US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

The guys who served, came home, used the rights they fought for and protected such as free speech, the rights to assemble and petition were traitors? The fathers and mothers and sisters who protested while their sons and brothers were in Vietnam fighting were traitors? All the Americans who predicted the end results of the war and tried to make the politicians listen were traitors? It was only the folks who were wrong about how the war would finish and gambled all those lives away that were patriotic?

OK, I guess I need to clarify for you spin meisters. Protesting a war is NOT treason. Leaving the country to avoid the draft, burning your draft card, or faking illness to avoid the draft are acts of treason.

The guys who served are heroes, those who protested legally were within their rights.

the government officials who got us into that fiasco are the real traitors.

Get it now?

Just take blame for your stupid ass comment(s) and don't blame someone for pointing it out. And leaving the country is not treason asshole. It means those people no longer wanted to be associated with the USA and chose to publicly show it by their action. The people who went to jail or offered themselves up for punishment did the same thing. Faking illness like Ted Nugent is about the only one I agree with as being treason. And there was a hell of a lot of difference between draft dodging and simply protesting. Mixing the two is some of why I call you an asshole.

Sorry, but those who left this country because they didn't want to serve in Vietnam never should have been allowed back in. It is treason.
I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.
Just take blame for your stupid ass comment(s) and don't blame someone for pointing it out. And leaving the country is not treason asshole. It means those people no longer wanted to be associated with the USA and chose to publicly show it by their action. The people who went to jail or offered themselves up for punishment did the same thing. Faking illness like Ted Nugent is about the only one I agree with as being treason. And there was a hell of a lot of difference between draft dodging and simply protesting. Mixing the two is some of why I call you an asshole.


But it was down right embarrassing.

Pissing and shitting your pants for several weeks? Then bragging about it?

While that may be heroic in conservativeland..

It's disgusting everywhere else.

please take camp's dick out of your mouth before speaking, or was it your ass since thats usually what you speak out of

Go back to your LGBT meeting and see if you can find a hook up for tonight, I understand that Chaz Bono will be there.:badgrin:

You seem to know alot about cocksucking and queer meetings, Redfag.

Seems you think about this stuff alot.

It's sort of disgusting..but..whatever floats your boat, man.
So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.

Would it bother you if he actually did walk away from his post?

I doubt a soldier would step forward and do an outright lie to besmirch....not only a fellow marine....but a POW.

Wait, what?

Remember the Swift Boaters and John Kerry?

Or how about George W. Bush when he lied about John McCain's "illegitimate black child"?

Gimme a break.
I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.

Well no..that marine committed several crimes..and that's AFTER the other marine got plucked for bring an antique shotgun into Mexico.

And I am reasonably sure the state department is working hard to get this law breaker released.
I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.

Well no..that marine committed several crimes..and that's AFTER the other marine got plucked for bring an antique shotgun into Mexico.

And I am reasonably sure the state department is working hard to get this law breaker released.
A question, Sallow. Is your law degree from Harvard or Georgetown?
It's funny how most of these threads turn out..and pretty expected.

First there is a demonization of Bergdahl, who like most POWs are not responsible for becoming a POW and that the US has an obligation and duty to return home.

Second there is the charge of "Law Breaking" by the Obama administration and the President, who is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

Then? A charge of making deals with "terrorists" which has gone on for quite some time, most notably with the Reagan administration who really did break the law.

And then? Laundry listing of history.

It's like clockwork.

No. Like clockwork, every thing you say is a blatant lie or bull shit deflection.

Well you seem like a very intelligent and likable guy.

[ame=]Star Trek - Liar Paradox - YouTube[/ame]


Recursion's a bitch when you lack a loop check (see deflection test). You can't blow my stack so easily :)
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I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.

Well no..that marine committed several crimes..and that's AFTER the other marine got plucked for bring an antique shotgun into Mexico.

And I am reasonably sure the state department is working hard to get this law breaker released.
A question, Sallow. Is your law degree from Harvard or Georgetown?

It's from Miracle Freedonia.

I doubt it would be good in Mexico.

By the way..I have a Bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Let me know if you are interested.
With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

The only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan has been freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Afghan detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Obama administration officials said Saturday.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban Saturday evening, local time, in an area of eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border. Officials said the exchange was not violent and the 28-year-old Bergdahl was in good condition and able to walk.

In a statement, President Barack Obama said Bergdahl's recovery "is a reminder of America's unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield."
US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan - ABC News

Now give the Prez some sugar.

Has the Prez gotten enough sugar for your gay ass?:badgrin:

Don't worry, there's a whole lot more coming!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
"Gave aid and comfort to the enemy?" Did you see those pictures? Did Bergdahl look like he was a willing participant?

Let's talk about the issue of desertion for a minute. To my knowledge, the vast majority of deserters are soldiers who went AWOL while in the US, and they haven't returned to their post or been apprehended by MPs within a 30 day window because they have no intention of returning. THAT is when it becomes desertion. Desertion in a war zone is exceedingly rare. There's no indication that the military honestly believed Bergdahl deserted or they wouldn't have continued to give him promotions. The point is that to my knowledge, there were NO witnesses to what happened to Bergdahl, including these 'soldiers' who are telling their 'stories.'

But if Bergdahl deserted his unit in a war zone, he certainly had no reasonable expectation of EVER returning to the US except in chains. And once here, he could expect to spend a decade (if not much longer) in a military stockade. Therefore, why would the Taliban need to keep Bergdahl a prisoner if he was a deserter not only from his unit, but from his country, as well? They wouldn't. Under those circumstances, Bergdahl could very well be a recruiting tool for the Taliban as well as a great source of intelligence into how the military runs and how to understand American culture.

The point is this. The fact that Bergdahl was a prisoner would seem to be a VERY strong indication that he did NOT desert his unit. He simply was captured at some point while away from post and was unable to return within 30 days of his disappearance.

Or does that explanation simply make too much sense for conservatives to understand it?

Just about nothing about the conservative construction of this guy makes any sense whatsoever.

And actually even moreso considering the guy spoke the language.

come on shallow. the guy deserted his unit, whether he joined the taliban is like asking if patty hurst joined her "captors".

His father looks like a muslim, speaks like a muslim, and praised allah in an arabic language in the rose garden while obozo stood there with a silly grin on his face.

The real issue here is not Bergdolf, the issue is obama negotiating with terrorists and making a terrible deal.

And YOU just complained about Sallow's reading comprehension skills? Did you even READ what I typed about what constitutes desertion?
I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.

Israel's prisoner swaps are even more lopsided in terms of numbers.

We aren't Israeli.
I was alive back then.

The same charge was made against the North Vietnamese. That they were over the top nationalistic communist terrorists bent on the destruction of the United States.

That letting Vietnam go, would have a "Domino Effect" and eventually lead to the fall of America.

All they wanted? Was their own country. That's it.

And that's pretty much the agenda of the "religious zealots".

They want us out of their home.

Simple as that.

I too was alive then and I recall no one claiming that N. Vietnam was bent on America's destruction or that the Domino effect would cause America to fall. Not that I bought it but I do recall hearing that we had good reason to confront Russian and Chinese communist expansionism and Vietnam was as good a place as any to do it.
You do better not to fabricate your facts ... many others know the truth.

Were you by any chance on some deserted island or maybe stuck inside a fallout shelter?

[ame=]Domino Theory - YouTube[/ame]

Interesting look back but I'm left wondering how it conflicts with my posted recollections. As I stated and your video confirms, no one said Vietnam was bent on our destruction nor did anyone say the Domino Effect would cause America to fall. Got anything else, Princess? :D
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I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.
They're picking out the worst 5 cartel prisoners now.
I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.

Israel's prisoner swaps are even more lopsided in terms of numbers.

We aren't Israeli.

I know. Apparently they support bringing their POWs home whereas American conservatives seem to be okay with letting American POWs languish in captivity.
Israel's prisoner swaps are even more lopsided in terms of numbers.

We aren't Israeli.

I know. Apparently they support bringing their POWs home whereas American conservatives seem to be okay with letting American POWs languish in captivity.
American deserters. And not for 5 top terrorists. You need to come up to speed. Blaming this eff up on conservatives is typical of the amoral left.
Hypothetical though some will read into it all the things their masters have told them to:

When a person walks into the arms of a person or group and is welcomed by that group is he/she/it "kidnapped"? If such a group then negotiates for something in return for sending said person home do they become "kidnappers" or just flim-flam artists?

In the flim-flam case, is not the payor of the negotiate fee anything other than a fool? If so, what?
I am confused about this. The soldier certainly looked very thin. I don't know the story, I just wish we didn't give them 5 big bad guys in exchange for him. Wonder what Obama will do to get the marine back from Mexico who's only crime was getting lost.

Israel's prisoner swaps are even more lopsided in terms of numbers.

Does that make it right?
Just about nothing about the conservative construction of this guy makes any sense whatsoever.

And actually even moreso considering the guy spoke the language.

come on shallow. the guy deserted his unit, whether he joined the taliban is like asking if patty hurst joined her "captors".

His father looks like a muslim, speaks like a muslim, and praised allah in an arabic language in the rose garden while obozo stood there with a silly grin on his face.

The real issue here is not Bergdolf, the issue is obama negotiating with terrorists and making a terrible deal.

And YOU just complained about Sallow's reading comprehension skills? Did you even READ what I typed about what constitutes desertion?

and you buy their current talking point as fact??? hmmm ok. :eusa_whistle:
come on shallow. the guy deserted his unit, whether he joined the taliban is like asking if patty hurst joined her "captors".

His father looks like a muslim, speaks like a muslim, and praised allah in an arabic language in the rose garden while obozo stood there with a silly grin on his face.

The real issue here is not Bergdolf, the issue is obama negotiating with terrorists and making a terrible deal.

And YOU just complained about Sallow's reading comprehension skills? Did you even READ what I typed about what constitutes desertion?

and you buy their current talking point as fact??? hmmm ok. :eusa_whistle:

It's nobody's talking point. I don't do what conservatives do and simply rehash something they read on a blog or regurgitate what "El Rushbo" doles out based on some fax he's been sent from someone at the RNC.

I can think for myself. Try it sometime!

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