US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Depends on what you say.

Like I said in an earlier post, people can make any claim about themselves they want. How their claim holds up once you take a closer look at what they do or how they act is what determines what is or isn't true. In other words, a person isn't honest merely because he says he is.

For example, take the claim that many conservative politicians (liberals too) make about being moral men and/or moral agents. If later on, it's revealed that they cheated on their wives, and lied to their constituents, and lined their pockets in violation of their oaths of office, how should we view their claims of being moral men and moral agents?

I've taken philosophy in college, and its's always been an interest of mine. The simple fact of the matter is that people lie all the time. They'll claim to be something they're not in order to further their own interests. I understand that all too well. Back in the 18th century the English writer Samuel Johnson was quoted as saying that patriotism was the last refuge of a scoundrel. He was right. Demagogues abound. What that means is that I'm not impressed by flag-waving or large grandiose claims to being patriotic because ANYONE can say it, just like anyone can tell someone that they love them. The proof is not in the words. It's in the actions.

So, to bring it all together: If people say they're patriots, and in the next breath they're condemning a fellow American, in part, on the word of the enemy when that fellow American was a soldier held captive as a POW for five years, then I cry BULLSHIT to their claim of being patriots in this particular case because, at the very least, the American soldier deserves the benefit of ANY doubt. And NO patriot should be taking the word of the Taliban when you know damn well that the Taliban has absolutely no qualms about lying to us or killing us if they had the chance.

Did that help to answer your question?

All that to say nothing......But sure does border on calling me a liar.

No it doesn't.

Let's see I make a simple direct statement about myself and how I feel.

In response, You write a chapter of a book about how people lie and can call themselves anything they want..

I think you called me a liar. Me, the most open person on the web, and you want to call me a liar. You have a real problem.

And you are still avoiding the facts that the US Army has already officially stated after and investigation that Bergdahl walked away from his post leaving his weapon and sensitive gear behind.
All that to say nothing......But sure does border on calling me a liar.

No it doesn't.

Let's see I make a simple direct statement about myself and how I feel.

In response, You write a chapter of a book about how people lie and can call themselves anything they want..

I think you called me a liar. Me, the most open person on the web, and you want to call me a liar. You have a real problem.

And you are still avoiding the facts that the US Army has already officially stated after and investigation that Bergdahl walked away from his post leaving his weapon and sensitive gear behind.

I didn't call you a liar. But I will call you something now. You're paranoid!
As for the detainees being released, you can blame that on conservatives who fought tooth and nail to prevent the very kind of trials that might very well have convicted them of war crimes and placed them in a federal prison for life.

Putting them on trial in a civilian court would cost taxpayers millions in security costs. Then we have the risk of them spreading their Islamic garbage and converting people in prison.

Solve the problem by shooting the fuckers. Quick and cheap.

Sounds like you're an admirer of the tactics of the Taliban. Maybe that's why people like you are so quick to believe their propaganda videos.

As usual, you are full of shit, horseface.
The self-righteous ones are the ones who look down their noses at Sgt Bergdahl and sit in judgement of him without even knowing his story. That attitude is made even more insulting when it comes from armchair warriors who've never served their country at all, let alone in a war zone.
He's a deserter, plain and simple.

Conservatives are consistently the most judgmental people I've ever met. They're quick to condemn without the kind of evidence they themselves would insist on if they were accused of something.

The Pentagon said he was a deserter back in 2010.

You're just another anti-American conservative who's willing to take the word of the Taliban in their propaganda video without even giving a fellow American who's a soldier of the United States Army a chance to defend himself before you pass judgment. That probably qualifies you as a fifth columnist if you insist on undermining America which is exactly the kind of thing that the Taliban is hoping you'll do.

Blah Blah anti-american Conservative Blah Blah support the Taliban Blah Blah Blah

Get some new material.
Putting them on trial in a civilian court would cost taxpayers millions in security costs. Then we have the risk of them spreading their Islamic garbage and converting people in prison.

Solve the problem by shooting the fuckers. Quick and cheap.

Sounds like you're an admirer of the tactics of the Taliban. Maybe that's why people like you are so quick to believe their propaganda videos.

As usual, you are full of shit, horseface.

Summary execution is the kind of thing the Taliban would embrace. Hell, they'll kill someone on the spot who's not even suspected of anything resembling a real crime. So, if you embrace just "shooting the fuckers," who haven't even been tried in a court of law, I would have to say that you seem to admire their general approach and how they tend to solve what they see as problems. It sure as hell ain't the American Way. You've heard of that, right?

You may have a point...

They are entitled to due process of law...

Snapshot military tribunals...

Day One - Discovery...

Day Two - Trial...

Day Three - Verdict...

Day Four - Freedom, or Sentencing

Day Five - Appeals

Day Six - Freedom, Remand for Retrail, or Execution of Sentence

a. transfer to prison, if indicated

b. put to death, if indicated

Preferably by the most grizzly means that we can get away with...
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Sounds like you're an admirer of the tactics of the Taliban. Maybe that's why people like you are so quick to believe their propaganda videos.

As usual, you are full of shit, horseface.

Summary execution is the kind of thing the Taliban would embrace. Hell, they'll kill someone on the spot who's not even suspected of anything resembling a real crime. So, if you embrace just "shooting the fuckers," who haven't even been tried in a court of law, I would have to say that you seem to admire their general approach and how they tend to solve what they see as problems. It sure as hell ain't the American Way. You've heard of that, right?

How many people has Obama executed without a court of Law?
As usual, you are full of shit, horseface.

Summary execution is the kind of thing the Taliban would embrace. Hell, they'll kill someone on the spot who's not even suspected of anything resembling a real crime. So, if you embrace just "shooting the fuckers," who haven't even been tried in a court of law, I would have to say that you seem to admire their general approach and how they tend to solve what they see as problems. It sure as hell ain't the American Way. You've heard of that, right?

How many people has Obama executed without a court of Law?
Summary execution is the kind of thing the Taliban would embrace. Hell, they'll kill someone on the spot who's not even suspected of anything resembling a real crime. So, if you embrace just "shooting the fuckers," who haven't even been tried in a court of law, I would have to say that you seem to admire their general approach and how they tend to solve what they see as problems. It sure as hell ain't the American Way. You've heard of that, right?

How many people has Obama executed without a court of Law?
I'm guessing drones.
How many people has Obama executed without a court of Law?
I'm guessing drones.

Bad guess since it's war, and the people killed were not in American custody. Or do you consider the American firebombing of Dresden, Germany to be a massive execution. Keep in mind that Dresden had no military value. It was overwhelmingly civilians who burned to death. As an interesting side note, the writer, Kurt Vonnegut, just happened to be a prisoner of war in Dresden when the bombing began. He and his fellow POWs were held prisoner underground in a meat locker at the time of the bombing which is the reason he was not hurt or killed. It may interest you to know that the name of the meat locker was Slaughterhouse-Five.
I'm guessing drones.

Bad guess since it's war, and the people killed were not in American custody. Or do you consider the American firebombing of Dresden, Germany to be a massive execution. Keep in mind that Dresden had no military value. It was overwhelmingly civilians who burned to death. As an interesting side note, the writer, Kurt Vonnegut, just happened to be a prisoner of war in Dresden when the bombing began. He and his fellow POWs were held prisoner underground in a meat locker at the time of the bombing which is the reason he was not hurt or killed. It may interest you to know that the name of the meat locker was Slaughterhouse-Five.

Easy enough, goes all the way back to 2006........And we know what happened in 2006.....or do we...’s-nsa-spying-program


Which bill was introduced into Congress by Republicans to repeal the Patriot Act?

Why bother! If the House did pass a bill to repeal the Patriot Act it would merely sit in Harry Reid's in basket.

And that didn't seem to bother them some 50 times when trying to repeal the ACA.

The question stands.
I'm guessing drones.

Bad guess since it's war, and the people killed were not in American custody. Or do you consider the American firebombing of Dresden, Germany to be a massive execution. Keep in mind that Dresden had no military value. It was overwhelmingly civilians who burned to death. As an interesting side note, the writer, Kurt Vonnegut, just happened to be a prisoner of war in Dresden when the bombing began. He and his fellow POWs were held prisoner underground in a meat locker at the time of the bombing which is the reason he was not hurt or killed. It may interest you to know that the name of the meat locker was Slaughterhouse-Five.


Actually's pretty relevant.

Fugitives on the lam have been killed by law enforcement since the country began.


It's a problem?

Wonder why..
I'm guessing drones.

Bad guess since it's war, and the people killed were not in American custody. Or do you consider the American firebombing of Dresden, Germany to be a massive execution. Keep in mind that Dresden had no military value. It was overwhelmingly civilians who burned to death. As an interesting side note, the writer, Kurt Vonnegut, just happened to be a prisoner of war in Dresden when the bombing began. He and his fellow POWs were held prisoner underground in a meat locker at the time of the bombing which is the reason he was not hurt or killed. It may interest you to know that the name of the meat locker was Slaughterhouse-Five.


Not a fan of Vonnegut? I've read 16 of his books (both fiction and nonfiction) so I've heard him recount those days in Germany as a POW. That means he acquired his antiwar views honestly due to his personal experiences with the horrors of war.

I might as well tell you the rest.

When he and his fellow POWs came up to ground level after the bombing and the fire had exhausted most of its fuel, there wasn't much of a city left. He said the Germans who survived threw rocks and bricks at them. Not surprising since the Germans knew they were the same nationality as the men who had bombed the city. Undoubtedly, they tried to do much worse, I'm sure. But his German guards protected them. That's when they went on body recovery detail and spent I can't remember how long burying the dead. I can't imagine what that was like. Not all the people died in the bombing or the fire itself, though. Some people suffocated in basements when the air was sucked out of where they were hiding. Some people jumped in water tanks in basements and were cooked like a chicken, except they were alive when it started.

You get the picture. But it wasn't a deflection since it was germane to the topic. And even if the last part was a little off topic, I did preface it by saying it was a side note.

So, I plead not guilty to your charge of deflection.
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