US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Don't be an asshole. Guards at military bases look outwards. Those at prisons look inward. Attack has to be prevented, desertion ultimately cannot be prevented. He was not a prisoner, although he may be for a very long time to come.

You think they're at a FOB and they don't try to keep track of which soldiers are off base while not on a mission?

At Fort Polk, they sure as hell monitor who leaves the base.
Not since German prisoners in WWII idiot.
If the guys who served with him are telling the truth (why would they lie?), then the guy was a deserter who gave aid and comfort to the enemy i.e treason.

Obama made a terrible deal------------5 for 1, and set a terrible precedent that puts every american at risk.

thats the real tragedy here.

"Gave aid and comfort to the enemy?" Did you see those pictures? Did Bergdahl look like he was a willing participant?

Let's talk about the issue of desertion for a minute. To my knowledge, the vast majority of deserters are soldiers who went AWOL while in the US, and they haven't returned to their post or been apprehended by MPs within a 30 day window because they have no intention of returning. THAT is when it becomes desertion. Desertion in a war zone is exceedingly rare. There's no indication that the military honestly believed Bergdahl deserted or they wouldn't have continued to give him promotions. The point is that to my knowledge, there were NO witnesses to what happened to Bergdahl, including these 'soldiers' who are telling their 'stories.'

But if Bergdahl deserted his unit in a war zone, he certainly had no reasonable expectation of EVER returning to the US except in chains. And once here, he could expect to spend a decade (if not much longer) in a military stockade. Therefore, why would the Taliban need to keep Bergdahl a prisoner if he was a deserter not only from his unit, but from his country, as well? They wouldn't. Under those circumstances, Bergdahl could very well be a recruiting tool for the Taliban as well as a great source of intelligence into how the military runs and how to understand American culture.

The point is this. The fact that Bergdahl was a prisoner would seem to be a VERY strong indication that he did NOT desert his unit. He simply was captured at some point while away from post and was unable to return within 30 days of his disappearance.

Or does that explanation simply make too much sense for conservatives to understand it?

My above post deserves a chance to be read again by people who believe Bergdahl willingly deserted his unit despite no factual evidence to support that belief.

:lol: You are claiming he was captured without any factual evidence to support that belief.
"Gave aid and comfort to the enemy?" Did you see those pictures? Did Bergdahl look like he was a willing participant?

Let's talk about the issue of desertion for a minute. To my knowledge, the vast majority of deserters are soldiers who went AWOL while in the US, and they haven't returned to their post or been apprehended by MPs within a 30 day window because they have no intention of returning. THAT is when it becomes desertion. Desertion in a war zone is exceedingly rare. There's no indication that the military honestly believed Bergdahl deserted or they wouldn't have continued to give him promotions. The point is that to my knowledge, there were NO witnesses to what happened to Bergdahl, including these 'soldiers' who are telling their 'stories.'

But if Bergdahl deserted his unit in a war zone, he certainly had no reasonable expectation of EVER returning to the US except in chains. And once here, he could expect to spend a decade (if not much longer) in a military stockade. Therefore, why would the Taliban need to keep Bergdahl a prisoner if he was a deserter not only from his unit, but from his country, as well? They wouldn't. Under those circumstances, Bergdahl could very well be a recruiting tool for the Taliban as well as a great source of intelligence into how the military runs and how to understand American culture.

The point is this. The fact that Bergdahl was a prisoner would seem to be a VERY strong indication that he did NOT desert his unit. He simply was captured at some point while away from post and was unable to return within 30 days of his disappearance.

Or does that explanation simply make too much sense for conservatives to understand it?

My above post deserves a chance to be read again by people who believe Bergdahl willingly deserted his unit despite no factual evidence to support that belief.

:lol: You are claiming he was captured without any factual evidence to support that belief.

There's a degree of speculation, to be sure. But there's also a question of probability and common sense to whit...

Which event is more likely?

Is it more likely that an American soldier who's away from his base will just summarily decide to walk away from his unit, his country, his family, and his life, and everyone he's ever known or cared about in order to live in a foreign country and a foreign society and to be, from that point forward, a wanted man for the rest of his life in a brutal land where he could be killed at any point without anyone who ever cared about him ever knowing what happened to him?

Or is it more likely that he was captured or abducted at some point and was merely unable to return to his unit?

You see, the first choice means you have to assume so many things, all of which are not likely.

With the second choice, you only have to assume one thing which is extremely likely.

Consequently, I find choice number two to be, by far, the most likely explanation for what happened to Sgt Bergdahl.
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I posted this in another thread, but it bears repeating here since this is the thread where I've done the majority of my posting about Sgt Bergdahl.

Until there's actually some EVIDENCE (imagine that) to indicate that Bergdahl actually deserted his unit in Afghanistan (an act which I find highly improbable), I'm 100% giving this soldier the benefit of the doubt. Considering the fact that he's been through hell in the last five years, I think it's positively nauseating for people to vilify Bergdahl in the media and on websites without any real facts to back up what they're saying. And the people who are doing it (mostly conservatives as far as I can tell), are the lowest of the low in my book. They're just barely above the level of a child molester in my mind.

With that said, if it's determined, as I suspect it will be, that Bergdahl was either caught and/or captured or betrayed by someone he trusted and essentially taken hostage at some point, then I hope that Sgt Bergdahl hires himself one hell of a good lawyer and sues the pants off any and all wealthy media outlets and their wealthy talking heads who slandered Bergdahl while he was lying in a hospital bed trying to recover from his ordeal.
Oliver North: I Know a Ransom of $5-6 Million Was Paid to Free Bergdahl

Oliver North: I Know a Ransom of $5-6 Million Was Paid to Free Bergdahl

Ollie North?

Now there's the genuine article when it comes to being a traitor to his country. Colonel North should have been court marshaled for treason, publicly stripped of his rank, and summarily executed for giving aid and comfort to the enemy not to mention arming Iran (and the Contras) against both US law and our government's stated policy of not negotiating with and/or dealing with terrorist. Then, after a fair trail and a guilty verdict, he should have been placed up against a wall and been summarily executed.

But since North is a conservative, it doesn't matter to conservatives if he's a REAL traitor to America. No, overnight he became some kind of a conservative hero. And now this traitor is going to pass judgment on a soldier who was held as a POW for 5 years? Spare me! I would consider an accusation from former Marine Lt Col Ollie North to be both a vindication and a badge of honor.

But Mustang, he was exonerated!.... You don't believe in our justice system?

And this just in.....

Reuters reporter Mark Felsenthal reports that Sgt. Bergdahl's hometown in Idaho is cancelling its planned celebration. "Bergdahl's home town in Idaho has canceled plans for a celebration, city administrator says," reports Felsenthal on Twitter.
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Oliver North: I Know a Ransom of $5-6 Million Was Paid to Free Bergdahl

Oliver North: I Know a Ransom of $5-6 Million Was Paid to Free Bergdahl

Ollie North?

Now there's the genuine article when it comes to being a traitor to his country. Colonel North should have been court marshaled for treason, publicly stripped of his rank, and summarily executed for giving aid and comfort to the enemy not to mention arming Iran (and the Contras) against both US law and our government's stated policy of not negotiating with and/or dealing with terrorist. Then, after a fair trail and a guilty verdict, he should have been placed up against a wall and been summarily executed.

But since North is a conservative, it doesn't matter to conservatives if he's a REAL traitor to America. No, overnight he became some kind of a conservative hero. And now this traitor is going to pass judgment on a soldier who was held as a POW for 5 years? Spare me! I would consider an accusation from former Marine Lt Col Ollie North to be both a vindication and a badge of honor.

But Mustang, he was exonerated!.... You don't believe in our justice system?

Yeah, I remember his quote when the case ended. He wasn't exonerated. As I recall, the judge made a ruling that certain evidence couldn't be used in the case because it was gathered as a result other evidence that was determined to be off limits in the case. I'd have to look it up again to refresh my memory exactly. But it was the equivalent of having a murder weapon ruled as inadmissible in a trial because it was found as the result of an illegal search. Suffice it to say that North got off on a technicality.
Ollie North?

Now there's the genuine article when it comes to being a traitor to his country. Colonel North should have been court marshaled for treason, publicly stripped of his rank, and summarily executed for giving aid and comfort to the enemy not to mention arming Iran (and the Contras) against both US law and our government's stated policy of not negotiating with and/or dealing with terrorist. Then, after a fair trail and a guilty verdict, he should have been placed up against a wall and been summarily executed.

But since North is a conservative, it doesn't matter to conservatives if he's a REAL traitor to America. No, overnight he became some kind of a conservative hero. And now this traitor is going to pass judgment on a soldier who was held as a POW for 5 years? Spare me! I would consider an accusation from former Marine Lt Col Ollie North to be both a vindication and a badge of honor.

But Mustang, he was exonerated!.... You don't believe in our justice system?

Yeah, I remember his quote when the case ended. He wasn't exonerated. As I recall, the judge made a ruling that certain evidence couldn't be used in the case because it was gathered as a result other evidence that was determined to be off limits in the case. I'd have to look it up again to refresh my memory exactly. But it was the equivalent of having a murder weapon ruled as inadmissible in a trial because it was found as the result of an illegal search. Suffice it to say that North got off on a technicality.

Would you want our system any other way?....Perhaps Sharia?

Seems I remember BJ Clinton settling out of court....Isn't America grand?
Did your story change to fit fact?

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.
Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?

What's the problem?

Obviously you haven't a clue..let it go..........
But Mustang, he was exonerated!.... You don't believe in our justice system?

Yeah, I remember his quote when the case ended. He wasn't exonerated. As I recall, the judge made a ruling that certain evidence couldn't be used in the case because it was gathered as a result other evidence that was determined to be off limits in the case. I'd have to look it up again to refresh my memory exactly. But it was the equivalent of having a murder weapon ruled as inadmissible in a trial because it was found as the result of an illegal search. Suffice it to say that North got off on a technicality.

Would you want our system any other way?....Perhaps Sharia?

Seems I remember BJ Clinton settling out of court....Isn't America grand?

I wasn't crazy about OJ getting acquitted and then saying he was going to spend the rest of his life looking for the real killers, AND

I wasn't crazy about a traitor getting off on a technicality and then saying he was exonerated, and THEN running for the US Senate and just barely losing in a squeaker.

In both of those cases, Sharia Law might have been a good thing.
Did your story change to fit fact?

What's the problem?

Obviously you haven't a clue..let it go..........

I know what you were driving at, I just wasn't going to do all the work for you. That means I wanted you to spell it out.

But there was no contradiction. Even a remote post in a forward position can and will allow soldiers to leave during daylight hours during certain circumstances. Hell, all bases have to be resupplied by land or by air anyway. If you can't go outside the gate for any reason ever, you better not be there at all.
Yeah, I remember his quote when the case ended. He wasn't exonerated. As I recall, the judge made a ruling that certain evidence couldn't be used in the case because it was gathered as a result other evidence that was determined to be off limits in the case. I'd have to look it up again to refresh my memory exactly. But it was the equivalent of having a murder weapon ruled as inadmissible in a trial because it was found as the result of an illegal search. Suffice it to say that North got off on a technicality.

Would you want our system any other way?....Perhaps Sharia?

Seems I remember BJ Clinton settling out of court....Isn't America grand?

I wasn't crazy about OJ getting acquitted and then saying he was going to spend the rest of his life looking for the real killers, AND

I wasn't crazy about a traitor getting off on a technicality and then saying he was exonerated, and THEN running for the US Senate and just barely losing in a squeaker.

In both of those cases, Sharia Law might have been a good thing.

So now you admitted you support Sharia!... Thanks for letting us know!

Can supporting terrorist muslim's be far behind? Especially the support of this soldier, if found guilty of desertion, or treason?
What's the problem?

Obviously you haven't a clue..let it go..........

I know what you were driving at, I just wasn't going to do all the work for you. That means I wanted you to spell it out.

But there was no contradiction. Even a remote post in a forward position can and will allow soldiers to leave during daylight hours during certain circumstances. Hell, all bases have to be resupplied by land or by air anyway. If you can't go outside the gate for any reason ever, you better not be there at all.

No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.
Obviously you haven't a clue..let it go..........

I know what you were driving at, I just wasn't going to do all the work for you. That means I wanted you to spell it out.

But there was no contradiction. Even a remote post in a forward position can and will allow soldiers to leave during daylight hours during certain circumstances. Hell, all bases have to be resupplied by land or by air anyway. If you can't go outside the gate for any reason ever, you better not be there at all.

No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.

He actually compared it to walking off after reveille in another thread, the guy is beyond hopeless.
The young soldiers who lost buds who tried to find the deserter and knew he had deserted and gone looking for talibani noticed a sudden reversal in enemy tactics based on knowing what only a soldier would know. They knew who was responsible for the extra losses who gave them away. That's what I heard one of the soldiers say. He had absolutely nothing to do with politics or politicians. He was a bonafide American soldier, and he didn't appreciate his fellow soldiers being stabbed in the back by a hate-America brainwashee who decided to betray America by doing in his company with spilling his guts to the craven enemies of America who sold us out for protecting Afghan women from Talabani injustice towards them.

That soldier said he was not affiliated with ANY political party and never had been. He was just telling it like it is.

All those hatters you hated didn't protect you from brain rot. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: ALL soldiers are individuals subject to various forms of human failure.

"We really don't know why he left the base and under what circumstances," Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said Monday. Details of that will come out, he said, adding that the Army has never classified Bergdahl as a deserter...

And...we don't know. I surmise at this point that he was an idealistic nitwit that thought that he personaly could end the war.
I am going to post this on all the Bergdal threads.

I was there in AFG at Kandahar AFB in June of 2009. The whole theater was abuzz about the "missing soldier", and indeed there was a lot of sudden changes in operation tempo.

As rumors go, the stories varied widely.

The story I heard most consistently was that he was "misled" off post. "Tricked" by some local nationals to sneak away in order to score some alcohol.

That was pretty much all I knew up until the moonbat messiah sold us out and gave up 5 dangerous sociopaths in exchange for this dipshit. The stories that have come out from the people in the bunkers with this dipshit paint an even worse picture, but the most glaringly consistent aspect is that the dipshit voluntarily left a secure area to do something he shouldn't have been doing.

Turns out it was another "introverted" bed wetter. YES, ANOTHER GODDAMNED LIBERAL with no friends. Too fucking arrogant of course to consider some introspection, he blamed the people around him for his social failure.

Now as far as the bed wetters are allowed to "think", the dipshit is somehow a hero. The moonbat messiah made a great decision on by putting a price on the lives of US military personnel.

That's because he saved one of "their own", another sniveling, spoiled, self absorbed anti-American douchebag who should have been aborted.
I am going to post this on all the Bergdal threads.

I was there in AFG at Kandahar AFB in June of 2009. The whole theater was abuzz about the "missing soldier", and indeed there was a lot of sudden changes in operation tempo.

As rumors go, the stories varied widely.

The story I heard most consistently was that he was "misled" off post. "Tricked" by some local nationals to sneak away in order to score some alcohol.

That was pretty much all I knew up until the moonbat messiah sold us out and gave up 5 dangerous sociopaths in exchange for this dipshit. The stories that have come out from the people in the bunkers with this dipshit paint an even worse picture, but the most glaringly consistent aspect is that the dipshit voluntarily left a secure area to do something he shouldn't have been doing.

Turns out it was another "introverted" bed wetter. YES, ANOTHER GODDAMNED LIBERAL with no friends. Too fucking arrogant of course to consider some introspection, he blamed the people around him for his social failure.

Now as far as the bed wetters are allowed to "think", the dipshit is somehow a hero. The moonbat messiah made a great decision on by putting a price on the lives of US military personnel.

That's because he saved one of "their own", another sniveling, spoiled, self absorbed anti-American douchebag who should have been aborted.
Go fuck yourself and your bs. How much is the GOP paying you?
I am going to post this on all the Bergdal threads.

I was there in AFG at Kandahar AFB in June of 2009. The whole theater was abuzz about the "missing soldier", and indeed there was a lot of sudden changes in operation tempo.

As rumors go, the stories varied widely.

The story I heard most consistently was that he was "misled" off post. "Tricked" by some local nationals to sneak away in order to score some alcohol.

That was pretty much all I knew up until the moonbat messiah sold us out and gave up 5 dangerous sociopaths in exchange for this dipshit. The stories that have come out from the people in the bunkers with this dipshit paint an even worse picture, but the most glaringly consistent aspect is that the dipshit voluntarily left a secure area to do something he shouldn't have been doing.

Turns out it was another "introverted" bed wetter. YES, ANOTHER GODDAMNED LIBERAL with no friends. Too fucking arrogant of course to consider some introspection, he blamed the people around him for his social failure.

Now as far as the bed wetters are allowed to "think", the dipshit is somehow a hero. The moonbat messiah made a great decision on by putting a price on the lives of US military personnel.

That's because he saved one of "their own", another sniveling, spoiled, self absorbed anti-American douchebag who should have been aborted.
Go fuck yourself and your bs. How much is the GOP paying you?


Struck a nerve did I bed wetter?

At least I'd be worth paying you fucking parasite.


I know what you were driving at, I just wasn't going to do all the work for you. That means I wanted you to spell it out.

But there was no contradiction. Even a remote post in a forward position can and will allow soldiers to leave during daylight hours during certain circumstances. Hell, all bases have to be resupplied by land or by air anyway. If you can't go outside the gate for any reason ever, you better not be there at all.

No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.

He actually compared it to walking off after reveille in another thread, the guy is beyond hopeless.

I've seen that moonbat post some asinine shit, but that's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

NO ONE has ever walked off a secure post in a war zone to go smell the fucking flowers except apparently this stupid bergdahl asshole.

Looks like Mustang has watched too many stupid movies.

Obviously you haven't a clue..let it go..........

I know what you were driving at, I just wasn't going to do all the work for you. That means I wanted you to spell it out.

But there was no contradiction. Even a remote post in a forward position can and will allow soldiers to leave during daylight hours during certain circumstances. Hell, all bases have to be resupplied by land or by air anyway. If you can't go outside the gate for any reason ever, you better not be there at all.

No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.

You guys just can't get your story straight, can you? I say that because that was the previous claim. Some people said that Pvt Bergdahl just walked away.

By the way, do you know if anyone has been keeping track of the names of the anti-American conservatives on this forum who trust the Taliban and their propaganda video when they claimed Sgt Bergdahl was teaching them how to make bombs? That was a shocker for me. That's for sure. I know there was williepete and Edgetho, and you by extension since you jumped right on their bandwagon. Have you guys "liked" the Taliban yet on Facebook.

All I can say is that conservatism has fallen, and fallen HARD. There was a day when no conservative would have taken the word of a Communist Soviet Union propaganda piece in Pravda. But you guys have taken the word of the Taliban. Sheesh? Can you even stand the sight of yourself in the mirror?

At any rate, the claim was patently false on it's surface since the Taliban have been making their own ordnance for decades and American ordnance is manufactured in the US and delivered in ammo boxes and crates. But you guys bought it hook, line, and sinker. All I can say is thank God I never served with people like you who would take the word of the enemy and not give an American soldier the benefit of the doubt.

In closing, I would have to say that I'm finally reaching the point in this thread (and one other one) where I think President Obama should have sent a few of you to Afghanistan so you can sit around a campfire with your new Taliban buddies and watch propaganda videos together and disparage your fellow Americans with other like-minded folks.

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