US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

The regime seems to have stepped in it ...again..

Chuck Todd: White House Expected ‘Euphoria’ Over Bergdahl’s Release Disappears!

The Washington Free Beacon ^

(VIDEO-AT-LINK) Todd: White House was 'caught off guard' MSNBC’S Chuck Todd observed Tuesday that the White House was “caught off guard” by the disastrous public roll out of their prisoner exchange for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. Todd and Andrea Mitchell agreed that the White House had likely thought there would be “some euphoria around this, the only POW that was remaining in Afghanistan, that there would be a rally around the flag. That didn’t happen.” “They were expecting criticisms of Gitmo, criticisms of the detainees that were chosen,” Todd said. “They did not expect this criticism of the attempt to...
Oh My, now WHY would that be?......
Bergdahl Never Listed By Pentagon As Prisoner Of War?

CBS Washington DC ^

In his five years of captivity, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was never listed by the Pentagon as a prisoner of war. Nor has the U.S. applied that term to any of its Taliban prisoners — including the five senior Taliban figures who were released last weekend from detention at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for Bergdahl’s freedom. A look at how that process works:
And in further developments....

Bergdahl May Face Desertion Charges. Here’s How the Process Works.

The Daily Signal ^

According to a report from the Associated Press, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Martin Dempsey has said the Army still may pursue desertion charges against Sgt Bowe Bergdahl, the just-released American GI held captive by the Taliban for more than five years. Whether the Army ultimately decides to refer desertion charges against Sgt. Bergdahl remains an open question, and it is still too early to tell. To prove an American service member guilty of desertion under Article 85 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the government would have to prove, by legal and competent evidence, beyond a reasonable...

People walk off military bases all the time. Or do you think soldiers should be cowards who hide under their bunks when they're off duty?

It was a base camp, not a base..

There's a difference. A base has McDonalds' outside the gate. A base camp is usually surrounded by hostile assholes who want to kill you.

People walk off military bases all the time. Or do you think soldiers should be cowards who hide under their bunks when they're off duty?

In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

People walk off military bases all the time. Or do you think soldiers should be cowards who hide under their bunks when they're off duty?

In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.
People walk off military bases all the time. Or do you think soldiers should be cowards who hide under their bunks when they're off duty?

In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.
Thanks for giving the Combat Infantrymen and Artillery men a synopsis of the relative safety of a firebase. Located in the middle of nowhere. Bwaaahahaha!
People walk off military bases all the time. Or do you think soldiers should be cowards who hide under their bunks when they're off duty?

In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.

Did someone drop you on your head? No one walks off a Forward operating Base in the middle of the night. No one, except maybe this one guy, and you want to act like it was a Sunday stroll through central park...
Do you understand what a FOB is? My guess is No you don't..
Libs equate desertion to skipping school


We used to hang or shoot deserters

Now we can only put them behind bars

Desertion ranks right up there with turning your weapon on your own men

Keep your noses out of military matters Libs

You and your commander in chump dont know shit about the military
Even if the SOB didn't walk off the FOB to "leave the Army," if he wandered off the FOB to get some flowers, go screw his Afghan boyfriend, or whatever.....putting himself in a situation to get captured would get his ass court martialed.
"would" or "should"? But remember, there's an agenda here and until the pools are in whether there will be a White House Rose Garden Love-Fest or a public execution cannot be determined.
How Obama Convinced His Spies to Support the Taliban Prisoner Release (Clapper, Hagel)

Daily Beast ^

...[C]urrent U.S. intelligence and defense officials who spoke to The Daily Beast on Monday say the process for exchanging Taliban for Bergdahl this time was rushed and closely held, in some instances leaving little room for any push back against a policy clearly favored by the White House. “This was an example of forcing the consensus,” one U.S. military official said. “The White House knew the answer they wanted and they ended up getting it.” The White House did not even consult or inform Congress until after the prisoner release had begun. Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic chairwoman of the Senate...
People walk off military bases all the time. Or do you think soldiers should be cowards who hide under their bunks when they're off duty?

In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.

No shit.

Had some friends from Vietnam tell me about their nights in the brothels. Sometimes the NVA were even there..but everyone kept cool.

And a lot of those brothels were put together with the help of the US military.
In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.

No shit.

Had some friends from Vietnam tell me about their nights in the brothels. Sometimes the NVA were even there..but everyone kept cool.

And a lot of those brothels were put together with the help of the US military.
Did your friends go to Vietnam to fuck, fight or run a footrace? Your knowledge of battlfield tactics are limitless. The Pentagon could sure use your expertise.

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