US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

The only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan has been freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Afghan detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Obama administration officials said Saturday.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban Saturday evening, local time, in an area of eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border. Officials said the exchange was not violent and the 28-year-old Bergdahl was in good condition and able to walk.

In a statement, President Barack Obama said Bergdahl's recovery "is a reminder of America's unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield."
US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan - ABC News

Now give the Prez some sugar.


I would have done the trade and then blown the hell out of the camp where he was being held. Regardless, I agree with the decision of the President to do the swap.

All that "negotiating with terrorists" nonsense is nonsense. He was a POW just as the ones we had were POW's. the war is winding down and Gitmo internment center is a freaking embarrassment to any nation that wants to call itself the leader of the free world and the defender of rights, liberty, chevrolets, and moon pies.
Well, we patriots would like to execute TRAITOR Americans, apparently you're clueless!

The problem is that conservatives see traitors everywhere they look.

When one tries to subvert the Constitution, such as Obuma just did again with his release of 5 Taliban without notification and consent of Congress, we have a traitor! Plain and simple... he's enabling our enemy!


I've got the motto for the Democrats in 2016.

"Terrorists and conservatives, both working to bring down the American gov't!

Be patriotic. Vote Democrat!"
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With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

The only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan has been freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Afghan detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Obama administration officials said Saturday.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban Saturday evening, local time, in an area of eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border. Officials said the exchange was not violent and the 28-year-old Bergdahl was in good condition and able to walk.

In a statement, President Barack Obama said Bergdahl's recovery "is a reminder of America's unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield."
US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan - ABC News

Now give the Prez some sugar.


Ha ha, another Sallow fail.
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” --Atlas Shrugged
American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

Well, we patriots would like to execute TRAITOR Americans, apparently you're clueless!

And admitted it.

By the way:

THE EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. - Precedents of the American Revolution. The British Government Never Assenting to a General Exchange, nor Conceding National Rights to the Colonies. -

The battle of Lexington was fought April 19, 1775: -- and only a fortnight afterwards an exchange of prisoners took place, in due form, between the commanders of the opposing forces. The Virginia Gazette, of July 1, copied in MOORE's Diary of the Revolution, gives an account of the ceremony. Under date of June 6, it says:

"This being the day agreed on for the exchange of prisoners, between 12 and 1 o'clock, Dr. WARREN and Brig.-Gen. PUTNAM, in a phaeton, together with Major DUNBAR and Lieut. HAMILTON, of the Sixty-fourth, on horseback; Lieut. POTTER, of the marines, in a chaise; JOHN HILTON, of the Forty-seventh; ALEX. CAMPBELL, of the Fourth; JOHN TYNE, SAMUEL MARCY, THOMAS PERRY, and THOMAS SHARP, of the marines, wounded men, in two carts, -- the whole escorted by the Weathersfield Company, under the command of Capt. CHESTER, -- entered the town of Charlestown, and marching slowly through it, halted at the Ferry, where, upon a signal being given, Major MONCRIEF landed from the Lively man-of-war, in order to receive the prisoners, and see his old friend Gen. Putnam. Their meeting was truly cordial and affectionate. The wounded privates were soon sent on board the Lively, but Maj. MONCRIEF and the other officers returned with Gen. PUTNAM and Dr. WARREN to the house of Dr. FOSTER, where an entertainment was provided for them. About 3 o'clock a signal mas made by the Lively that they were ready to deliver up our prisoners, upon which Gen. PUTNAM and Maj. MONCRIEF went to the ferry, where they received Messrs. JOHN PECK, JAMES HEWES, JAMES BREWER and DANIEL PRESTON, of Boston; Messrs. SAMUEL FROST and SETH RUSSELL, of Cambridge; Mr. JOSEPH BELL, of Danvers; Mr. ELIJAH SEAVER, of Roxbury, and CESAR AUGUSTUS, a negro servant of Mr. TILESTON, of Dorchester, who were conducted to the house of Capt. FOSTER and there refreshed, after which the General and Major returned to their company and spent an hour or two in a very agreeable manner. Between 5 and 6 o'clock Maj. MONCRIEF, with the officers who had been delivered to him, were conducted to the ferry, where the Lively's barge received them, after which Gen. PUTNAM, with the prisoners that had been delivered to him, returned to Cambridge escorted in the same manner as before. The whole was conducted with the utmost decency and good humor, and the Weathersfield Company did honor to themselves, their officers and company."

Would you have executed Washington?

Wow---that scenario is identical to the one involving Bergdahl---How did you find it ?
Will the Taliban like us better now?
Is this Obama's plan to close Gitmo?
Trade off all those that we are holding there.
the excuse-making pussies of the Obama administratin are actually trying to say Qatar was negotiating for the exchange; and not us

as if Qatar has the power to have people released from Gitmo

they may have been negotiating on our behalf; but that isn't what the excuse-making pussies of the Obama administration are saying
American conservatives sure have a lot in common with the Taliban. Both of you want to execute Americans.

Well, we patriots would like to execute TRAITOR Americans, apparently you're clueless!

And admitted it.

By the way:

THE EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. - Precedents of the American Revolution. The British Government Never Assenting to a General Exchange, nor Conceding National Rights to the Colonies. -

The battle of Lexington was fought April 19, 1775: -- and only a fortnight afterwards an exchange of prisoners took place, in due form, between the commanders of the opposing forces. The Virginia Gazette, of July 1, copied in MOORE's Diary of the Revolution, gives an account of the ceremony. Under date of June 6, it says:

"This being the day agreed on for the exchange of prisoners, between 12 and 1 o'clock, Dr. WARREN and Brig.-Gen. PUTNAM, in a phaeton, together with Major DUNBAR and Lieut. HAMILTON, of the Sixty-fourth, on horseback; Lieut. POTTER, of the marines, in a chaise; JOHN HILTON, of the Forty-seventh; ALEX. CAMPBELL, of the Fourth; JOHN TYNE, SAMUEL MARCY, THOMAS PERRY, and THOMAS SHARP, of the marines, wounded men, in two carts, -- the whole escorted by the Weathersfield Company, under the command of Capt. CHESTER, -- entered the town of Charlestown, and marching slowly through it, halted at the Ferry, where, upon a signal being given, Major MONCRIEF landed from the Lively man-of-war, in order to receive the prisoners, and see his old friend Gen. Putnam. Their meeting was truly cordial and affectionate. The wounded privates were soon sent on board the Lively, but Maj. MONCRIEF and the other officers returned with Gen. PUTNAM and Dr. WARREN to the house of Dr. FOSTER, where an entertainment was provided for them. About 3 o'clock a signal mas made by the Lively that they were ready to deliver up our prisoners, upon which Gen. PUTNAM and Maj. MONCRIEF went to the ferry, where they received Messrs. JOHN PECK, JAMES HEWES, JAMES BREWER and DANIEL PRESTON, of Boston; Messrs. SAMUEL FROST and SETH RUSSELL, of Cambridge; Mr. JOSEPH BELL, of Danvers; Mr. ELIJAH SEAVER, of Roxbury, and CESAR AUGUSTUS, a negro servant of Mr. TILESTON, of Dorchester, who were conducted to the house of Capt. FOSTER and there refreshed, after which the General and Major returned to their company and spent an hour or two in a very agreeable manner. Between 5 and 6 o'clock Maj. MONCRIEF, with the officers who had been delivered to him, were conducted to the ferry, where the Lively's barge received them, after which Gen. PUTNAM, with the prisoners that had been delivered to him, returned to Cambridge escorted in the same manner as before. The whole was conducted with the utmost decency and good humor, and the Weathersfield Company did honor to themselves, their officers and company."

Would you have executed Washington?

The British aren't terrorists.
Let's play a game. A nutter game.

A year from now....a trial finds that Bergdahl is, in fact, a deserter. President Obama calls a presser and suggests that he be executed for his crime.

What do you think the reaction would be from out USMB nutters?

As long as it's the truth I will feel disappointment for having supported him. How about you?
[ame=]Sgt. Who Served With Bergdahl: 'He's at Best a Deserter, at Worst a Traitor' - YouTube[/ame]
...Taliban POW's ballet teacher reveals how Bergdahl was not a typical 'rough, tough' soldier...

*Daily Mail ^

Bowe Bergdahl’s ballet teacher said today said she believes the US Army sergeant used the discipline he learned as a ballet dancer to help him survive the ordeal. Sherry Horton, who was also Bowe’s roommate and best friend before he left to join the army, said the soldier was her ‘star’ student at Sun Valley Ballet School in his hometown of Hailey, Idaho. In an exclusive interview with MailOnline she said Bowe, now 28, was a graceful, natural performer who was ‘super strong’ and ‘flexible’ and loved to dance. And in our exclusive photos Bowe’s dancing can be seen in...
Former Officer: Soldiers Were ´Threatened´ If They Questioned Bergdahl Story

*Breitbart ^

A former U.S. officer who served in Afghanistan with Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl claims that soldiers were threatened by U.S. authorities if they questioned his story. After he was captured, Bergdahl said on a video from his captors that he lagged behind on patrol, although other sources in the military suggested anonymously that he walked away from his post. “Not only has this nebulous non-story been put out for years but you know these soldiers of 4th Brigade 25th Infantry Division were threatened with legal repercussions if they spoke about Bergdahl. Everybody officially mandated silencing of what we saw has been...
Rice, "He was an American POW, captured on the battlefield."

Is that what she said! OMG!!!!!

He was on watch. He put down his rifle took a compass and his diary and walked off, AFTER he had already packed up and sent his belongings home.
Technically, Rice is correct.......because all of Afghanistan is the battlefield. .. :cool:

But he wasn't captured ... he eagerly surrendered and 6 soldiers died trying to save him. :mad:
Is that what she said! OMG!!!!!

He was on watch. He put down his rifle took a compass and his diary and walked off, AFTER he had already packed up and sent his belongings home.
Technically, Rice is correct.......because all of Afghanistan is the battlefield. .. :cool:

But he wasn't captured ... he eagerly surrendered and 6 soldiers died trying to save him. :mad:

What all at the same time?

At least six soldiers were killed in subsequent searches for Bergdahl, and many soldiers in his platoon said attacks seemed to increase against the United States in Paktika province in the days and weeks following his disappearance.

"Any of us would have died for him while he was with us, and then for him to just leave us like that, it was a very big betrayal," said former U.S. Army Sgt. Josh Korder, who has the name of three soldiers who died while searching for Bergdahl tatooed on his back.
Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero -

Just wondering if these were "extra" patrols or regular patrols where they were told to keep an eye out for the missing soldier.
Technically, Rice is correct.......because all of Afghanistan is the battlefield. .. :cool:

But he wasn't captured ... he eagerly surrendered and 6 soldiers died trying to save him. :mad:

What all at the same time?

At least six soldiers were killed in subsequent searches for Bergdahl, and many soldiers in his platoon said attacks seemed to increase against the United States in Paktika province in the days and weeks following his disappearance.

"Any of us would have died for him while he was with us, and then for him to just leave us like that, it was a very big betrayal," said former U.S. Army Sgt. Josh Korder, who has the name of three soldiers who died while searching for Bergdahl tatooed on his back.
Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero -

Just wondering if these were "extra" patrols or regular patrols where they were told to keep an eye out for the missing soldier.

So now you claim they would have died anyway?
I'm listening to his excuse for this live in Poland.

Obama is claiming this is what countries do at the end of wars.

He's full of shit. Just because he declares the war over, it doesn't mean the other side has agreed to halt hostilities.
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