US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Although the status of the U.S soldier is still in question.

The fact is that 5 detainees who had been imprisoned for over a decade in the Gitmo gulag and never charged or convicted of anything were freed.

It was the right thing to do. ... :cool:

Um, No.

Sorry, Ollie. You are wrong. Email the commander of the POW-MIA boise chapter, then get back with us.

Sure give me is email address or name.
I'll even call the American legion Commanders in the area if you want me to.
But what they think still doesn't make my opinion wrong.

It was a bad deal for America.
POW/MIA group shows ongoing support for Bergdahls

USA Today

9 hours ago
BOISE — At a news conference Sunday, Bob and Jani Bergdahl thanked the government, the special forces on ...

[PDF]Boise Valley POW/MIA Corporation - BV POW/MIA

The initial concept of establishing a Boise POW/MIA group was brought up, ... The original draft of the Boise Valley POW/MIA Mission Statement of April 2006.

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Sorry, Ollie. You are wrong. Email the commander of the POW-MIA boise chapter, then get back with us.

Sure give me is email address or name.
I'll even call the American legion Commanders in the area if you want me to.
But what they think still doesn't make my opinion wrong.

It was a bad deal for America.

And what you are thinking does not make your opinion right.

Look it up: POW-MIA Boise Group.
POW/MIA group shows ongoing support for Bergdahls

USA Today

9 hours ago
BOISE — At a news conference Sunday, Bob and Jani Bergdahl thanked the government, the special forces on ...

[PDF]Boise Valley POW/MIA Corporation - BV POW/MIA

The initial concept of establishing a Boise POW/MIA group was brought up, ... The original draft of the Boise Valley POW/MIA Mission Statement of April 2006.

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You are as pathetic as Mudwhistle this day.

POW/MIA group shows ongoing support for Bergdahls
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POW/MIA group shows ongoing support for Bergdahls

USA Today

9 hours ago
BOISE — At a news conference Sunday, Bob and Jani Bergdahl thanked the government, the special forces on ...

[PDF]Boise Valley POW/MIA Corporation - BV POW/MIA

The initial concept of establishing a Boise POW/MIA group was brought up, ... The original draft of the Boise Valley POW/MIA Mission Statement of April 2006.

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You are as pathetic as Mudwhistle this day.

POW/MIA group shows ongoing support for Bergdahls

You know what Jake, here i am trying to be civil and all that and you post a dead end link then blame it on me........

I'll not be reading any more of your links or posts for a week or two... Fuck off.
I suggest everybody give it a break and wait for developments. After this guy recuperates and is debriefed by Army Intelligence, the powers that be will decide his fate. When the final decision is made, announcements will be made. Well wishers and cheerleaders on hogs won't make the decisions. FWIW I don't have any money down on the released prisoner.
I wonder when Americans will begin to go missing? The demands for release of Islamic war criminals is going to turn into a lucrative business.

Because, like, they didn't go missing when Bush was President and turn up in Al Qaeda head chopping fest videos, right?

And down is up.


Jessica Lynch..........Rescued............

Sure you want to go there? Back to the good old days when we treated the captured as terrorist with no rights to be treated like POW's. Jessica was an easy rescue when you think about it. We had an inside informant and she was held in a civilian hospital, not a prison or prisoner type environment at the very beginning of the war.
So we refused to negotiate and treated the persons we captured like animals with no rights. If they were Iraq citizens and picked up off the street we could and did torture and even murdered some of them. We refused to negotiate for our captured POW's because we had to call the insurgents terrorist and we would not bargain with terrorist. Hence in order to call our enemy terrorist we abandoned our POW's to be tortured and murdered.

These are guys we abandoned so we could call the Iraqi citizens who viewed us as invaders and occupiers terrorist and pretended like we had no obligation to adhere to international laws in regards to torture.


You can find vid's of some of these abandoned US soldiers being beheaded or photo's of their decapitated bodies on the net. They weren't worth negotiating for.

POW's have always been held as bargaining chips and negotiated for at the end of conflicts. This new idea of doing otherwise is an invention of the Bush/Cheney criminals and neocon Republicans and now joined by the O haters.
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With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

The only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan has been freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Afghan detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Obama administration officials said Saturday.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban Saturday evening, local time, in an area of eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border. Officials said the exchange was not violent and the 28-year-old Bergdahl was in good condition and able to walk.

In a statement, President Barack Obama said Bergdahl's recovery "is a reminder of America's unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield."
US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan - ABC News

Now give the Prez some sugar.


Why any sugar at all? Soldiers lost their lives trying to rescue this deserter. I would have let him rot.
Well at least now we know how Obama plans to close Gitmo. He's just gonna release em.
I see the anti-American fervor of the far right is in full tilt mode.

With little more than rumor and/or innuendo, some conservatives are actually attacking an American POW who's just been released from captivity. And why would that be? The reason appears to be little more than one more attempt to smear President Obama. It looks like their hatred of the President is so intense that they'll even use an American POW to get at him. I suppose that's no surprise since they've used the deaths of Americans in Libya to do the very same thing.

Just a couple of questions. What happens if all this talk of Sgt Bergdahl being a deserter turns out to be completely untrue? Will these posters apologize to the USMB board membership and to Sgt Bergdahl who I understand was promoted twice while being held by the Taliban? Or will they just move on to the next rumor and the next victim who they will gladly and willingly smear in an effort to score some cheap political points, regardless of the facts?
Rice, "He was an American POW, captured on the battlefield."

Fucking deserted. It's right up there with Eleanor Clift's statement that Ambassador Stevens was not murdered.
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Oh? Is that your guess?

Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.

Wow! Your so cool! Such a cool hard ass!

You are absent ANY you are projecting your wishes. You ought to calm down.
I see the anti-American fervor of the far right is in full tilt mode.

With little more than rumor and/or innuendo, some conservatives are actually attacking an American POW who's just been released from captivity. And why would that be? The reason appears to be little more than one more attempt to smear President Obama. It looks like their hatred of the President is so intense that they'll even use an American POW to get at him. I suppose that's no surprise since they've used the deaths of Americans in Libya to do the very same thing.

Just a couple of questions. What happens if all this talk of Sgt Bergdahl being a deserter turns out to be completely untrue? Will these posters apologize to the USMB board membership and to Sgt Bergdahl who I understand was promoted twice while being held by the Taliban? Or will they just move on to the next rumor and the next victim who they will gladly and willingly smear in an effort to score some cheap political points, regardless of the facts?

You don't know how bad i want the rumors to be untrue....
I see the anti-American fervor of the far right is in full tilt mode.

With little more than rumor and/or innuendo, some conservatives are actually attacking an American POW who's just been released from captivity. And why would that be? The reason appears to be little more than one more attempt to smear President Obama. It looks like their hatred of the President is so intense that they'll even use an American POW to get at him. I suppose that's no surprise since they've used the deaths of Americans in Libya to do the very same thing.

Just a couple of questions. What happens if all this talk of Sgt Bergdahl being a deserter turns out to be completely untrue? Will these posters apologize to the USMB board membership and to Sgt Bergdahl who I understand was promoted twice while being held by the Taliban? Or will they just move on to the next rumor and the next victim who they will gladly and willingly smear in an effort to score some cheap political points, regardless of the facts?

You don't know how bad i want the rumors to be untrue....

So do I but .... it appears that the "rumors" are coming from those who served with the man. I doubt that they would lie.
Hero or traitor - that will sort itself out if allowed to. Of course much will depend upon whether the regime figures it can reap more political hay with one or the other and then run with what serves the party best.

Meanwhile, no escaping the simple fact that Obama has declared open season on Americans anywhere. You think you've seen kidnappings? You ain't seen nothin' yet.
At 10:04 a.m. on 31 January 1945, near the village of Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, Army Private Eddie Slovic, service number 36896415, was executed by a military firing squad. His crime: desertion.

The following details regarding Slovik's desertion are from Wikipedia:

On October 8, Slovik informed his company commander, Captain Ralph Grotte, that he was "too scared" to serve in a front-line rifle company and asked to be reassigned to a rear area unit. He told Grotte that he would run away if he were assigned to a rifle unit, and asked his captain if that would constitute desertion. Grotte confirmed that it would. He refused Slovik's request for reassignment and sent him to a rifle platoon.

The next day, October 9, Slovik deserted from his infantry unit. His friend, John Tankey, caught up with him and attempted to persuade him to stay, but Slovik's only comment was that his "mind was made up". Slovik walked several miles to the rear and approached an enlisted cook at a headquarters detachment, presenting him with a note which stated:
I, Pvt. Eddie D. Slovik, 36896415, confess to the desertion of the United States Army. At the time of my desertion we were in Albuff [Elbeuf] in France. I came to Albuff as a replacement. They were shelling the town and we were told to dig in for the night. The following morning they were shelling us again. I was so scared, nerves and trembling, that at the time the other replacements moved out, I couldn’t move. I stayed there in my fox hole till it was quiet and I was able to move.

I then walked into town. Not seeing any of our troops, so I stayed over night at a French hospital. The next morning I turned myself over to the Canadian Provost Corp. After being with them six weeks I was turned over to American M.R. They turned me loose. I told my commanding officer my story. I said that if I had to go out there again I'd run away. He said there was nothing he could do for me so I ran away again AND I'LL RUN AWAY AGAIN IF I HAVE TO GO OUT THERE.

—Signed Pvt. Eddie D. Slovik A.S.N. 36896415[4]

Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It appears that the only difference between Pvt. Slovic and Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was that the former was a coward and the other a traitor. It is my humble opinion that a man can't help being a coward but being a traitor is a deliberate act. If Slovik deserved to die then it is unconscionable that Bergdahl would be praised by his Commander in Chief and even more unconscionable that five of the most dangerous men on the planet would be freed from U.S. Custody in order to obtain his release.

As a former Marine, I am very familiar with a soldier's duty to leave no man behind. However, I have never heard of this noble duty being applied to a deserter and there is no doubt that Bergdahl is at least guilty of desertion. It is possible that he could even be charged with treason.

There is no way to put a good spin on this one, folks. Wartime deserters do not deserve the same treatment as those who stand their ground and serve their country. Obama put the US at risk to obtain the release of a deserter who wrote these words: “I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools, …. I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.” I can say it all in just five words: Fuck you Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

When Obama said that Bergdahl served honorably, he insulted every man and woman who ever put on a uniform and did their duty. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the media. There is no doubt that the Obama administration will do everything in their power to keep Bergdahl from being portrayed as a deserter. Unless the media puts its obligatory spin on this and engages in an unprecedented coverup Obama will forever be known as the most incompetent Commander in Chief in the history of the United States. Oh, well, what did we expect from a man who never served and who pronounces corpsmen as

Note: The five men who were released in exchange for Bergdahl are considered to be some of the most dangerous men on the planet. The background of the dangerous terrorists who were freed to obtain Bergdahl's release can be found at the following link (see permalink 466):

The anti-American words spoken by Bergdahl can be found at this link:

The bizarre tale of America?s last known POW | New York Post
Rice, "He was an American POW, captured on the battlefield."

Fucking deserted. It's right up there with Eleanor Clift's statement that Ambassador Stevens was not murdered.

Is that what she said! OMG!!!!!

He was on watch. He put down his rifle took a compass and his diary and walked off, AFTER he had already packed up and sent his belongings home.
I heard he has the real copy of Obama's birth certificate and the administration couldn't let it fall into the hands of the Taliban.

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