US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

I was alive back then.

The same charge was made against the North Vietnamese. That they were over the top nationalistic communist terrorists bent on the destruction of the United States.

That letting Vietnam go, would have a "Domino Effect" and eventually lead to the fall of America.

All they wanted? Was their own country. That's it.

And that's pretty much the agenda of the "religious zealots".

They want us out of their home.

Simple as that.

I was more than alive back then asshole. I was involved. The domino theory was bullshit. No one ever said that the north vietnamese were trying to overthrow the USA, thats one of the dumbest things you have ever posted.

We accomplished NOTHING in viet nam. the americans who died, died for nothing. Kennedy and Johnson have blood on their dead hands-------and always will.

Seriously you are an idiot.

And you left out Eisenhower and Nixon.

Gosh, I wonder why?

Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.
Soldiers don't get killed in a war zone?

Since when?

Oh wait, I remember you folks were saying these places were safer than Detroit.

STFU dirtbag.

I hear the Taliban baited search parties into ambushes.

not only that

secret routes to and from the outpost

all of a sudden had ieds planted on them

after he disappeared


The US had "secret" routes totally unknown to the locals in a foreign country.

Gotta love the logic of you folks.

Next up..Bergdhal was responsible for Benghazi.
I was more than alive back then asshole. I was involved. The domino theory was bullshit. No one ever said that the north vietnamese were trying to overthrow the USA, thats one of the dumbest things you have ever posted.

We accomplished NOTHING in viet nam. the americans who died, died for nothing. Kennedy and Johnson have blood on their dead hands-------and always will.

Seriously you are an idiot.

And you left out Eisenhower and Nixon.

Gosh, I wonder why?

Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.

Except that Nixon escalated the War beyond what Johnson did, to include 2 more countries and cause the deaths of over a million people.

You didn't even include those Presidents until I posted them..
This is the real motive for this:


That says everything about John Kerry running Obama's love for terrorists. It's too bad they forgot about the holocaust and the founders of the Muslim Brotherhood encouraging Hitler to kill all the jews in Israel.

Documentation of Amin Al-Husseini's role in murdering 6,000,000 European Jews here: The Mufti and the Fuhrere's Conversations, which is a conspiracy against Jewish men, women, and worst of all, over a million children.

This article:

Adolph Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928. Some say it was founded by Wahabists. Wahabism is an extremist form of Islam which envisions an Absolute Islamic empire which has no place for Jews or Christians, much less Atheists. Wahabism was responsible for banning all other Religions from Saudi-Arabia. Its goal is a worldwide Empire under Sharia Law. According to the pan-arabic doctrine of the Muslim Brotherhood, the entire Middle East must be completely free of any non-muslims. Hence Zionists (Jewish Settlers) must be removed. The Muslim Brotherhood founded the Hamas. This thread theorizes that it also had it or similar groups also had their hand in founding Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. The reason for this is that they all share similar literature and Ideology. A muslim-nazi (in this case Bosnian) Flag of WWII:

One of the most influential leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood was Amin Al-Husseini. Al-Husseini travelled to Germany in WWII to forge an Alliance with Hitler and spend time at his side. The Muslim Brotherhood and the Nazi Party of Germany shared the common goal of Exterminating Jews. With the help of Hitler, several anti-Jewish movements were formed in the Middle East. Abdul Gamal Nasser (who would later become President of Egypt), founded a socialist Party called "Young Egypt", modelled after the Nazi-Party. The slogan of Young Egypt was the same as Hitlers: "One Folk, One Party, One Leader". Nazi hate-literature such as "Mein Kampf" and supposed "Conspiracy Theories" about "Zionists" such as the "Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion" became Bestsellers in Arab countries. In some countries they became part of the school curriculum. According to such literature, Jews secretly rule the world. This is a picture of Al-Husseini checking out Muslim SS-Troops:


This is the Flag of the Nazi-inspired Syrian National Socialist Party (from which Syrian anti-Western and anti-Jewish sentiment first arose):


This is the Hezbollah-Army of Lebanon practicing the Hitler-Salute:


As the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and just having returned from Germany after the War, Al-Husseini co-founded the Arab League, which inteded to follow the Vision for one pan-arabic Empire under Sharia Law.

Under guidance of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Pan-Arabic plan, settlers only started to move to Israel when it became clear that Jews were moving back there. In my opinion, "Palestinians" are an invention of the Muslim Brotherhood, loosely based on the biblical "Philistine" that was in the area that is now called Gaza-Strip. There is no such thing as "Palestinians". The people that are today known as "Palestinians" moved in from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria to fight the Holy-War (Jihad) against Jews. A part of this "Holy War" is the dissemination of "conspiracy-theories" about Jews in schools, in the media and the Internet. These theories are meant to portray Jews as evil perpetrators and themselves as victims. A brief look at this map reveals that Muslims are not as helpless and victimized as generally assumed:


Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their goal was not to have a Palestinian State, but to conquer Jews. Hence Husseini, as President of the Arab League, commanded: "I declare Holy War my Muslim Brothers! Murder the Jews!". Contrary to the misinformed publics opinion, it is not the goal of the Hamas-Palestinians to have a Palestinian nation (they have been given dozens of chances to have their own nation), but to destroy Israel. People keep asking "Why is this conflict going on for so long? Why cant any of the mediators help? Why is no solution found?". The answer is, that the Muslim Brotherhood does not want any solution than what Hitler called "Final Solution". These people are therefore not only the enemy of Israel and America, but also the enemy of all non-extremist muslims.

The wars against Israel were not declared by single nations, they were declared by the Arab-League, i.e. by Pan-Arabic Islamofascism. Lebanons wars against Israel (Lebanon was a multi-religious, democratic and open society before the Iran-sponsored Extremists took over), Egypts wars against Israel, Syrias Wars against Israel, Jordans wars against Israel were all orchestrated by the Arab-League.

In 1964 the Arab League solidified the existence of a "Palestinian" people by founding the marxist "Palestinian Liberation Organisation" (PLO). The fact that it was founded 15 years after Israel was created, reveals the artificial nature of the overall "conflict". Its stated goal was the "Liberation of the Palestinian people through armed struggle". In 1987 The Muslim Brotherhood founded Hamas, another terrorist organization. From the Hamas charter:

The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.​
Just like Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood, the Hamas promotes anti-jewish Conspiracy-Theories to justify the Jews Exterimination:

They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it.
Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it will be one country or another. The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.

These are the same claims Hitler made about the Jews to justify genocide. These are the same claims that the current Iranian Regime is making about Jews. Iranian leader Ahmadinejad is known for his Holocaust-Denial and his financial backing of both Hamas, Hezbollah and other "freedom fighters". The Hamas echoes Irans opinions on the Holocaust:

This conference bears a clear Zionist goal, aimed at forging history by hiding the truth about the so-called Holocaust, which is an alleged and invented story with no basis. (...) The invention of these grand illusions of an alleged crime that never occurred,

The Hamas share an insanity similar to Nazis in that they have no qualms sending out innocent children as suicide bombers, calling them "freedom fighters for Allah".

In connection with the U.S. war against Soviet Communism in Afghanistan, the CIA temporarily forges an alliance with extremists such as Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden later breaks his ties with America and is funded by Saudis to build Al Qaeda - imo yet another manifestation of the Muslim Brotherhood whos goal it is to rid the world of democratic western-style democracies such as America, Europe and Israel. Israel is the only open and democratic society of the Middle East and it is their priority to get rid of it first. The claim that Osama bin Laden was "created" by the U.S. is propaganda waged by extremists. The popular claim that 9/11 was done by the Mossad also originates from that same source and directly contradicts the fact that many islamo-extremists celebrated 9/11 as a victory against the Jewish/American "oppressor".

Between 1989 and 1996 Islamic-Jihad in Sudan kills 4 Million people. Bin Laden and his Muslim Brotherhood friends Al-Zahawiri and Al-Bashir masterminded the largest genocide since Hitlers bloodthirsty rampage through Europe. In 1994 yet another offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood is founded: The Taliban of Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden returns from Sudan to join the Taliban.

The entire "War on Terror" is actually a continuation of the War against Nazis. Nazism survived. After WWII, through Project Paperclip, many German scientists were recruited to America. But most of the military officers obtained Visas to places like Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon. This is why Nazi-literature started appearing there in the 1950s. This is why between the late 40s and 70s one war after another was waged on the Jews from Arab states.

The public has been led to believe that the Mideast conflict is all about land and Palestinians wanting self-determination. But if that were true, the conflict would have ended long ago. This is a much larger conflict with much deeper agendas. Do you really believe that Jews wanting 1% of Arab land, a little strip in the Desert which was practically uninhabited before, would lead to 50 years of terror? Prior to Israel being founded, the area was ruled by the British Empire, not by "Palestinians". Before that it was ruled by the Turkish Empire, again, not by "Palestinians" Palestinians are mostly Jordanians. The Homeland of Palestinians is Jordan. 100 years ago a large number of Palestinians were actually Christian. They were driven away from the area to make place for the new agenda. The reason the "Palestinians" rejected the U.N. proposals AND the Oslo proposals which would have given them 97% of what they claimed they wanted + Jerusalem as their capital, is because they do not actually want "peace" or two nations. They want "A Palestinian Nation from Jordan to the Sea".​

It's time to stop the holocaust from recurring. Muslims' purpose in life is not serving the truth, it is to politically assassinate Jews in another surge of their attempt to commit genocide the world over. In order to execute this plan, they have to find puppets to free the ring-leaders of the last decade of world chaos against the west from Guantanamo.

Oh, wait. John Kerry, Chuck Hagel and Barack Obama just did that by trading one AWOL American Muslim for the 5 most successful killers of Americans demanded by the Muslim Brotherhood. :evil:
Full of shit how?

The Vietnam war didn't "end" when we left.

It ended with Vietnamese reunification. But our participation in it was over when we left.

apples and oranges. the north vietnamese were not religious zealots who wanted to destroy all non-believers. The viet nam war ended because we declared defeat after wasting the lives of 58,000 americans and billions of dollars.

Who declared defeat in LBJ's war? We never lost a major battle and fought to at least a draw. The south lost the war they could not sustain.

We only won every battle because we used the body count to determine we were the victors. We killed more of them in the battle than they killed us. Hence, we declared victory. But we left the battlefield declaring victory and the the NVA or Cong retook the battlefield and controlled the area. They also declared victory and a week or two later or a month later the US would return to win another battle and declare victory again. It repeated like this over and over, year after year.
The south lost because they were dependent on US support and supplies and we abandoned them. The support and supplies were stopped by Ford and Congress. We abandoned them and several hundred American POW's and put the war behind us. We refused to negotiate the return of the abandoned POW's. We didn't want to pay the bills we promised to pay because that would be an admission of wrong doing and that we had in actual reality, lost the war.
Soldiers don't get killed in a war zone?

Since when?

Oh wait, I remember you folks were saying these places were safer than Detroit.

STFU dirtbag.

I hear the Taliban baited search parties into ambushes.

And those things never happen in war?

Were you really in the military? Or do you just play a service man on tv?
Yes, I was really in the military. I was on a couple of "A" Teams in the 90s. I also have been on patrols.

One of the aspects you like to ignore is that soldiers doen't just die because there time is up, or because it's necessary. They die because it's a risky business, and it doesn't help when the risk outweighs the reward.

Taking risks is part of the job, and it didn't help that this POS put his unit at risk, as well as the lives of other units that looked for him. Unnecessarily....

You wouldn't understand this because you''ve never done it yourself.
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I don't doubt that God will repay for each dead Afghan child. That's sort of his job, after all.

That said the demonization of this father is revolting.
Seriously you are an idiot.

And you left out Eisenhower and Nixon.

Gosh, I wonder why?

Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.

Except that Nixon escalated the War beyond what Johnson did, to include 2 more countries and cause the deaths of over a million people.

You didn't even include those Presidents until I posted them..

Stop with the tactical prognostication.

The enemy established safe-zones. Nixon tried to eliminate them.
I don't doubt that God will repay for each dead Afghan child. That's sort of his job, after all.

That said the demonization of this father is revolting.

Some of these 5 are wanted for the murders of hundreds of Afghan children.

Funny you should mention that.
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I was more than alive back then asshole. I was involved. The domino theory was bullshit. No one ever said that the north vietnamese were trying to overthrow the USA, thats one of the dumbest things you have ever posted.

We accomplished NOTHING in viet nam. the americans who died, died for nothing. Kennedy and Johnson have blood on their dead hands-------and always will.

Seriously you are an idiot.

And you left out Eisenhower and Nixon.

Gosh, I wonder why?

Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.

Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?
Seriously you are an idiot.

And you left out Eisenhower and Nixon.

Gosh, I wonder why?

Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.

Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?
Cambodia used to be an ally of ours, but they couldn't control their borders.
Am I glad that an American soldier is now free? Yep...

Am I glad that we traded probably five of the worst terrorists in Gitmo for him? Nope.

Am I real happy that this Bergdahl was probably a deserter who walked away from his post and then either turned himself over to or was captured by the Taliban as a result of his desertion? I say a lifetime ticket to Leavenworth in Kansas for desertion while under fire would be a real good way to start. Take his pay, and although it would never be enough, split it between the families of those who lost their lives looking for this little maggot that the left now will worship.

Then, it's time to track down the five terrorists and introduce them to a little Predator drone action.

How anyone can look at what this President is doing with this and every other thing he does and think it's a good thing, is beyond me. Course, I watched five guys trying to push a car with a young girl behind the wheel out of the road the other day and it wouldn't budge. They just couldn't figure it out, they tried and tried and tried. Literally, until they all had to sit down on the curb to rest. As I walked by, I asked them if they'd checked the parking brake and got a real angry reply on how insulting that was. As old as I was, I must be thinking that everyone was suffering from Alzheimer's. I needed to go on my way and let them take care of it. Then one guy walked around and checked. After he released the brake, they pushed it into the parking lot. The left is EXACTLY like that.
apples and oranges. the north vietnamese were not religious zealots who wanted to destroy all non-believers. The viet nam war ended because we declared defeat after wasting the lives of 58,000 americans and billions of dollars.

Who declared defeat in LBJ's war? We never lost a major battle and fought to at least a draw. The south lost the war they could not sustain.

We only won every battle because we used the body count to determine we were the victors. We killed more of them in the battle than they killed us. Hence, we declared victory. But we left the battlefield declaring victory and the the NVA or Cong retook the battlefield and controlled the area. They also declared victory and a week or two later or a month later the US would return to win another battle and declare victory again. It repeated like this over and over, year after year.
The south lost because they were dependent on US support and supplies and we abandoned them. The support and supplies were stopped by Ford and Congress. We abandoned them and several hundred American POW's and put the war behind us. We refused to negotiate the return of the abandoned POW's. We didn't want to pay the bills we promised to pay because that would be an admission of wrong doing and that we had in actual reality, lost the war.

We lost because we didn't want to fight anymore.

So, have we won in Iraq and AFghanistan?
Full of shit how?

The Vietnam war didn't "end" when we left.

It ended with Vietnamese reunification. But our participation in it was over when we left.

apples and oranges. the north vietnamese were not religious zealots who wanted to destroy all non-believers. The viet nam war ended because we declared defeat after wasting the lives of 58,000 americans and billions of dollars.

I was alive back then.

The same charge was made against the North Vietnamese. That they were over the top nationalistic communist terrorists bent on the destruction of the United States.

That letting Vietnam go, would have a "Domino Effect" and eventually lead to the fall of America.

All they wanted? Was their own country. That's it.

And that's pretty much the agenda of the "religious zealots".

They want us out of their home.

Simple as that.

I too was alive then and I recall no one claiming that N. Vietnam was bent on America's destruction or that the Domino effect would cause America to fall. Not that I bought it but I do recall hearing that we had good reason to confront Russian and Chinese communist expansionism and Vietnam was as good a place as any to do it.
You do better not to fabricate your facts ... many others know the truth.
Who declared defeat in LBJ's war? We never lost a major battle and fought to at least a draw. The south lost the war they could not sustain.

We only won every battle because we used the body count to determine we were the victors. We killed more of them in the battle than they killed us. Hence, we declared victory. But we left the battlefield declaring victory and the the NVA or Cong retook the battlefield and controlled the area. They also declared victory and a week or two later or a month later the US would return to win another battle and declare victory again. It repeated like this over and over, year after year.
The south lost because they were dependent on US support and supplies and we abandoned them. The support and supplies were stopped by Ford and Congress. We abandoned them and several hundred American POW's and put the war behind us. We refused to negotiate the return of the abandoned POW's. We didn't want to pay the bills we promised to pay because that would be an admission of wrong doing and that we had in actual reality, lost the war.

We lost because we didn't want to fight anymore.

So, have we won in Iraq and AFghanistan?

No. No foreign invaders or occupiers have ever won more than temporary occupations of Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan. Everyone eventually gets beat up and kicked out of those places.
I don't doubt that God will repay for each dead Afghan child. That's sort of his job, after all.

That said the demonization of this father is revolting.

Some of these 5 are wanted for he murders of hundreds of Afghan children.

Funny you should mention that.

I would expect the Afghan gov't to try to take them into custody then.
Seriously you are an idiot.

And you left out Eisenhower and Nixon.

Gosh, I wonder why?

Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.

Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?

Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.
apples and oranges. the north vietnamese were not religious zealots who wanted to destroy all non-believers. The viet nam war ended because we declared defeat after wasting the lives of 58,000 americans and billions of dollars.

I was alive back then.

The same charge was made against the North Vietnamese. That they were over the top nationalistic communist terrorists bent on the destruction of the United States.

That letting Vietnam go, would have a "Domino Effect" and eventually lead to the fall of America.

All they wanted? Was their own country. That's it.

And that's pretty much the agenda of the "religious zealots".

They want us out of their home.

Simple as that.

I too was alive then and I recall no one claiming that N. Vietnam was bent on America's destruction or that the Domino effect would cause America to fall. Not that I bought it but I do recall hearing that we had good reason to confront Russian and Chinese communist expansionism and Vietnam was as good a place as any to do it.
You do better not to fabricate your facts ... many others know the truth.

Were you by any chance on some deserted island or maybe stuck inside a fallout shelter?

[ame=]Domino Theory - YouTube[/ame]
Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.

Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?

Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

We DID repeat it.

In Iraq and to a very big extent..Afghanistan.

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