US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

We aren't Israeli.

I know. Apparently they support bringing their POWs home whereas American conservatives seem to be okay with letting American POWs languish in captivity.

This best part about how clueless they are about perception.

I guess conservatives think it's okay to leave soldiers behind to be tortured and possibly killed. I must say that this issue has been a real education for me.
Unfortunately, Bergdahl is just a pawn in conservatives efforts to undermine the commander-in-chief. The guy's been victimized by the Taliban for five years, and now he's going to come home to be victimized and demonized by his conservative fellow citizens who see him as little more than a means to an end. Hope the guy is made of stern stuff because he's going to be pilloried once he gets back to the land of the once free and the home of the politically depraved.

If the guys who served with him are telling the truth (why would they lie?), then the guy was a deserter who gave aid and comfort to the enemy i.e treason.

Obama made a terrible deal------------5 for 1, and set a terrible precedent that puts every american at risk.

thats the real tragedy here.

"Gave aid and comfort to the enemy?" Did you see those pictures? Did Bergdahl look like he was a willing participant?

Let's talk about the issue of desertion for a minute. To my knowledge, the vast majority of deserters are soldiers who went AWOL while in the US, and they haven't returned to their post or been apprehended by MPs within a 30 day window because they have no intention of returning. THAT is when it becomes desertion. Desertion in a war zone is exceedingly rare. There's no indication that the military honestly believed Bergdahl deserted or they wouldn't have continued to give him promotions. The point is that to my knowledge, there were NO witnesses to what happened to Bergdahl, including these 'soldiers' who are telling their 'stories.'

But if Bergdahl deserted his unit in a war zone, he certainly had no reasonable expectation of EVER returning to the US except in chains. And once here, he could expect to spend a decade (if not much longer) in a military stockade. Therefore, why would the Taliban need to keep Bergdahl a prisoner if he was a deserter not only from his unit, but from his country, as well? They wouldn't. Under those circumstances, Bergdahl could very well be a recruiting tool for the Taliban as well as a great source of intelligence into how the military runs and how to understand American culture.

The point is this. The fact that Bergdahl was a prisoner would seem to be a VERY strong indication that he did NOT desert his unit. He simply was captured at some point while away from post and was unable to return within 30 days of his disappearance.

Or does that explanation simply make too much sense for conservatives to understand it?

My above post deserves a chance to be read again by people who believe Bergdahl willingly deserted his unit despite no factual evidence to support that belief.
Anyone with military experience want to offer an opinion on the Army promoting a so-called deserter?

It is customary for the US Army to promote POW's when they become eligible for promotion. As they did not have him listed as Awol or as a deserter the promotions were automatic, as they should have been.

There will be a full investigation, I have little doubt of that. We have to wait and see what it shows. It is possible still that he can be charged, And if he is chances are his promotions will be reversed. But as i said we have to wait and see,,,,
Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.

Did someone drop you on your head? No one walks off a Forward operating Base in the middle of the night. No one, except maybe this one guy, and you want to act like it was a Sunday stroll through central park...
Do you understand what a FOB is? My guess is No you don't..

Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?

Good question, ask him.......
Did your story change to fit fact?

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.
Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?
Even if the SOB didn't walk off the FOB to "leave the Army," if he wandered off the FOB to get some flowers, go screw his Afghan boyfriend, or whatever.....putting himself in a situation to get captured would get his ass court martialed.

He was never captured.

That's odd considering the definition of words. Captives are generally captured immediately prior to becoming captive.

Of course, I suppose there's an exception to being captured while out in the open by someone who surprises you. Let's say you're a guest in someone's home. Then, when you're ready to leave, the host won't let you go. In fact, he overpowers you, ties you up, tapes your mouth, and throws you in the basement. Were you captured? Technically no. But you were taken prisoner since it's against your will.

With me so far, Sherlock?

Now, did you see the pictures of Bergdahl? Did he look like he was willing to be there or stay there? Did you see his physical state? Did he look as healthy as the men who were standing around him? Well, one would have to be a buffoon (a real possibility with conservatives) to believe that Bergdahl was not captured or taken prisoner against his will at some point.

Now, here's the pay off. Follow closely!

If you're captured and/or taken prisoner, then you can't very well return to your base within a 30-day time frame, can you?

See how that works? it's pretty simple, isn't it? It's not an attempt to delineate Einstein's Unified Field Theory. It's simple logic. But considering the fact that many conservatives are emotional reactionaries and not critical thinkers, you guys need help getting from A to B.

Next up? Probably C.

All I can say is thank God the alphabet is only 26 letters.
Did your story change to fit fact?

Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.
Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?

What's the problem?
Even if the SOB didn't walk off the FOB to "leave the Army," if he wandered off the FOB to get some flowers, go screw his Afghan boyfriend, or whatever.....putting himself in a situation to get captured would get his ass court martialed.

He was never captured.

That's odd considering the definition of words. Captives are generally captured immediately prior to becoming captive.

Of course, I suppose there's an exception to being captured while out in the open by someone who surprises you. Let's say you're a guest in someone's home. Then, when you're ready to leave, the host won't let you go. In fact, he overpowers you, ties you up, tapes your mouth, and throws you in the basement. Were you captured? Technically no. But you were taken prisoner since it's against your will.

With me so far, Sherlock?

Now, did you see the pictures of Bergdahl? Did he look like he was willing to be there or stay there? Did you see his physical state? Did he look as healthy as the men who were standing around him? Well, one would have to be a buffoon (a real possibility with conservatives) to believe that Bergdahl was not captured or taken prisoner against his will at some point.

Now, here's the pay off. Follow closely!

If you're captured and/or taken prisoner, then you can't very well return to your base within a 30-day time frame, can you?

See how that works? it's pretty simple, isn't it? It's not an attempt to delineate Einstein's Unified Field Theory. It's simple logic. But considering the fact that many conservatives are emotional reactionaries and not critical thinkers, you guys need help getting from A to B.

Next up? Probably C.

All I can say is thank God the alphabet is only 26 letters.
Quite an imagination there, Colonel Klink.
Did someone drop you on your head? No one walks off a Forward operating Base in the middle of the night. No one, except maybe this one guy, and you want to act like it was a Sunday stroll through central park...
Do you understand what a FOB is? My guess is No you don't..

Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?

Good question, ask him.......

Well, assuming he didn't dig his way out like Colonel Hogan, he simply walked out in full view of one or more guards. If it was considered so dangerous, and it was such a big deal that soldiers stay on base, why was he allowed to leave? Or is it just possible that leaving wasn't as big of a deal as we've been led to believe? The point is that the guards and the commander could have prevented him from leaving if they wanted to do so, or they could have brought him back shortly after he left if they wanted to. Or am I supposed to believe that everyone else was asleep and there was only one guard on duty at one gate at a FOB, and he couldn't leave his post or contact anyone else?
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Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?

Good question, ask him.......

Well, assuming he didn't dig his way out like Colonel Hogan, he simply walked out in full view of one or more guards. If it was considered so dangerous, and it was such a big deal that soldiers stay on base, why was he allowed to leave? Or is it just possible that leaving wasn't as big of a deal as we've been led to believe. The point is that the guards and the commander could have prevented him from leaving if they wanted to do so, or they could have brought him back shortly after he left if they wanted to. Or am I supposed to believe that everyone else was asleep and there was only one guard on duty at one gate at a FOB, and he couldn't leave his post or contact anyone else?
It was a fort, not a prison. Guards do not monitor those leaving, but outside sources which might represent a threat. Idiot!
Since a FOB is very closely guarded, and the flow of personnel both going off and coming on the base is closely monitored, likely with multiple rings of security, how did Bergdahl get off the base without being reported and/or stopped and then given orders that he was to be restricted to base until further notice?

Good question, ask him.......

Well, assuming he didn't dig his way out like Colonel Hogan, he simply walked out in full view of one or more guards. If it was considered so dangerous, and it was such a big deal that soldiers stay on base, why was he allowed to leave? Or is it just possible that leaving wasn't as big of a deal as we've been led to believe. The point is that the guards and the commander could have prevented him from leaving if they wanted to do so, or they could have brought him back shortly after he left if they wanted to. Or am I supposed to believe that everyone else was asleep and there was only one guard on duty at one gate at a FOB, and he couldn't leave his post or contact anyone else?
Typical Firebase

No gates

No movie theaters

No taxi stands
Good question, ask him.......

Well, assuming he didn't dig his way out like Colonel Hogan, he simply walked out in full view of one or more guards. If it was considered so dangerous, and it was such a big deal that soldiers stay on base, why was he allowed to leave? Or is it just possible that leaving wasn't as big of a deal as we've been led to believe. The point is that the guards and the commander could have prevented him from leaving if they wanted to do so, or they could have brought him back shortly after he left if they wanted to. Or am I supposed to believe that everyone else was asleep and there was only one guard on duty at one gate at a FOB, and he couldn't leave his post or contact anyone else?
It was a fort, not a prison. Guards do not monitor those leaving, but outside sources which might represent a threat. Idiot!

So, if soldiers leaving the post weren't even monitored (which means noted as leaving) that would mean that it wasn't such a big deal that Bergdahl walked off the post then, right?

You guys have got to get your story straight.
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Good question, ask him.......

Well, assuming he didn't dig his way out like Colonel Hogan, he simply walked out in full view of one or more guards. If it was considered so dangerous, and it was such a big deal that soldiers stay on base, why was he allowed to leave? Or is it just possible that leaving wasn't as big of a deal as we've been led to believe. The point is that the guards and the commander could have prevented him from leaving if they wanted to do so, or they could have brought him back shortly after he left if they wanted to. Or am I supposed to believe that everyone else was asleep and there was only one guard on duty at one gate at a FOB, and he couldn't leave his post or contact anyone else?
Typical Firebase

No gates

No movie theaters

No taxi stands

Yeah, I get that it wasn't like going to the mall.
Well, assuming he didn't dig his way out like Colonel Hogan, he simply walked out in full view of one or more guards. If it was considered so dangerous, and it was such a big deal that soldiers stay on base, why was he allowed to leave? Or is it just possible that leaving wasn't as big of a deal as we've been led to believe. The point is that the guards and the commander could have prevented him from leaving if they wanted to do so, or they could have brought him back shortly after he left if they wanted to. Or am I supposed to believe that everyone else was asleep and there was only one guard on duty at one gate at a FOB, and he couldn't leave his post or contact anyone else?
It was a fort, not a prison. Guards do not monitor those leaving, but outside sources which might represent a threat. Idiot!

So, if soldiers leaving the post weren't even monitored (which means noted as leaving) that would mean that it wasn't such a big deal that Bergdahl walked off the post then, right?

You guys have got to get your story straight.
Don't be an asshole. Guards at military bases look outwards. Those at prisons look inward. Attack has to be prevented, desertion ultimately cannot be prevented. He was not a prisoner, although he may be for a very long time to come.
It was a fort, not a prison. Guards do not monitor those leaving, but outside sources which might represent a threat. Idiot!

So, if soldiers leaving the post weren't even monitored (which means noted as leaving) that would mean that it wasn't such a big deal that Bergdahl walked off the post then, right?

You guys have got to get your story straight.
Don't be an asshole. Guards at military bases look outwards. Those at prisons look inward. Attack has to be prevented, desertion ultimately cannot be prevented. He was not a prisoner, although he may be for a very long time to come.

You think they're at a FOB and they don't try to keep track of which soldiers are off base while not on a mission?
So, if soldiers leaving the post weren't even monitored (which means noted as leaving) that would mean that it wasn't such a big deal that Bergdahl walked off the post then, right?

You guys have got to get your story straight.
Don't be an asshole. Guards at military bases look outwards. Those at prisons look inward. Attack has to be prevented, desertion ultimately cannot be prevented. He was not a prisoner, although he may be for a very long time to come.

You think they're at a FOB and they don't try to keep track of which soldiers are off base while not on a mission?

At Fort Polk, they sure as hell monitor who leaves the base.
Yeah, in a war zone. Keep in mind that Afghanistan is a large sparsely-populated country with one hell of a lot of terrain. I imagine you've seen pictures. Even in Vietnam in cities like Saigon, there was a pretty active social life. Undoubtedly, Afghanistan is much different in that regard, but they're not sequestered like a jury. They just have to be careful where they go and when they go there because what's safe at noon is likely not so safe at midnight. But that's just the same as it is right here in the good ol' USA on a city street or in a public park.

No shit.

Had some friends from Vietnam tell me about their nights in the brothels. Sometimes the NVA were even there..but everyone kept cool.

And a lot of those brothels were put together with the help of the US military.
Did your friends go to Vietnam to fuck, fight or run a footrace? Your knowledge of battlfield tactics are limitless. The Pentagon could sure use your expertise.

Are you serious?

Brothels and the military go together like peas and carrots. It's been that way since mankind thought up war.

No shit.

Had some friends from Vietnam tell me about their nights in the brothels. Sometimes the NVA were even there..but everyone kept cool.

And a lot of those brothels were put together with the help of the US military.
Did your friends go to Vietnam to fuck, fight or run a footrace? Your knowledge of battlfield tactics are limitless. The Pentagon could sure use your expertise.

Are you serious?

Brothels and the military go together like peas and carrots. It's been that way since mankind thought up war.

Nah, soldiers go to church when they're off duty. Or camera tours.
Did your friends go to Vietnam to fuck, fight or run a footrace? Your knowledge of battlfield tactics are limitless. The Pentagon could sure use your expertise.

Are you serious?

Brothels and the military go together like peas and carrots. It's been that way since mankind thought up war.

Nah, soldiers go to church when they're off duty. Or camera tours.


And I made a mistake Mrs. Hossfly..Mr. Hossfly went to church with his camera on his free time.

(She gone yet?) :D

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