US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

The moment it was learned that this was approved by the president, this guy became a traitor. It is failure to think on a monumental scale. There are USMB nutters calling for his execution.

Actually, it was an issue a few years ago, LL. Might want to catch up on it.

Not here it wasn't. I am talking about USMB nutters. But you knew that.

The guy was never charged with any crime. You knew that too.
Oh? Is that your guess?

Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.

American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.
Oh? Is that your guess?

Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.

American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

Well, we patriots would like to execute TRAITOR Americans, apparently you're clueless!
Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.

American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

Well, we patriots would like to execute TRAITOR Americans, apparently you're clueless!

The problem is that conservatives see traitors everywhere they look.
Let's play a game. A nutter game.

A year from now....a trial finds that Bergdahl is, in fact, a deserter. President Obama calls a presser and suggests that he be executed for his crime.

What do you think the reaction would be from out USMB nutters?
Is that what she said! OMG!!!!!

He was on watch. He put down his rifle took a compass and his diary and walked off, AFTER he had already packed up and sent his belongings home.
Technically, Rice is correct.......because all of Afghanistan is the battlefield. .. :cool:
Yeah, and Ambassador Stevens wasn't murdered, but technically died of smoke inhalation. You're wondering into Jake Starkey territory here.

Meathead, you are at a disadvantage with Sunni Man.

He has a brain that works.
Oh? Is that your guess?

Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.

American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

You mean kinda like Obama executing Americans and their teenaged sons without trials?
American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

Well, we patriots would like to execute TRAITOR Americans, apparently you're clueless!

The problem is that conservatives see traitors everywhere they look.

When one tries to subvert the Constitution, such as Obuma just did again with his release of 5 Taliban without notification and consent of Congress, we have a traitor! Plain and simple... he's enabling our enemy!

Oh? Is that your guess?

Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.

American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

That's kind of the way it's always been.

Whiskey Rebellion.
Utah War.
Civil War.

Take your pick.
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Let's play a game. A nutter game.

A year from now....a trial finds that Bergdahl is, in fact, a deserter. President Obama calls a presser and suggests that he be executed for his crime.

What do you think the reaction would be from out USMB nutters?

good one doofus!!

why do you assume "nutters" would all have the same reaction?

do you think others are a brainwashed and lemming-like as left-wingers suffering from group-think are?
Let's play a game. A nutter game.

A year from now....a trial finds that Bergdahl is, in fact, a deserter. President Obama calls a presser and suggests that he be executed for his crime.

What do you think the reaction would be from out USMB nutters?

good one doofus!!

why do you assume "nutters" would all have the same reaction?

do you think others are a brainwashed and lemming-like as left-wingers suffering from group-think are?

Ha....good one.
Without any information to the contrary, that has to be my guess. If it turns out that I'm correct, he needs to be lined up in front of the same wall those 5 Al Queda leaders should have been placed in front of for their execution, and suffer the same fate.

American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

Well, we patriots would like to execute TRAITOR Americans, apparently you're clueless!

And admitted it.

By the way:

THE EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. - Precedents of the American Revolution. The British Government Never Assenting to a General Exchange, nor Conceding National Rights to the Colonies. -

The battle of Lexington was fought April 19, 1775: -- and only a fortnight afterwards an exchange of prisoners took place, in due form, between the commanders of the opposing forces. The Virginia Gazette, of July 1, copied in MOORE's Diary of the Revolution, gives an account of the ceremony. Under date of June 6, it says:

"This being the day agreed on for the exchange of prisoners, between 12 and 1 o'clock, Dr. WARREN and Brig.-Gen. PUTNAM, in a phaeton, together with Major DUNBAR and Lieut. HAMILTON, of the Sixty-fourth, on horseback; Lieut. POTTER, of the marines, in a chaise; JOHN HILTON, of the Forty-seventh; ALEX. CAMPBELL, of the Fourth; JOHN TYNE, SAMUEL MARCY, THOMAS PERRY, and THOMAS SHARP, of the marines, wounded men, in two carts, -- the whole escorted by the Weathersfield Company, under the command of Capt. CHESTER, -- entered the town of Charlestown, and marching slowly through it, halted at the Ferry, where, upon a signal being given, Major MONCRIEF landed from the Lively man-of-war, in order to receive the prisoners, and see his old friend Gen. Putnam. Their meeting was truly cordial and affectionate. The wounded privates were soon sent on board the Lively, but Maj. MONCRIEF and the other officers returned with Gen. PUTNAM and Dr. WARREN to the house of Dr. FOSTER, where an entertainment was provided for them. About 3 o'clock a signal mas made by the Lively that they were ready to deliver up our prisoners, upon which Gen. PUTNAM and Maj. MONCRIEF went to the ferry, where they received Messrs. JOHN PECK, JAMES HEWES, JAMES BREWER and DANIEL PRESTON, of Boston; Messrs. SAMUEL FROST and SETH RUSSELL, of Cambridge; Mr. JOSEPH BELL, of Danvers; Mr. ELIJAH SEAVER, of Roxbury, and CESAR AUGUSTUS, a negro servant of Mr. TILESTON, of Dorchester, who were conducted to the house of Capt. FOSTER and there refreshed, after which the General and Major returned to their company and spent an hour or two in a very agreeable manner. Between 5 and 6 o'clock Maj. MONCRIEF, with the officers who had been delivered to him, were conducted to the ferry, where the Lively's barge received them, after which Gen. PUTNAM, with the prisoners that had been delivered to him, returned to Cambridge escorted in the same manner as before. The whole was conducted with the utmost decency and good humor, and the Weathersfield Company did honor to themselves, their officers and company."

Would you have executed Washington?
A more likely scenario; these 5 run out and do what they do best; kill Americans. what will the reaction of left-wing nutters be?

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