US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

You are just loaded with shit, you know that?

Is the truth a little too painful for ya?

The Taliban is just LOVIN' the reaction they've gotten from American conservatives who are howling like stuck pigs at the return of a POW who THEY kept prisoner for 5 years. Frankly, I think they're surprised at it, but delighted nonetheless. So, after their various videos have gotten so much airplay, and conservatives seem so willing to take them at their word (which surprises the hell out of me, I MUST say), they simply couldn't resist taking another shot at stirring the American cauldron by releasing more statements on the subject. And once again, conservatives jumped on it as if Taliban statements today carried the same weight as when George Washington supposedly said that he could not tell a lie after chopping down a cherry tree as a young man.

What's next, I wonder. Is the RNC going to replay Taliban videos at the RNC convention in a couple of years in order to imply that the Taliban are more trustworthy than Obama and the Democrats? At this point, that wouldn't surprise me since you guys are so full of anti-American sentiment that you've lost all perspective on reality.

Sounds like you have some personal contacts within the taliban to know what they are thinking to that level of intimacy.

Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.
Is the truth a little too painful for ya?

The Taliban is just LOVIN' the reaction they've gotten from American conservatives who are howling like stuck pigs at the return of a POW who THEY kept prisoner for 5 years. Frankly, I think they're surprised at it, but delighted nonetheless. So, after their various videos have gotten so much airplay, and conservatives seem so willing to take them at their word (which surprises the hell out of me, I MUST say), they simply couldn't resist taking another shot at stirring the American cauldron by releasing more statements on the subject. And once again, conservatives jumped on it as if Taliban statements today carried the same weight as when George Washington supposedly said that he could not tell a lie after chopping down a cherry tree as a young man.

What's next, I wonder. Is the RNC going to replay Taliban videos at the RNC convention in a couple of years in order to imply that the Taliban are more trustworthy than Obama and the Democrats? At this point, that wouldn't surprise me since you guys are so full of anti-American sentiment that you've lost all perspective on reality.

Sounds like you have some personal contacts within the taliban to know what they are thinking to that level of intimacy.

Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.

I'm sorry but did Obama not just take the word of 5 killers that they would be good boys for the next year?
Is the truth a little too painful for ya?

The Taliban is just LOVIN' the reaction they've gotten from American conservatives who are howling like stuck pigs at the return of a POW who THEY kept prisoner for 5 years. Frankly, I think they're surprised at it, but delighted nonetheless. So, after their various videos have gotten so much airplay, and conservatives seem so willing to take them at their word (which surprises the hell out of me, I MUST say), they simply couldn't resist taking another shot at stirring the American cauldron by releasing more statements on the subject. And once again, conservatives jumped on it as if Taliban statements today carried the same weight as when George Washington supposedly said that he could not tell a lie after chopping down a cherry tree as a young man.

What's next, I wonder. Is the RNC going to replay Taliban videos at the RNC convention in a couple of years in order to imply that the Taliban are more trustworthy than Obama and the Democrats? At this point, that wouldn't surprise me since you guys are so full of anti-American sentiment that you've lost all perspective on reality.

Sounds like you have some personal contacts within the taliban to know what they are thinking to that level of intimacy.

Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.
How about taking the word of his fellow countrymen who said he is a deserter? You know, the ones who were there, like these guys.

[ame=]Bergdahl Comrades: 'He Is Not a Hero' - YouTube[/ame]
Sounds like you have some personal contacts within the taliban to know what they are thinking to that level of intimacy.

Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.

I'm sorry but did Obama not just take the word of 5 killers that they would be good boys for the next year?

I hadn't heard that the five had pledged to only do charity work from the day of their release on forward. But what does it matter if they had? Nobody would have believed them anyway. So, even if the released detainees are not necessarily inclined to want that life again (they ARE older, after all), I think everyone in the administration is sophisticated enough to understand that they're going back into the same environment as before. And even like a drug addict who wants to reform, going back into the same environment will probably lead them back into the same life.

But I have a sneaking suspicion those guys will find that the NEW leaders won't necessarily be willing to give up their power and just step aside to let the old guard take over again. As a general rule, human nature doesn't work that way. The new leaders will also be suspicious about what the former prisoners may have revealed to the Americans about their operation. After an initial happy reunion, I have a funny feeling there's gonna be some tension as personal ambitions and suspicions take hold. No doubt something to this effect was included in any briefing to the people who make the decisions. And in true Psy Ops form, it also wouldn't surprise me to learn that American operatives have spread some seeds of distrust in that regard in the hope that some of those seeds might just take root. I mean, haven't you even considered the possibility that they'll just eventually kill those guys when they get back to Afghanistan? Maybe it'll be because they don't trust them. Maybe it'll be because they want to take over and the new guys in charge don't much care for that idea. Could happen. After all, life is cheap there, and there's no real law to hold them accountable if they do kill them.

So, here's the scenario. One day, Sahib and Farook go out for a camel ride, and in something akin to a Mafia hit, Farook doesn't come back. Some predetermined story is cooked up beforehand and then dished out as an explanation. Then, everybody says a little prayer to Allah, and they all go back to the way things were before the guy came back.

Then there's always the possibility that a predator drone may find them at almost any hour of the day or night about a month from now. Bye bye, Farook!
Sounds like you have some personal contacts within the taliban to know what they are thinking to that level of intimacy.

Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.
How about taking the word of his fellow countrymen who said he is a deserter? You know, the ones who were there, like these guys.

[ame=]Bergdahl Comrades: 'He Is Not a Hero' - YouTube[/ame]

Because he doesn't KNOW what happened to to Bergdahl. He may know a few things that happened beforehand that seemed suspicious to him in light of the fact that Bergdahl didn't return, but he doesn't know for sure what happened. He may even have a few pieces of the puzzle, but he doesn't have the complete picture. Maybe it's mostly his imagination. Maybe he IS right. But maybe he's flat out wrong. The point is that he (they) don't know for sure, even if they have their suspicions.

It's also possible that Bergdahl was mentally ill and therefore not really responsible for his actions in any real sense.

Maybe he just wandered around out there at night just trying to clear his head a little. I mean, just because it's Afghanistan doesn't mean there's a Jihadist behind every rock. Undoubtedly, you can walk for miles in any one direction without seeing a soul. Then on his way back to the post, maybe he got captured. Or maybe someone he trusted betrayed him.

I certainly don't discount the possibility that Bergdahl MAY have done something monumentally stupid which led to his capture.

But I will give ANY and EVERY American POW the benefit of the doubt, and I will not call his patriotism into question until such time as REAL evidence is presented AND Bergdahl has an opportunity to tell his story.

As a former serviceman who never went to a war zone (because there was no war at the time) and was never even stationed overseas during my entire hitch, I own him that much at least.
Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.

I'm sorry but did Obama not just take the word of 5 killers that they would be good boys for the next year?

I hadn't heard that the five had pledged to only do charity work from the day of their release on forward. But what does it matter if they had? Nobody would have believed them anyway. So, even if the released detainees are not necessarily inclined to want that life again (they ARE older, after all), I think everyone in the administration is sophisticated enough to understand that they're going back into the same environment as before. And even like a drug addict who wants to reform, going back into the same environment will probably lead them back into the same life.

But I have a sneaking suspicion those guys will find that the NEW leaders won't necessarily be willing to give up their power and just step aside to let the old guard take over again. As a general rule, human nature doesn't work that way. The new leaders will also be suspicious about what the former prisoners may have revealed to the Americans about their operation. After an initial happy reunion, I have a funny feeling there's gonna be some tension as personal ambitions and suspicions take hold. No doubt something to this effect was included in any briefing to the people who make the decisions. And in true Psy Ops form, it also wouldn't surprise me to learn that American operatives have spread some seeds of distrust in that regard in the hope that some of those seeds might just take root. I mean, haven't you even considered the possibility that they'll just eventually kill those guys when they get back to Afghanistan? Maybe it'll be because they don't trust them. Maybe it'll be because they want to take over and the new guys in charge don't much care for that idea. Could happen. After all, life is cheap there, and there's no real law to hold them accountable if they do kill them.

So, here's the scenario. One day, Sahib and Farook go out for a camel ride, and in something akin to a Mafia hit, Farook doesn't come back. Some predetermined story is cooked up beforehand and then dished out as an explanation. Then, everybody says a little prayer to Allah, and they all go back to the way things were before the guy came back.

Then there's always the possibility that a predator drone may find them at almost any hour of the day or night about a month from now. Bye bye, Farook!

You sure are trying hard to make this shit smell sweet...........

Why not just admit that there needs to be an investigation and leave it alone until then?
Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.
How about taking the word of his fellow countrymen who said he is a deserter? You know, the ones who were there, like these guys.

[ame=]Bergdahl Comrades: 'He Is Not a Hero' - YouTube[/ame]

Because he doesn't KNOW what happened to to Bergdahl. He may know a few things that happened beforehand that seemed suspicious to him in light of the fact that Bergdahl didn't return, but he doesn't know for sure what happened. He may even have a few pieces of the puzzle, but he doesn't have the complete picture. Maybe it's mostly his imagination. Maybe he IS right. But maybe he's flat out wrong. The point is that he (they) don't know for sure, even if they have their suspicions.

It's also possible that Bergdahl was mentally ill and therefore not really responsible for his actions in any real sense.

Maybe he just wandered around out there at night just trying to clear his head a little. I mean, just because it's Afghanistan doesn't mean there's a Jihadist behind every rock. Undoubtedly, you can walk for miles in any one direction without seeing a soul. Then on his way back to the post, maybe he got captured. Or maybe someone he trusted betrayed him.

I certainly don't discount the possibility that Bergdahl MAY have done something monumentally stupid which led to his capture.

But I will give ANY and EVERY American POW the benefit of the doubt, and I will not call his patriotism into question until such time as REAL evidence is presented AND Bergdahl has an opportunity to tell his story.

As a former serviceman who never went to a war zone (because there was no war at the time) and was never even stationed overseas during my entire hitch, I own him that much at least.

You came up for air? Good, you are starting to learn a little bit......
I wouldn't doubt that even the Israelis would not have released those 5.

But that's just a guess..........

In the not too distant future I wouldn't be at all surprised if there isn't a predator drone that will be cresting the horizon in their general vicinity.

Seriously? I rather doubt it, as the taliban would more than double down.
What gets me is many of you on the left can't even admit to Bergdahl just being an excuse for this admin. to go around Congress's back to accomplish an objective of getting rid of another 5 detainees. They actually set him up as well. My opinion.

Are you obtuse? Do you actually think the administration cared more about getting RID of detainees at gitmo more than they cared about getting an American soldier released from captivity? If so, that's a pretty fucked up way to think, man.

For your information, the Israelis routinely make prisoner swaps that are WAY more lopsided in terms of numbers. They might trade 40 Palestinians just to get 1 or 2 Israelis because they put a premium on the lives of their citizens.

Yeah we do.....liberals have always wanted those people released...I mean liberals like Michael Moore said the war on terror was made up and that the prisoners in gitmo

[ame=]Noam Chomsky & Michael Moore On the So Called War On Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]

they don't believe terrorism exists and in fact they think we're the biggest sponsor of it...

Try watching this around minute 5:30

[ame=]Understanding How Modern Liberals Think- Evan Sayet - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sorry but did Obama not just take the word of 5 killers that they would be good boys for the next year?

I hadn't heard that the five had pledged to only do charity work from the day of their release on forward. But what does it matter if they had? Nobody would have believed them anyway. So, even if the released detainees are not necessarily inclined to want that life again (they ARE older, after all), I think everyone in the administration is sophisticated enough to understand that they're going back into the same environment as before. And even like a drug addict who wants to reform, going back into the same environment will probably lead them back into the same life.

But I have a sneaking suspicion those guys will find that the NEW leaders won't necessarily be willing to give up their power and just step aside to let the old guard take over again. As a general rule, human nature doesn't work that way. The new leaders will also be suspicious about what the former prisoners may have revealed to the Americans about their operation. After an initial happy reunion, I have a funny feeling there's gonna be some tension as personal ambitions and suspicions take hold. No doubt something to this effect was included in any briefing to the people who make the decisions. And in true Psy Ops form, it also wouldn't surprise me to learn that American operatives have spread some seeds of distrust in that regard in the hope that some of those seeds might just take root. I mean, haven't you even considered the possibility that they'll just eventually kill those guys when they get back to Afghanistan? Maybe it'll be because they don't trust them. Maybe it'll be because they want to take over and the new guys in charge don't much care for that idea. Could happen. After all, life is cheap there, and there's no real law to hold them accountable if they do kill them.

So, here's the scenario. One day, Sahib and Farook go out for a camel ride, and in something akin to a Mafia hit, Farook doesn't come back. Some predetermined story is cooked up beforehand and then dished out as an explanation. Then, everybody says a little prayer to Allah, and they all go back to the way things were before the guy came back.

Then there's always the possibility that a predator drone may find them at almost any hour of the day or night about a month from now. Bye bye, Farook!

You sure are trying hard to make this shit smell sweet...........

Why not just admit that there needs to be an investigation and leave it alone until then?

I'm perfectly fine with an investigation being conducted on two conditions.

1. It's not conducted in the press with daily leaks and everybody running to the microphone to spin what happened.

2. Any finding is released in a summary where the House and Senate leaders of the respective committees have to sign off on it, and the rest of the membership of both parties can't just willy-nilly claim it's something it's not by making irresponsible statements which do little else than twist the facts or obscure them.

If they can't at least do that, then why have an investigation in the first place if it's just going to turn out to be a damn circus with everyone making up their own versions of what happened and citing someone else's blog as proof to back up their nonsensical claims. If that's what our political system and media have become, then we are in some serious trouble that goes well beyond this issue. If people can just create their own rhetorical reality, it would mean that the truth means nothing anymore. In fact, the truth would be irrelevant at that point because people would have good reason to believe that they can take any situation and shape the narrative to their own liking. I mean, politicians have been doing that for years when it comes to public policy choices with one side saying that X will lead to ruination while the opposition says that X will save the nation (Think Obamacare). But if it started happening when it came to matters of state and analyzing the facts surrounding actual events that have already happened, then we're ultimately doomed to be a second or a third rate nation that lives in a fantasy world of make believe where everyone gets to choose his or her own interpretation of what is and isn't real based on what they want to be true instead of what is actually true (Think Climate Change). If that happens, at that point, there will be no difference between fiction and nonfiction, and people inside and outside of gov't will end up making bad decisions based on either wishful thinking or denial instead of looking at cold hard reality.
I wouldn't doubt that even the Israelis would not have released those 5.

But that's just a guess..........

In the not too distant future I wouldn't be at all surprised if there isn't a predator drone that will be cresting the horizon in their general vicinity.

Seriously? I rather doubt it, as the taliban would more than double down.

Two times almost nothing ain't much of anything.

Besides, remember what Glinda the Good Witch of the North said to the Wicked Witch of the West?

"Begone, before somebody drops a house on you, too!"
With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

Now give the Prez some sugar.


Reposting this.
Now we know he was not fighting in Afghanistan Not for the US anyway. Obama looks like a buffoon, having traded 5 high value Taliban leaders for a Taliban recruit. Let's see you criticize this deal, which has done nothing but endanger America.

Your anti-American rhetoric is duly noted.

Your stupidity is noted. And not just by me.
Berdahl is a traitor. Obama is a dupe. And even the Democrats won't defend him on this.
Reposting this.
Now we know he was not fighting in Afghanistan Not for the US anyway. Obama looks like a buffoon, having traded 5 high value Taliban leaders for a Taliban recruit. Let's see you criticize this deal, which has done nothing but endanger America.

Your anti-American rhetoric is duly noted.

Your stupidity is noted. And not just by me.
Berdahl is a traitor. Obama is a dupe. And even the Democrats won't defend him on this.

Yeah, the conservative penchant to place the condemnation before the evidence has even been presented and therefore demand the punishment before the trial has even begun has long been known. Jumping to conclusions has always been the forte of the right. I've just never understood why you guys don't seem to learn from your mistakes when the facts bear out your error. You just jump from one assumption to the next as if the mere fact that you've reached a conclusion must mean it's true. What is it? Do you just remember the times you guessed right and then forget all the times you were wrong?

Regardless, you're STILL anti-American in your sentiments and your rhetoric no matter how you choose to couch it or try to explain it away.
Your anti-American rhetoric is duly noted.

Your stupidity is noted. And not just by me.
Berdahl is a traitor. Obama is a dupe. And even the Democrats won't defend him on this.

Yeah, the conservative penchant to place the condemnation before the evidence has even been presented and therefore demand the punishment before the trial has even begun has long been known. Jumping to conclusions has always been the forte of the right. I've just never understood why you guys don't seem to learn from your mistakes when the facts bear out your error. You just jump from one assumption to the next as if the mere fact that you've reached a conclusion must mean it's true. What is it? Do you just remember the times you guessed right and then forget all the times you were wrong?

Regardless, you're STILL anti-American in your sentiments and your rhetoric no matter how you choose to couch it or try to explain it away.

There is sufficient evidence in the court of public opinion.
Your anti-American rhetoric is duly noted.

Your stupidity is noted. And not just by me.
Berdahl is a traitor. Obama is a dupe. And even the Democrats won't defend him on this.

Yeah, the conservative penchant to place the condemnation before the evidence has even been presented and therefore demand the punishment before the trial has even begun has long been known. Jumping to conclusions has always been the forte of the right. I've just never understood why you guys don't seem to learn from your mistakes when the facts bear out your error. You just jump from one assumption to the next as if the mere fact that you've reached a conclusion must mean it's true. What is it? Do you just remember the times you guessed right and then forget all the times you were wrong?

Regardless, you're STILL anti-American in your sentiments and your rhetoric no matter how you choose to couch it or try to explain it away.

Many have been frred from Gitmo and returned to terrorist acts. We can only hope Qatar places survival over kow towing to al Qaeda.
I hadn't heard that the five had pledged to only do charity work from the day of their release on forward. But what does it matter if they had? Nobody would have believed them anyway. So, even if the released detainees are not necessarily inclined to want that life again (they ARE older, after all), I think everyone in the administration is sophisticated enough to understand that they're going back into the same environment as before. And even like a drug addict who wants to reform, going back into the same environment will probably lead them back into the same life.

But I have a sneaking suspicion those guys will find that the NEW leaders won't necessarily be willing to give up their power and just step aside to let the old guard take over again. As a general rule, human nature doesn't work that way. The new leaders will also be suspicious about what the former prisoners may have revealed to the Americans about their operation. After an initial happy reunion, I have a funny feeling there's gonna be some tension as personal ambitions and suspicions take hold. No doubt something to this effect was included in any briefing to the people who make the decisions. And in true Psy Ops form, it also wouldn't surprise me to learn that American operatives have spread some seeds of distrust in that regard in the hope that some of those seeds might just take root. I mean, haven't you even considered the possibility that they'll just eventually kill those guys when they get back to Afghanistan? Maybe it'll be because they don't trust them. Maybe it'll be because they want to take over and the new guys in charge don't much care for that idea. Could happen. After all, life is cheap there, and there's no real law to hold them accountable if they do kill them.

So, here's the scenario. One day, Sahib and Farook go out for a camel ride, and in something akin to a Mafia hit, Farook doesn't come back. Some predetermined story is cooked up beforehand and then dished out as an explanation. Then, everybody says a little prayer to Allah, and they all go back to the way things were before the guy came back.

Then there's always the possibility that a predator drone may find them at almost any hour of the day or night about a month from now. Bye bye, Farook!

You sure are trying hard to make this shit smell sweet...........

Why not just admit that there needs to be an investigation and leave it alone until then?

I'm perfectly fine with an investigation being conducted on two conditions.

1. It's not conducted in the press with daily leaks and everybody running to the microphone to spin what happened.

2. Any finding is released in a summary where the House and Senate leaders of the respective committees have to sign off on it, and the rest of the membership of both parties can't just willy-nilly claim it's something it's not by making irresponsible statements which do little else than twist the facts or obscure them.

If they can't at least do that, then why have an investigation in the first place if it's just going to turn out to be a damn circus with everyone making up their own versions of what happened and citing someone else's blog as proof to back up their nonsensical claims. If that's what our political system and media have become, then we are in some serious trouble that goes well beyond this issue. If people can just create their own rhetorical reality, it would mean that the truth means nothing anymore. In fact, the truth would be irrelevant at that point because people would have good reason to believe that they can take any situation and shape the narrative to their own liking. I mean, politicians have been doing that for years when it comes to public policy choices with one side saying that X will lead to ruination while the opposition says that X will save the nation (Think Obamacare). But if it started happening when it came to matters of state and analyzing the facts surrounding actual events that have already happened, then we're ultimately doomed to be a second or a third rate nation that lives in a fantasy world of make believe where everyone gets to choose his or her own interpretation of what is and isn't real based on what they want to be true instead of what is actually true (Think Climate Change). If that happens, at that point, there will be no difference between fiction and nonfiction, and people inside and outside of gov't will end up making bad decisions based on either wishful thinking or denial instead of looking at cold hard reality.

Any further investigation is currently up to the DOD, the Army did a priliminary investigation in 2010. But you won't like the results.

A 2010 Pentagon investigation concluded Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walked away from his unit in Afghanistan a year earlier, leading to his capture by the Taliban, the Associated Press reported.

A former official who has read the military’s report told the AP the evidence was “incontrovertible” that Bergdahl walked away from his unit in 2009.

The official said the review was not a criminal inquiry, and didn’t formally accuse him of deserting the military.

Members of his unit interviewed during the investigation said Bergdahl was a naïve, “delusional” person who thought he could help the Afghan people by leaving his Army post, the official said, according to the news service.
Read more: Report: Pentagon concluded in 2010 that Bergdahl walked away from unit | TheHill
Reposting this.
Now we know he was not fighting in Afghanistan Not for the US anyway. Obama looks like a buffoon, having traded 5 high value Taliban leaders for a Taliban recruit. Let's see you criticize this deal, which has done nothing but endanger America.

Your anti-American rhetoric is duly noted.

Your stupidity is noted. And not just by me.
Berdahl is a traitor. Obama is a dupe. And even the Democrats won't defend him on this.

At least not the smart Dems ... neither of 'em.
Sounds like you have some personal contacts within the taliban to know what they are thinking to that level of intimacy.

Nope. Propagandists pretty much all sing from the same songbook. It's just relatively rare for people to make such a public display of taking the bait and then turning on the leadership of their own country at the same time. Hell, all things being equal, I always thought most people were smart enough not to take the word of the enemy over that of their fellow countrymen. But American conservatives seem to be charting new territory, here. I guess they think the Taliban is more trustworthy.
How about taking the word of his fellow countrymen who said he is a deserter? You know, the ones who were there, like these guys.

[ame=]Bergdahl Comrades: 'He Is Not a Hero' - YouTube[/ame]

Yep, and thanks for posting the video.
How about you showing everybody where anyone has made those statements, Libby.
How about you stop labeling him a traitor without knowing what he was thinking.

You people make me sick.

You go over there and insert yourself in the same situation and don't go nuts and report back to us, asswipe.
Hey, jerk, I have 3 years of being a combat infantryman. I have been in situations many times. I suffer from wounds, PTSD and am dying from Agent Orange and am 100% disabled. So don't tell me about turncoats and patriotism because you're an expert at Paint Ball and Laser Tag.
Cool story, bro.
Ain't that just dandy, a coward and deserter is now flaunted as a hero and 5 terrorists are now free to kill Americans. What a pathetic precedent this clown has set. Or is it just a case of a coward bowing down to save a coward.

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