US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

This news just being reported on news channels who arent sniffing Obama's balls.

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in 2010, secret documents show

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a "mujahid," or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

The reports indicate that Bergdahl's relations with his Haqqani captors morphed over time, from periods of hostility, where he was treated very much like a hostage, to periods where, as one source told Fox News, "he became much more of an accepted fellow" than is popularly understood. He even reportedly was allowed to carry a gun at times.

The documents show that Bergdahl at one point escaped his captors for five days and was kept, upon his re-capture, in a metal cage, like an animal. In addition, the reports detail discussions of prisoner swaps and other attempts at a negotiated resolution to the case that appear to have commenced as early as the fall of 2009.

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in 2010, secret documents show | Fox News
How does opening that can of worms "Support the Troops"

This news just being reported on news channels who arent sniffing Obama's balls.

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in 2010, secret documents show

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a "mujahid," or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

The reports indicate that Bergdahl's relations with his Haqqani captors morphed over time, from periods of hostility, where he was treated very much like a hostage, to periods where, as one source told Fox News, "he became much more of an accepted fellow" than is popularly understood. He even reportedly was allowed to carry a gun at times.

The documents show that Bergdahl at one point escaped his captors for five days and was kept, upon his re-capture, in a metal cage, like an animal. In addition, the reports detail discussions of prisoner swaps and other attempts at a negotiated resolution to the case that appear to have commenced as early as the fall of 2009.

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in 2010, secret documents show | Fox News
How does opening that can of worms "Support the Troops"
I might ask the same question if I was a brain-dead Obama supporter. This can of worms will be all over the news tonight and tomorrow. Let's see the Kenyan squirm out of this.
This news just being reported on news channels who arent sniffing Obama's balls.

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in 2010, secret documents show

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a "mujahid," or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

The reports indicate that Bergdahl's relations with his Haqqani captors morphed over time, from periods of hostility, where he was treated very much like a hostage, to periods where, as one source told Fox News, "he became much more of an accepted fellow" than is popularly understood. He even reportedly was allowed to carry a gun at times.

The documents show that Bergdahl at one point escaped his captors for five days and was kept, upon his re-capture, in a metal cage, like an animal. In addition, the reports detail discussions of prisoner swaps and other attempts at a negotiated resolution to the case that appear to have commenced as early as the fall of 2009.

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in 2010, secret documents show | Fox News
How does opening that can of worms "Support the Troops"
I might ask the same question if I was a brain-dead Obama supporter. This can of worms will be all over the news tonight and tomorrow. Let's see the Kenyan squirm out of this.

et tu Hossfly. hatred for the one you call Kenyan allows you to inflict pain on all the brothers who signed documents and made films in Vietnam and Korea. You question the loyalty of those men and place them on display because of your hatred. Can you name a returned Vietnam POW that did give in the the commies?
How does opening that can of worms "Support the Troops"
I might ask the same question if I was a brain-dead Obama supporter. This can of worms will be all over the news tonight and tomorrow. Let's see the Kenyan squirm out of this.

et tu Hossfly. hatred for the one you call Kenyan allows you to inflict pain on all the brothers who signed documents and made films in Vietnam and Korea. You question the loyalty of those men and place them on display because of your hatred. Can you name a returned Vietnam POW that did give in the the commies?
So I can understand, what signed documents and films are you referring to? And yes, John McCain was a collaborator.
Taliban Commander: More Kidnappings to Come After Bergdahl Deal

Taliban commander warns of more kidnappings after Bowe Bergdahl - TIME

This tells me that the Taliban thought Bergdahl was much more important than he is.....

No, it says that the Taliban is positively delighted with how American conservatives have reacted to the release of Bergdahl. They'd just LOVE to keep mining this vein of political discord.

I mean, you've heard of divide and conquer, haven't you? The Taliban just can't believe their good fortune at having so many antiAmerican conservatives who are willing to go on the record with their unhappiness about a returning American POW instead of giving their fellow countryman the benefit of the doubt and showing a little bit of class in the process.

People are already well aware of the fact that Obama has no class so it's not like it's a leak or anything

What you said reminds me of something funny. At least I think it's funny. I was listening to Mark Levin one evening as I often do. He's a hoot. Anyway, he plays a few audio clips from President Obama who just so happens to sound reasonable and rational and quite under control in terms of his delivery as well as the content of what he's saying.

Well, Mark gets more and more worked up, as is usually the case, until he's positively ranting. And what is it that he's ranting you might ask. He's going on about how Obama is an extremist, and how Obama is out of the control, and how he's also ill-suited to lead. It was stuff like that. Well, it was funny. Hilarious, really. Levin sounded like a mad man on the brink of either a complete emotional and psychological break down or like someone who was about to have a stroke due to record-breaking high blood pressure. But like I said, Obama sounded cool and collected which is why I assume he's been dubbed No Drama Obama.

So, who has class and grace under pressure, and who doesn't?
No, it says that the Taliban is positively delighted with how American conservatives have reacted to the release of Bergdahl. They'd just LOVE to keep mining this vein of political discord.

I mean, you've heard of divide and conquer, haven't you? The Taliban just can't believe their good fortune at having so many antiAmerican conservatives who are willing to go on the record with their unhappiness about a returning American POW instead of giving their fellow countryman the benefit of the doubt and showing a little bit of class in the process.

People are already well aware of the fact that Obama has no class so it's not like it's a leak or anything

What you said reminds me of something funny. At least I think it's funny. I was listening to Mark Levin one evening as I often do. He's a hoot. Anyway, he plays a few audio clips from President Obama who just so happens to sound reasonable and rational and quite under control in terms of his delivery as well as the content of what he's saying.

Well, Mark gets more and more worked up, as is usually the case, until he's positively ranting. And what is it that he's ranting you might ask. He's going on about how Obama is an extremist, and how Obama is out of the control, and how he's also ill-suited to lead. It was stuff like that. Well, it was funny. Hilarious, really. Levin sounded like a mad man on the brink of either a complete emotional and psychological break down or like someone who was about to have a stroke due to record-breaking high blood pressure. But like I said, Obama sounded cool and collected which is why I assume he's been dubbed No Drama Obama.

So, who has class and grace under pressure, and who doesn't?
Rush is right.
Taliban Commander: More Kidnappings to Come After Bergdahl Deal

Taliban commander warns of more kidnappings after Bowe Bergdahl - TIME

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the commander said, speaking by telephone on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”
This tells me that the Taliban thought Bergdahl was much more important than he is.....

No, it says that the Taliban is positively delighted with how American conservatives have reacted to the release of Bergdahl. They'd just LOVE to keep mining this vein of political discord.

I mean, you've heard of divide and conquer, haven't you? The Taliban just can't believe their good fortune at having so many antiAmerican conservatives who are willing to go on the record with their unhappiness about a returning American POW instead of giving their fellow countryman the benefit of the doubt and showing a little bit of class in the process.

Fuck you're stupid..............Get your head out of Obamas ass....Now you are telling us You know more than TIME does..... Damn.....You just don't learn do you? Did you bother to read the whole story before you made yourself look stupid again? My bet is not.......
Tea Baggers no longer own the Republican party; Obama also ordered the strike that killed bin Laden; check out s2195. :D

And where did the tea partiers oppose that? Link?

The support was weak, at best. Many opposed the money it cost. I know several people who call themseves "Tea Party", they agree on little.

Bull. The criticism is of Obama taking personal credit and spiking the ball and running right to a microphone nullifying any intelligence we could have gotten in the compound. No one said "Bush" got Saddam Hussein, including Bush. Everyone said the military did. Then the liberals all ran around with Bin Laden making it sound like Obama lead the raiding party.

And, you go back & forth between being a libertarian and a Tea Bagger, which is it?
Actually, I always say I'm a libertarian. I've never said I am a tea partier.
Taliban Commander: More Kidnappings to Come After Bergdahl Deal

Taliban commander warns of more kidnappings after Bowe Bergdahl - TIME

This tells me that the Taliban thought Bergdahl was much more important than he is.....

No, it says that the Taliban is positively delighted with how American conservatives have reacted to the release of Bergdahl. They'd just LOVE to keep mining this vein of political discord.

I mean, you've heard of divide and conquer, haven't you? The Taliban just can't believe their good fortune at having so many antiAmerican conservatives who are willing to go on the record with their unhappiness about a returning American POW instead of giving their fellow countryman the benefit of the doubt and showing a little bit of class in the process.

Fuck you're stupid..............Get your head out of Obamas ass....Now you are telling us You know more than TIME does..... Damn.....You just don't learn do you? Did you bother to read the whole story before you made yourself look stupid again? My bet is not.......
I also doubt he read the story of Bergdolt becoming a Soldier Of Islam, converting to Islam and getting to carry a gun. Some "prisoner". I wonder what his new Muslim name is?
Taliban Commander: More Kidnappings to Come After Bergdahl Deal

Taliban commander warns of more kidnappings after Bowe Bergdahl - TIME

This tells me that the Taliban thought Bergdahl was much more important than he is.....

No, it says that the Taliban is positively delighted with how American conservatives have reacted to the release of Bergdahl. They'd just LOVE to keep mining this vein of political discord.

I mean, you've heard of divide and conquer, haven't you? The Taliban just can't believe their good fortune at having so many antiAmerican conservatives who are willing to go on the record with their unhappiness about a returning American POW instead of giving their fellow countryman the benefit of the doubt and showing a little bit of class in the process.

Fuck you're stupid..............Get your head out of Obamas ass....Now you are telling us You know more than TIME does..... Damn.....You just don't learn do you? Did you bother to read the whole story before you made yourself look stupid again? My bet is not.......

What's wrong? It's not quite so comfortable and cozy with the light shining on you in an unflattering way? Deal with it! You and other conservatives are playing right into the hands of the enemy with your divisive rants against Bergdahl and Obama which are inextricably combined since I damn well know conservatives wouldn't be doing this if Bush was still president.

Hell, the Taliban are diggin' this whole thing so much that they just couldn't resist making an additional statement today just to feed the flames of the moment. In fact, I bet they're just sitting back there in Afghanistan and Pakistan laughing their fuckin' asses off at how goddam gullible and blatantly stupid you all are. Of course, sorry little turds like Ted Cruz just want to grab a little bit of the spotlight in the process since all the camera lights are on and none of them are pointed at him. He's your new conservative media whore so I guess he just can't stand being left out.

If the lot of you were half as patriotic as you claim to be, you wouldn't feed off those Taliban videos and statements like a newborn baby at her mother's breast. But you just can't help yourselves. You guys are like moths drawn to a flame. It's a classic case of Pavlov's dog. The Taliban ring the damn bell, and you guys start salivating. All I can say at this point is that they've damn sure got your number, and I expect them to keep calling it. Why don't you and your fellow conservatives just do something smart for a change and not give them what they want? What a novel idea that would be. Oh, but then you might miss a chance to diss Obama, huh? Can't miss out on that. No, that's what keeps you guys going. After all, it's your damn raison d'etre. Hey, you might SAY you love the country, but fuck the country if it means missing out on your daily anti-Obama rants.

Just don't whine to me because you and your fellow conservatives are getting punked by a bunch of mountain men who probably spend 3 or 4 months a year herding goats, because it's nobody's fault but yours. Take some damn personal responsibility for a change instead of just talking about it when it comes to other people.

A lot of these problems might just go away if you guys would grow up and stop being so emotionally immature. But I've stopped counting on that years ago. I just hoped that maybe, at some point, a light might come on. I mean, how many times does a dog have to get sprayed by a skunk before he just doesn't chase those damn critters down anymore? Once? But you guys keeping going back again, and Again, and AGAIN. As for me, I just think you're all a bunch of outrage junkies. I think you guys feed on that emotion like some people gravitate toward laughter or some other more positive life-affirming feeling. And when the events of the day start to unfold, you're gonna get that outrage fix one way or the other, regardless of what Obama does.

Christ, get a hobby. Take up an exercise regimen. Something! Just get out of that bunker where you keep your brain on the same damn hamster wheel day in and day out. Read a damn book, for cryin' out loud. And I don't mean some screed by Ann Coulter which only feeds the outrage.

Who am I kidding? You guys are locked on a temporal feedback loop with an emotional outrage high as your fix, and Obama and Democrats are the drug that gets you there.

So, Obama trades 5 prisoners at Gitmo to get Sgt Bergdahl back, and the conservative response is OUTRAGE. OR

Obama doesn't make a trade and Bergdahl languishes in captivity and is perhaps executed, and the conservative response would be OUTRAGE. I can hear it now.

"Obama abandoned American troops in the field in violation of everything we hold dear. Men died trying to get Sgt Bergdahl back, but Obama didn't care about their sacrifice at all. Oh, this dishonor merits IMPEACHMENT!"

You guys are pathetic. Normally, I only care SO much. But when you get played and punked by the fuckin' Taliban, and you cite their propaganda videos as evidence to support the demonization of an American POW who's been held for 5 years, then you've really pissed me off, and I bet a lot of other people feel the same way.

So, grow up and deal with the fact that a lot of people think you conservatives are a bunch of self-centered, self-involved delusional assholes who don't really give a rat's ass about America at all. You just want your own way, and when you can't get it, you have a fit. A fit? What am I saying? It's a constant series of fits. It's a virtual nonstop rant only punctuated by sleep that's fitted somewhere between the last late night radio broadcast (or podcast) of some conservative radio host who rants and raves at the end of the day, and the next morning's "Fox & Friends" show where the preapproved conservative script is read by some leggy blonde who postulates leading questions presupposing that there just MUST be some kind of nefarious goings on. And it's OFF to the outrage races for another day.

Don't you guys ever just get tired of being the lackeys of other people with their agendas and generally being a royal pain in the ass to the country you're always saying you guys love?

Don't cha?
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No, it says that the Taliban is positively delighted with how American conservatives have reacted to the release of Bergdahl. They'd just LOVE to keep mining this vein of political discord.

I mean, you've heard of divide and conquer, haven't you? The Taliban just can't believe their good fortune at having so many antiAmerican conservatives who are willing to go on the record with their unhappiness about a returning American POW instead of giving their fellow countryman the benefit of the doubt and showing a little bit of class in the process.

Fuck you're stupid..............Get your head out of Obamas ass....Now you are telling us You know more than TIME does..... Damn.....You just don't learn do you? Did you bother to read the whole story before you made yourself look stupid again? My bet is not.......

What's wrong? It's not quite so comfortable and cozy with the light shining on you in an unflattering way? Deal with it! You and other conservatives are playing right into the hands of the enemy with your divisive rants against Bergdahl and Obama which are inextricably combined since I damn well know conservatives wouldn't be doing this if Bush was still president.

Hell, the Taliban are diggin' this whole thing so much that they just couldn't resist making an additional statement just to feed the flames of the moment. In fact, I bet they're just sitting back there in Afghanistan and Pakistan laughing their fuckin' asses off at how goddam gullible and blatantly stupid you all are. Of course, sorry little turds like Ted Cruz just want to grab a little bit of the spotlight in the process since all the camera lights are on and none of them are pointed at him. He's your new conservative media whore so I guess he just can't stand being left out.

If the lot of you were half as patriotic as you claim to be, you wouldn't feed off those Taliban videos and statements like a newborn baby at her mother's breast. But you just can't help yourselves. You guys are like moths drawn to a flame. It's a classic case of Pavlov's dog. The Taliban ring the damn bell, and you guys start salivating. All I can say at this point is that they've damn sure got your number, and I expect them to keep calling it. Why don't you and your fellow conservatives just do something smart for a change and not give them what they want? What a novel idea that would be. Oh, but then you might miss a chance to diss Obama, huh? Can't miss out on that. No, that's what keeps you guys going. After all, it's your damn raison d'etre. Hey, you might SAY you love the country, but fuck the country if it means missing out on your daily anti-Obama rants.

Just don't whine to me because you and your fellow conservatives are getting punked by a bunch of mountain men who probably spend 3 or 4 months a year herding goats, because it's nobody's fault but yours. Take some damn personal responsibility for a change instead of just talking about it when it comes to other people.

A lot of these problems might just go away if you guys would grow up and stop being so emotionally immature. But I've stopped counting on that years ago. I just hoped that maybe, at some point, a light might come on. I mean, how many times does a dog have to get sprayed by a skunk before he just doesn't chase those damn critters down anymore? Once? But you guys keeping going back again, and Again, and AGAIN. As for me, I just think you're all a bunch of outrage junkies. I think you guys feed on that emotion like some people gravitate toward laughter or some other more positive life-affirming feeling. And when the events of the day start to unfold, you're gonna get that outrage fix one way or the other, regardless of what Obama does.

Christ, get a hobby. Take up an exercise regimen. Something! Just get out of that bunker where you keep your brain on the same damn hamster wheel day in and day out. Read a damn book, for cryin' out loud. And I don't mean some screed by Ann Coulter which only feeds the outrage.

Who am I kidding? You guys are locked on a temporal feedback loop with an emotional outrage high as your fix, and Obama and Democrats are the drug that gets you there.

So, Obama trades 5 prisoners at Gitmo to get Sgt Bergdahl back, and the conservative response is OUTRAGE. OR

Obama doesn't make a trade and Bergdahl languishes in captivity and is perhaps executed, and the conservative response would be OUTRAGE. I can hear it now.

"Obama abandoned American troops in the field in violation of everything we hold dear. Men died trying to get Sgt Bergdahl back, but Obama didn't care about their sacrifice at all. Oh, this dishonor merits IMPEACHMENT!"

You guys are pathetic. Normally, I only care SO much. But when you get played and punked by the fuckin' Taliban, and you cite their propaganda videos as evidence to support the demonization of an American POW who's been held for 5 years, then you've really pissed me off, and I bet a lot of other people feel the same way.

So, grow up and deal with the fact that a lot of people think you conservatives are a bunch of self-centered, self-involved delusional assholes who don't really give a rat's ass about America at all. You just want your own way, and when you can't get it, you have a fit. A fit? What am I saying? It's a constant series of fits. It's a virtual nonstop rant only punctuated by sleep that's fitted between the last late night radio broadcast (or podcast) of some conservative radio host who rants and raves at the end of the day, and the next morning's "Fox & Friends" show where the script is read by some leggy blonde who postulates leading questions presupposing that there just MUST be some kind of nefarious goings on. And it's OFF to the outrage races for another day.

Don't you guys ever just get tired of being the lackeys to other people with their agendas and a general pain in the ass to the country you're always saying you guys love?

Don't cha?
Worry about your own patriotism, jerk. There's a few combat veterans here and you're accusing them of siding with the enemy? You have more than a screw loose if you want to idolize a traitorous turncoat who is now a terrorist muslim talibani..
Fuck you're stupid..............Get your head out of Obamas ass....Now you are telling us You know more than TIME does..... Damn.....You just don't learn do you? Did you bother to read the whole story before you made yourself look stupid again? My bet is not.......

What's wrong? It's not quite so comfortable and cozy with the light shining on you in an unflattering way? Deal with it! You and other conservatives are playing right into the hands of the enemy with your divisive rants against Bergdahl and Obama which are inextricably combined since I damn well know conservatives wouldn't be doing this if Bush was still president.

Hell, the Taliban are diggin' this whole thing so much that they just couldn't resist making an additional statement just to feed the flames of the moment. In fact, I bet they're just sitting back there in Afghanistan and Pakistan laughing their fuckin' asses off at how goddam gullible and blatantly stupid you all are. Of course, sorry little turds like Ted Cruz just want to grab a little bit of the spotlight in the process since all the camera lights are on and none of them are pointed at him. He's your new conservative media whore so I guess he just can't stand being left out.

If the lot of you were half as patriotic as you claim to be, you wouldn't feed off those Taliban videos and statements like a newborn baby at her mother's breast. But you just can't help yourselves. You guys are like moths drawn to a flame. It's a classic case of Pavlov's dog. The Taliban ring the damn bell, and you guys start salivating. All I can say at this point is that they've damn sure got your number, and I expect them to keep calling it. Why don't you and your fellow conservatives just do something smart for a change and not give them what they want? What a novel idea that would be. Oh, but then you might miss a chance to diss Obama, huh? Can't miss out on that. No, that's what keeps you guys going. After all, it's your damn raison d'etre. Hey, you might SAY you love the country, but fuck the country if it means missing out on your daily anti-Obama rants.

Just don't whine to me because you and your fellow conservatives are getting punked by a bunch of mountain men who probably spend 3 or 4 months a year herding goats, because it's nobody's fault but yours. Take some damn personal responsibility for a change instead of just talking about it when it comes to other people.

A lot of these problems might just go away if you guys would grow up and stop being so emotionally immature. But I've stopped counting on that years ago. I just hoped that maybe, at some point, a light might come on. I mean, how many times does a dog have to get sprayed by a skunk before he just doesn't chase those damn critters down anymore? Once? But you guys keeping going back again, and Again, and AGAIN. As for me, I just think you're all a bunch of outrage junkies. I think you guys feed on that emotion like some people gravitate toward laughter or some other more positive life-affirming feeling. And when the events of the day start to unfold, you're gonna get that outrage fix one way or the other, regardless of what Obama does.

Christ, get a hobby. Take up an exercise regimen. Something! Just get out of that bunker where you keep your brain on the same damn hamster wheel day in and day out. Read a damn book, for cryin' out loud. And I don't mean some screed by Ann Coulter which only feeds the outrage.

Who am I kidding? You guys are locked on a temporal feedback loop with an emotional outrage high as your fix, and Obama and Democrats are the drug that gets you there.

So, Obama trades 5 prisoners at Gitmo to get Sgt Bergdahl back, and the conservative response is OUTRAGE. OR

Obama doesn't make a trade and Bergdahl languishes in captivity and is perhaps executed, and the conservative response would be OUTRAGE. I can hear it now.

"Obama abandoned American troops in the field in violation of everything we hold dear. Men died trying to get Sgt Bergdahl back, but Obama didn't care about their sacrifice at all. Oh, this dishonor merits IMPEACHMENT!"

You guys are pathetic. Normally, I only care SO much. But when you get played and punked by the fuckin' Taliban, and you cite their propaganda videos as evidence to support the demonization of an American POW who's been held for 5 years, then you've really pissed me off, and I bet a lot of other people feel the same way.

So, grow up and deal with the fact that a lot of people think you conservatives are a bunch of self-centered, self-involved delusional assholes who don't really give a rat's ass about America at all. You just want your own way, and when you can't get it, you have a fit. A fit? What am I saying? It's a constant series of fits. It's a virtual nonstop rant only punctuated by sleep that's fitted between the last late night radio broadcast (or podcast) of some conservative radio host who rants and raves at the end of the day, and the next morning's "Fox & Friends" show where the script is read by some leggy blonde who postulates leading questions presupposing that there just MUST be some kind of nefarious goings on. And it's OFF to the outrage races for another day.

Don't you guys ever just get tired of being the lackeys to other people with their agendas and a general pain in the ass to the country you're always saying you guys love?

Don't cha?
Worry about your own patriotism, jerk. There's a few combat veterans here and you're accusing them of siding with the enemy? You have more than a screw loose if you want to idolize a traitorous turncoat who is now a terrorist muslim talibani..

You have a reading comprehension problem. It's a very common problem among conservatives, I've found. Try again!
Has anyone killed this guy yet? Cause that's what it sounds like the GOPers want to do. They'd like to gang rape him, behead him, and pee on his grave.

My goodness. Can "conservatives" make you want to hurl more than they already do?
What's wrong? It's not quite so comfortable and cozy with the light shining on you in an unflattering way? Deal with it! You and other conservatives are playing right into the hands of the enemy with your divisive rants against Bergdahl and Obama which are inextricably combined since I damn well know conservatives wouldn't be doing this if Bush was still president.

Hell, the Taliban are diggin' this whole thing so much that they just couldn't resist making an additional statement just to feed the flames of the moment. In fact, I bet they're just sitting back there in Afghanistan and Pakistan laughing their fuckin' asses off at how goddam gullible and blatantly stupid you all are. Of course, sorry little turds like Ted Cruz just want to grab a little bit of the spotlight in the process since all the camera lights are on and none of them are pointed at him. He's your new conservative media whore so I guess he just can't stand being left out.

If the lot of you were half as patriotic as you claim to be, you wouldn't feed off those Taliban videos and statements like a newborn baby at her mother's breast. But you just can't help yourselves. You guys are like moths drawn to a flame. It's a classic case of Pavlov's dog. The Taliban ring the damn bell, and you guys start salivating. All I can say at this point is that they've damn sure got your number, and I expect them to keep calling it. Why don't you and your fellow conservatives just do something smart for a change and not give them what they want? What a novel idea that would be. Oh, but then you might miss a chance to diss Obama, huh? Can't miss out on that. No, that's what keeps you guys going. After all, it's your damn raison d'etre. Hey, you might SAY you love the country, but fuck the country if it means missing out on your daily anti-Obama rants.

Just don't whine to me because you and your fellow conservatives are getting punked by a bunch of mountain men who probably spend 3 or 4 months a year herding goats, because it's nobody's fault but yours. Take some damn personal responsibility for a change instead of just talking about it when it comes to other people.

A lot of these problems might just go away if you guys would grow up and stop being so emotionally immature. But I've stopped counting on that years ago. I just hoped that maybe, at some point, a light might come on. I mean, how many times does a dog have to get sprayed by a skunk before he just doesn't chase those damn critters down anymore? Once? But you guys keeping going back again, and Again, and AGAIN. As for me, I just think you're all a bunch of outrage junkies. I think you guys feed on that emotion like some people gravitate toward laughter or some other more positive life-affirming feeling. And when the events of the day start to unfold, you're gonna get that outrage fix one way or the other, regardless of what Obama does.

Christ, get a hobby. Take up an exercise regimen. Something! Just get out of that bunker where you keep your brain on the same damn hamster wheel day in and day out. Read a damn book, for cryin' out loud. And I don't mean some screed by Ann Coulter which only feeds the outrage.

Who am I kidding? You guys are locked on a temporal feedback loop with an emotional outrage high as your fix, and Obama and Democrats are the drug that gets you there.

So, Obama trades 5 prisoners at Gitmo to get Sgt Bergdahl back, and the conservative response is OUTRAGE. OR

Obama doesn't make a trade and Bergdahl languishes in captivity and is perhaps executed, and the conservative response would be OUTRAGE. I can hear it now.

"Obama abandoned American troops in the field in violation of everything we hold dear. Men died trying to get Sgt Bergdahl back, but Obama didn't care about their sacrifice at all. Oh, this dishonor merits IMPEACHMENT!"

You guys are pathetic. Normally, I only care SO much. But when you get played and punked by the fuckin' Taliban, and you cite their propaganda videos as evidence to support the demonization of an American POW who's been held for 5 years, then you've really pissed me off, and I bet a lot of other people feel the same way.

So, grow up and deal with the fact that a lot of people think you conservatives are a bunch of self-centered, self-involved delusional assholes who don't really give a rat's ass about America at all. You just want your own way, and when you can't get it, you have a fit. A fit? What am I saying? It's a constant series of fits. It's a virtual nonstop rant only punctuated by sleep that's fitted between the last late night radio broadcast (or podcast) of some conservative radio host who rants and raves at the end of the day, and the next morning's "Fox & Friends" show where the script is read by some leggy blonde who postulates leading questions presupposing that there just MUST be some kind of nefarious goings on. And it's OFF to the outrage races for another day.

Don't you guys ever just get tired of being the lackeys to other people with their agendas and a general pain in the ass to the country you're always saying you guys love?

Don't cha?
Worry about your own patriotism, jerk. There's a few combat veterans here and you're accusing them of siding with the enemy? You have more than a screw loose if you want to idolize a traitorous turncoat who is now a terrorist muslim talibani..

You have a reading comprehension problem. It's a very common problem among conservatives, I've found. Try again!
You have a nasty habit of telling people what they're thinking, what they're doing, what they're going to say and a host of other predictions. I suggest you go hump a stump.
Has anyone killed this guy yet? Cause that's what it sounds like the GOPers want to do. They'd like to gang rape him, behead him, and pee on his grave.

My goodness. Can "conservatives" make you want to hurl more than they already do?
How about you showing everybody where anyone has made those statements, Libby.
Worry about your own patriotism, jerk. There's a few combat veterans here and you're accusing them of siding with the enemy? You have more than a screw loose if you want to idolize a traitorous turncoat who is now a terrorist muslim talibani..

You have a reading comprehension problem. It's a very common problem among conservatives, I've found. Try again!
You have a nasty habit of telling people what they're thinking, what they're doing, what they're going to say and a host of other predictions. I suggest you go hump a stump.

I don't have a reading comprehension problem. You see, that's why I can tell what what people are thinking. I base it on what they write. But I suppose there's always the possibility they're lying. I say that because, in my experience, as a group, conservatives sure do lie a LOT.

As for your suggestion, I'll file it with the rest of the drivel from your group.
So much hate for the military from the conservatives here. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined my fellow countrymen could stoop this low, to the point where they're cursing bringing one of our own back.

You say we Conservatives hate the military?

Conservatives aren't the ones calling the others in this guy's unit "Swiftboaters" and "Psychopaths".

Also, many Democrats in Congress are wondering WTF Obama was thinking, including Dianne Frankenstien. You can't get anymore Extreme Liberal then that old bag.
Oh Mustang, again you open your mouth and shit comes out.

Show me one time i have accused Sgt Bergdahl of anything. You go back through my posts and see how many times I've had to remind you that the sign I was holding at that rally is still in the front window of my house. I am more of a patriot than you can even imagine. Anyone who knows me knows this as fact. But I'm not here to defend myself, I'm here to make sure you know that you are stupid.

There are many accusations out there, i haven't said that any of them are true, But when a media outlet like Time puts out a story and you contradict it...Who is the fool? I didn't even say i believed them, but i sure would believe Time before i believe head up Obamas ass mustang.

Don't you understand yet? I am not the enemy. I want Sgt Bowe Bergdahl to return to the USA and his family. But i also want an investigation so that we know the truth of the matter.

Now I do admit that I also believe that this was a bad deal for America. While still being glad he has been released.

Guess you can't understand that...But that's probably lack of oxygen, come up for some air......
I might ask the same question if I was a brain-dead Obama supporter. This can of worms will be all over the news tonight and tomorrow. Let's see the Kenyan squirm out of this.

et tu Hossfly. hatred for the one you call Kenyan allows you to inflict pain on all the brothers who signed documents and made films in Vietnam and Korea. You question the loyalty of those men and place them on display because of your hatred. Can you name a returned Vietnam POW that did give in the the commies?
So I can understand, what signed documents and films are you referring to? And yes, John McCain was a collaborator.

Now name the ones that didn't collaborate.

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