind of terrorist reunion with Taliban types we previously didn't know about.

But you know what? Conservatives simply can't conceive of such things because they're always viewing events through the same prism of antiObamaism. No matter what happens, their response to events is always the same.

It's the same blind mantra that makes them think that any economic problem can be addressed by tax cuts; it's simplistic and wholly unsophisticated. Conservatives simply do not recognize complexity or nuance. They approach issues like children in the sense that they're always overreacting emotionally, and that they don't see let alone even understand the larger picture.

Simply put, these simpletons aren't the kind of people who should govern; they're just not smart enough.
Rice, "He was an American POW, captured on the battlefield."

Is that what she said! OMG!!!!!

He was on watch. He put down his rifle took a compass and his diary and walked off, AFTER he had already packed up and sent his belongings home.
Technically, Rice is correct.......because all of Afghanistan is the battlefield. .. :cool:
Yeah, and Ambassador Stevens wasn't murdered, but technically died of smoke inhalation. You're wondering into Jake Starkey territory here.
I can't help but wonder why conservatives are so stupid.

For example, I would imagine that Bergdahl will be worth a fount of military intelligence, especially since he speaks the language and had undoubtedly overheard a lot of conversations in the last five years. Just the wealth in names, dates, and places would be inestimable.

Furthermore, I have a sneaking suspicion that our gov't is going to track the movements of the released Gitmo detainees in ways that no other gov't can do. We'll find out where they go and who they meet with. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a predator drone eventually locates them in some kind of terrorist reunion with Taliban types we previously didn't know about.

But you know what? Conservatives simply can't conceive of such things because they're always viewing events through the same prism of antiObamaism. No matter what happens, their response to events is always the same.

It's the same blind mantra that makes them think that any economic problem can be addressed by tax cuts; it's simplistic and wholly unsophisticated. Conservatives simply do not recognize complexity or nuance. They approach issues like children in the sense that they're always overreacting emotionally, and that they don't see let alone even understand the larger picture.

Simply put, these simpletons aren't the kind of people who should govern; they're just not smart enough.
Give it a break Poindexter.

We are pulling out of we don't need the intel.

Now go back to sucking on Obama's sausage. .. :lol: :lol:
I'd rather have our traitor on OUR soil in OUR jail than I had have him spilling military intel to the Taliban on THEIR soil ..

we can always send drones after those turds we swapped and erase them at a later date
I'd rather have our traitor on OUR soil in OUR jail than I had have him spilling military intel to the Taliban on THEIR soil ..

we can always send drones after those turds we swapped and erase them at a later date

Yes, he is being debriefed, it may take some time. :D
I debated with myself whether or not to come to this forum in the immediate days after the soldier's release. I was certain that speculation would be cited as fact and I just didn't want to watch.

Sure enough, rumors and speculation are being cited as fact, such as the soldier being a deserter. Some anonymous person starts a rumor years ago, and now it grows legs with people who are less interested in the truth than they are in perpetuating any conjectures which could stain the political opposition.

Nice. Real nice. Well done. Completely playing to type.

As for the idea that "negotiating with the terrorists will just encourage them to capture more American soldiers", you have to be completely fucking brain dead to buy that one.

Do you bozos actually believe the terrorists have been slacking all this time? As if they did not bother all this time trying to capture some American soldiers because they just didn't see the point until now. ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID?!?!

"Now we have a reason to capture some Americans!"
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I can't help but wonder why conservatives are so stupid.

For example, I would imagine that Bergdahl will be worth a fount of military intelligence, especially since he speaks the language and had undoubtedly overheard a lot of conversations in the last five years. Just the wealth in names, dates, and places would be inestimable.

Furthermore, I have a sneaking suspicion that our gov't is going to track the movements of the released Gitmo detainees in ways that no other gov't can do. We'll find out where they go and who they meet with. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a predator drone eventually locates them in some kind of terrorist reunion with Taliban types we previously didn't know about.

But you know what? Conservatives simply can't conceive of such things because they're always viewing events through the same prism of antiObamaism. No matter what happens, their response to events is always the same.

It's the same blind mantra that makes them think that any economic problem can be addressed by tax cuts; it's simplistic and wholly unsophisticated. Conservatives simply do not recognize complexity or nuance. They approach issues like children in the sense that they're always overreacting emotionally, and that they don't see let alone even understand the larger picture.

Simply put, these simpletons aren't the kind of people who should govern; they're just not smart enough.
Give it a break Poindexter.

We are pulling out of we don't need the intel.

Now go back to sucking on Obama's sausage. .. :lol: :lol:

One of the intellectually challenged deigns to try to explain?

The US is not scheduled to officially leave Afghanistan until the end of 2016. That's another 2 1/2 years. Even if it was less time, the US wouldn't turn down the chance at culling some intel if it could get it. Hell, a time like now might just be the perfect time. Even a simpleton like John Bolton would know that.

As for me, I don't so much defend Obama (who certainly doesn't need my help) as much as I attack the obvious transparency of the motives of right which is only eclipsed by their woeful ignorance and their sheer stupidity. Hell, even if I was a righty (which I'm not), I don't think I would be at all comfortable with a group men and women of such glaringly limited intelligence and myopic vision (as the right seems to embrace) making the decisions for this country whether it's about war or economics.

As for me, I prefer competence over ideology, any day of the week.
I can't help but wonder why conservatives are so stupid.

For example, I would imagine that Bergdahl will be worth a fount of military intelligence, especially since he speaks the language and had undoubtedly overheard a lot of conversations in the last five years. Just the wealth in names, dates, and places would be inestimable.

Furthermore, I have a sneaking suspicion that our gov't is going to track the movements of the released Gitmo detainees in ways that no other gov't can do. We'll find out where they go and who they meet with. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a predator drone eventually locates them in some kind of terrorist reunion with Taliban types we previously didn't know about.

But you know what? Conservatives simply can't conceive of such things because they're always viewing events through the same prism of antiObamaism. No matter what happens, their response to events is always the same.

It's the same blind mantra that makes them think that any economic problem can be addressed by tax cuts; it's simplistic and wholly unsophisticated. Conservatives simply do not recognize complexity or nuance. They approach issues like children in the sense that they're always overreacting emotionally, and that they don't see let alone even understand the larger picture.

Simply put, these simpletons aren't the kind of people who should govern; they're just not smart enough.

This is what he thought of the Army and the US.

Bergdahl’s dream was to help Afghan villagers rebuild their lives and learn to defend themselves, his dad told the magazine.

“The whole ‘COIN’ thing,” Bob explained, referring to America’s strategy of counter-insurgency. “We were given a fictitious picture, an artificially created picture of what we were doing in *Afghanistan,” the dad said.

Bowe Bergdahl would detail his disillusionment with the Afghanistan campaign in an email to his parents three days before he went missing.

“I am sorry for everything here,” he wrote. “These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid.”

Bergdahl also complained about fellow soldiers. The battalion commander was a “conceited old fool,” he said, and the only “decent” sergeants, planning to leave the platoon “as soon as they can,” told the privates — Bergdahl then among them — “to do the same.”

“I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools,” he concluded. “I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.”

I seriously doubt that this jerk will offer anything to hurt the Taliban.
The idea of this American Taliban spilling any secrets is remote.

I blame that crazy father. He's as looney as they come.
I debated with myself whether or not to come to this forum in the immediate days after the soldier's release. I was certain that speculation would be cited as fact and I just didn't want to watch.

Sure enough, rumors and speculation are being cited as fact, such as the soldier being a deserter. Some anonymous person starts a rumor years ago, and now it grows legs with people who are less interested in the truth than they are in perpetuating any conjectures which could stain the political opposition.

Nice. Real nice. Well done. Completely playing to type.

As for the idea that "negotiating with the terrorists will just encourage them to capture more American soldiers", you have to be completely fucking brain dead to buy that one.

Do you bozos actually believe the terrorists have been slacking all this time? As if they did not bother all this time trying to capture some American soldiers because they just didn't see the point until now. ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID?!?!

"Now we have a reason to capture some Americans!"

Kind of hard to capture them when they don't leave the compound alone like this POS.

But you're the only mother fucker that knows the real scoop on him. Keeper of the knowledge.

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