US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

STFU dirtbag.

I hear the Taliban baited search parties into ambushes.

And those things never happen in war?

Were you really in the military? Or do you just play a service man on tv?
Yes, I was really in the military. I was on a couple of "A" Teams in the 90s. I also have been on patrols.

One of the aspects you like to ignore is that soldiers doen't just die because there time is up, or because it's necessary. They die because it's a risky business, and it doesn't help when the risk outweighs the reward.

Taking risks is part of the job, and it didn't help that this POS put his unit at risk, as well as the lives of other units that looked for him. Unnecessarily....

You wouldn't understand this because you''ve never done it yourself.

I'll repeat the question because obviously you didn't understand it.

Do units construct ambushes in which they bait enemy units into a trap?

You need this in another language..let me know.
Ike and Nixon also bear some responsibility for that stupidity, but the escalation and most of the deaths belong to Kennedy and Johnson.

You failed to mention that Nixon got us out of that shithole, wonder why.

Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?

Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.
Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?

Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

We DID repeat it.

In Iraq and to a very big extent..Afghanistan.

Yes, yes, we did not learn from viet nam and repeated it. What's your fricken point?
Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?

Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

the viet nam protesters were on the right side of history, but they were still traitors to their country. Bush joining the national guard was not equivalent to running to Canada or pretending to be a conscientious objector.

your attempt at moral equivalency sucks.
Are you referring to Nixon's 'secret plan to end the war' which he announced during his 1968 run for president, and then the war went on for another 5 years even as it was escalated to include the bombing of other countries like Cambodia?

Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

It's funny how most of these threads turn out..and pretty expected.

First there is a demonization of Bergdahl, who like most POWs are not responsible for becoming a POW and that the US has an obligation and duty to return home.

Second there is the charge of "Law Breaking" by the Obama administration and the President, who is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

Then? A charge of making deals with "terrorists" which has gone on for quite some time, most notably with the Reagan administration who really did break the law.

And then? Laundry listing of history.

It's like clockwork.
Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

the viet nam protesters were on the right side of history, but they were still traitors to their country. Bush joining the national guard was not equivalent to running to Canada or pretending to be a conscientious objector.

your attempt at moral equivalency sucks.

1. Actually no, protesting a war in not being a traitor to your country. Pick up a Constitution some time. The very first amendment says that.

2. I agree here..because it's worse. Bush fully supported sending other people to fight the war and supported tax payers paying for him to "have fun" and learn to fly jets.
Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

It's funny how most of these threads turn out..and pretty expected.

First there is a demonization of Bergdahl, who like most POWs are not responsible for becoming a POW and that the US has an obligation and duty to return home.

Second there is the charge of "Law Breaking" by the Obama administration and the President, who is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

Then? A charge of making deals with "terrorists" which has gone on for quite some time, most notably with the Reagan administration who really did break the law.

And then? Laundry listing of history.

It's like clockwork.

No. Like clockwork, every thing you say is a blatant lie or bull shit deflection.
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Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

the viet nam protesters were on the right side of history, but they were still traitors to their country. Bush joining the national guard was not equivalent to running to Canada or pretending to be a conscientious objector.

your attempt at moral equivalency sucks.

The Vietnam protesters were not traitors just for protesting the war unless you can point to specific acts of treason to support that contention. After all, the 1st Amendment, which conservatives say they revere, gives ALL citizens the right to express their views. Considering that the war was an issue of life and death to many of the protesters or to the family members of the protesters, it's no wonder they took to the streets. Ultimately, many men went to Canada not just because they did not support the war, but because they didn't have a powerful daddy like George W. Bush did who could pave the way for his son's entry into the Texas Air National Guard just to avoid the possibility of the draft while preserving any future political career for his son or like Dick Cheney who hid behind multiple deferments so he wouldn't have to serve even though, he too, supported the war.
Welcome home, and welcome to a court martial scumbag....

More than likely he will be getting a promotion.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (who was captured when he was an E-3, and promoted twice while in captivity) has been released.

In just about every comment section of any article about the release you will find some right wing nuts calling him a "traitor", "deserter" and "collaborator". (most of those making these accusations have zero military experience of course)

I think the reasons for this are two fold: first that he was released under Obama's watch. That irked them to no end. second, he was released due to negotiations and not a massive deadly assault into another nation - like with bin Lauden.

These right wing nuts feel they have the Sgt. pegged as a "traitor" because the Taliban said he was helping them. That he is a "deserter" because the Tailban said he had walked away from his post…or gone out drinking…or left the FOB to use a makeshift latrine…or go AWOL for a few days. That he is a "collaborator" because he appeared in several (4) videos produced by the Taliban instead of fighting to the death or escaping.

It seems that the Taliban is a more reliable source of information about a US Soldier than the US Military which has stated:"The Taliban are known for lying and what they are claiming [is] not true" and "I'm glad to see he appears unharmed, but again, this is a Taliban propaganda video. They are exploiting the soldier in violation of international law."
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is returned and immediately attacked by the Right Wing
Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

the viet nam protesters were on the right side of history, but they were still traitors to their country. Bush joining the national guard was not equivalent to running to Canada or pretending to be a conscientious objector.

your attempt at moral equivalency sucks.

The guys who served, came home, used the rights they fought for and protected such as free speech, the rights to assemble and petition were traitors? The fathers and mothers and sisters who protested while their sons and brothers were in Vietnam fighting were traitors? All the Americans who predicted the end results of the war and tried to make the politicians listen were traitors? It was only the folks who were wrong about how the war would finish and gambled all those lives away that were patriotic?
I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

It's funny how most of these threads turn out..and pretty expected.

First there is a demonization of Bergdahl, who like most POWs are not responsible for becoming a POW and that the US has an obligation and duty to return home.

Second there is the charge of "Law Breaking" by the Obama administration and the President, who is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

Then? A charge of making deals with "terrorists" which has gone on for quite some time, most notably with the Reagan administration who really did break the law.

And then? Laundry listing of history.

It's like clockwork.

No. Like clockwork, every thing you say is a blatant lie or bull shit deflection.

Well you seem like a very intelligent and likable guy.

[ame=]Star Trek - Liar Paradox - YouTube[/ame]

So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.
Look, you left wing america-hating dipshits. Every president who took part in our stupid viet nam "war" bears some responsibility. The fact is that Nixon ended it by declaring defeat. The fact is that Johnson escalated it and lied about winning based on faked body counts. The fact is that 58,000 ameicans died for nothing in that fiasco.

the FACT is that if we do not learn from that debacle, we are doomed to repeat it.

Stop the political posturing and face reality. The USA should never engage in foreign civil wars.

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

It's funny how most of these threads turn out..and pretty expected.

First there is a demonization of Bergdahl, who like most POWs are not responsible for becoming a POW and that the US has an obligation and duty to return home.

Second there is the charge of "Law Breaking" by the Obama administration and the President, who is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

Then? A charge of making deals with "terrorists" which has gone on for quite some time, most notably with the Reagan administration who really did break the law.

And then? Laundry listing of history.

It's like clockwork.

Unfortunately, Bergdahl is just a pawn in conservatives' efforts to undermine the commander-in-chief. The guy's been victimized by the Taliban for five years, and now he's going to come home to be victimized and demonized by his conservative fellow citizens who see him as little more than a means to an end. Hope the guy is made of stern stuff because he's going to be pilloried once he gets back to the land of the once free and the home of the politically depraved.
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So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.

Would it bother you if he actually did walk away from his post?

I doubt a soldier would step forward and do an outright lie to besmirch....not only a fellow marine....but a POW.
I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

the viet nam protesters were on the right side of history, but they were still traitors to their country. Bush joining the national guard was not equivalent to running to Canada or pretending to be a conscientious objector.

your attempt at moral equivalency sucks.

The guys who served, came home, used the rights they fought for and protected such as free speech, the rights to assemble and petition were traitors? The fathers and mothers and sisters who protested while their sons and brothers were in Vietnam fighting were traitors? All the Americans who predicted the end results of the war and tried to make the politicians listen were traitors? It was only the folks who were wrong about how the war would finish and gambled all those lives away that were patriotic?

OK, I guess I need to clarify for you spin meisters. Protesting a war is NOT treason. Leaving the country to avoid the draft, burning your draft card, or faking illness to avoid the draft are acts of treason.

The guys who served are heroes, those who protested legally were within their rights.

the government officials who got us into that fiasco are the real traitors.

Get it now?
I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't support the war. In fact, I was too young to serve. But I do remember being worried about getting drafted at some point once I reached the age of 18.

If you have a problem with that war, direct your anger at men who supported the war without ever making any attempt to serve in the active military even though they could have gone had they wanted to. Some of those men later went on to have political careers and send other young men off to fight in another ill-advised war. George W. Bush and the war in Iraq comes to mind.

It's funny how most of these threads turn out..and pretty expected.

First there is a demonization of Bergdahl, who like most POWs are not responsible for becoming a POW and that the US has an obligation and duty to return home.

Second there is the charge of "Law Breaking" by the Obama administration and the President, who is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

Then? A charge of making deals with "terrorists" which has gone on for quite some time, most notably with the Reagan administration who really did break the law.

And then? Laundry listing of history.

It's like clockwork.

Unfortunately, Bergdahl is just a pawn in conservatives efforts to undermine the commander-in-chief. The guy's been victimized by the Taliban for five years, and now he's going to come home to be victimized and demonized by his conservative fellow citizens who see him as little more than a means to an end. Hope the guy is made of stern stuff because he's going to be pilloried once he gets back to the land of the once free and the home of the politically depraved.

If the guys who served with him are telling the truth (why would they lie?), then the guy was a deserter who gave aid and comfort to the enemy i.e treason.

Obama made a terrible deal------------5 for 1, and set a terrible precedent that puts every american at risk.

thats the real tragedy here.
So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.

Would it bother you if he actually did walk away from his post?

I doubt a soldier would step forward and do an outright lie to besmirch....not only a fellow marine....but a POW.

No, it wouldn't bother me. Some wars are too fucked up to fight. And what has been going on in Afghanistan is sad and demoralizing. Not to mention that a lot of people that join up have mental issues or get them eventually.

I think these are former soldiers but am not sure.

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