US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

If the Army thought he was a deserter, why did they keep promoting him?

You're not a deserter until you're UA/AWOL for 30 days. Day 31 - you are declared a deserter, dipshit. All pay, allowances, etc., - stopped. A warrant is issued for your arrest while in this status.
If/when he was promoted is heresay. And it sure as hell didn't happen in a deserter status.
So please, STFU. You're discussing the military - something you repeatedly prove - through ignorance - you don't know shit about.
If the Army thought he was a deserter, why did they keep promoting him?

You're not a deserter until you're UA/AWOL for 30 days. Day 31 - you are declared a deserter, dipshit. All pay, allowances, etc., - stopped. A warrant is issued for your arrest while in this status.
If/when he was promoted is heresay. And it sure as hell didn't happen in a deserter status.
So please, STFU. You're discussing the military - something you repeatedly prove - through ignorance - you don't know shit about.

It would be interesting to hear an opinion from someone with military experience.

He disappeared as a PFC. He's now a SGT.

If the Army thought he was a deserter, why did they keep promoting him?
Even if the SOB didn't walk off the FOB to "leave the Army," if he wandered off the FOB to get some flowers, go screw his Afghan boyfriend, or whatever.....putting himself in a situation to get captured would get his ass court martialed.

He was never captured.
Anyone with military experience want to offer an opinion on the Army promoting a so-called deserter?

its standard procedure to promote on the normal schedule when a soldier is held in enemy captivity. Until he is court marshalled and convicted, he is innocent. Funny how that works isn't it?
So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.
The young soldiers who lost buds who tried to find the deserter and knew he had deserted and gone looking for talibani noticed a sudden reversal in enemy tactics based on knowing what only a soldier would know. They knew who was responsible for the extra losses who gave them away. That's what I heard one of the soldiers say. He had absolutely nothing to do with politics or politicians. He was a bonafide American soldier, and he didn't appreciate his fellow soldiers being stabbed in the back by a hate-America brainwashee who decided to betray America by doing in his company with spilling his guts to the craven enemies of America who sold us out for protecting Afghan women from Talabani injustice towards them.

That soldier said he was not affiliated with ANY political party and never had been. He was just telling it like it is.

All those hatters you hated didn't protect you from brain rot. :rolleyes:
So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.
The young soldiers who lost buds who tried to find the deserter and knew he had deserted and gone looking for talibani noticed a sudden reversal in enemy tactics based on knowing what only a soldier would know. They knew who was responsible for the extra losses who gave them away. That's what I heard one of the soldiers say. He had absolutely nothing to do with politics or politicians. He was a bonafide American soldier, and he didn't appreciate his fellow soldiers being stabbed in the back by a hate-America brainwashee who decided to betray America by doing in his company with spilling his guts to the craven enemies of America who sold us out for protecting Afghan women from Talabani injustice towards them.

That soldier said he was not affiliated with ANY political party and never had been. He was just telling it like it is.

All those hatters you hated didn't protect you from brain rot. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: ALL soldiers are individuals subject to various forms of human failure.

"We really don't know why he left the base and under what circumstances," Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said Monday. Details of that will come out, he said, adding that the Army has never classified Bergdahl as a deserter...
I don't doubt that God will repay for each dead Afghan child. That's sort of his job, after all.

That said the demonization of this father is revolting.

Some of these 5 are wanted for he murders of hundreds of Afghan children.

Funny you should mention that.

I would expect the Afghan gov't to try to take them into custody then.
Wouldn't that hasten the destabilization that is bound to happen when 5 senior terrorists return? :eusa_shifty:
So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.
The young soldiers who lost buds who tried to find the deserter and knew he had deserted and gone looking for talibani noticed a sudden reversal in enemy tactics based on knowing what only a soldier would know. They knew who was responsible for the extra losses who gave them away. That's what I heard one of the soldiers say. He had absolutely nothing to do with politics or politicians. He was a bonafide American soldier, and he didn't appreciate his fellow soldiers being stabbed in the back by a hate-America brainwashee who decided to betray America by doing in his company with spilling his guts to the craven enemies of America who sold us out for protecting Afghan women from Talabani injustice towards them.

That soldier said he was not affiliated with ANY political party and never had been. He was just telling it like it is.

All those hatters you hated didn't protect you from brain rot. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: ALL soldiers are individuals subject to various forms of human failure.

"We really don't know why he left the base and under what circumstances," Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said Monday. Details of that will come out, he said, adding that the Army has never classified Bergdahl as a deserter...

So it turns out that GOPers went looking for disgruntled soldiers in an effort to demonize this soldier.

Big surprise there. Wonder if they got paid for their negative interviews about him.
The young soldiers who lost buds who tried to find the deserter and knew he had deserted and gone looking for talibani noticed a sudden reversal in enemy tactics based on knowing what only a soldier would know. They knew who was responsible for the extra losses who gave them away. That's what I heard one of the soldiers say. He had absolutely nothing to do with politics or politicians. He was a bonafide American soldier, and he didn't appreciate his fellow soldiers being stabbed in the back by a hate-America brainwashee who decided to betray America by doing in his company with spilling his guts to the craven enemies of America who sold us out for protecting Afghan women from Talabani injustice towards them.

That soldier said he was not affiliated with ANY political party and never had been. He was just telling it like it is.

All those hatters you hated didn't protect you from brain rot. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: ALL soldiers are individuals subject to various forms of human failure.

"We really don't know why he left the base and under what circumstances," Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said Monday. Details of that will come out, he said, adding that the Army has never classified Bergdahl as a deserter...
Funny how rising in the military under a CIC like Obama requires one to just shut up about enemy sympathizers, I'd say. Just look who's in charge--leftist groveling gold-diggers. :rolleyes:
If the Army thought he was a deserter, why did they keep promoting him?

You're not a deserter until you're UA/AWOL for 30 days. Day 31 - you are declared a deserter, dipshit. All pay, allowances, etc., - stopped. A warrant is issued for your arrest while in this status.
If/when he was promoted is heresay. And it sure as hell didn't happen in a deserter status.
So please, STFU. You're discussing the military - something you repeatedly prove - through ignorance - you don't know shit about.

Sgt Bergdahl's rank is not hearsay.

Here's what I suggest.

All the conservative rhetorical warriors should get together, find out where they can protest Bergdahl's return, notify the media, and stage a MASSIVE protest to clearly show the American people how you guys feel about this returning POW. Have a rally, make speeches, and really make a splash. You can all carry your placards with your demands for Sgt Bergdahl's trial and execution for desertion along with your protest signs declaring President Obama to be a dictator etc.

Make a day of it. REALLY put yourselves out there and on the record. Let America get a GOOD look at you guys.
If the Army thought he was a deserter, why did they keep promoting him?

You're not a deserter until you're UA/AWOL for 30 days. Day 31 - you are declared a deserter, dipshit. All pay, allowances, etc., - stopped. A warrant is issued for your arrest while in this status.
If/when he was promoted is heresay. And it sure as hell didn't happen in a deserter status.
So please, STFU. You're discussing the military - something you repeatedly prove - through ignorance - you don't know shit about.

Sgt Bergdahl's rank is not hearsay.

Here's what I suggest.

All the conservative rhetorical warriors should get together, find out where they can protest Bergdahl's return, notify the media, and stage a MASSIVE protest to clearly show the American people how you guys feel about this returning POW. Have a rally, make speeches, and really make a splash. You can all carry your placards with your demands for Sgt Bergdahl's trial and execution for desertion along with your protest signs declaring President Obama to be a dictator etc.

Make a day of it. REALLY put yourselves out there and on the record. Let America get a GOOD look at you guys.
Not to worry, crusader. Justice will prevail. The only regret is he will only get life in Leavenworth.
Some of these 5 are wanted for he murders of hundreds of Afghan children.

Funny you should mention that.

I would expect the Afghan gov't to try to take them into custody then.
Wouldn't that hasten the destabilization that is bound to happen when 5 senior terrorists return? :eusa_shifty:

Afghanistan is a cauldron of competing warlords and rival factions all jockeying for power until such time as they're killed or overthrown by someone else. In other words, Afghanistan is inherently unstable just like countries like Libya and Iraq where their gov'ts just barely hang on to power in some areas while other areas are in the hands of militias.

The good news is that Afghanistan is not the least stable country in the world. That distinction probably belongs to Somalia.

Now, here comes the pop quiz at the end.

What do Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Somalia all have in common aside from the dominant religious faith in those countries? The answer is that the USA has graced them with our military presence and then left the place more of a mess than when we first went there. That would make the US a destabilizing force.
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I would expect the Afghan gov't to try to take them into custody then.
Wouldn't that hasten the destabilization that is bound to happen when 5 senior terrorists return? :eusa_shifty:

Afghanistan is a cauldron of competing warlord and rival factions all jockeying for power until such time as they're killed or overthrown by someone else. In other words, Afghanistan is inherently unstable just like countries like Libya and Iraq where their gov'ts just barely hang on to power in some areas while other areas are in the hands of militias.

The good news is that Afghanistan is not the least stable country in the world. That distinction probably belongs to Somalia.

Now, here comes the pop quiz at the end.

What do Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Somalia all have in common aside from the dominant religious faith in those countries? The answer is that the USA has graced them with our military presence and then left the place more of a mess than when we first went there. That would make the US a destabilizing force.
Are you truly that ignorant?
Oliver North: I Know a Ransom of $5-6 Million Was Paid to Free Bergdahl

Oliver North: I Know a Ransom of $5-6 Million Was Paid to Free Bergdahl

Ollie North?

Now there's the genuine article when it comes to being a traitor to his country. Colonel North should have been court marshaled for treason, publicly stripped of his rank, and summarily executed for giving aid and comfort to the enemy not to mention arming Iran (and the Contras) against both US law and our government's stated policy of not negotiating with and/or dealing with terrorist. Then, after a fair trail and a guilty verdict, he should have been placed up against a wall and been summarily executed.

But since North is a conservative, it doesn't matter to conservatives if he's a REAL traitor to America. No, overnight he became some kind of a conservative hero. And now this traitor is going to pass judgment on a soldier who was held as a POW for 5 years? Spare me! I would consider an accusation from former Marine Lt Col Ollie North to be both a vindication and a badge of honor.
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In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.

Did someone drop you on your head? No one walks off a Forward operating Base in the middle of the night. No one, except maybe this one guy, and you want to act like it was a Sunday stroll through central park...
Do you understand what a FOB is? My guess is No you don't..

Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?
In a war zone? From a FOB? Really? All the time? You are never off duty in a FOB......

You really don't know much do you? I just hope there is a DOD investigation so we can get the truth.

As for all this right vs left BS you people have fucking problems.... I don't understand what makes this political but all of you sure have managed very well....

I report a story from the military times and you think you should question it because your new found hero may not be....No way should this be left vs right. Shouldn't be any argument at all, there are accusations let's find out the truth...

But I know one thing is true if it comes out that Sgt Bergdahl was at fault in any way, there might be one person on this thread who admits they were wrong. And i know who that might be.

Me, I can't be wrong, I'm not picking sides just reporting a story. I will wait on the truth....

My Bring "Bowe Home Alive Now" sign is still in my front window.........

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.
Thanks for giving the Combat Infantrymen and Artillery men a synopsis of the relative safety of a firebase. Located in the middle of nowhere. Bwaaahahaha!

Their commanders still issue them weapons, don't they? Communication devices? Night scopes etc? They're not running around barefoot wearing flannel pajamas, are they?

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