US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

I know what you were driving at, I just wasn't going to do all the work for you. That means I wanted you to spell it out.

But there was no contradiction. Even a remote post in a forward position can and will allow soldiers to leave during daylight hours during certain circumstances. Hell, all bases have to be resupplied by land or by air anyway. If you can't go outside the gate for any reason ever, you better not be there at all.

No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.

You guys just can't get your story straight, can you? I say that because that was the previous claim. Some people said that Pvt Bergdahl just walked away.

By the way, do you know if anyone has been keeping track of the names of the anti-American conservatives on this forum who trust the Taliban and their propaganda video when they claimed Sgt Bergdahl was teaching them how to make bombs? That was a shocker for me. That's for sure. I know there was williepete and Edgetho, and you by extension since you jumped right on their bandwagon. Have you guys "liked" the Taliban yet on Facebook.

All I can say is that conservatism has fallen, and fallen HARD. There was a day when no conservative would have taken the word of a Communist Soviet Union propaganda piece in Pravda. But you guys have taken the word of the Taliban. Sheesh? Can you even stand the sight of yourself in the mirror?

At any rate, the claim was patently false on it's surface since the Taliban have been making their own ordnance for decades and American ordnance is manufactured in the US and delivered in ammo boxes and crates. But you guys bought it hook, line, and sinker. All I can say is thank God I never served with people like you who would take the word of the enemy and not give an American soldier the benefit of the doubt.

In closing, I would have to say that I'm finally reaching the point in this thread (and one other one) where I think President Obama should have sent a few of you to Afghanistan so you can sit around a campfire with your new Taliban buddies and watch propaganda videos together and disparage your fellow Americans with other like-minded folks.
Mustang, you're a liar, your feet stink and you don't love Jesus. Plus, you're an atom shy of having a functioning brain.
I know what you were driving at, I just wasn't going to do all the work for you. That means I wanted you to spell it out.

But there was no contradiction. Even a remote post in a forward position can and will allow soldiers to leave during daylight hours during certain circumstances. Hell, all bases have to be resupplied by land or by air anyway. If you can't go outside the gate for any reason ever, you better not be there at all.

No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.

You guys just can't get your story straight, can you? I say that because that was the previous claim. Some people said that Pvt Bergdahl just walked away.

By the way, do you know if anyone has been keeping track of the names of the anti-American conservatives on this forum who trust the Taliban and their propaganda video when they claimed Sgt Bergdahl was teaching them how to make bombs? That was a shocker for me. That's for sure. I know there was williepete and Edgetho, and you by extension since you jumped right on their bandwagon. Have you guys "liked" the Taliban yet on Facebook.

All I can say is that conservatism has fallen, and fallen HARD. There was a day when no conservative would have taken the word of a Communist Soviet Union propaganda piece in Pravda. But you guys have taken the word of the Taliban. Sheesh? Can you even stand the sight of yourself in the mirror?

At any rate, the claim was patently false on it's surface since the Taliban have been making their own ordnance for decades and American ordnance is manufactured in the US and delivered in ammo boxes and crates. But you guys bought it hook, line, and sinker. All I can say is thank God I never served with people like you who would take the word of the enemy and not give an American soldier the benefit of the doubt.

In closing, I would have to say that I'm finally reaching the point in this thread (and one other one) where I think President Obama should have sent a few of you to Afghanistan so you can sit around a campfire with your new Taliban buddies and watch propaganda videos together and disparage your fellow Americans with other like-minded folks.

You really are a fucking idiot aren't you. STFU and wait for the investigation, then should it prove you wrong own up to it, if it should prove you right dog the naysayers all you damned please, But get your head out of Obamas ass for a while and get some fresh air.....
Here i am hoping that the man is innocent and you keep dogging people with stupidity. there are at least a half dozen possible scenarios, you haven't got a clue which one is the truth, no one here does. Hell you don't even know what a FOB is.

Come back after the investigation and we'll talk..... Until then, whatever you say just makes you a fool......
No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.

You guys just can't get your story straight, can you? I say that because that was the previous claim. Some people said that Pvt Bergdahl just walked away.

By the way, do you know if anyone has been keeping track of the names of the anti-American conservatives on this forum who trust the Taliban and their propaganda video when they claimed Sgt Bergdahl was teaching them how to make bombs? That was a shocker for me. That's for sure. I know there was williepete and Edgetho, and you by extension since you jumped right on their bandwagon. Have you guys "liked" the Taliban yet on Facebook.

All I can say is that conservatism has fallen, and fallen HARD. There was a day when no conservative would have taken the word of a Communist Soviet Union propaganda piece in Pravda. But you guys have taken the word of the Taliban. Sheesh? Can you even stand the sight of yourself in the mirror?

At any rate, the claim was patently false on it's surface since the Taliban have been making their own ordnance for decades and American ordnance is manufactured in the US and delivered in ammo boxes and crates. But you guys bought it hook, line, and sinker. All I can say is thank God I never served with people like you who would take the word of the enemy and not give an American soldier the benefit of the doubt.

In closing, I would have to say that I'm finally reaching the point in this thread (and one other one) where I think President Obama should have sent a few of you to Afghanistan so you can sit around a campfire with your new Taliban buddies and watch propaganda videos together and disparage your fellow Americans with other like-minded folks.
Mustang, you're a liar, your feet stink and you don't love Jesus. Plus, you're an atom shy of having a functioning brain.

You're wrong. I DO love Jesus. That's my dog's name.

Someone asked me once why I named my dog Jesus. I mean, it sure does get some looks when I yell out his name in the park. Anyway, I told the person that I was just trying to fulfill prophecy. He asked me how I could possibly do that by naming my dog Jesus. I told him to just watch.

That's when I threw my dog a stick (he loves to fetch). Once he brought the stick back, I tossed the stick even further the second time. And just like always, he bounded off to get it. Once he got it in his mouth, he turned around and started trotting back with that satisfied look on his face a dog gets when they've got the stick. or the ball, or whatever it is you've thrown. That's when I turned to my friend and said, "SEE!"

"See what?" he cried. That's when I told him that he was now witnessing the second coming of Jesus. At that moment, we both fell to our knees and prayed!
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No soldier walks off an FOB alone, especially in the middle of the night, it is asking for death or capture. You really don't have a clue do you? A FOB is considered under possible attack at any second day or night. No one is ever off duty at an FOB, they may be off Guard, but not off Duty. They rotate units into and out of FOB's they may or may not conduct patrols from them, but no one leaves on their own...

I suggest you stop showing yourself the fool and wait for the investigation.

You guys just can't get your story straight, can you? I say that because that was the previous claim. Some people said that Pvt Bergdahl just walked away.

By the way, do you know if anyone has been keeping track of the names of the anti-American conservatives on this forum who trust the Taliban and their propaganda video when they claimed Sgt Bergdahl was teaching them how to make bombs? That was a shocker for me. That's for sure. I know there was williepete and Edgetho, and you by extension since you jumped right on their bandwagon. Have you guys "liked" the Taliban yet on Facebook.

All I can say is that conservatism has fallen, and fallen HARD. There was a day when no conservative would have taken the word of a Communist Soviet Union propaganda piece in Pravda. But you guys have taken the word of the Taliban. Sheesh? Can you even stand the sight of yourself in the mirror?

At any rate, the claim was patently false on it's surface since the Taliban have been making their own ordnance for decades and American ordnance is manufactured in the US and delivered in ammo boxes and crates. But you guys bought it hook, line, and sinker. All I can say is thank God I never served with people like you who would take the word of the enemy and not give an American soldier the benefit of the doubt.

In closing, I would have to say that I'm finally reaching the point in this thread (and one other one) where I think President Obama should have sent a few of you to Afghanistan so you can sit around a campfire with your new Taliban buddies and watch propaganda videos together and disparage your fellow Americans with other like-minded folks.

You really are a fucking idiot aren't you. STFU and wait for the investigation, then should it prove you wrong own up to it, if it should prove you right dog the naysayers all you damned please, But get your head out of Obamas ass for a while and get some fresh air.....
Here i am hoping that the man is innocent and you keep dogging people with stupidity. there are at least a half dozen possible scenarios, you haven't got a clue which one is the truth, no one here does. Hell you don't even know what a FOB is.

Come back after the investigation and we'll talk..... Until then, whatever you say just makes you a fool......

What the hell do you think I've been encouraging these Taliban-loving conservatives to do instead of behaving like a mob that's primed and ready to condemn Bergdahl to death by firing squad, in part, because they think the Taliban video is a piece of documentary film making?
What the hell do you think I've been encouraging these Taliban-loving conservatives to do instead of behaving like a mob that's primed and ready to condemn Bergdahl to death by firing squad, in part, because they think the Taliban video is a piece of documentary film making?

That sounds good to you? Seriously?

How did I know this was going to be the reaction..

It's like I'm psychic or sumptin'

Yes, you're psychotic

So you guys were hoping this poor guy turned up in a Al Qaeda head chopping video and I'm psychotic?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a riot.

Don't you understand? Conservatives would be cheering if Bergdahl got his head chopped off because he's a deserter/defector/traitor who's actions directly led to the deaths of six other servicemen. Of course, Obama would still be a bad president for NOT getting Bergdahl back in that particular case. That wouldn't change.
Sgt. Bowehammad was an enemy collaborator. Obama wants to give him a medal.
Yes, you're psychotic

So you guys were hoping this poor guy turned up in a Al Qaeda head chopping video and I'm psychotic?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a riot.

Don't you understand? Conservatives would be cheering if Bergdahl got his head chopped off because he's a deserter/defector/traitor who's actions directly led to the deaths of six other servicemen. Of course, Obama would still be a bad president for NOT getting Bergdahl back in that particular case. That wouldn't change.

Why does being against Obama for being a bad President imply the same people would be against him if he were not a bad President?
With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

The only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan has been freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Afghan detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Obama administration officials said Saturday.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban Saturday evening, local time, in an area of eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border. Officials said the exchange was not violent and the 28-year-old Bergdahl was in good condition and able to walk.

In a statement, President Barack Obama said Bergdahl's recovery "is a reminder of America's unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield."
US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan - ABC News

Now give the Prez some sugar.


Bergdahl is now Public Enemy No. 1, he morphed, just as bin Laden morphed into, "no big deal".
Susan Rice, United States National Security Advisor under the Obama administration, said that Bowe Bergdahl 'served the United States with honor and distinction.'
Sounds like praise to me.
But Chuck Hagel, who said very recently that Americans should not pre-judge Bowe Bergdahl, seems to take one line with - I guess "regular" Americans - and another with Susan Rice. Hmmm...
Should Hagel and Rice both say that Bowe Bergdahl should be neither judged nor praised until all the facts are in?
Funny how some WH aides can accuse Bergdahl's fellow soldiers of 'swift boating,' but won't tell people to not defend (or praise) Bergdahl until all the facts are in.
...and another rule for the folks?
Are they being neutral like they are asking "regular" Americans (the folks) to be? Are they in their own way 'swiftboating' Bergdahl's fellow soldiers? Are they 'swiftboating' regular Americans, too?
Should WH aides, and others at that level, take a neutral stance on this and do what they ask of others? I guess that would mean no Rose Garden walk for Obama though...
So much hate for the military from the conservatives here. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined my fellow countrymen could stoop this low, to the point where they're cursing bringing one of our own back.

ODS kooks, do you really not understand how awful you look to normal people? Step out of your bubble and look at yourselves. It's not pretty. Your ODS has rotted away your moral compass. It used to be there were lines that even you wouldn't cross, such as vet-spitting, but now there are no longer any limits to how vile you're willing to get.
If Obama does something, it is wrong by definition with the Tea Baggers.

We won't know that until he does something right
ANYTHING he does is wrong by Tea Bagger standards.

I'm calling you on your crap. Give me an example of something Obama did that tea partiers would have supported had it been done by someone other than Obama.
Giuliani: White House In 'Utter Panic' Over Bergdahl Fallout

Please and read this and wake the hell up!

Giuliani? It's as likely that Giuliani has access to sources inside the WH as it is that Sarah Palin is going to write a book without a ghost writer or a co-author, or that Rush Limbaugh is going to do volunteer work to help underprivileged kids, or that Sean Hannity is going to get an advanced degrees in Philosophy.
We won't know that until he does something right
ANYTHING he does is wrong by Tea Bagger standards.

I'm calling you on your crap. Give me an example of something Obama did that tea partiers would have supported had it been done by someone other than Obama.

Continued the "tax cuts", signed S2195 into law, continued the failed "war on terror", et. al. :D

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